The Hillary / Obama Crime Syndicate continues to be exposed.....

THIS is their TRUE 'Legacy'.

Here's are several things that WILL NEVER BE LEAKED!

  • Hillary Clinton's Testimony at THE FBI
  • HILLARY CLINTON'S missing Benghazi Emails
  • Obama's Emails to Clinton's Secret Server he lied about stating he "KNEW NOTHING" about it, and found out about it in THE NEWS.
  • Hillary Clinton's 33,000 EMAILS!
  • The Transcripts of Loretta Lynch's Meeting with Bill Clinton to discuss "GRANDKIDS AND GOLF!"
  • Anything to do with Rice, Powers, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Lerner, Koskinen, Brennan, Clapper, Clinton, Abedein, Podesta after Seth Rich died.

Meanwhile, The Obama Clinton Deep State Leaks whom Trump has dinner with, leaks classified intel CONSTANTLY, leaks conversations with WORLD LEADERS and THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...

And no one is going to jail for leaking privileged and classified intel?


Can someone explain to me that IMMEDIATELY AFTER SETH RICH DIED FOR ATTEMPTING TO EXPOSED POLITICAL CORRUPTION AT THE DNC AND OBAMA WHITE HOUSE, why this was THE END of any leaks coming out of THE DNC about Hillary Clinton and THE DNC dirty dealings......

Can someone explain to me, why only Donald Trump and his family and his campaign team were under surveillance for 18 months when they had committed NO CRIMES, and why The CLINTONS were never under surveillance despite being under TWO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS and had committed multiple Felonies?

And can someone explain to me, why after SETH RICH WAS SILENCED that the only leaks we heard after that, were things already uploaded to wikileaks, AND EVERY LEAK AFTER THAT WAS ABOUT PRESIDENT TRUMP AND ONLY PRESIDENT TRUMP
Have they replaced Comey to head the FBI yet? Until the get someone in there who they can trust, they will never track down the leakers. They should be giving everyone involved lie detector tests right now.

I thought they confirmed the replacement? The Dems tried to delay it. McCabe is still in there, and he needs to go. Rosenstein needs to get the boot too as deputy AG for the DOJ

Yes they confirmed him.....I was thinking something happened I didn't hear about.

Senate confirms Trump's new FBI director

You just cannot trust The Democrat Party to be balanced and unbiased and put Justice and the Rule of Law, and Our Constitution and People before their Agendas, Ideology and Party.
The Hillary / Obama Crime Syndicate continues to be exposed.....

THIS is their TRUE 'Legacy'.

Here's are several things that WILL NEVER BE LEAKED!

  • Hillary Clinton's Testimony at THE FBI
  • HILLARY CLINTON'S missing Benghazi Emails
  • Obama's Emails to Clinton's Secret Server he lied about stating he "KNEW NOTHING" about it, and found out about it in THE NEWS.
  • Hillary Clinton's 33,000 EMAILS!
  • The Transcripts of Loretta Lynch's Meeting with Bill Clinton to discuss "GRANDKIDS AND GOLF!"
  • Anything to do with Rice, Powers, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Lerner, Koskinen, Brennan, Clapper, Clinton, Abedein, Podesta after Seth Rich died.

Meanwhile, The Obama Clinton Deep State Leaks whom Trump has dinner with, leaks classified intel CONSTANTLY, leaks conversations with WORLD LEADERS and THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...

And no one is going to jail for leaking privileged and classified intel?


Can someone explain to me that IMMEDIATELY AFTER SETH RICH DIED FOR ATTEMPTING TO EXPOSED POLITICAL CORRUPTION AT THE DNC AND OBAMA WHITE HOUSE, why this was THE END of any leaks coming out of THE DNC about Hillary Clinton and THE DNC dirty dealings......

Can someone explain to me, why only Donald Trump and his family and his campaign team were under surveillance for 18 months when they had committed NO CRIMES, and why The CLINTONS were never under surveillance despite being under TWO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS and had committed multiple Felonies?

And can someone explain to me, why after SETH RICH WAS SILENCED that the only leaks we heard after that, were things already uploaded to wikileaks, AND EVERY LEAK AFTER THAT WAS ABOUT PRESIDENT TRUMP AND ONLY PRESIDENT TRUMP
Have they replaced Comey to head the FBI yet? Until the get someone in there who they can trust, they will never track down the leakers. They should be giving everyone involved lie detector tests right now.

I thought they confirmed the replacement? The Dems tried to delay it. McCabe is still in there, and he needs to go. Rosenstein needs to get the boot too as deputy AG for the DOJ

Yes they confirmed him.....I was thinking something happened I didn't hear about.
Christopher Wray confirmed as new FBI director - CNNPolitics

You just cannot trust The Democrat Party to be balanced and unbiased and put Justice and the Rule of Law, and Our Constitution and People before their Agendas, Ideology and Party.

They confirmed him only a week ago. Let's hope he's not one of these establishment douche bags.
There you have it folks. It is time to clean house and end the DEEP State and abolish THE SURVEILANCE STATE. We need to also ABOLISH the Partiot Act and break up THE NSA. It's my opinion that the majority of leaks are actually coming from The FBI and NSA and from people like LYNCH, RICE, COMEY and McCabe who still have their security clearances. Obama and Clinton planted numerous political operatives in The State Department, IRS, VA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA. And many are still there today.

We need to burn it all down and start over.


Isn't that what Loretta Lynch said she talked about?
Why hasn't she been subpoenaed? Why hasn't Rice testified? Powers, Brennan?
ANYONE? Schultz even?

The American People were told there were no Transcripts and Recordings of this meeting. THAT WAS A BOLD FACED LIE! AND NOW THE NSA REFUSES TO RELEASE THEM! The President should order them to.

NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk\
NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

THE NSA has no problems leaking other CLASSIFIED INTEL so long as it hurts THE Presidency....

Go figure!
@TheOriginalTree Just some extra information for you. The Pilot of the plane on tarmac heard the entire discussion between Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch AND Paul Ryan - yes - Ryan was there too... the pilot said he was going to tell everything he heard on Fox news interview but before he could make that interview he was murdered.
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly: 7/13/2017: “Pilot Who Heard Every Word Of Clinton/Lynch Secret Meeting Breaks His Silence”; 7/14/2017: Now Dead!

BREAKING: Pilot Who Heard Every Word Of Clinton/Lynch Secret Meeting Breaks His Silence

The pilot who flew the plane for the secret meeting between Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and, recently disclosed, Paul Ryan, is breaking his silence for a $2 million payday that is sure to put his life in danger. Dimitri Noonan, a pilot who has worked for the Justice Department for 25 years, has codeword clearance but says none of the meeting was classified, since officially it didn’t happen.
According to Noonan: “The three of them sat like old friends and discussed strategies and made treaties. Clinton’s crimes were to be set aside until his wife finished 2 terms of working with Republicans to shore up the base and ‘move away from these Trump loving racists’ as Ryan put it. Lynch would seal the deal by not investigating the Clintons further. Ryan gets to remain Speaker, the Democrats get the Senate and the White House and 2024 is up for grabs.”
Obviously there are many more details, many dark secrets and much more story to tell. The entire interview with Noonan will premier on Fox News on July 28th.”


“Fox News was preparing their studio in DC for pilot Dimitri Noonan, the only man on the planet who knows exactly what was said between Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton and Speaker Paul Ryan on Lynch’s plane on the tarmac that day last July, when the word came in. There will be no interview today; Noonan is dead.

Noonan was being held in a secure, undisclosed location by security professionals from Fox news. All are highly trained retirees from US Special Forces with multiple hand to hand kills in the field. How did someone sneak past them and manage to kill their man without making a noise? Unfortunately, only Mr. Noonan - and possibly a crook or two - know the answer to that question. What is certain is that whatever Noonan knew was juicy enough for Fox to want to put it on the air. Sean Hannity, speaking on his radio show, said: “I’ve seen what this guy had and it’s no ‘nothingburger.’ He was definitely playing with some serious firepower.”

The security team assigned to Noonan by Fox News was baffled when they discovered he was gone: “Whoever did this got past multiple layers of security and murdered the subject undetected in a secure location with zero unmanned escape routes. We’d say it’s not possible but we’ve all seen what the Clintons can do first hand, which is why we’re on this team. We believed we could keep him alive. We were wrong.”
Federal investigators know nothing at this point other than Noonan is dead. Cause of death is yet to be determined and there is nothing in the room he was found in to suggest foul play. We’ll keep you updated on the developing story.”

They say the Clinton body count is up to 124 now. As you can see, Sean Hannity states that he saw what Noonan had. So Sean Hannity has the same information Noonan had. Why not invite him to testify? He doesn't work for the FBI or NSA and they have no authority over him.
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The Republicans can Subpoena the Transcripts from THE NSA.

People should be demanding that their Senators and Representatives do this.

People should be asking why The GOP is refusing to use it's subpoena powers and why we haven't seen RICE, POWERS, LYNCH, HOLDER, McCABE, CLINTON, ABBEDINE, FARKAS, CLAPPER, BRENNAN, & COMEY Testify.

LASTLY, There is no reason for THE NSA to withhold transcripts of a conversation about Golf and Grandkids!

Subpoena them and THE DNC SERVER and ask SCHULTZ to testify. Specifically ask her if her Pakistani Hackers are THE FICTIONAL RUSSIAN HACKERS she claimed hacked the DNC server and ask her why THE DNC is refusing to cooperate with any of the investigations in to the alleged hacking.
Lebanon was a Jesuit Op using Muslim terrorists as their front.

WRONG. The timeline is as follows.

Marines get hit
Israel claims it was HEZBOLLAH, and screams for US military attack on Hezbo
Reagan WH and FBI rule out HEZBO as a suspect
Israeli controlled "US" media then fingers "Islamic Jihad" behind it, even with a Mossad posing as a IJ saying "they" did it

"Islamic Jihad" next appears in Episode 17 of the show "24"

The motive was to START A US WAR WITH HEZBO
REAGAN didn't go for it
the "US" media turned hard on Reagan
Okay, off to ignore land you go.....Wow.

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