The Facts About Barack Obama and Raila Odinga

Guilt By Association

A frequent Corsi tactic is to point to some link between Obama and various unsavory persons and to imply that Obama somehow shares in their unsavoriness. He devotes an entire chapter to violent uprisings in Kenya following a disputed presidential election in 2007. The link to Obama? During a visit to Kenya in 2006, Obama and his wife, Michelle, arranged to take an AIDS test to publicly demonstrate the test’s safety. While there, Obama spoke to the assembled crowd. Raila Odinga, one of the two candidates running for president, was on the stage when Obama spoke. Corsi concludes that the event constituted an endorsement of Odinga.
He goes on to attribute all the violence in Kenya to an elaborate Odinga plot.

Corsi, however, offers no evidence that Obama actually did endorse Odinga. In fact, MSNBC reported that during that same trip, Obama also met with Mwai Kibaki, who was Odinga’s opponent in that election, as well as with opposition leader Uhuru Kenyatta. And Human Rights Watch reported that both Odinga and Kibaki (or their supporters, anyway) had a hand in the violence that followed the election.

Corsi’s Dull Hatchet

Cons are so easily duped...

Guilt By Association

A frequent Corsi tactic is to point to some link between Obama and various unsavory persons and to imply that Obama somehow shares in their unsavoriness. He devotes an entire chapter to violent uprisings in Kenya following a disputed presidential election in 2007. The link to Obama? During a visit to Kenya in 2006, Obama and his wife, Michelle, arranged to take an AIDS test to publicly demonstrate the test’s safety. While there, Obama spoke to the assembled crowd. Raila Odinga, one of the two candidates running for president, was on the stage when Obama spoke. Corsi concludes that the event constituted an endorsement of Odinga.
He goes on to attribute all the violence in Kenya to an elaborate Odinga plot.

Corsi, however, offers no evidence that Obama actually did endorse Odinga. In fact, MSNBC reported that during that same trip, Obama also met with Mwai Kibaki, who was Odinga’s opponent in that election, as well as with opposition leader Uhuru Kenyatta. And Human Rights Watch reported that both Odinga and Kibaki (or their supporters, anyway) had a hand in the violence that followed the election.

Corsi’s Dull Hatchet

Cons are so easily duped...

Sorry, but you are the one who has been duped, and you are embarrassing yourself in the process. You didn't watch any of the videos nor read any of the articles linked in the OP, did you? Did it occur to you that it might be a good idea to watch the OP videos and read the OP articles before relying on some liberal white-washing article?

Now, let's take the laughable claim that Obama did not endorse Odinga and that he only appeared with him once. One, Obama appeared with Odinga several times, not just once. Two, Obama's endorsement of and stumping for Odinga was so strident that one Kenyan official called Obama an Odinga "stooge" and the Kenyan government complained to our State Department about Obama's brazen stumping for Odinga. If you had watched the videos and read just a couple of the articles, you would know this already.

And when are liberals going to address the fact that Odinga was implicated in the bloody coup attempt in 1982 against President Daniel Arap Moi, a close ally of the United States, and that Odinga spent eight years in prison for his involvement in that coup attempt? At the time, he denied guilt, but later, after the statute of limitations made him safe from further prosecution, he admitted he was a coup leader in his 2006 biography. So Obama was stumping for a guy who spent 8 years in jail for leading a (Muslim-supported) coup against Kenya's strongly pro-Western president in 1982.
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