‘The environment is upside down’: Why Dems are winning the culture wars: Changes in public opinion on abortion & gay rights

Everyone who is alive today that is here due to a parent, grandparent, etc. being raped should be put to death.
Don’t believe any Republican who campaigned in the primary on banning all abortions, even for rape and incest , when they try to soften their position now. Do. Not. Believe. Them.

This doesn’t matter on a national level anymore.

Congress has no power related to abortion. The President has no power related to abortion.

The states have the power.
Don’t believe any Republican who campaigned in the primary on banning all abortions, even for rape and incest , when they try to soften their position now. Do. Not. Believe. Them.

Democrats will not let the voters forget what Republican views on banning abortion are

But,,,but….What about the Mexicans streaming across the border?
Democrats will not let the voters forget what Republican views on banning abortion are
We should tout our victory and while we should support a Constitutional Amendment banning this horrible human rights abuse, this otherwise is not a matter for national politics anymore.

Sorry you lost your wedge issue. Pobrecito.
We should tout our victory and while we should support a Constitutional Amendment banning this horrible human rights abuse, this otherwise is not a matter for national politics anymore.

Sorry you lost your wedge issue. Pobrecito.
I would love to see Republicans run on their plans to end all Abortion
Democrats position, how is it bad, at 8 months and 29 days, or even the day of, how is it morally wrong to stick a needle into the head of a perfectly healthybaby in the womb.

How is it wrong when the baby litetally fights for its life, feels the pain of the needle in the brain

How is it wrong to suck the brain out killing that baby the day it would of been born healthy.

All democrats just voted for this so it is obviously a good thing.
Hush, you are killing the leftist narrative.....They want voters to think all states are as retarded as TX and OK. ;)
Texas correctly bans this human rights abuse.

Anyone who thinks banning this human rights abuse is “retarded,” is either, themselves, a) retarded, b) evil, or c) evil and retarded.
Texas correctly bans this human rights abuse.

Anyone who thinks banning this human rights abuse is “retarded,” is either, themselves, a) retarded, b) evil, or c) evil and retarded.
Nope, I just see the utility in abortion.....On several different levels.

The GQP has done what both parties pretty much always do: They've gone too far. They saw an opening and knee-jerked like idiots.

The parties think that they, and only they, have all the answers, looking for any excuse to cram it all down our throats.

Back and forth, back and forth, while the Titanic continues to sink.

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