The Elephant in Pittsburgh's Classrooms


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Here we have a report from the Allegheny Institute - a public policy watchdog group - telling "us" that the Pittsburgh Public Schools are terribly expensive, but they suck. The Covid bullshit made it worse, but made it worse almost everywhere, so is not a part of this discussion.

If the report had been written by aliens from another planet who had access to all of the same information, as well as the demographic breakdown of all the school districts in the State, it would have had a completely different focus. The essence of such a report would undoubtedly be, "What the Fuck? It seems like the more of these kids called, 'African Americans' there are in the school district, the more it costs and the worse the academic results are!"

One could question the reasons WHY the African American kids are the problem, but the correlation is much too strong to deny that the relative percentage of African American kids in a school or school district is virtually determinative of how bad and how expensive it is - except that there are poor districts that are not expensive because they simply don't have the tax basis to pay THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR, PER STUDENT(!). It appears that the Poor&Black districts would be just as bad if they were spending as much as Pittsburgh. (With Democrat Shapiro in the Governor's mansion, they will probably be spending that much within the foreseeable future).

Our refusal to acknowledge the basic problem prevents analysis of the problem to ascertain WHY Black kids are such a detriment to the academic success of any school district that they attend in large numbers. I have no idea, but I suspect there are clinical psychologists and sociologists (and teachers?) who could shed some light...if they were asked to.

How many social problems do we face that we are prevented by cultural concerns from addressing rationally? Most of them, I suspect.
That's why the teachers unions & the Dem party are terrified of school choice.
Here in OK a $30K school voucher could afford the finest private schools & have half left over.
Even in Pennsylvania I'm sure that amount would cover tuition for some of the best private academies in the state.
Back when we still had bussing here in Florida we sent our sons to a private school. The Lutheran school system.

At that time (1980s) it cost about $6K for each student in the public schools but the private schools in the county spent about $3K per student and produced a better product.
The essence of such a report would undoubtedly be, "What the Fuck? It seems like the more of these kids called, 'African Americans' there are in the school district, the more it costs and the worse the academic results are!"

One could question the reasons WHY the African American kids are the problem, but the correlation is much too strong to deny that the relative percentage of African American kids in a school or school district is virtually determinative of how bad and how expensive it is - except that there are poor districts that are not expensive because they simply don't have the tax basis to pay THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR, PER STUDENT(!). It appears that the Poor&Black districts would be just as bad if they were spending as much as Pittsburgh. (With Democrat Shapiro in the Governor's mansion, they will probably be spending that much within the foreseeable future).

Our refusal to acknowledge the basic problem prevents analysis of the problem to ascertain WHY Black kids are such a detriment to the academic success of any school district that they attend in large numbers. I have no idea, but I suspect there are clinical psychologists and sociologists (and teachers?) who could shed some light...if they were asked to.
White America doesn't want to hear about the consequences of what discrimination against black people has created.

They've created a monster that isn't going to go away, no matter how much brutality and lethal force is applied by police.

There's no way back other than white Americans accepting responsibility and then trying to find some way to make amends.

Coincidentally, America is already in the process of creating the same problem with LGBT people.
When you said elephant, I figured it was one more of those tranny story hours, and the tranny was encouraging the kids to stroke his trunk.
Simple. Expel the feral animals who could care less about school and neither do their parents, it's just free day care as far as they're concerned, and leave the schools to those who the work. Put the feral animals in stockyards and keep them off the streets. Costs drop by 60%+ and kids who want one get an education.

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