The Evil Jab


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Hypothetically speaking, the chances the COVID-19 vaccines are intended to either cull the world's population by killing oh, say 1 in 100 victims who receive it, or drastically altering our DNA to harmful ends for our species, seem to be running higher and higher.

You know . . . I can't help but remember how, during the several year lead up to COVID-19, all major cable news outlets, print publications and tech giant overlords all mercilessly cracked down on the anti-vaccination movement. Anti-vaxxer speech was censored or silenced across social media platforms. News network talking heads made anti-vax people out to be almost as dangerous as Nazis. Everywhere anti-vaxxer voices bloomed someone in control of communication infrastructure shot down their ability to speak to the masses . . . to warn them away from the dangers of modern vaccinations. The mainstream anti-vaccination movement went so far as to treat anti-vaxxers as religious heretics. I really and often wondered why. Now, it seems, we know why.

Scientists across the globe, even those controlled by radical leftist globalist propaganda, all seem to agree that the "plague" of 2020 is most dangerous for elderly folk with underlying conditions and that the chances of relatively healthy young and middle aged folk dying from it is something like one to two percent. Further, many, many news outlets and government health agencies across the globe also seem to agree that even after a person receives both vaccine injections he or she will be neither fully immune nor safe to be around sans a mask, nor able to safely return to a "normal" pre-COVID lifestyle.

Keeping in mind the global agreement on all of the above, why in the bloody hell are governments everywhere and at every level—around the world—still pushing COVID vaccines on their citizens IF they are ineffective and will do nothing to return world societies back to 2019 pre-pandemic normal? All governments everywhere have launched campaigns on television, radio, You Tube, Facebook, Google—you name it—aimed at convincing their populations that getting the COVID jabs will make "everything" better, and soon.

When it comes down to this deep, deep level of contradiction on such an important matter one is obligated to put on his or her thinking cap and spend some quality time alone immersed in as rational thought as they can muster. Occam's Razor, yes? The simplest explanation is usually the correct one?

So after much rational thought one almost has to ask one's self yet another question. WHY? Why do all governments and their health organizations everywhere want every last bloody person on Earth to take the COVID-19 jabs? The WHY almost must be followed by an introspective search for THE REASON. What follows should be a rational process of elimination.

So, governments everywhere do not want people to take the COVID jabs to stop the spread of the plague because the jabs don't stop its spread very well, which is widely accepted science. Right, so cross that one off the old list of possible reasons. Governments also don't want people to take the jib jab to get their economies reopened and back on track because, science and the media and government assholes agree, to an extent, the vaccines don't work that well. Cross that one off the list too.

Well, what does that leave us with on the list of reasons governments everywhere are pushing, pushing, pushing their people to get the COVID jabs? The egos of government leaders? I don't buy it. Um . . . how about: because it would destroy their narrative, official reason for shutting everything down for a year. No, can't say that makes much sense either. I don't buy it.

Process of elimination. Process of elimination. Well, IF the vaccines don't work that well AND our governments everywhere still want us to take them for no logical beneficial reason THEN it seems to me they MUST want us to get the jab(s) for a very harmful reason; a reason that both benefits their political/ideological goals and removes us as obstacles from whatever agenda they are pursuing.

Vaccine development and production are massively expensive. Who payed for their R&D and who is paying for the purchase of tens of millions and more doses? Our governments are. IF the vaccines won't keep people safe, get people back to moving around unmasked and freely, reopen economies and set things back to "normal" then why in the hell would governments everywhere be willing to shell out billions and trillions of dollars on vaccine purchase and development?

Because all governments EVERYWHERE were ordered to purchase and distribute COVID vaccines, that's why. There's really no other logical conclusion. Never before in human history were all people everywhere forced to, in perfect lockstep, do the same thing at the same time. Never. Who ordered the lockdowns in the United States? Who ordered them in every other nation around the world? Someone or some group or cabal somewhere had to have forced all of our government leaders to act in concert. Thus it follows those same people, THEM, also ordered our national leaders to administer the jabs to as many of their citizens as possible.

Sounds very much to me like someone is trying to alter the genetic material/biological processes of every living human being on Earth—or kill perhaps billions of us off—via the jab.

Oh well, and I suppose it doesn't really matter as none of us individually can exactly put a stop to it, but for the sake of posterity and boredom I'd like to know. IF you knew somehow, could see into the future and learned that the COVID vaccines were engineered to mass murder say, half the world's population . . . would you try to do something about it, something to prevent it, even if you could only save a few lives? Academically and hypothetically speaking, of course. I mean, people always say they'd take out Hitler's parents or whatever if they had a time machine. What say you?
Who knows. :dunno:

Some highly qualified experts have said this new technology had previously been tried in animals, before this pandemic, but they had not tried to use it in a therapy yet, because it caused the animal test subjects to become sterile.

OTH, it does seem to cause higher death rates than normal vaccines, and other non-mainstream researchers have hypothesized that when new strains of the disease are encountered by those who have been previously vaccinated, it could cause a catastrophic cascading hyper Cytokine Storm.

. . . or, after phase four trials finally resolve three, four years down the line, the medical industry will have a bonanza of other new Immunodeficiency Disorders due to the masses taking repeated doses of vaccines that mess with the natural functioning of the immune system.

We shall see with these millions of guinea pigs. My suspicion? It was a bad idea to skip animal trials.
Hypothetically speaking, the chances the COVID-19 vaccines are intended to either cull the world's population by killing oh, say 1 in 100 victims who receive it, or drastically altering our DNA to harmful ends for our species, seem to be running higher and higher.

You know . . . I can't help but remember how, during the several year lead up to COVID-19, all major cable news outlets, print publications and tech giant overlords all mercilessly cracked down on the anti-vaccination movement. Anti-vaxxer speech was censored or silenced across social media platforms. News network talking heads made anti-vax people out to be almost as dangerous as Nazis. Everywhere anti-vaxxer voices bloomed someone in control of communication infrastructure shot down their ability to speak to the masses . . . to warn them away from the dangers of modern vaccinations. The mainstream anti-vaccination movement went so far as to treat anti-vaxxers as religious heretics. I really and often wondered why. Now, it seems, we know why.

Scientists across the globe, even those controlled by radical leftist globalist propaganda, all seem to agree that the "plague" of 2020 is most dangerous for elderly folk with underlying conditions and that the chances of relatively healthy young and middle aged folk dying from it is something like one to two percent. Further, many, many news outlets and government health agencies across the globe also seem to agree that even after a person receives both vaccine injections he or she will be neither fully immune nor safe to be around sans a mask, nor able to safely return to a "normal" pre-COVID lifestyle.

Keeping in mind the global agreement on all of the above, why in the bloody hell are governments everywhere and at every level—around the world—still pushing COVID vaccines on their citizens IF they are ineffective and will do nothing to return world societies back to 2019 pre-pandemic normal? All governments everywhere have launched campaigns on television, radio, You Tube, Facebook, Google—you name it—aimed at convincing their populations that getting the COVID jabs will make "everything" better, and soon.

When it comes down to this deep, deep level of contradiction on such an important matter one is obligated to put on his or her thinking cap and spend some quality time alone immersed in as rational thought as they can muster. Occam's Razor, yes? The simplest explanation is usually the correct one?

So after much rational thought one almost has to ask one's self yet another question. WHY? Why do all governments and their health organizations everywhere want every last bloody person on Earth to take the COVID-19 jabs? The WHY almost must be followed by an introspective search for THE REASON. What follows should be a rational process of elimination.

So, governments everywhere do not want people to take the COVID jabs to stop the spread of the plague because the jabs don't stop its spread very well, which is widely accepted science. Right, so cross that one off the old list of possible reasons. Governments also don't want people to take the jib jab to get their economies reopened and back on track because, science and the media and government assholes agree, to an extent, the vaccines don't work that well. Cross that one off the list too.

Well, what does that leave us with on the list of reasons governments everywhere are pushing, pushing, pushing their people to get the COVID jabs? The egos of government leaders? I don't buy it. Um . . . how about: because it would destroy their narrative, official reason for shutting everything down for a year. No, can't say that makes much sense either. I don't buy it.

Process of elimination. Process of elimination. Well, IF the vaccines don't work that well AND our governments everywhere still want us to take them for no logical beneficial reason THEN it seems to me they MUST want us to get the jab(s) for a very harmful reason; a reason that both benefits their political/ideological goals and removes us as obstacles from whatever agenda they are pursuing.

Vaccine development and production are massively expensive. Who payed for their R&D and who is paying for the purchase of tens of millions and more doses? Our governments are. IF the vaccines won't keep people safe, get people back to moving around unmasked and freely, reopen economies and set things back to "normal" then why in the hell would governments everywhere be willing to shell out billions and trillions of dollars on vaccine purchase and development?

Because all governments EVERYWHERE were ordered to purchase and distribute COVID vaccines, that's why. There's really no other logical conclusion. Never before in human history were all people everywhere forced to, in perfect lockstep, do the same thing at the same time. Never. Who ordered the lockdowns in the United States? Who ordered them in every other nation around the world? Someone or some group or cabal somewhere had to have forced all of our government leaders to act in concert. Thus it follows those same people, THEM, also ordered our national leaders to administer the jabs to as many of their citizens as possible.

Sounds very much to me like someone is trying to alter the genetic material/biological processes of every living human being on Earth—or kill perhaps billions of us off—via the jab.

Oh well, and I suppose it doesn't really matter as none of us individually can exactly put a stop to it, but for the sake of posterity and boredom I'd like to know. IF you knew somehow, could see into the future and learned that the COVID vaccines were engineered to mass murder say, half the world's population . . . would you try to do something about it, something to prevent it, even if you could only save a few lives? Academically and hypothetically speaking, of course. I mean, people always say they'd take out Hitler's parents or whatever if they had a time machine. What say you?

What would I say??? I'd say; "Columbus took a chance WHY don't you???"
I think it's to get rid of a shitload of old people and sterlize younger ones.Why? No clue. Easier to control less mass of humans?

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