The Doom Coffin(?)! Bannon-Miller Support For Terrorist Cells Is "Go It Alone" Again!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Famous cartoon character, "Super-Chicken," understood about "Super-Sauce." Presidential aide Steven Bannon appears to know about being sauced himself, often unable to remember things(?)! From the New Yorker:
"Outrage is evidently what Bannon intended to produce. A former Goldman Sachs investment banker and Hollywood producer who remade himself as a leading figure in the alt-right, he enjoys playing the role of provocateur and bomb thrower. At a cocktail party in November, 2013, he described himself as “Leninist” to the writer and historian Ronald Radosh. In a piece at the Daily Beast, Radosh recalled that Bannon had said to him, “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” (Bannon subsequently told Radosh that he didn’t recall the conversation.)"
Moses of Egypt famously attributed arithmetic outcomes to a deity instead. Moses was an educated subjugator of the Imperial House of Egypt. He famously harbored the peculiar fetish of wandering off alone, then bringing back "Great" things, alleged from a deity. Even conversations were alleged(?). One outcome is that Israel was prohibited from the benefits of usury. An example is Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Israel was allowed to charge usury, and profit from everyone else. Many find that the basis for the eventual Holocaust.

The Trump Administration does not so far seem to want to acknowledge that anything happened, at all.

Benefits do accrue from arithmetic applied in economies. Some do profit. They can become creative. Some may in fact have invented all the cocktails(?)! Likely a Greek story made it in to New Testament, centuries later, in Matthew 25:14-30. Using math, (usury), some servants got more, and the least able got cast out into some nature of "foreclosure." The Square Root of Five Squared, plus the Square Root of Five Squared, is about seven--1000 years before the use of the decimal point in Western Civilization Unlike the Moses Atrocities, the New Testament people famously walked among the others, and sought out even others.

Supposing the New White House had walked among the others, and sought out even others: Then a Conditional Moratorium could have been put into the Executive Order format. Recently approved visas could be asked for destination contact information--additional clarification--for conditional entry. That might have created a basis for finding terrorist cells already in the USA, awaiting new recruits.

"Go It Alone" had famously been the Hallmark of the George Bush Terms I & II, kind of way to run the government. It doesn't even work well in the Trump Administration. Government is not a business. A well-run government is political, tending to support from entire factions: The idea being to create a consensus for agenda going forward. Profit is not so much the motive as the outcome, widespread.

That outcome the Trump Administration: Clearly does not intend!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Addressing the Final Solution to the Presbyterian Question: "Just where is all this money going to come from?")
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