The Facts About Barack Obama and Raila Odinga

Rest assured, Rdean, wringer, lol, and Jake are soon to refute all allegations with strong arguments and substantive links.
1st post
Rest assured, Rdean, wringer, lol, and Jake are soon to refute all allegations with strong arguments and substantive links.

Hmmmm , the left is obviously at a loss-) Why am I not surprised. Guess they are to busy attacking Trump and Cruz, also defending Hillary to come to the defense of Obysmal. So, now we can say with certainty(?) that Obama is a Muslim for Sharia since the left won't defend him, and we have video evidence that he actively promoted it!?!?!!
Rest assured, Rdean, wringer, lol, and Jake are soon to refute all allegations with strong arguments and substantive links.

Hmmmm , the left is obviously at a loss-) Why am I not surprised. Guess they are to busy attacking Trump and Cruz, also defending Hillary to come to the defense of Obysmal. So, now we can say with certainty(?) that Obama is a Muslim for Sharia since the left won't defend him, and we have video evidence that he actively promoted it!?!?!!
Sorry, but I really like this thread and do not think it should be discarded so quickly, don't you lefties think the same thing-)
I ran across this fascinating 2008 article in the Jerusalem Post about Obama's support for Odinga and Obama's other radical connections:

Obama belongs to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Its minister and Obama's spiritual adviser is Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. In an investigative report on Obama published last week by the American Thinker Web site, Ed Lasky documented multiple examples of Wright's anti-Jewish and anti-white animus. Wright has called for divestment from Israel and refers to Israel as a "racist" state. Theologically, he believes that the true "Chosen People" are the blacks. Indeed, he is a black supremacist. He believes that black values are superior to middle class American values and that blacks should isolate themselves from the wider American society. Wright is a long-time friend of the virulently anti-Semitic head of the Nation of Islam - fellow Chicagoan Louis Farrakhan. The two traveled together to Libya some years ago to pay homage to Muammar Gaddafi. Last year Wright presented Farrakhan with a "Lifetime Achievement" award. Although last week Obama issued a statement condemning Farrakhan for his anti-Semitism, he did not disavow Wright - who married him and baptized his daughters. Obama has taken no steps to moderate his church's anti-Israel invective. OBAMA'S affiliation with Wright aligns with his choice of financial backers and foreign policy advisors. To varying degrees, all of them exhibit hostility towards Israel and support for appeasing jihadists. As Lasky notes, Obama has received generous support from billionaire George Soros. In recent years, Soros has devoted himself to replacing politicians who support fighting the forces of global terror and supporting Israel with politicians who support appeasing jihadists and dumping Israel.

As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama opposed defining Iran's Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group. He calls for the US to withdraw from Iraq - only to return if genocide is being carried out and then, only as part of an international force. He also supports opening negotiations with Iran even if the Iranians continue to enrich uranium. In forming these views, he is assisted by his foreign policy team which includes Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mark Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, Susan Rice and Robert Malley. All of these people are known either for their anti-Israel views or their pro-Arab views - or both. Malley, a Palestinian apologist invented and propagated the false claim that the 2000 Camp David summit between the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and then prime minister Ehud Barak failed because Israel wasn't serious about giving the Palestinians a state. This view is disputed by Barak and Clinton. For her part, as chief foreign policy advisor to Senator John Kerry during the 2004 presidential elections, Susan Rice reportedly convinced Kerry to announce that if elected he would appoint Jimmy Carter and James Baker to serve as his envoys for Middle East peace. Mark Brzezinski has openly called for unconditional negotiations with Iran. For more than 30 years, Zbigniew Brzezinski has distinguished himself as one of Israel's greatest foes in Washington. UNFORTUNATELY, in the anti-war frenzy now gripping much of the Democratic Party, one could say that there is nothing notable about the fact that Obama has hired anti-Israel foreign policy advisors, attends an anti-Israel church, and receives financial backing from anti-Israel billionaires.

But even in this atmosphere Obama stands out - for not only does he theoretically support appeasement, he is actively advancing the interests of Islamists seeking to take control over a state allied with the US. Kenya currently teeters at the edge of political chaos and civil war in the wake of the disputed Dec. 27 presidential elections. Those elections pitted incumbent President Mwai Kibaki against Raila Odinga who leads the Orange Democratic Movement. While the polls showed the public favoring Odinga, Kibaki was declared the winner. Odinga rejected the results and his supporters have gone on rampages throughout the country that have killed some 700 people so far. Fifty people were murdered when a pro-Odinga mob set ablaze a church in which they were hiding. Kibaki is close ally of the US in the war against Islamic terror. In stark contrast, Odinga is an ally of Islamic extremists.

On August 29 Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya's pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, "Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists." Although Odinga is an Anglican, he referred to Islam as the "one true religion" and scorned Christians as "worshipers of the cross." Obama strongly supports Odinga who claims to be his cousin. As Daniel Johnson reported recently in the New York Sun, during his 2006 visit to Kenya, Obama was so outspoken in his support for Odinga that the Kenyan government complained to the State Department that Obama was interfering with the internal politics of the country. After the Dec. 27 elections Obama interrupted a campaign appearance in New Hampshire to take a call from Odinga. ( Our World: The audacity of truth )​
Line from an old Polish Polka....

"You can tell a man who boozes....
by the company he chooses"

"And the pig got up
and slowly walked away"

Of course, in the Muslim version it would have been some other of Allah's creatures.....
5th post
I ran across this fascinating 2008 article in the Jerusalem Post about Obama's support for Odinga and Obama's other radical connections:

Obama belongs to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Its minister and Obama's spiritual adviser is Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. In an investigative report on Obama published last week by the American Thinker Web site, Ed Lasky documented multiple examples of Wright's anti-Jewish and anti-white animus. Wright has called for divestment from Israel and refers to Israel as a "racist" state. Theologically, he believes that the true "Chosen People" are the blacks. Indeed, he is a black supremacist. He believes that black values are superior to middle class American values and that blacks should isolate themselves from the wider American society. Wright is a long-time friend of the virulently anti-Semitic head of the Nation of Islam - fellow Chicagoan Louis Farrakhan. The two traveled together to Libya some years ago to pay homage to Muammar Gaddafi. Last year Wright presented Farrakhan with a "Lifetime Achievement" award. Although last week Obama issued a statement condemning Farrakhan for his anti-Semitism, he did not disavow Wright - who married him and baptized his daughters. Obama has taken no steps to moderate his church's anti-Israel invective. OBAMA'S affiliation with Wright aligns with his choice of financial backers and foreign policy advisors. To varying degrees, all of them exhibit hostility towards Israel and support for appeasing jihadists. As Lasky notes, Obama has received generous support from billionaire George Soros. In recent years, Soros has devoted himself to replacing politicians who support fighting the forces of global terror and supporting Israel with politicians who support appeasing jihadists and dumping Israel.

As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama opposed defining Iran's Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group. He calls for the US to withdraw from Iraq - only to return if genocide is being carried out and then, only as part of an international force. He also supports opening negotiations with Iran even if the Iranians continue to enrich uranium. In forming these views, he is assisted by his foreign policy team which includes Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mark Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, Susan Rice and Robert Malley. All of these people are known either for their anti-Israel views or their pro-Arab views - or both. Malley, a Palestinian apologist invented and propagated the false claim that the 2000 Camp David summit between the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and then prime minister Ehud Barak failed because Israel wasn't serious about giving the Palestinians a state. This view is disputed by Barak and Clinton. For her part, as chief foreign policy advisor to Senator John Kerry during the 2004 presidential elections, Susan Rice reportedly convinced Kerry to announce that if elected he would appoint Jimmy Carter and James Baker to serve as his envoys for Middle East peace. Mark Brzezinski has openly called for unconditional negotiations with Iran. For more than 30 years, Zbigniew Brzezinski has distinguished himself as one of Israel's greatest foes in Washington. UNFORTUNATELY, in the anti-war frenzy now gripping much of the Democratic Party, one could say that there is nothing notable about the fact that Obama has hired anti-Israel foreign policy advisors, attends an anti-Israel church, and receives financial backing from anti-Israel billionaires.

But even in this atmosphere Obama stands out - for not only does he theoretically support appeasement, he is actively advancing the interests of Islamists seeking to take control over a state allied with the US. Kenya currently teeters at the edge of political chaos and civil war in the wake of the disputed Dec. 27 presidential elections. Those elections pitted incumbent President Mwai Kibaki against Raila Odinga who leads the Orange Democratic Movement. While the polls showed the public favoring Odinga, Kibaki was declared the winner. Odinga rejected the results and his supporters have gone on rampages throughout the country that have killed some 700 people so far. Fifty people were murdered when a pro-Odinga mob set ablaze a church in which they were hiding. Kibaki is close ally of the US in the war against Islamic terror. In stark contrast, Odinga is an ally of Islamic extremists.

On August 29 Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya's pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, "Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists." Although Odinga is an Anglican, he referred to Islam as the "one true religion" and scorned Christians as "worshipers of the cross." Obama strongly supports Odinga who claims to be his cousin. As Daniel Johnson reported recently in the New York Sun, during his 2006 visit to Kenya, Obama was so outspoken in his support for Odinga that the Kenyan government complained to the State Department that Obama was interfering with the internal politics of the country. After the Dec. 27 elections Obama interrupted a campaign appearance in New Hampshire to take a call from Odinga. ( Our World: The audacity of truth )​

I knew as the end of Obama's term neared, the truth would start coming out. The news media in this country let America down, when all they had to do was tell the truth, then let the chips fall where they may. They couldn't do that; they could NOT even do the job they claim to love.

I am not like other GOPers. I do not think that the American media GOT Obama elected; rather, they ALLOWED him to get elected! It is a disgrace, and I hope at least YOU keep up the good work Mike. Lord knows, if we have to rely on the mainstream media, we never would have even found out about Ayers, Dorn, or Wright. America IS in trouble, because the keepers of the flame of truth.....the media.........have hitched their wagons openly to the socialist democrats!
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
for one, the claims of the OP are bullshit.

In this video - interview with news media - you learn that Obama took a tax payer funded trip as a Senator fact finding trip but he used it to support Odinga campaign for President of Kenya - Odinga was promising Sharia law would be enforced to the radical Muslims - Obama was in full agreement with Sharia law plan and stayed in contact with Odinga daily throughout the election - this is confirmed in interview - and Obama supported Odinga in the use of violence to steal the election - 800 Christian churches were burned down - NOT ONE CHURCH - but 800 churches. There were 800 emails from Obama's Senate office to Odinga sending documents advising him step by step - he even told them whip up the tribal animosity - Obama advised in his email to Odinga -" lets use this Muslim force (to win) and if we lose claim voter fraud and use violence to force your way in "- that was Obama's advise to Odinga. Think he might be planning on taking his own advice in 2016? The man in video has the documents in his possession and the documents are 100% verified.

if you're going to make such a stupid claim, produce the emails.
10th post
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
for one, the claims of the OP are bullshit.

I thought a picture was worth a 1000 words, and here we have a video. Are you saying that is not Barry in the video?
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
for one, the claims of the OP are bullshit.

I thought a picture was worth a 1000 words, and here we have a video. Are you saying that is not Barry in the video?
then senator obama did take a trip to kenya in 2006, and made one appearance with odinga.
that's about where the truth of the op ends.
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
for one, the claims of the OP are bullshit.

I thought a picture was worth a 1000 words, and here we have a video. Are you saying that is not Barry in the video?
then senator obama did take a trip to kenya in 2006, and made one appearance with odinga.
that's about where the truth of the op ends.

Are you saying he did not campaign for him? Are you also saying that there was no complaining from the ethics office or from others in Washington, (tread very carefully here, or your argument will go up in smoke) that there was a sense of Obama interfering in another country's election process?
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
for one, the claims of the OP are bullshit.

I thought a picture was worth a 1000 words, and here we have a video. Are you saying that is not Barry in the video?
then senator obama did take a trip to kenya in 2006, and made one appearance with odinga.
that's about where the truth of the op ends.

Are you saying he did not campaign for him? Are you also saying that there was no complaining from the ethics office or from others in Washington, (tread very carefully here, or your argument will go up in smoke) that there was a sense of Obama interfering in another country's election process?
i believe he made one appearance with him, and i don't know if there was a 'sense ' of anything, although i think there was a complaint. i'd have to look into it.

but that's not really what the op is about, is it?
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
for one, the claims of the OP are bullshit.

I thought a picture was worth a 1000 words, and here we have a video. Are you saying that is not Barry in the video?
then senator obama did take a trip to kenya in 2006, and made one appearance with odinga.
that's about where the truth of the op ends.

Are you saying he did not campaign for him? Are you also saying that there was no complaining from the ethics office or from others in Washington, (tread very carefully here, or your argument will go up in smoke) that there was a sense of Obama interfering in another country's election process?
i believe he made one appearance with him, and i don't know if there was a 'sense ' of anything, although i think there was a complaint. i'd have to look into it.

but that's not really what the op is about, is it?

Well then, we let Mike answer since he is the author. I look forward to you defending your position, because truth is more important than partisanship. We shall see where this goes.
Liberals on this board have danced around the fact that in 2006 then-Senator Barack Obama went to Kenya and campaigned for a radical Muslim thug named Raila Odinga, who was running for president of Kenya. Odinga also happens to be Obama's cousin. (Links on Odinga and Obama's support for him are provided at the end; two videos are included in the links.)

One liberal noted that reportedly Odinga has now converted to Christianity. Yeah, well, whatever Odinga may claim to be now, when Obama campaigned for him in 2006, Odinga was a Muslim thug who wanted to impose Sharia law, ban Christian programs on TV, force all Kenyan schools to hold Madrassa classes, impose Muslim dress codes on non-Muslim women, and exempt Kenyans accused of terrorism from being extradited to face trial overseas. I also know that Odinga's supporters murdered thousands of Christians in response to inflammatory propaganda put out by Odinga.

When Odinga ran for president, he pledged in a signed memorandum to implement the measures listed below if he won. I'll quote them verbatim:

* "Within 6 months rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Sharia as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared religions."

* "Within 1 year facilitate the establishment of a Sharia court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters."

* "Popularize Islam, the only true religion, in the Coast and North Eastern regions by ordering every primary school in Kenya in the regions to conduct daily Madrassa classes."

* "Outlaw Gospel programs (preaching, purported faith healing, etc.) on KBC, the national broadcaster."

* "Impose an immediate ban on women's public dressing styles that are considered immoral and offensive to the Muslim faith. . . . The ban will apply to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. . . ."

* "No Muslim residing in Kenya, whether a citizen, visitor, or relative of any of the above shall be subjected to any process involving the laws of a foreign country, and in particular any Muslim arrested for or suspected of terrorism or any other international crime shall only be tried within the borders of Kenya. . . ."

* Odinga also specified that he "recognizes Islam as the only true religion." ( Barack Obama's Cousin Raila Odinga - Agreement for Islamic Sharia Law )

This is the man Barack Obama endorsed, appeared with, and campaigned for in Kenya, as a U.S. Senator, at taxpayer expense no less. From the Washington Times:

Initially, Mr. Odinga was not the favored opposition candidate to stand in the 2007 election against President Mwai Kibaki, who was seeking his second term. However, he received a tremendous boost when Sen. Barack Obama arrived in Kenya in August 2006 to campaign on his behalf. Mr. Obama denies that supporting Mr. Odinga was the intention of his trip, but his actions and local media reports tell otherwise.

Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama’s six-day stay. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies. In contrast, Mr. Obama had only criticism for Kibaki. He lashed out against the Kenyan government shortly after meeting with the president on Aug. 25. “The [Kenyan] people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials,” Mr. Obama announced. ( HYMAN: Obama’s Kenya ghosts )​

Here some additional links on Odinga and Obama's endorsement of him:

Obama's Cousin Loses Presidential Election, Supporters Riot

Jihadis’ Big Day in Kenya: Sharia Backed Constitution Signed, Obama Backed Defeat of Democracy, Sudan Jihadist Slaughterer Bashir Invited and Present | Pamela Geller

Muslim clerics vow to support Obama cousin, Raila Odinga, for Kenyan president

Obama-backed ally forged pact with radical Muslims

Obama and his Kenyan Muslim Sharia Law support | Politics

Raila Odinga - Cousin of Barack Obama

Clearly RWNJ's like do believe in Resurrection- since they keep resurrecting batshit crazy crap like this from 2008.
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.

All of this crap was out there then. Hell I couldn't open up my emails then without someone forwarding me bullshit like this. And it was in the news for stupid people- like WND- and hell Stormfront couldn't get enough of this crap.

The only question is whether Mikie will still be circulating this crap in 2014- or will he have moved onto Hilary crap by then.
for one, the claims of the OP are bullshit.

I thought a picture was worth a 1000 words, and here we have a video. Are you saying that is not Barry in the video?
then senator obama did take a trip to kenya in 2006, and made one appearance with odinga.
that's about where the truth of the op ends.

Are you saying he did not campaign for him? Are you also saying that there was no complaining from the ethics office or from others in Washington, (tread very carefully here, or your argument will go up in smoke) that there was a sense of Obama interfering in another country's election process?
i believe he made one appearance with him, and i don't know if there was a 'sense ' of anything, although i think there was a complaint. i'd have to look into it.

but that's not really what the op is about, is it?

Well then, we let Mike answer since he is the author. I look forward to you defending your position, because truth is more important than partisanship. We shall see where this goes.
the op is clearly built around odinga being a muslim sharia law pushing candidate and having lots of support from then senator obama.
the anglican and later born-again christian odinga did not make the promises attributed to him in the op, obama did not give him money, and other than the one appearance together it doesn't seem that obama did anything for the campaign.

but if he'd like to make his claim that he was in fact telling the truth in the op he is welcome to submit documentation that supports the claim - but let's not accept or produce youtube videos or blogs as evidence. we should all be above that.
Why didn't the American press investigate this when Obama was running for POTUS??

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted him elected and they were to busy sending 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. Never mind.
for one, the claims of the OP are BS.

Hogwash. You simply have no answer for them. There is no doubt that Odinga agreed, in writing, to impose Sharia law if he won the election. There is no doubt that Obama campaigned for Odinga--there's video of this, and the Kenya government even complained to the State Department about Obama's conduct. And there is no doubt that Odinga's supporters murdered thousands of Christians. These things are a matter of written and video documentation.

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