The Electoral College is in the Constitution for a reason...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1,255 was one of the compromises the Founding Fathers made so that the smaller states would join the Union.

If the Presidency was decided by popular vote, the large metropolitan areas would decide every election and the small cities and rural areas would never get a say in who was elected President.

Sitting here in Nevada, I don't want California and New York to decide every election.
The Founding Fathers wisely understood that popular vote is nothing more than formalized Mob Rule. No significant matters are decided by popular vote under our constitution. Nor should they be, as California finds from time to time with their Proposition nonsense.

Note that this bastion of Leftist Orthodoxy "popular-voted" not so long ago NOT to have gay marriages. But NOW they like popular vote. was one of the compromises the Founding Fathers made so that the smaller states would join the Union.

If the Presidency was decided by popular vote, the large metropolitan areas would decide every election and the small cities and rural areas would never get a say in who was elected President.

Sitting here in Nevada, I don't want California and New York to decide every election.

uhhhh...your state voted the same way those states did.
The Electoral College is in the Constitution for a reason..."

Two reasons, really: slavery, and to keep a man like Donald Trump out of the White House. was one of the compromises the Founding Fathers made so that the smaller states would join the Union.

No, it was a compromise they made so slave states hell bent on a elite ruling minority unaccountable to the people due to widespread disenfranchisement would join. was one of the compromises the Founding Fathers made so that the smaller states would join the Union.

No, it was a compromise they made so slave states hell bent on a elite ruling minority unaccountable to the people due to widespread disenfranchisement would join.
BUT weren't ALL states at the founding father's time period, slave states?
The electoral college was created for 2 reasons, one... to give the smallest states an advantage to join the union, and second, because they did not trust the 'people' at the time to be duped by political hackery... the people in most states voted for their electors... the electors were suppose to be fine standing and educated people in your community that were not politicians... who would independently choose a president and vice president for you...

each state got 1 elector for every congressman they were allotted, and 2 electors for each states 2 senators.... the 2 senators for each state, in this case the 2 Electors for each state, is the advantage the smaller states were given.. and that's it.

Where we have screwed the electoral college that our founders created for us is,

we no longer vote for our upstanding community electors that are not politicians or politically connected

And the states changed it to WINNER TAKES ALL electors, instead of allowing electors to be INDEPENDENT in their vote. was one of the compromises the Founding Fathers made so that the smaller states would join the Union.

No, it was a compromise they made so slave states hell bent on a elite ruling minority unaccountable to the people due to widespread disenfranchisement would join.
BUT weren't ALL states at the founding father's time period, slave states?

No. But maybe I should have been more specific to say "slave heavy" states.
The electoral college was created for 2 reasons, one... to give the smallest states an advantage to join the union, and second, because they did not trust the 'people' at the time to be duped by political hackery... the people in most states voted for their electors... the electors were suppose to be fine standing and educated people in your community that were not politicians... who would independently choose a president and vice president for you...

each state got 1 elector for every congressman they were allotted, and 2 electors for each states 2 senators.... the 2 senators for each state, in this case the 2 Electors for each state, is the advantage the smaller states were given.. and that's it.

Where we have screwed the electoral college that our founders created for us is,

we no longer vote for our upstanding community electors that are not politicians or politically connected

And the states changed it to WINNER TAKES ALL electors, instead of allowing electors to be INDEPENDENT in their vote.

Mr. MADISON. If it be a fundamental principle of free Govt. that the Legislative, Executive & Judiciary powers should be separately exercised, it is equally so that they be independently exercised. There is the same & perhaps greater reason why the Executive shd. be independent of the Legislature, than why the Judiciary should: A coalition of the two former powers would be more immediately & certainly dangerous to public liberty. It is essential then that the appointment of the Executive should either be drawn from some source, or held by some tenure, that will give him a free agency with regard to the Legislature. This could not be if he was to be appointable from time to time by the Legislature. It was not clear that an appointment in the 1st. instance even with an eligibility afterwards would not establish an improper connection between the two departments. Certain it was that the appointment would be attended with intrigues and contentions that ought not to be unnecessarily admitted. He was disposed for these reasons to refer the appointment to some other source. The people at large was in his opinion the fittest in itself. It would be as likely as any that could be devised to produce an Executive Magistrate of distinguished Character. The people generally could only know & vote for some Citizen whose merits had rendered him an object of general attention & esteem. There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to fewest objections.

Avalon Project - Madison Debates - July 19
The electoral college was created for 2 reasons, one... to give the smallest states an advantage to join the union, and second, because they did not trust the 'people' at the time to be duped by political hackery... the people in most states voted for their electors... the electors were suppose to be fine standing and educated people in your community that were not politicians... who would independently choose a president and vice president for you...

each state got 1 elector for every congressman they were allotted, and 2 electors for each states 2 senators.... the 2 senators for each state, in this case the 2 Electors for each state, is the advantage the smaller states were given.. and that's it.

Where we have screwed the electoral college that our founders created for us is,

we no longer vote for our upstanding community electors that are not politicians or politically connected

And the states changed it to WINNER TAKES ALL electors, instead of allowing electors to be INDEPENDENT in their vote.

Mr. MADISON. If it be a fundamental principle of free Govt. that the Legislative, Executive & Judiciary powers should be separately exercised, it is equally so that they be independently exercised. There is the same & perhaps greater reason why the Executive shd. be independent of the Legislature, than why the Judiciary should: A coalition of the two former powers would be more immediately & certainly dangerous to public liberty. It is essential then that the appointment of the Executive should either be drawn from some source, or held by some tenure, that will give him a free agency with regard to the Legislature. This could not be if he was to be appointable from time to time by the Legislature. It was not clear that an appointment in the 1st. instance even with an eligibility afterwards would not establish an improper connection between the two departments. Certain it was that the appointment would be attended with intrigues and contentions that ought not to be unnecessarily admitted. He was disposed for these reasons to refer the appointment to some other source. The people at large was in his opinion the fittest in itself. It would be as likely as any that could be devised to produce an Executive Magistrate of distinguished Character. The people generally could only know & vote for some Citizen whose merits had rendered him an object of general attention & esteem. There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to fewest objections.

Avalon Project - Madison Debates - July 19
very interesting, thank you! it makes sense now... learned something new! was one of the compromises the Founding Fathers made so that the smaller states would join the Union.

If the Presidency was decided by popular vote, the large metropolitan areas would decide every election and the small cities and rural areas would never get a say in who was elected President.

Sitting here in Nevada, I don't want California and New York to decide every election.

And I don't want alabama to decide every election.

One person, one vote.

First and foremost, we are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic governed by the Rule of Law. How hard is it for Left Wing Wackos to understand, that just a popular vote would deprive people in smaller states of having their votes count. It would take a Constitutional Convention to eliminate Electoral College. Can these idiots get any dumber?
First and foremost, we are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic governed by the Rule of Law. How hard is it for Left Wing Wackos to understand, that just a popular vote would deprive people in smaller states of having their votes count. It would take a Constitutional Convention to eliminate Electoral College. Can these idiots get any dumber?


we can't let people in BIG states deprive people of having their votes count.....

(your words)


How is their vote being deprived?

They voted, it was counted, they lost the popular vote.

So instead of a TERRIBLE EVIL SYSTEM where people in BIG states are depriving people in LITTLE states from having "their votes count" we have a WONDERFUL and FAIR system of having people in SMALL states deprive people in BIG states from having their votes count.

Using that logic should small subsets of the population get extra votes?

gays comprise only 5-10% of the population and will constantly be outvoted by non gays....

should gays get extra votes?

jews comprise only 5-10% of the population and will constantly be outvoted by christians...

should jews get extra votes? was one of the compromises the Founding Fathers made so that the smaller states would join the Union.

If the Presidency was decided by popular vote, the large metropolitan areas would decide every election and the small cities and rural areas would never get a say in who was elected President.

Sitting here in Nevada, I don't want California and New York to decide every election.

Smaller basketball players are regulary pushed around by BIGGER basketball players. The result? BIG players win every time!

fkn UNFAIR!!!!!

We can NOT let BIG players always beat SMALL players....

so we need to give smaller players some kind of breaking the kneecaps of bigger players?

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