The Establishment's Rehabilitation Of George Bush Is Pathetic


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former President George W. Bush called Rep. Jim Clyburn “the savior” for supporting now-President Joe Biden in the thick of a Democratic primary -- Clyburn, House Majority Whip and the highest ranking Black member of Congress endorsed Biden; who won South Carolina resoundingly and went on to win the Democratic nomination. Freddy Ford, Bush's chief of staff, downplayed the comments in a tweet. “Let’s not make this into more than it is. He was saying Clyburn helped saved Biden’s nomination....nothing Biblical here,” Ford wrote."

Nothing biblical huh? Like how George invaded Iraq and de-stabilized the entire Middle East because as he put it, God told him to....How Bush isn't ostracized from public life forever is amazing...but it is ABSOLUTELY due to how he was rehabilitated by the "Both sides do it-mainstream Media" and the corporate establishment of primarily the Democratic party...

However, maybe this also means there is hope for Trump in the distant future, maybe they will rehabilitate him too like they did many others before him.....after all, it only took a couple of years for the MSM to pretend they didn't just give tens of millions of free media time to a guy who was only politically relevant because he became the de-facto leader of a racist conspiracy..if it wasn't for that, Trump would have never ever even been considered a presidential candidate, let alone win an election.
Dubya is just pleased he wasn't extradited to The Hague for crimes against humanity, like the libs promised he and Cheney would be.

I don't see his endorsement of liberalism that earthshaking at all, he was always low-energy.
Dubya is just pleased he wasn't extradited to The Hague for crimes against humanity, like the libs promised he and Cheney would be.

I don't see his endorsement of liberalism that earthshaking at all, he was always low-energy.
Yea, I guess Obama wasn't a radical socialist muslim chinese communist dictator after all......he didn't even campaign on locking Bush up.....
Nothing biblical huh? Like how George invaded Iraq and de-stabilized the entire Middle East because as he put it, God told him to..
Your raw hatred of God is pathetic
I bet if someone said "God told me Biden will win the election"

You will be showing your "raw hatred of God" by disagreeing with that person...

But leave it to a cuck conservative to always cape up for matter what
Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Just remember, every current Republican President is Hitler, until he is an ex Republican President, then he is cool and the current Republican President is Hitler.

The funny thing is that the Dems won't be able to repeat this cycle because I simply don't see them trying to "rehabilitate" Trump, even if they need him as part of their next cycle of attacks on whoever is the 2024 Republican nominee.
Nothing biblical huh? Like how George invaded Iraq and de-stabilized the entire Middle East because as he put it, God told him to..
Your raw hatred of God is pathetic
I bet if someone said "God told me Biden will win the election"

You will be showing your "raw hatred of God" by disagreeing with that person...

But leave it to a cuck conservative to always cape up for matter what
Bush was ill-advised to invade Iraq, but he never said God told him to do it

thats just a lib lie that you choose to repeat because you hate Christians for their faith in God

Remember Biff, Salute the Marines!

Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

Yall called us traitors and terrorists for being against it

But that is how revisionism works -- gives folks like you a chance to pretend you were not GOP/Bush sycophant very much like you are a Trump sycophant now
The Bush's always have been, always will be Globalists above all else.

They support the Globalist agenda.....couldn't care less about "parties" and affiliation.
What is the agenda of the globalists that you speak of....? And their purpose?
Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

Yall called us traitors and terrorists for being against it

But that is how revisionism works -- gives folks like you a chance to pretend you were not GOP/Bush sycophant very much like you are a Trump sycophant now

They might have been against those wars, but now they're protesting, rioting and destroying buildings because they don't like Biden/Harris and the Democrat Party. Like they did in Portland and Seattle last night.

:21: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
Nothing biblical huh? Like how George invaded Iraq and de-stabilized the entire Middle East because as he put it, God told him to..
Your raw hatred of God is pathetic
I bet if someone said "God told me Biden will win the election"

You will be showing your "raw hatred of God" by disagreeing with that person...

But leave it to a cuck conservative to always cape up for matter what
Bush was ill-advised to invade Iraq, but he never said God told him to do it

thats just a lib lie that you choose to repeat because you hate Christians for their faith in God
Shut yo goofy ass up.....

Actual quote:

"I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

Yall called us traitors and terrorists for being against it

But that is how revisionism works -- gives folks like you a chance to pretend you were not GOP/Bush sycophant very much like you are a Trump sycophant now

They might have been against those wars, but now they're protesting, rioting and destroying buildings because they don't like Biden/Harris and the Democrat Party. Like they did in Portland and Seattle last night.

:21: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
I see you totally ignored the fact that you were fully in favor of those wars tho...

You know how wrong you have to be to constantly have to pretend to and lie to others about having a position that you yourself know you never had??
Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

Yall called us traitors and terrorists for being against it

But that is how revisionism works -- gives folks like you a chance to pretend you were not GOP/Bush sycophant very much like you are a Trump sycophant now

They might have been against those wars, but now they're protesting, rioting and destroying buildings because they don't like Biden/Harris and the Democrat Party. Like they did in Portland and Seattle last night.

:21: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
I see you totally ignored the fact that you were fully in favor of those wars tho...

You know how wrong you have to be to constantly have to pretend to and lie to others about having a position that you yourself know you never had??

Really? You probably haven't seen it but when antifa damaged the Democrat Party HQ in Portland last night, someone spray-painted on the wall "Lynch Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."

Those are the people you supported. :21: :lmao::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

And then voted for and re-elected someone who expanded those wars and said very little.
Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

And then voted for and re-elected someone who expanded those wars and said very little.
He certainly did.....

Turns out he wasn't a radical secret muslim socialist terrorist after all...
Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

And then voted for and re-elected someone who expanded those wars and said very little.
He certainly did.....

Turns out he wasn't a radical secret muslim socialist terrorist after all...

Sadly he was Bush II.
Mehh. They just repackaged GW with a shiny new ribbon, put a "D" next to his name, and put him him in the WH under the guise of "Joe Biden."

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Enjoy your next four years of war, terrorism, and protests.
Liberals were the ones against those wars, remember??

And then voted for and re-elected someone who expanded those wars and said very little.
By the way.....Obama isn't a liberal and his harshest opposition to his drone strike program and expansion in the Middle East didn't come from Republicans...

But I expect you knew that already

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