The Ethical Boundaries of the Gay Agenda: A New Millenium of Free Speech

"have seen their pastors prosecuted for preaching from the Bible about their church's moral teaching on homosexual practices"

that's the result of hate crime or hate speech laws not the ones that allow gay marriage. You can have one without the other.

"Those in Massachusetts have witnessed Catholic Charities forced to abandon its 100-year-old program that helped place children within the homes of traditional, adoptive parents."

Anti-discrimination laws, again not the same as gay marriage.

"Homosexual practices" not homosexuals. The bible does not discriminate the individual, simply the behavior. And quite frankly that perspective leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to sexuality and scripture to begin with. Many men of spiritual distinction going back from the beginnings of scripture have taken many women as wives or otherwise. That to me is a perverse as is homosexuality. Not to mention that heterosexual couples also engage in various homosexual acts so to speak. Me thinks that is up for grabs in terms of interpretation. However, the practice of homosexuality in terms of family completely redefines human coupliing and literally defies the continuity of our species and family structure. If nothing else, there is much to be said if not protested against, when a group of people are attempting to restructure the concept of a sound family structure in any society.

Anne Marie
SCOTUS found that banning abortion was unconstitutional since it violated the right to privacy which had previously been established in another SCOTUS case which overturned bans on birth control.

Exactly. Roe v. Wade said nothing about birth control, but used a case concerning birth control as its precedent.
Well, then they can be the first to pass the "anti-marriage" bill that revokes all legal and government connections and ties to marriage altogether ... :eusa_whistle:

That would make me respect them .... this just makes me wonder just how people can be such slaves to the government.

You know Kitty. I would be fine with that. That way Marriage can truly be handled as an private institution as it was intended between a man and a woman. The boyscouts were able to uphold their intended charter when challenged by homosexuals who wished to disclose their sexuality in their capacity as troop leaders, which was explicitly inappropriate to the nature of this organization. If the government detached themselves from the legal parameters of marriage, it would have the ability to defend it's intended purpose among other things.

Anne Marie

First, the gay people didn't issue or pursue the boyscout lawsuit, that was zealous supporters who pushed it, gay people just announced that they were not gay friendly to educate and that was it.

Secondly, you do realize that if there was no legal connection to marriage there would be a lot of churches who would perform gay marriages, right?

"Gay people just announced that they were not gay friendly to educate.."

Exactly what does that mean? Aside from the coverage in the Boston Troop when a troop leader grand standed his position on being a homosexual, as clearly a means to induce gay awareness to the boys in that troop and knew it would create yet another controversy in that institution, here's an account of what has been happening nationwide in terms of homosexual troop leaders and the outcome. These people are like parasites. Why would any member of the boyscouts have any need to disclose their sexual disposition, especially at the onset of so much sexual abuse of boyscouts?


History of Abuse

Ignored by supporters of the campaign is the long and continuing record of abuse of young Scouts by gay Scout leaders.

These are among the cases of homosexual abuse by adult Scout leaders the press has reported in just the last few months:

FBI waiting when alleged sex offender shows up (March 9, 2001, Atlanta Constitution) When Robert Landrum Shirley walked into a video arcade in Roswell Saturday afternoon (March 3) he was looking for sex with a teen-age boy, authorities said. Instead, the former Boy Scout leader found the FBI's Innocent Images Task Force.
According to Atlanta Area Council BSA spokeswoman Lisa Dukes, Shirley, 42, was a Boy Scout leader from at least 1985 to 1990. That year allegations surfaced about him, and the Boy Scouts determined he was no longer eligible to participate, Dukes said. A young boy in Cobb County had complained to his church about inappropriate behavior on Shirley's part. The Boy Scouts passed the information on to the Department of Family and Children Services.

Ex-Scout leader pleads guilty to sex charges (April 5, 2001 - Ottawa Citizen)
Timothy John Parris, 36, who plied two of his teen-age cadets with alcohol as they watched pornographic videos and engaged in sexual games, pleaded guilty to sex charges. He admitted to one count each of sexual exploitation and invitation to sexual touching.

One of Parris's victims held his girlfriend's hand and wept as he looked on from the rear of the courtroom. Parris is the former leader of the 26th Sea Venturers, a branch of Scouts Canada.

Former Boy Scout assistant charged with molesting scouts 15 years ago (April 13, 2001 - Ohio News)
Dale T. Brant, 38, was indicted on 23 counts of third-degree sexual assault. He was arrested at his New Manchester home by West Virginia State Police. In 2000, two men said Brant repeatedly molested them between April 1985 and October 1986, when they were both 12 years old, said Hancock County Prosecutor James Davis.

Scout leader's sentence criticized (April 25, 2001 - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) Relatives of three young boys who were bound and physically abused by a Boy Scout leader on an overnight campout said they were appalled by the light sentence imposed on the defendant in a Westmoreland County, Pa., courtroom.
John T. Levendosky II, the assistant scoutmaster who pleaded guilty two months ago to 18 charges stemming from the incident and has been in jail about 10 1/2 months, will be eligible for parole in about a month and a half under the sentence handed down by Common Pleas Judge William J. Ober. Ober ordered Levendosky, of Derry Borough, to a maximum of two years in the Westmoreland County Prison, giving him credit for the time he has spent in prison since his arrest.

Scouts leader charged with sex crimes (May 2, 2001 Evansville Courier & Press/AP).
Boy Scout troop leader Steve Woodard, 41, of Muncie, Ind., accused of molesting three brothers, has been charged with child molesting and sexual misconduct with a minor. Woodard remained in the Delaware County jail Wednesday morning (May 2) with bond set at $80,000.

Two of the alleged victims had been members of Woodard's Scout troop, based out of Riverside United Methodist Church, authorities said. Woodard was suspended Tuesday by the Boy Scouts of America, police said.

Investigators said scouting officials had met with troop members to inform them of the arrest. One of the victims, now in his late teens, told investigators he had been molested by Woodard as many as 100 times over the past several years.

Defendant: Sex wasn't abusive (May 10, 2001 - Orange County Register)
The tall man in the dark-blue suit made his opening statement to jurors Wednesday. "I'm a pedophile, he admitted.

"I'm not going to stand here and say these acts didn't occur - because they did," said a well-groomed and articulate Kenneth Teague, representing himself in a lurid sex-abuse trial in Santa Ana, Calif. ... It has to do with "courage and kindness and trust and love," said Teague, a former computer consultant in Irvine.

Hardly, said Deputy District Attorney Randy Payne, who painted Teague as a manipulative opportunist who abused his positions in the Boy Scouts, Big Brothers and foster-parent programs to seduce vulnerable boys.

Former Scout leader guilty of sex charge (May 23, 2001 - Ottawa Citizen)
A former Ottawa assistant Scout leader admitted yesterday to asking a 14-year-old troop member to re-enact a pornographic film with him. Michael Dickey, 25, who was expected to go to trial yesterday on one count of sexual assault and three counts of sexual exploitation, pleaded guilty to one of the sexual exploitation charges.

The former assistant Sea Venturers leader, who quit the scouting movement in 1997, and another leader, Timothy Parris, were arrested in May 1999 after two boys complained to police about an incident that occurred the same year Dickey quit. Parris pleaded guilty in April to one count of sexual exploitation and one count of invitation to sexual touching. He's scheduled to be sentenced next month.

Scout Leader Faces Boy Sex Rap (May 23, 2001 - New York Daily News)
An Upper East Side scoutmaster was accused of sex abuse yesterday by a former Boy Scout who claims he was assaulted dozens of times in the troop leader's Manhattan apartment and on campouts and overnight trips. The allegations were made in a $50 million lawsuit that targets scoutmaster Jerrold Schwartz, who has led Troop 666 at the prestigious St. Bartholomew's Church for two decades.

"Jerrold Schwartz is a pedophile. We brought this lawsuit to stop him from having contact with children," the former Scout's attorney, Michael Dowd, said yesterday. Schwartz, 41, declined to comment.

The Greater New York Council of the Boy Scouts of America announced later he had been fired as scoutmaster.

Judge denies pleas to close molest trial (June 19, 2001 - Boston Herald)
One boy's post-traumatic stress is so bad, he has not eaten, slept or socialized normally in months. Another boy punches holes in walls as he struggles with his confusion and anger. Several of the youngsters fear being labeled as gay if they are even identified as victims of accused serial pedophile Christopher J. Reardon.

Those are among the accounts of anguished parents who wrote letters hoping to persuade a judge yesterday to close the courtroom when their children testify against Reardon in his upcoming trial.

``My son has been relentlessly tormented at school by boys who knew he was in Boy Scouts and therefore suspected he might be one of Reardon's victims,'' wrote the mother of one boy, now 12 years old, who Reardon is accused of molesting while videotaping the act.

Gays’ Allies Besiege Boy Scouts

It doesn't get more plain than this. When troop leaders of an organization and its counsel assert the right of sexuality of any member, it immediately suggests that human sexuality is part of its overall criteria. This is not what the Boyscouts is about. Sexuality is a very private thing and most certainly should not be introduced as a "learning" tool for young boys to become potentially influenced. It's a complete disgrace.

Anne Marie
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Sidney is aware that most pedophiles and pederasts are heterosexual, right?

That is simply not true. Those who assault children are sexually ambiguous and clearly lacking in adjustment.

But more importantly, less than one percent of the entire population of the United States are self-disclosed homosexuals. If you concentrate that percentage of homosexuals to the crimes of sexual abuse of children and young adults by homosexuals, in any model formula in any community, that percentage increases by 87% of children being sexually abused by homosexuals.

Children who are sexually assaulted are the victims of sexual ambiguity and frustration, and this characteristic by far qualifies the highest percentage pathology in homosexuals. That is a fact.

Anne Marie
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Sidney is aware that most pedophiles and pederasts are heterosexual, right?

That is simply not true. Those who assault children are sexually ambiguous and clearly lacking in adjustment.

But more importantly, less than one percent of the entire population of the United States are self-disclosed homosexuals. If you concentrate that percentage of homosexuals to the crimes of sexual abuse of children and young adults by homosexuals, in any model formula in any community, that percentage increases by 87% of children being sexually abused by homosexuals.

Children who are sexually assaulted are the victims of sexual ambiguity and frustration, and this characteristic by far qualifies the highest percentage pathology in homosexuals.

Anne Marie

Actually, it is true, heterosexuality has to do with the gender, and most pedophiles prefer the opposite gender. As for your false connection and extremely flawed mathematics, that's just ridiculous.
Sidney is aware that most pedophiles and pederasts are heterosexual, right?

That is simply not true. Those who assault children are sexually ambiguous and clearly lacking in adjustment.

But more importantly, less than one percent of the entire population of the United States are self-disclosed homosexuals. If you concentrate that percentage of homosexuals to the crimes of sexual abuse of children and young adults by homosexuals, in any model formula in any community, that percentage increases by 87% of children being sexually abused by homosexuals.

Children who are sexually assaulted are the victims of sexual ambiguity and frustration, and this characteristic by far qualifies the highest percentage pathology in homosexuals.

Anne Marie

Actually, it is true, heterosexuality has to do with the gender, and most pedophiles prefer the opposite gender. As for your false connection and extremely flawed mathematics, that's just ridiculous.

Hi Kitty, ;)

Nope, nope. Pedophiles do not necessarily prefer the opposite gender specifically. The reason they zone in on the same gender is the fact that they are the same gender. Children identify far easier to the same gender, whether old or young than the opposite sex. Those who sexually abuse children know this. And men are far more sexually charged than women. Period!

Flawed mathematics? Do the math first before you say that.

Anne Marie
Sidney is aware that most pedophiles and pederasts are heterosexual, right?

That is simply not true.

Freund et al. (1989). Heterosexuality, homosexuality, and erotic age preference. Journal of Sex Research, 26, 107-117. The abstract summarizes the authors' conclusion: "Findings indicate that homosexual males who preferred mature partners responded no more to male children than heterosexual males who preferred mature partners responded to female children."
the Groth and Birnbaum (1978) study ...reported that none of the men in their sample had an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation, and that none of the 22 bisexual men were more attracted to adult males than to adult females. The "54%" statistic reported by Cameron doesn't appear anywhere in the Groth and Birnbaum (1978) article, nor does Cameron explain its derivation.
[FONT=arial, helvetica] Conclusion[/FONT] The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so.
Is Sidney qualified to refute Dr. Herek from UC Davis?
Those who assault children are sexually ambiguous
That is not a true statement. Those who assault 'children' are usually chronophiliacs of some variety, usually non-exclusive pedo- , hebe-, or ephebophilacs.

But more importantly, less than one percent of the entire population of the United States are self-disclosed homosexuals. If you concentrate that percentage of homosexuals to the crimes of sexual abuse of children and young adults by homosexuals, in any model formula in any community, that percentage increases by 87% of children being sexually abused by homosexuals.
First off, you provide no source. Secondly, your methodology is deeply flawed and doe not even measure or ask the sexuality of the offender.

In layman's terms: bullfuckingshit

Children who are sexually assaulted are the victims of sexual ambiguity and frustration,
Actually, it oft has ore to do with power than sexual preference.

and this characteristic by far qualifies the highest percentage pathology in homosexuals. That is a fact.
Really, now? Are you an expert in this matter? how about citing some sources for your 'facts'
Nope, nope. Pedophiles do not necessarily prefer the opposite gender specifically.

The first factually accurate thing you've said since you got to this board.

The reason they zone in on the same gender is the fact that they are the same gender. Children identify far easier to the same gender, whether old or young than the opposite sex. Those who sexually abuse children know this

That's not accurate...

Flawed mathematics? Do the math first before you say that.

Why don't you perform some real mathematics using a valid methodology prior to forwarding them for ridicule?
That is simply not true. Those who assault children are sexually ambiguous and clearly lacking in adjustment.

But more importantly, less than one percent of the entire population of the United States are self-disclosed homosexuals. If you concentrate that percentage of homosexuals to the crimes of sexual abuse of children and young adults by homosexuals, in any model formula in any community, that percentage increases by 87% of children being sexually abused by homosexuals.

Children who are sexually assaulted are the victims of sexual ambiguity and frustration, and this characteristic by far qualifies the highest percentage pathology in homosexuals.

Anne Marie

Actually, it is true, heterosexuality has to do with the gender, and most pedophiles prefer the opposite gender. As for your false connection and extremely flawed mathematics, that's just ridiculous.

Hi Kitty, ;)

Nope, nope. Pedophiles do not necessarily prefer the opposite gender specifically. The reason they zone in on the same gender is the fact that they are the same gender. Children identify far easier to the same gender, whether old or young than the opposite sex. Those who sexually abuse children know this. And men are far more sexually charged than women. Period!

Flawed mathematics? Do the math first before you say that.

Anne Marie

Um ... just wow ... you really are naive in social matters, and here I thought I would be the least experienced. Also, your math is very flawed, and in so many ways it would take years to explain it to you, but here's a clue, your basing it all on false assumptions which are only parroted from debunked sources.

Children identify with those they are around the most, period, gender isn't the issue there, close family and friends are. Men are not more sexually charged than women, that's a HUGE myth perpetuated by people trying to live the stereotypes they are brainwashed into believing, hell, the lesbians in the shelters I use to live in were more promiscuous than any man I have seen, and most gay men are extremely committed to their partners. In totality it's about even between the genders. Children do not associate gender, their hormone levels do not give them any leaning one way or the other. So again, you really need to learn more and forget all the garbage someone has filled your head with to this point.
Her methodology is deeply flawed, KK

the lesbians in the shelters I use to live in were more promiscuous than any man I have seen, and most gay men are extremely committed to their partners.

Actually, you just supported her assertion regarding the male vs. female sex drive

Remember, sex =/= gender
Her methodology is deeply flawed, KK

the lesbians in the shelters I use to live in were more promiscuous than any man I have seen, and most gay men are extremely committed to their partners.

Actually, you just supported her assertion regarding the male vs. female sex drive

Remember, sex =/= gender

Mr. JBeukema,

Allow your children to be children. Never let them go away from that, as a parent. I grew up with the kids of my dad's friends. Their dads were all WWII veterans. I was an only child of a Second WWII Leutanant during the Battle of the Bulge. I'm sure homosexuality was not an issue in those days. Sheesh!

I thank God I wasn't born with sisters, because I know why I don't like to shop. I know why I have no patience with women.

Even with my mom. Total class act. From start to finish.

Anne Marie
I thank God I wasn't born with sisters, because I know why I don't like to shop.


Your posts was a complete waste of both our time and had no relevance whatsoever. I shall take it as a concession regarding your inability to rebut my earlier refutation of your bullshit. See, you hasd to open your mouth, and now you've proven yourself a fool
I thank God I wasn't born with sisters, because I know why I don't like to shop.


Your posts was a complete waste of both our time and had no relevance whatsoever. I shall take it as a concession regarding your inability to rebut my earlier refutation of your bullshit. See, you hasd to open your mouth, and now you've proven yourself a fool

Oh really? Why don't you spend today disproving my point? Can you manage that at least?

I highly doubt it. Homosexuals represent 1% of the population. Find something to substantiate I am wrong. Do your homework, little boy. Then come to class. We're giving out gold stars today.

Anne Marie
If sid doesn't like to shop, then she should join Islam, we don't allow shopping.
PS she sounds like a lesbian.
You have no point, and I refuted your bullshit some time ago, if you scroll up to post 248

You're too stupid to be involved in this discussion

Obviously you refuse to do your homework: Here, I'll help you out a bit then you can go to your room and stand in the corner.

This table lists some major demographic groupings in the United States. Race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and other factors are factors in personal and group identity. This table is unusual in that it presents a merged list of these factors. This more accurately reflects actual American society, in which most people belong to more than one group. All individuals can be classified into multiple groupings below. This list is not comprehensive. Please write to suggest additional groups.

Group Number Percent of
U.S. population
Total 1 284,800,000 100.0 %
English-at-home speakers 6 245,497,600 86.2 %
Christian 2 217,872,000 76.5 %
White 1 211,460,626 75.1 %
Protestant 18 150,944,000 53 %
Female 1 145,532,800 51.1 %
Male 1 139,267,200 48.9 %
"born-again" or "evangelical" 9 125,312,000 44 %
Republican 8 90,950,000 33 %
Democrat 8 85,440,000 31 %
Catholic 2 69,776,000 24.5 %
Non-English speakers 6 38,087,127 13.8 %
Nonreligious 2 37,593,600 13.2 %
Hispanic/Latino 1 35,305,818 12.5 %
Black 1 34,658,190 12.3 %
Baptist 18 34,176,000 12 %
Evangelical (theologically) 16 22,049,360 8.0 %
Methodist 2 19,366,400 6.8 %
Spanish speakers 6 20,744,986 7.5 %
Southern Baptist 3 15,800,000 5.6 %
Lutheran 2 13,100,800 4.6 %
vegetarian 19 12,000,000 4.2 %
Asian 1 10,242,998 3.6 %
United Methodist Church 20 8,251,042 2.9 %
Presbyterian 2 7,689,600 2.7 %
Multiracial 1 6,826,228 2.4 %
Pentecostal 2 5,980,800 2.1 %
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) 15 5,503,192 1.93 %
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 3, 20 5,038,066 1.8 %
Episcopalian 2 4,841,600 1.7 %
GLBT (gay, lesbian or bisexual)5 4,300,000 1.51 %
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 3, 20 3,595,259 1.3 %
Judaism 2, 21 3,702,400 1.3 %
Eastern Orthodox 9 2,756,170 1 %
Assemblies of God 11 2,575,000 0.93 %
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod 3, 20 2,512,714 0.9 %
Native American 1 2,475,956 0.9 %
Buddhist 13 2,400,000 0.87 %
Episcopal Church 20 2,333,628 0.82 %
French speakers 6 2,308,795 0.8 %
gay men5 2,000,000 0.70 %
Non-denominational 11 2,000,000 0.7 %
prison population 2,000,000 0.7 %
German speakers 6 1,851,418 0.7 %
Megachurch attendance 14 1,800,000 0.64 %
Jehovah's Witnesses 2 1,708,800 0.6 %
Chinese speakers 6 1,578,099 0.6 %
Italian speakers 6 1,565,165 0.6 %
Churches of Christ (non-instrumental / Corsicana, TX) 20 1,500,000 0.53 %
American Baptist Church in the U.S.A. 20 1,484,291 0.52 %
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 20 1,430,795 0.50 %
Muslim 2 1,424,000 0.5 %
agnostic 2 1,424,000 0.5 %
bisexual5 1,400,000 0.49 %
United Church of Christ 20 1,330,985 0.47 %
Baptist Bible Fellowship International 20 1,200,000 0.42 %
atheists 2, 10 1,139,200 0.4 %
Tagolog speakers 6 1,008,542 0.4 %
Independent Christian Church, Churches of Christ
(instrumental / Joplin, MO) 20 1,071,616 0.39 %
Hindu 13 1,000,000 0.36 %
Church of God (Cleveland, TN) 20 944,857 0.33 %
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 11 910,000 0.33 %
lesbians5 900,000 0.32 %
Polish speakers 6 865,298 0.3 %
Unitarian Universalist 2 854,400 0.3 %
Seventh-day Adventists 11 809,000 0.29 %
Neo-pagan (incl. Wiccans) 12 768,400 0.28 %
Korean speakers 6 749,278 0.3 %
Church of the Nazarene 11 608,000 0.2 %
Vietnamese speakers 6 606,463 0.2 %
vegans 22 591,468 0.2 %
Portuguese speakers 6 515,017 0.2 %
Japanese speakers 6 511,485 0.2 %
Pacific Islander 1 398,835 0.1 %
Reformed Church in America (RCA) 11 304,000 0.11 %
Libertarian party members 7 200,000 0.07 %
Baha'i 11 142,000 0.05 %
Native American Religionist 2 120,735 0.04 %
Mennonite Church USA 23 110,000 .036 %

1. U.S. Census Bureau. Year 2000 Census. URL:

Composite U.S. Demographics

Good luck!

Anne Marie
If sid doesn't like to shop, then she should join Islam, we don't allow shopping.
PS she sounds like a lesbian.

Actually, I'm engaged to an incredible man I met nearly a year ago. And I really don't like to shop. If it jumps out at me, I take it or leave it and move on. I know exactly what I need or want before I go into a store and the whole thing should never take more than 10 or 15 minutes. If there's a long line, forget about it. I shop for groceries on line, have them delivered, and I am the consumate negotiator on prices for anything bigger than a toaster. I am a salesperson's greatest nightmare.

Life is good!

Anne Marie
If sid doesn't like to shop, then she should join Islam, we don't allow shopping.
PS she sounds like a lesbian.

Actually, I'm engaged to an incredible man I met nearly a year ago. And I really don't like to shop. If it jumps out at me, I take it or leave it and move on. I know exactly what I need or want before I go into a store and the whole thing should never take more than 10 or 15 minutes. If there's a long line, forget about it. I shop for groceries on line, have them delivered, and I am the consumate negotiator on prices for anything bigger than a toaster. I am a salesperson's greatest nightmare.

Life is good!

Anne Marie

Sex out of wedlock is a sin, and sinner go to hell.
Sex out of wedlock is a sin, and sinner go to hell.

This is why I won't subject myself to believing in an organized religion. Look at what it can (but not always) do to some people: make them ignorant, bigotted, bitter, self-righteous, sex-inhibited, narrow-minded, black-and-white perception-ed, accusatory, judgemental, and all around unpleasant with which to interact.

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