The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.
Not to mention they simply wanted to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY. They HATE Christians and the Bible, so they wanted to SHIT ON THEM by FORCING them to accept their DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, SEX LIFE.
Absolute bullshit just because something is "traditional doesn't make it fair or right .

"007" appears to be a rabble-rouser of the worst kind ... but what ends does the pretender hope to accomplish through his/her feigned hysteria and jocular provocations?
007 and his gang of drooling homophobes
are a sideshow .
God rebuked the old covenants because they were and still are obsolete and oppressive. The Bible says, if we follow the teachings of Jesus, then the old covenants will fade away. Jesus didn't write the Book of Matthew. You took the hearsay account of Jesus's sermon, selected something out of context to make it appear to say something in support of your theory of God's word, and posted an intellectually dishonest message. Context matters. Does that plank in your eye hurt much? But continue to spread falsehoods in God's name, Sunni Man, if that's what you choose to do. You don't answer to me.
The verses I quoted were the words attributed to Jesus. (red lettered in most Bibles) and were totally in context to the subject.

The verses you posted were just mens thoughts on the issue.

Once again, big difference........ :cool:
True but so are all "religious"writings.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.
Not to mention they simply wanted to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY. They HATE Christians and the Bible, so they wanted to SHIT ON THEM by FORCING them to accept their DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, SEX LIFE.
Absolute bullshit just because something is "traditional doesn't make it fair or right .

The fact that it's fair and right is what makes it fair and right.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.
Not to mention they simply wanted to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY. They HATE Christians and the Bible, so they wanted to SHIT ON THEM by FORCING them to accept their DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, SEX LIFE.
Absolute bullshit just because something is "traditional doesn't make it fair or right .

The fact that it's fair and right is what makes it fair and right.
Absolute bullshit.
Based on a bigoted false premise.
It's no suprise you"think "it is.
The"tradition"as it was served your repressed sexual urges.
According to the Bible, the old law was rebuked by God himself as outdated and oppressive. Why would God supposedly send his own son to preach the very thing that he had rebuked?
Neither God nor Jesus rebuked the teachings of the Torah. ..... :cool:

Why would they? After all, there are no old or obsolete and oppressive covenants in that book. :rolleyes:
God rebuked the old covenants because they were and still are obsolete and oppressive. The Bible says, if we follow the teachings of Jesus, then the old covenants will fade away. Jesus didn't write the Book of Matthew. You took the hearsay account of Jesus's sermon, selected something out of context to make it appear to say something in support of your theory of God's word, and posted an intellectually dishonest message. Context matters. Does that plank in your eye hurt much? But continue to spread falsehoods in God's name, Sunni Man, if that's what you choose to do. You don't answer to me.
The verses I quoted were the words attributed to Jesus. (red lettered in most Bibles) and were totally in context to the subject.

The verses you posted were just mens thoughts on the issue.

Once again, big difference........ :cool:

Red-lettered, you say? Well then, that makes all the difference in the world ... or not.

I'm not fooled by your disingenuous argument, but then again, I'm not your audience. I'll just browse through this little passage in Corinthians 11:

13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.
Looks like I will have to school you about the Bible.

In many Bibles the verses which are printed in red letters are attributed to word that Jesus spoke.

Now you know.......and you're welcome. ...... :cool:
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.
Not to mention they simply wanted to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY. They HATE Christians and the Bible, so they wanted to SHIT ON THEM by FORCING them to accept their DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, SEX LIFE.
Absolute bullshit just because something is "traditional doesn't make it fair or right .

The fact that it's fair and right is what makes it fair and right.
Absolute bullshit.
Based on a bigoted false premise.
It's no suprise you"think "it is.
The"tradition"as it was served your repressed sexual urges.

I have no idea what that is intended to mean. As it's written it's pure gibberish.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.
Not to mention they simply wanted to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY. They HATE Christians and the Bible, so they wanted to SHIT ON THEM by FORCING them to accept their DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, SEX LIFE.
Absolute bullshit just because something is "traditional doesn't make it fair or right .

The fact that it's fair and right is what makes it fair and right.
Absolute bullshit.
Based on a bigoted false premise.
It's no suprise you"think "it is.
The"tradition"as it was served your repressed sexual urges.

I have no idea what that is intended to mean. As it's written it's pure gibberish.
No kidding... kinda reads like...

... gurgle, derp... blurp... derp... you wanna suck dick.

they always throw in that sexual innuendo that someone is a homo, when they are in full support of the fags, and oblivious to their own moronic irony.

Most liberals are very stupid people, Gruber stupid, and the fags are mentally ill. Don't expect too much from them, pard.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.

Most gay couples aren t monogamous Will straight couples go monogamish

The dirty little secret about gay marriage: Most gay couples are not monogamous. We have come to accept lately, partly thanks to Liza Mundy’s excellent recent cover story in the Atlantic and partly because we desperately need something to make the drooping institution of heterosexual marriage seem vibrant again, that gay marriage has something to teach us, that gay couples provide a model for marriages that are more egalitarian and less burdened by the old gender roles that are weighing marriage down these days.

But the thorny part of the gay marriage experiment is sex, and more precisely, monogamous sex. Mundy writes about an old study from the '80s that found that gay couples were extremely likely to have had sex outside their relationship—82 percent did. That was before AIDS and the great matrimony craze in the gay community. She also tells the story of Dan Savage, who started out wanting to be monogamous until he and his partner had kids, and then they loosened up on that in order to make their union last. “Monogamish” is what he calls his new model. But as Mundy asks, can anyone out there imagine a husband proposing that same deal to his pregnant wife?

A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm:

"The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing."
Heterosexuals claim marriage is between a man and a woman (note the word "a") yet many have affairs. If heterosexuals cannot hold true to vows, they should not be allowed to marry. Just saying! That shoe fits on both feet.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.

Most gay couples aren t monogamous Will straight couples go monogamish

The dirty little secret about gay marriage: Most gay couples are not monogamous. We have come to accept lately, partly thanks to Liza Mundy’s excellent recent cover story in the Atlantic and partly because we desperately need something to make the drooping institution of heterosexual marriage seem vibrant again, that gay marriage has something to teach us, that gay couples provide a model for marriages that are more egalitarian and less burdened by the old gender roles that are weighing marriage down these days.

But the thorny part of the gay marriage experiment is sex, and more precisely, monogamous sex. Mundy writes about an old study from the '80s that found that gay couples were extremely likely to have had sex outside their relationship—82 percent did. That was before AIDS and the great matrimony craze in the gay community. She also tells the story of Dan Savage, who started out wanting to be monogamous until he and his partner had kids, and then they loosened up on that in order to make their union last. “Monogamish” is what he calls his new model. But as Mundy asks, can anyone out there imagine a husband proposing that same deal to his pregnant wife?

A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm:

"The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing."
Heterosexuals claim marriage is between a man and a woman (note the word "a") yet many have affairs. If heterosexuals cannot hold true to vows, they should not be allowed to marry. Just saying! That shoe fits on both feet.

So if a group of people don't behave absolutely perfectly, then just throw out all the laws they rely on? When are we going to legalize murder and armed robbery?
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.
Not to mention they simply wanted to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY. They HATE Christians and the Bible, so they wanted to SHIT ON THEM by FORCING them to accept their DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, SEX LIFE.
Absolute bullshit just because something is "traditional doesn't make it fair or right .

The fact that it's fair and right is what makes it fair and right.
Absolute bullshit.
Based on a bigoted false premise.
It's no suprise you"think "it is.
The"tradition"as it was served your repressed sexual urges.

I have no idea what that is intended to mean. As it's written it's pure gibberish.
it's perfectly clear but like with everything else your bigotry blinds you.
Not to mention they simply wanted to BASTARDIZE TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY. They HATE Christians and the Bible, so they wanted to SHIT ON THEM by FORCING them to accept their DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, SEX LIFE.
Absolute bullshit just because something is "traditional doesn't make it fair or right .

The fact that it's fair and right is what makes it fair and right.
Absolute bullshit.
Based on a bigoted false premise.
It's no suprise you"think "it is.
The"tradition"as it was served your repressed sexual urges.

I have no idea what that is intended to mean. As it's written it's pure gibberish.
No kidding... kinda reads like...

... gurgle, derp... blurp... derp... you wanna suck dick.

they always throw in that sexual innuendo that someone is a homo, when they are in full support of the fags, and oblivious to their own moronic irony.

Most liberals are very stupid people, Gruber stupid, and the fags are mentally ill. Don't expect too much from them, pard.
The only innuendo or suggestion of sucking dick is yours.
What's really telling is you clowns are more facinated with gay sex then gays are.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.

Most gay couples aren t monogamous Will straight couples go monogamish

The dirty little secret about gay marriage: Most gay couples are not monogamous. We have come to accept lately, partly thanks to Liza Mundy’s excellent recent cover story in the Atlantic and partly because we desperately need something to make the drooping institution of heterosexual marriage seem vibrant again, that gay marriage has something to teach us, that gay couples provide a model for marriages that are more egalitarian and less burdened by the old gender roles that are weighing marriage down these days.

But the thorny part of the gay marriage experiment is sex, and more precisely, monogamous sex. Mundy writes about an old study from the '80s that found that gay couples were extremely likely to have had sex outside their relationship—82 percent did. That was before AIDS and the great matrimony craze in the gay community. She also tells the story of Dan Savage, who started out wanting to be monogamous until he and his partner had kids, and then they loosened up on that in order to make their union last. “Monogamish” is what he calls his new model. But as Mundy asks, can anyone out there imagine a husband proposing that same deal to his pregnant wife?

A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm:

"The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing."
Heterosexuals claim marriage is between a man and a woman (note the word "a") yet many have affairs. If heterosexuals cannot hold true to vows, they should not be allowed to marry. Just saying! That shoe fits on both feet.

So if a group of people don't behave absolutely perfectly, then just throw out all the laws they rely on? When are we going to legalize murder and armed robbery?
Oddly you expect homosexuals to behave ln a manner that you deem to be perfect.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.

Most gay couples aren t monogamous Will straight couples go monogamish

The dirty little secret about gay marriage: Most gay couples are not monogamous. We have come to accept lately, partly thanks to Liza Mundy’s excellent recent cover story in the Atlantic and partly because we desperately need something to make the drooping institution of heterosexual marriage seem vibrant again, that gay marriage has something to teach us, that gay couples provide a model for marriages that are more egalitarian and less burdened by the old gender roles that are weighing marriage down these days.

But the thorny part of the gay marriage experiment is sex, and more precisely, monogamous sex. Mundy writes about an old study from the '80s that found that gay couples were extremely likely to have had sex outside their relationship—82 percent did. That was before AIDS and the great matrimony craze in the gay community. She also tells the story of Dan Savage, who started out wanting to be monogamous until he and his partner had kids, and then they loosened up on that in order to make their union last. “Monogamish” is what he calls his new model. But as Mundy asks, can anyone out there imagine a husband proposing that same deal to his pregnant wife?

A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm:

"The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing."
Heterosexuals claim marriage is between a man and a woman (note the word "a") yet many have affairs. If heterosexuals cannot hold true to vows, they should not be allowed to marry. Just saying! That shoe fits on both feet.

So if a group of people don't behave absolutely perfectly, then just throw out all the laws they rely on? When are we going to legalize murder and armed robbery?
Oddly you expect homosexuals to behave ln a manner that you deem to be perfect.

Nope. They can do whatever they like within the law. What I don't agree with is them getting government benefits just because they're shacking up with a fuck buddy. I also don't agree with forcing businesses to cater to their lifestyle.
The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.

Most gay couples aren t monogamous Will straight couples go monogamish

The dirty little secret about gay marriage: Most gay couples are not monogamous. We have come to accept lately, partly thanks to Liza Mundy’s excellent recent cover story in the Atlantic and partly because we desperately need something to make the drooping institution of heterosexual marriage seem vibrant again, that gay marriage has something to teach us, that gay couples provide a model for marriages that are more egalitarian and less burdened by the old gender roles that are weighing marriage down these days.

But the thorny part of the gay marriage experiment is sex, and more precisely, monogamous sex. Mundy writes about an old study from the '80s that found that gay couples were extremely likely to have had sex outside their relationship—82 percent did. That was before AIDS and the great matrimony craze in the gay community. She also tells the story of Dan Savage, who started out wanting to be monogamous until he and his partner had kids, and then they loosened up on that in order to make their union last. “Monogamish” is what he calls his new model. But as Mundy asks, can anyone out there imagine a husband proposing that same deal to his pregnant wife?

A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm:

"The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing."
Heterosexuals claim marriage is between a man and a woman (note the word "a") yet many have affairs. If heterosexuals cannot hold true to vows, they should not be allowed to marry. Just saying! That shoe fits on both feet.

So if a group of people don't behave absolutely perfectly, then just throw out all the laws they rely on? When are we going to legalize murder and armed robbery?
Oddly you expect homosexuals to behave ln a manner that you deem to be perfect.

Nope. They can do whatever they like within the law. What I don't agree with is them getting government benefits just because they're shacking up with a fuck buddy. I also don't agree with forcing businesses to cater to their lifestyle.

Your bigotry and ignorance is truly astounding!

I am a heterosexual male of a certain age, who has had the joy and privilege of being married to a wonderful woman for many years. I am also an unabashed and unapologetic liberal who also considers myself to be a patriot, much to the chagrin of conservatives. While conservatives believe that patriotism requires them to cling to tradition to the point of stagnation, my patriotism compels me to promote progress. While the conservative view of patriotism dictates that we must pretend that all is well in America, save for a national debt and too many undocumented immigrants, my patriotism calls for a recognition that, while we have the potential to truly be the greatest nation on earth, there is much to be done before we get there. And of all the matters that need attention, the area that I am most concerned about is equality, and that includes marriage equality. This cannot be truly great nation until it is a great nation for all of her people.

Much of the debate over same sex marriage centers on abstract concepts such as the nature, meaning, tradition and purpose of marriage while ignoring the simple truth that it comes down to equal protection under the law. Those same questions keep being asked and answered as a means of obfuscating and avoiding the real issue. Other questions include “what do gays contribute to society, what justify given them rights? These questions clearly allude to the issue of parenting and sexual practices as though gay people do not have children and that straight people do not at times have sex the same way that gay people do. There is also much bloviating about the slippery slope to polygamy, pedophilia and every other alternative sexual/ relationship lifestyle imaginable and all are logical fallacies.

And what is the real issue? It is the fact that these are real people who you moralizing about and passing judgment on. People who are contributing members of the community. People who have jobs and families and yes, children. They pay their bills and taxes, and like everyone else, sometimes struggle to do so. In short, they are people who are more like, than unlike heterosexuals. They are people who want nothing more than the same rights that those heterosexual people take for granted. They are people who should not have to justify the reason for having rights, and in fact, under our system of law and government do not have to do so. The burden of proof for denying those rights is on the government. Yet, those who oppose marriage equality continue to be so averse to the changing cultural landscape that they are unable to see these simple truth.

It comes down to this. There is no rational basis, no logical argument for denying gays full equality in all areas of life. The evidence is clear that to deny them marriage equality inflicts harm on gays, while allowing marriage harms no one. When a right that most people take for granted is denied to other, similarly situated people in an arbitrary fashion, those who will deny that right are burdened with the need to demonstrate why it is appropriate and necessary to do so. No one has been able to do that to my satisfaction, and the courts are rejecting the arguments against equality with increasing frequency.

Yes, marriage equality does in fact mean a great deal to me, because my country means a lot to me and I want to see it firmly grounded in the 21st century and a place where there is true freedom and social justice for all. Dr. Martin Luther King famously said “No one is free until we are all free”
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The queers claimed the wanted to legalize gay marriage so they could participate in a committed relationship. The truth is they only wanted the government benefits and a veneer of respectability that their relationships don't merit.

Most gay couples aren t monogamous Will straight couples go monogamish

The dirty little secret about gay marriage: Most gay couples are not monogamous. We have come to accept lately, partly thanks to Liza Mundy’s excellent recent cover story in the Atlantic and partly because we desperately need something to make the drooping institution of heterosexual marriage seem vibrant again, that gay marriage has something to teach us, that gay couples provide a model for marriages that are more egalitarian and less burdened by the old gender roles that are weighing marriage down these days.

But the thorny part of the gay marriage experiment is sex, and more precisely, monogamous sex. Mundy writes about an old study from the '80s that found that gay couples were extremely likely to have had sex outside their relationship—82 percent did. That was before AIDS and the great matrimony craze in the gay community. She also tells the story of Dan Savage, who started out wanting to be monogamous until he and his partner had kids, and then they loosened up on that in order to make their union last. “Monogamish” is what he calls his new model. But as Mundy asks, can anyone out there imagine a husband proposing that same deal to his pregnant wife?

A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm:

"The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing."
Heterosexuals claim marriage is between a man and a woman (note the word "a") yet many have affairs. If heterosexuals cannot hold true to vows, they should not be allowed to marry. Just saying! That shoe fits on both feet.

So if a group of people don't behave absolutely perfectly, then just throw out all the laws they rely on? When are we going to legalize murder and armed robbery?
Oddly you expect homosexuals to behave ln a manner that you deem to be perfect.

Nope. They can do whatever they like within the law. What I don't agree with is them getting government benefits just because they're shacking up with a fuck buddy. I also don't agree with forcing businesses to cater to their lifestyle.

Your ignorance and bigotry is astounding part 2

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, people who they love, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.
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