The FBI Throws Former FBI Director James Comey Under The Proverbial Bus in Defense Of Current FBI Director Wray


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“The Flynn investigation was initiated and conducted during this time period, under prior FBI leadership….Director Wray remains firmly committed to addressing the failures under prior FBI leadership while maintaining the foundational principles of rigor, objectivity, accountability, and ownership in fulfilling the Bureau’s mission to protect the American people and defend the Constitution.”

Good on the FBI for pointing out James Comey's failed leadership as FBI Director.....

....but words still have meaning and are intentionally chosen to convey a desired meaning / message. In defense of Wray the FBI actually 'threw' Comey under 'grandma's wheel chair tires', not under a bus. They intentionally came WAY short of admitting that Comey and pother members of the FBI committed crimes, as has been proven.

Former CIA Director Brennan was caught illegally spying on American citizens. reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Judges, Presidential candidates, and even a President. To remain out of prison Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, confess his crimes, and vow never to do it again.

After the FBI's crimes under Comey have been exposed, FBI Director Wray should be given the choice to either appear on nationally televised TV and inform the American people exactly what crimes the FBI committed or be fired. James Comey should be given the option of doing the same thing, confessing his crimes to the American people, or be sentenced to prison in GITMO for treason.


Wray is a slimy weasel....he's ignored hundreds of requests for the Bureau to come clean and reveal what Comey and his rodents tried on Trump. Trump put him there but didn't attend his swearing in after Wray showed his yellow streak in his confirmation hearing. Barr has probably begged Trump to leave Wray in place until he and Durham can hang these bastards out to dry. But at this point I don't think Wray may make it to Friday....Trump hates the sight of him.
Wray is a smarter Comey....time for him to go.....put Rudy in charge and watch the rats in the FBI scatter.....
Another senile crooked bastard is all the FBI needs.
He is the only one we can trust right one knows how deep the corruption goes on the 7th floor of the FBI.....Rudy or someone like him will clean house...Wray will just circle the wagons and cost the tax payers millions in investigations going forward.....
The FISA Court should be suspended - if not completely done away with - until Durham's investigation is over and until someone truly OBJECTIVE can be appointed to oversee the FBI and DOJ process / handling of FISA Court Warrant requests. The FBI has been proven to have been engaging in FISA Court abuses for DECADES, under both Mueller and Comey. To now allow WRAY / the FBI to 'SELF-POLICE' is like asking a pedophile to oversee the care of kindergartners.
Wray is a smarter Comey....time for him to go.....put Rudy in charge and watch the rats in the FBI scatter.....
Another senile crooked bastard is all the FBI needs.
He is the only one we can trust right one knows how deep the corruption goes on the 7th floor of the FBI.....Rudy or someone like him will clean house...Wray will just circle the wagons and cost the tax payers millions in investigations going forward.....
Off the top of your head how do you come up with that deadbeat?
The FISA Court should be suspended - if not completely done away with - until Durham's investigation is over and until someone truly OBJECTIVE can be appointed to oversee the FBI and DOJ process / handling of FISA Court Warrant requests. The FBI has been proven to have been engaging in FISA Court abuses for DECADES, under both Mueller and Comey. To now allow WRAY / the FBI to 'SELF-POLICE' is like asking a pedophile to oversee the care of kindergartners.
They need to put in a clause that states political campaigns are off limits for investigations.....only foreign surveillance....under any circumstances...
The FISA Court should be suspended - if not completely done away with - until Durham's investigation is over and until someone truly OBJECTIVE can be appointed to oversee the FBI and DOJ process / handling of FISA Court Warrant requests. The FBI has been proven to have been engaging in FISA Court abuses for DECADES, under both Mueller and Comey. To now allow WRAY / the FBI to 'SELF-POLICE' is like asking a pedophile to oversee the care of kindergartners.
In 6 mos. a new leader will have a fresh new cabinet. Barr will be history and Trump will be denied to many countries. Probably won't get far at the airport.
Wray is a smarter Comey....time for him to go.....put Rudy in charge and watch the rats in the FBI scatter.....
Another senile crooked bastard is all the FBI needs.
He is the only one we can trust right one knows how deep the corruption goes on the 7th floor of the FBI.....Rudy or someone like him will clean house...Wray will just circle the wagons and cost the tax payers millions in investigations going forward.....
Off the top of your head how do you come up with that deadbeat?
He has worked with the FBI for decades he knows all the ins and outs....he was a AG and a Mayor and he is whats your opposition to him?...
Wray is a smarter Comey....time for him to go.....put Rudy in charge and watch the rats in the FBI scatter.....
Another senile crooked bastard is all the FBI needs.
He is the only one we can trust right one knows how deep the corruption goes on the 7th floor of the FBI.....Rudy or someone like him will clean house...Wray will just circle the wagons and cost the tax payers millions in investigations going forward.....
Off the top of your head how do you come up with that deadbeat?
He has worked with the FBI for decades he knows all the ins and outs....he was a AG and a Mayor and he is whats your opposition to him?...
The FISA Court should be suspended - if not completely done away with - until Durham's investigation is over and until someone truly OBJECTIVE can be appointed to oversee the FBI and DOJ process / handling of FISA Court Warrant requests. The FBI has been proven to have been engaging in FISA Court abuses for DECADES, under both Mueller and Comey. To now allow WRAY / the FBI to 'SELF-POLICE' is like asking a pedophile to oversee the care of kindergartners.
In 6 mos. a new leader will have a fresh new cabinet. Barr will be history and Trump will be denied to many countries. Probably won't get far at the airport.
Wray is a smarter Comey....time for him to go.....put Rudy in charge and watch the rats in the FBI scatter.....
Another senile crooked bastard is all the FBI needs.
He is the only one we can trust right one knows how deep the corruption goes on the 7th floor of the FBI.....Rudy or someone like him will clean house...Wray will just circle the wagons and cost the tax payers millions in investigations going forward.....
Off the top of your head how do you come up with that deadbeat?
He has worked with the FBI for decades he knows all the ins and outs....he was a AG and a Mayor and he is whats your opposition to him?...
WE have that now....can't you see that now?...if you can't its because you are biased....
In 6 mos. a new leader will have a fresh new cabinet. Barr will be history and Trump will be denied to many countries. Probably won't get far at the airport.

Laughing Hysterically Clipart
Wray is a smarter Comey....time for him to go.....put Rudy in charge and watch the rats in the FBI scatter.....
Another senile crooked bastard is all the FBI needs.
He is the only one we can trust right one knows how deep the corruption goes on the 7th floor of the FBI.....Rudy or someone like him will clean house...Wray will just circle the wagons and cost the tax payers millions in investigations going forward.....
Off the top of your head how do you come up with that deadbeat?
He has worked with the FBI for decades he knows all the ins and outs....he was a AG and a Mayor and he is whats your opposition to him?...
Sure glad you aren't in any capacity to make that choice.
The FISA Court should be suspended - if not completely done away with - until Durham's investigation is over and until someone truly OBJECTIVE can be appointed to oversee the FBI and DOJ process / handling of FISA Court Warrant requests. The FBI has been proven to have been engaging in FISA Court abuses for DECADES, under both Mueller and Comey. To now allow WRAY / the FBI to 'SELF-POLICE' is like asking a pedophile to oversee the care of kindergartners.
In 6 mos. a new leader will have a fresh new cabinet. Barr will be history and Trump will be denied to many countries. Probably won't get far at the airport.

In FOUR YEARS and 6 mos. a new leader will have a fresh new cabinet. Barr will be history and Trump will be denied to many countries. Probably won't get far at the airport.

There, I corrected your post for you. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Wray is a smarter Comey....time for him to go.....put Rudy in charge and watch the rats in the FBI scatter.....
Another senile crooked bastard is all the FBI needs.
He is the only one we can trust right one knows how deep the corruption goes on the 7th floor of the FBI.....Rudy or someone like him will clean house...Wray will just circle the wagons and cost the tax payers millions in investigations going forward.....
Off the top of your head how do you come up with that deadbeat?
He has worked with the FBI for decades he knows all the ins and outs....he was a AG and a Mayor and he is whats your opposition to him?...
Sure glad you aren't in any capacity to make that choice. would go find a Chinaman to take over the agency....
Wray has to go. Or get caught up in a legal defense that will leave him penniless.

The rest of them? No.... this is way past "words". This is waking up every morning for the next 40 years with federal convict cock in your mouth. Or worse..... if there is such a thing.

Put Flynn in charge.
“The Flynn investigation was initiated and conducted during this time period, under prior FBI leadership….Director Wray remains firmly committed to addressing the failures under prior FBI leadership while maintaining the foundational principles of rigor, objectivity, accountability, and ownership in fulfilling the Bureau’s mission to protect the American people and defend the Constitution.”

Good on the FBI for pointing out James Comey's failed leadership as FBI Director.....

....but words still have meaning and are intentionally chosen to convey a desired meaning / message. In defense of Wray the FBI actually 'threw' Comey under 'grandma's wheel chair tires', not under a bus. They intentionally came WAY short of admitting that Comey and pother members of the FBI committed crimes, as has been proven.

Former CIA Director Brennan was caught illegally spying on American citizens. reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Judges, Presidential candidates, and even a President. To remain out of prison Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, confess his crimes, and vow never to do it again.

After the FBI's crimes under Comey have been exposed, FBI Director Wray should be given the choice to either appear on nationally televised TV and inform the American people exactly what crimes the FBI committed or be fired. James Comey should be given the option of doing the same thing, confessing his crimes to the American people, or be sentenced to prison in GITMO for treason.


I'm sure the next generation of FBI leadership will be addressing the failures of Wray's leadership as well. Nobody's perfect, and there are numerous things Comey should have done better, especially around Hillary's email investigation. But then that investigation was forced on the FBI for purely political reasons and there was never going to be a good outcome for the Bureau in that undertaking.

There is nothing in the statement which in any way questions the necessity of investigating Russian interference into the election, and the Trump Campaigns enthusiastic embrace and utilization of the fruits of that interference. Or suggests that the FBI's conclusions were wrong, as is borne out by the numerous guilty pleas and verdicts against Trump staffers

And it's the Gateway Pundit.

One, two three strikes you're out.

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