The Economic Speech Obama Ought To Give


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
dream on...he'll be doubling down on his stupid visions and doesn't care if they are hurting us


Posted 07/23/2013 06:54 PM ET

Mea Culpa: The president is planning a major speech in Illinois Wednesday on economic policy. You don't need a crystal ball to predict what he'll say. But here's what he arguably should say.

My fellow Americans, eight years ago, I stood here on the steps of Knox College to deliver a commencement address, and I took the opportunity to lay out my vision for economic opportunity.

The speech was an indictment of President Bush's idea of a go-it-alone "ownership society." The key to America's greatness, I argued, came from government programs like Social Security, from government regulations, and from government spending. Collective action was the beating heart of the American experiment, I said.

Two and half years later, events seemed to prove me right. The economy stumbled into a deep and prolonged recession that claimed millions of jobs. Everyone, myself included, blamed Bush's deregulation and tax cuts for unleashing a wave of recklessness and greed.

Better still, as president, I had the unique opportunity to put all those ideas I'd espoused here into action — unfettered by the opposition party — since voters not only handed me the presidency, but huge majorities in the House and Senate.

In two years, we rushed through the biggest government stimulus program in the history of the country — nearly $1 trillion. We passed a comprehensive Wall Street reform bill. We enacted ObamaCare.

The stimulus alone, I said at the time, would unleash "a new wave of innovation, activity and construction ... ignite spending by businesses and consumers" and bring "real and lasting change for generations to come."

But now I realize I was wrong. About everything.

The recession wasn't caused by deregulation and tax cuts. Bush actually added regulations faster than any president before. And his tax cuts were starting to stimulate jobs and growth once they took full effect in 2003.

The mortgage meltdown wasn't the result of too little government, but too much. The government tried to boost homeownership by forcing banks to lower their lending standards. That, in turn, caused a massive housing bubble that eventually had to burst.

And my grand experiment in Keynesian economics turned out to be a monumental failure.

We ran deficits that topped $1 trillion for four years. We spent billions on roads. We expanded food stamps and unemployment. We tried "Cash for Clunkers" to goose car sales. We piled on subsidies to higher education. We raised taxes on the "rich."

all of it here
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Here's The Economic Speech Obama Ought To Give At Knox College -
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If the Stuttering Clusterfukk Of A Miserable Failure (SCOAMF) wants to really get the economy going, all he has to do is say two words,

"I Resign"

The speech he should give:

I saved your bacon..bitches.

Here's some doughnuts for your fat asses. Now get to work.
The president is planning a major speech in Illinois Wednesday on economic policy.

That's great! since if economic growth were fueled by Presidential Speeches on economic policy we'd be growing at 400% a year by now. Unfortunately President Obama and his crack staff of wizards couldn't find a rational economic policy with a GPS navigation system & a Sherpa Guide. The problem is that any economic policy that flows from the Oval Office will be based on the same warped hyper-Keynesian assumptions and spin math that have thus far only exacerbated our structural economic problems in favor of short term political gamesmanship.

If you want to know when the President is about to kick the economic can down the road with short-term bandaids one need only look at his "Economic Policy Speech Tour Schedule". It's time for President Obama to stop giving speeches about the economy, put his ideology on pause and actually start thinking outside the "bigger, more expensive government is always the best solution" box.
The president is planning a major speech in Illinois Wednesday on economic policy.

That's great! since if economic growth were fueled by Presidential Speeches on economic policy we'd be growing at 400% a year by now. Unfortunately President Obama and his crack staff of wizards couldn't find a rational economic policy with a GPS navigation system & a Sherpa Guide. The problem is that any economic policy that flows from the Oval Office will be based on the same warped hyper-Keynesian assumptions and spin math that have thus far only exacerbated our structural economic problems in favor of short term political gamesmanship.

If you want to know when the President is about to kick the economic can down the road with short-term bandaids one need only look at his "Economic Policy Speech Tour Schedule". It's time for President Obama to stop giving speeches about the economy, put his ideology on pause and actually start thinking outside the "bigger, more expensive government is always the best solution" box.
Well no..but thanks for playing.

The stimulus worked out fine, but more was needed. And it was after 2010 the "main street" economy slowed. QE added liquidity to the financial sector and it's breaking records.

But it's funny you guys continually are complaining about the "Main Street" economy yet are blocking real live jobs bills, taxes on offshoring, cabinet appointments...and are doing "important" work like trying to repeal ObamaCare for the 40th time, making abortion illegal and naming federal buildings.

Gotta love it.
The stimulus worked out fine, but more was needed.

Of course it did, the question is worked out fine for whom? the people that got a piece of the action or the people that are gonna have to foot the bill and live with the long term consequences.

Worked out fine for the teachers, police and firemen jobs it saved. Sure, alot of it wasn't used as intended, but as in the case of say, Bobby Jindal, who cut taxes and couldn't meet worked wonders.

And I'd rather have my tax dollars go to infrastructure and saving vital services than spending 300 billion on a super exotic jet fighter that never got made or 80 billion on a missile defense system that doesn't work.

Or 3 trillion to invade a country that did nothing to us.

But that's just me I guess.

The speech he should give:

I saved your bacon..bitches.

Here's some doughnuts for your fat asses. Now get to work.

I have half a days work done before most get out of bed


And fuckoff telling anyone else to get to work, especially those who already have a half days work done. You are the prime example of the hypocrite who spends all day on here ridiculing others for doing nothing.
The president is planning a major speech in Illinois Wednesday on economic policy.

That's great! since if economic growth were fueled by Presidential Speeches on economic policy we'd be growing at 400% a year by now. Unfortunately President Obama and his crack staff of wizards couldn't find a rational economic policy with a GPS navigation system & a Sherpa Guide. The problem is that any economic policy that flows from the Oval Office will be based on the same warped hyper-Keynesian assumptions and spin math that have thus far only exacerbated our structural economic problems in favor of short term political gamesmanship.

If you want to know when the President is about to kick the economic can down the road with short-term bandaids one need only look at his "Economic Policy Speech Tour Schedule". It's time for President Obama to stop giving speeches about the economy, put his ideology on pause and actually start thinking outside the "bigger, more expensive government is always the best solution" box.
Well no..but thanks for playing.

The stimulus worked out fine, but more was needed. And it was after 2010 the "main street" economy slowed. QE added liquidity to the financial sector and it's breaking records.

But it's funny you guys continually are complaining about the "Main Street" economy yet are blocking real live jobs bills, taxes on offshoring, cabinet appointments...and are doing "important" work like trying to repeal ObamaCare for the 40th time, making abortion illegal and naming federal buildings.

Gotta love it.

You're just too stupid for words....

There are two Million fewer Americans working today than when the Stuttering Clusterfukk took Office but there has been a POPULATION INCREASE of 8.8 Million.

Four Million more receiving SS Disability.

Food Stamp recipients have increased by 100% since this piece of shit took Office.

There are 600,000 (Six Hundred Thousand) FEWER Manufacturing Jobs.

He promised that the U3 would not exceed 8% if we gave him the Porkulus Package. It went to 10% at one point AFTER the Porkulus Package.

Over 10 Million more Americans are receiving Welfare now than when the Stuttering Clusterfukk too office.

Wipe the slobber from your chin now and get back to work sweeping the floor at the DMV.

leftists are too stupid to live
The stimulus worked out fine, but more was needed.

Of course it did, the question is worked out fine for whom? the people that got a piece of the action or the people that are gonna have to foot the bill and live with the long term consequences.

Worked out fine for the teachers, police and firemen jobs it saved. Sure, alot of it wasn't used as intended, but as in the case of say, Bobby Jindal, who cut taxes and couldn't meet worked wonders.

And I'd rather have my tax dollars go to infrastructure and saving vital services than spending 300 billion on a super exotic jet fighter that never got made or 80 billion on a missile defense system that doesn't work.

Or 3 trillion to invade a country that did nothing to us.

But that's just me I guess.

you mean infrastructure such as these?

I guess some sign maker made out from that 800 billion taken from the taxpayers
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The president is planning a major speech in Illinois Wednesday on economic policy.

That's great! since if economic growth were fueled by Presidential Speeches on economic policy we'd be growing at 400% a year by now. Unfortunately President Obama and his crack staff of wizards couldn't find a rational economic policy with a GPS navigation system & a Sherpa Guide. The problem is that any economic policy that flows from the Oval Office will be based on the same warped hyper-Keynesian assumptions and spin math that have thus far only exacerbated our structural economic problems in favor of short term political gamesmanship.

If you want to know when the President is about to kick the economic can down the road with short-term bandaids one need only look at his "Economic Policy Speech Tour Schedule". It's time for President Obama to stop giving speeches about the economy, put his ideology on pause and actually start thinking outside the "bigger, more expensive government is always the best solution" box.
Well no..but thanks for playing.

The stimulus worked out fine, but more was needed. And it was after 2010 the "main street" economy slowed. QE added liquidity to the financial sector and it's breaking records.

But it's funny you guys continually are complaining about the "Main Street" economy yet are blocking real live jobs bills, taxes on offshoring, cabinet appointments...and are doing "important" work like trying to repeal ObamaCare for the 40th time, making abortion illegal and naming federal buildings.

Gotta love it.



Thanks. I needed a good laugh this morning.
The stimulus worked out fine, but more was needed.

Of course it did, the question is worked out fine for whom? the people that got a piece of the action or the people that are gonna have to foot the bill and live with the long term consequences.

Worked out fine for the teachers, police and firemen jobs it saved.

In other words, it worked out fine for the people that got a piece of the action, I guess the rest of us just get to go pound sand as usual.

It's unfortunate that the best the geniuses in Washington could do was papering over the problem by printing & borrowing a mountain of money then shoveling it out the door to the special interests that managed to scream the loudest. If a paper over was the best they could come up with then a middle-class tax holiday would have made a lot more sense but of course that would have left the central planners without anything to do and the special interests without an extra trough to feed at.

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