The fake/paid protestor thing didn't work for the elections, but Progs are doubling down?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
No one ever accused Libs/Snowflakes/Progs of being smart, but the disingenuous outrage and fake protests of fascism did not work/are not working/will not work.

Here is the answer to getting POTUS back for the Dems.... a better candidate.

It's that simple.
Yo, I Love The Way "The Socialist Democrat Party" Is Ruining Their Chance To Ever Get Elected Again! Let The Anarchist, Facist, Communist, Etc., March In Protest, The True Americans Who Love This Country Is Watching, And Learning What "The Socialist Democrat Party" Is All About!!! Why Do You Think True Americans Voted Donald J. Trump President? Thank You Fag Loving, Muslim Lover, Lying Lover, Law-Breaker Lover, Traitor Idiot Lover, Race Baiter Lover, Race Divider Lover, Wannabe Dumbass Dictator Lover, Destroy America At Every Corner Lover, Etc., OBAMA!!! I Was Right Over A Year Ago, That A Republican Would Become President, Because Of The Low-Life Obama, Yes, I`m Patting Myself On The Back!!!

Because liberalfilth are sooooo arrogantly up their own asses, they're incapable of the self-reflection necessary to recognize mistakes and take any accountability for them. In their insectile brains, they're the perpetually "heroic victims."

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