The Echoes of Disinformation, here and all over the airwaves

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
"Immediately after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, all corners of the political spectrum repudiated the mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters. Yet within days, prominent Republicans, party officials, conservative media voices and rank-and-file voters began making a rhetorical shift to try to downplay the group’s violent actions.

"In one of the ultimate don’t-believe-your-eyes moments of the Trump era, these Republicans have retreated to the ranks of misinformation, claiming it was Black Lives Matter protesters and far-left groups like antifa who stormed the Capitol — in spite of the pro-Trump flags and QAnon symbology in the crowd. Others have argued that the attack was no worse than the rioting and looting in cities during the Black Lives Matter movement, often exaggerating the unrest last summer while minimizing a mob’s attempt to overturn an election."

The Republican Party's desperation to rewrite current events would be comical, if not for the fact that a large number of American's seek demagogues and charlatans to need to support their narrative. Democracy only survives when smart people have open minds and comprehend reality.

"Immediately after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, all corners of the political spectrum repudiated the mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters. Yet within days, prominent Republicans, party officials, conservative media voices and rank-and-file voters began making a rhetorical shift to try to downplay the group’s violent actions.

"In one of the ultimate don’t-believe-your-eyes moments of the Trump era, these Republicans have retreated to the ranks of misinformation, claiming it was Black Lives Matter protesters and far-left groups like antifa who stormed the Capitol — in spite of the pro-Trump flags and QAnon symbology in the crowd. Others have argued that the attack was no worse than the rioting and looting in cities during the Black Lives Matter movement, often exaggerating the unrest last summer while minimizing a mob’s attempt to overturn an election."

The Republican Party's desperation to rewrite current events would be comical, if not for the fact that a large number of American's seek demagogues and charlatans to need to support their narrative. Democracy only survives when smart people have open minds and comprehend reality.

Astead W. Herndon ? The queer that works for the NYT which is a major mouthpiece of the CFR?

Yeaaaaah, I should give pause for a liberal queer that works for a globalist pushing rag.

Nice try, dipshit.....
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"Immediately after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, all corners of the political spectrum repudiated the mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters. Yet within days, prominent Republicans, party officials, conservative media voices and rank-and-file voters began making a rhetorical shift to try to downplay the group’s violent actions.

"In one of the ultimate don’t-believe-your-eyes moments of the Trump era, these Republicans have retreated to the ranks of misinformation, claiming it was Black Lives Matter protesters and far-left groups like antifa who stormed the Capitol — in spite of the pro-Trump flags and QAnon symbology in the crowd. Others have argued that the attack was no worse than the rioting and looting in cities during the Black Lives Matter movement, often exaggerating the unrest last summer while minimizing a mob’s attempt to overturn an election."

The Republican Party's desperation to rewrite current events would be comical, if not for the fact that a large number of American's seek demagogues and charlatans to need to support their narrative. Democracy only survives when smart people have open minds and comprehend reality.

Astead W. Herndon ? The queer that works for the NYT which is a major mouthpiece of the CFR?

Yeaaaaah, I should give pause for a liberal queer that works for a globalist pushing rag.

Nice try, dipshit.....
What did he say that wasn't true? I read it every hour here. It's just a statement of fact.
Immediately after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, all corners of the political spectrum repudiated the mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters.

That's a lie of course. By "all corners of the political spectrum," they simply mean everyone whose viewpoint was posted to the popular MSM to paint an early picture of Trump's association and guilt with the incident.

The truth is the riot was preplanned well in advance, started before Trump even began his rally and included factions from many camps who spun the whole thing up to give Pelosi her much-needed excuse to impeach Trump a 2nd time.

Only now as more information filters in, we are finding out the whole thing was at best another political stunt by the Left to at worst, a repudiation of the fraudulent election that tens of millions are angry over that the Democrats hope to just keep trying to sweep under the rug by keeping Trump on the front page instead as an errant domestic terrorist rogue president in exile.
Immediately after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, all corners of the political spectrum repudiated the mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters.

That's a lie of course. By "all corners of the political spectrum," they simply mean everyone whose viewpoint was posted to the popular MSM to paint an early picture of Trump's association and guilt with the incident.

The truth is the riot was preplanned well in advance, started before Trump even began his rally and included factions from many camps who spun the whole thing up to give Pelosi her much-needed excuse to impeach Trump a 2nd time.

Only now as more information filters in, we are finding out the whole thing was at best another political stunt by the Left to at worst, a repudiation of the fraudulent election that tens of millions are angry over that the Democrats hope to just keep trying to sweep under the rug by keeping Trump on the front page instead as an errant domestic terrorist rogue president in exile.
Immediately after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, all corners of the political spectrum repudiated the mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters.

That's a lie of course. By "all corners of the political spectrum," they simply mean everyone whose viewpoint was posted to the popular MSM to paint an early picture of Trump's association and guilt with the incident.

The truth is the riot was preplanned well in advance, started before Trump even began his rally and included factions from many camps who spun the whole thing up to give Pelosi her much-needed excuse to impeach Trump a 2nd time.

Only now as more information filters in, we are finding out the whole thing was at best another political stunt by the Left to at worst, a repudiation of the fraudulent election that tens of millions are angry over that the Democrats hope to just keep trying to sweep under the rug by keeping Trump on the front page instead as an errant domestic terrorist rogue president in exile.

"Immediately after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, all corners of the political spectrum repudiated the mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters. Yet within days, prominent Republicans, party officials, conservative media voices and rank-and-file voters began making a rhetorical shift to try to downplay the group’s violent actions.

"In one of the ultimate don’t-believe-your-eyes moments of the Trump era, these Republicans have retreated to the ranks of misinformation, claiming it was Black Lives Matter protesters and far-left groups like antifa who stormed the Capitol — in spite of the pro-Trump flags and QAnon symbology in the crowd. Others have argued that the attack was no worse than the rioting and looting in cities during the Black Lives Matter movement, often exaggerating the unrest last summer while minimizing a mob’s attempt to overturn an election."

The Republican Party's desperation to rewrite current events would be comical, if not for the fact that a large number of American's seek demagogues and charlatans to need to support their narrative. Democracy only survives when smart people have open minds and comprehend reality.

The attempts at spin and deflection are not at all surprising. You saw them here, right away, before the bodies were cold.

These Qanon Talk Radio Trumpsters have crossed the line into domestic terrorism now, and the party has a huge mess to deal with.

That's what happens when you sell your soul. Tough shit for them.
According to the standards set by the dems and their media allies it was a peacful protest. What's the big deal ?
Compared to a bed wetting liberal "protest" it was a kindergarten tea party and half the guests were stuffed animals. Except for that one antifa kid who started strangling cats in the 3rd grade.


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