Zone1 The difference between race bigotry and race realism


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
The words "racism" and "racist" are used for opinions anti racists dislike. Consequently, we should distinguish between race bigotry and race realism.

Race bigotry is disliking people of other races simply because they are of other races. A white race bigot is equally hostile toward Negroes and Orientals, even though Orientals tend to be more intelligent, obedient to the law, and monogamous than whites, especially white Gentiles. (By "Oriental" I mean China and nations that learned civilization from China, especially Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.)

Race realism consists of the following beliefs. Those that cannot be proved now will be testable when more is learned about human genetics and human evolution.

Race is an important biological classification of humans. A person's race, or race mixture, can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis.

The different races differ significantly in average characteristics important to the creation and maintenance of successful societies and civilizations. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. These differences are the result of evolving in response to different population pressures lasting for thousands of years. Obedience to the law and monogamy are more flexible than intelligence. Nevertheless, at any time, in any population, members of some races will tend to be more law abiding and monogamous than members of other races.
Charles Murray wasn't wrong.
Swallow Your Pride and You Will Choke Your Talent

Except about the "Cognitive Elite." Our class-biased indentured servitude college "education" is an insult to intelligence. Those who put up with it become nerdy pushovers; it's designed by the Scrooges who freeload off them to do exactly that. It creates droids who don't have an original idea left in their shrink-wrapped minds.
Whites commit about 60 percent of all violent crime as well as more than 60 percent of property crime.

Overall crime is committed by just over 2 percent of the population. The percent of the american population that is black who commit crime equals 0.6 percent and the percentage of the American population that is white who commit crimes is 1.09.

This is just another dumb white supremacist thread.
Whites commit about 60 percent of all violent crime as well as more than 60 percent of property crime.

Overall crime is committed by just over 2 percent of the population. The percent of the american population that is black who commit crime equals 0.6 percent and the percentage of the American population that is white who commit crimes is 1.09.

This is just another dumb white supremacist thread.
National Library of Medicine

We estimate that 3 % of the total U.S. adult population and 15 % of the African American adult male population has ever been to prison; people with felony convictions account for 8 % of all adults and 33 % of the African American adult male population.

The words "racism" and "racist" are used for opinions anti racists dislike. Consequently, we should distinguish between race bigotry and race realism.

Race bigotry is disliking people of other races simply because they are of other races. A white race bigot is equally hostile toward Negroes and Orientals, even though Orientals tend to be more intelligent, obedient to the law, and monogamous than whites, especially white Gentiles. (By "Oriental" I mean China and nations that learned civilization from China, especially Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.)

Race realism consists of the following beliefs. Those that cannot be proved now will be testable when more is learned about human genetics and human evolution.

Race is an important biological classification of humans. A person's race, or race mixture, can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis.

The different races differ significantly in average characteristics important to the creation and maintenance of successful societies and civilizations. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. These differences are the result of evolving in response to different population pressures lasting for thousands of years. Obedience to the law and monogamy are more flexible than intelligence. Nevertheless, at any time, in any population, members of some races will tend to be more law abiding and monogamous than members of other races.
Were the White slavemasters monogamous? If so, where did all those little mulatto babies come from? :confused-84:
  • Fact
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National Library of Medicine

We estimate that 3 % of the total U.S. adult population and 15 % of the African American adult male population has ever been to prison; people with felony convictions account for 8 % of all adults and 33 % of the African American adult male population.

Because the criminal justice system is Racist.
  • Fact
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Black History: Masters Did This Unspeakable With Black Women Slaves During Slavery

The Untold Abuse Of Black Male Slaves By White Women

Racial realism.


Black History: Masters Did This Unspeakable With Black Women Slaves During Slavery

The Untold Abuse Of Black Male Slaves By White Women

Racial realism.

What happened to Negroes in the past does not explain, and it certainly does not excuse, their average performance and behavior now.

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