The difference between Bush's 5th year 41% approval and Obama's 5th year 41%


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In 2005 Dec 16-18 the end of Bush's 5th year
Bush approval 41%

Bush disapproval 56%

no opinion 3%
Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush | Gallup Historical Trends

In 2013 Dec 2-8 the end of Obama's 5th year
Obama's approval 41%

Obama's Disapprove 51%

no opinion 9%
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama | Gallup Historical Data & Trends

What is the MAJOR difference between the 41% approval of Bush and the 41% approval of Obama??

In spite of the differences in the ATTITUDE, BIAS from the MSM as exemplified by these actual quotes that tear down Bush and deify Obama,
there is no difference , i.e. 41% approval:

"MSM job is to Bash the President"...
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

MSM Job to Bash the President..."
But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

And then to further prove MSM has NOT bashed Obama as they did Bush...

1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
An average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to GOP candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
An average Democrat contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

The conclusion is that IN SPITE of a supportive, biased, NON-Presidential bashing MSM..
OBAMA is still tied with Bush at 41% approval even though the MSM ADMITS when Bush was president BASHING the President was their job!!!

Now more frightening to all YOU OBAMA supporters...

What would Obama's disapproval ratings be if the MSM WAS NOT supportive??
70% disapproval?? 80% disapproval??
Again remember when you have 85% of the news distribution groups ABC,CBS,NBC contribute Obama/Democrats... REALLY.. would you expect
them to "BASH" Obama??

But if they did nothing but do simple REPORTING of the TRUTH... HOW BAD would Obama's approval ratings SINK???
Bush could not recover.

Obonzo might recover. If Obonzocare care premiums drop about 45% nationally, the deductibles drop about $5000 per individual and family deductibles drop about $10,000 dollars....oh, and if Obonzo stops lying every other word he could recover.

Of course, monkeys could start to fly out of his ass as well. :lol:
What is considered TOO low?

And what happens at that point?

What if Obama reached 100% dissatisfaction?

Would he spontaneously combust or impeach and evacuate the office?
Bush could not recover.

Neither will Obama, and it will get worse once the rubes FNALLY get it through their monkey skulls that they were sold down the river by media manipulation.

Methinks the fallout has only just scratched the surface.
Bush could not recover.

Neither will Obama, and it will get worse once the rubes FNALLY get it through their monkey skulls that they were sold down the river by media manipulation.

Methinks the fallout has only just scratched the surface.

Methinks you are the classic target of reactionary media manipulation.

Time will tell re: Obama. You, time has stopped.
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Bush could not recover.

Neither will Obama, and it will get worse once the rubes FNALLY get it through their monkey skulls that they were sold down the river by media manipulation.

Methinks the fallout has only just scratched the surface.

Methinks you are the classic target of reactionary media manipulation.

Time will tell re: Obama. You, time has stopped.

Bozo, even stupid people will eventually see enough truth to wake up, once the fortress of obfuscation has been breeched.

Sorry, you will miss the boat. Morning Joe is calling.
Bush could not recover.

NONE of the MSM is tearing Obama down as they did with Bush!
YET Obama's ineptitude is coming through IN spite of the factual protectiveness the MSM provides Obama!

Come on tell me you aren't happy the MSM isn't going after Obama for:
Benghazi.. for "if you like you plan", IRS targeting Tea Parties thus disallowing their tax status BEFORE the 2012 elections, and the biggest
phony lie there have never been 46 million uninsured an out right lie when considering 10 million are not legal citizens, 14 million ARE were already eligible under Medicaid and 18 million under 34 making over $50K never want or need health insurance!
YET this bogus lie has NEVER been picked up by the MSM! NOT one MSM has proven those numbers are wrong!

So you tell me with all that baggage that if BUSH had to contend with WHAT would the MSM be doing today???

BASHING BUSH!!! What are they doing with Obama today???
Which proves how out of touch the MSM and you Obama supporters are with the rest of Americans!!
What is considered TOO low?

And what happens at that point?

What if Obama reached 100% dissatisfaction?

Would he spontaneously combust or impeach and evacuate the office?

The point of the thread is without MSM support what would Obama's disapproval be?
And in case you can't extrapolate.. (big word I know.. but use the internet look it up)... this will translate into the Senate going GOP.
When it does look at the following time frame that happened 40 years ago...

May 18, 1973: The Senate Watergate committee begins its nationally televised hearings.
Attorney General-designate Elliot Richardson taps former solicitor general Archibald Cox as the Justice Department’s special prosecutor for Watergate.

June 3, 1973: John Dean has told Watergate investigators that he discussed the Watergate cover-up with President Nixon at least 35 times,

July 13, 1973: Alexander Butterfield, former presidential appointments secretary, reveals in congressional testimony that since 1971 Nixon had recorded all conversations and telephone calls
July 18, 1973: Nixon reportedly orders the White House taping system disconnected.
July 23, 1973: Nixon refuses to turn over the presidential tape recordings to the Senate Watergate committee or the special prosecutor.
October 20, 1973: Saturday Night Massacre: Nixon fires Archibald Cox and abolishes the office of the special prosecutor. Attorney General Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus resign. Pressure for impeachment mounts in Congress.

November 17, 1973: Nixon declares, “I’m not a crook,” maintaining his innocence in the Watergate case.

December 7, 1973: The White House can’t explain an 18 1/2 -minute gap in one of the subpoenaed tapes.

April 30, 1974: The White House releases more than 1,200 pages of edited transcripts of the Nixon tapes to the House Judiciary Committee, but the committee insists that the tapes themselves must be turned over.

July 24, 1974: The Supreme Court rules unanimously that Nixon must turn over the tape recordings of 64 White House conversations, rejecting the president’s claims of executive privilege.

July 27, 1974: House Judiciary Committee passes the first of three articles of impeachment, charging obstruction of justice.

August 8, 1974: Richard Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to resign. Vice President Gerald R. Ford assumes the country’s highest office.

Watergate: Brief Timeline Of Events

See any similarities in the time frames?? 40 years ago ..
This just in:

All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways.

The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind.

The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

Remember that when reading your favorite piss rag. The watchdog is rabid.
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This just in:

All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways.

The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind.

The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

Remember that when reading your favorite piss rag. The watchdog is rabid.

"If it bleeds it leads"... aware of that quote?
"In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts, and in living color, you are going to see another first — attempted suicide."
— Christine Chubbuck, July 15, 1974, right before committing suicide on live TV

As I've linked.. with 85% of ABC,CBS,NBC execs, news people donating to Democrats WHY would they let journalistic integrity get in the way?

A personal note. I was a journalism student in the 60s at a Big Ten school at the height of the SDS/Weathermen. Some of my fellow journalism class mates
were ACTIVE members of the "Get the man" meme! Well today as Evan Thomas has testified:
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.
There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -most of the people who work at Newsweek live on the upper West Side in New York and they have a liberal bias"...Editor Newsweek Evan Thomas

Those editors,producers some like my 60s journalism classmates are now writing the headlines, the news stories... all with a definite biased "get the man"
"capitalism is evil" "GOP" eat children, "Che is the man"... attitude. Residual SDS/Weathermen... in these positions to influence (or not influence..i.e. Obama gaffes?
And so we see TODAY's MSM response to Obama's declining popularity... $Screen Shot 2013-12-11 at 4.18.36 PM.jpg

Obama Administration: Most Incompetent in US History
Waaa Waaa Waaa, all the radical right can do is piss and complain. Look at the GOP's approval numbers, they are the lowest in history.
Waaa Waaa Waaa, all the radical right can do is piss and complain. Look at the GOP's approval numbers, they are the lowest in history.

Again... point went WAY WAY OVER YOUR HEAD DIDN"T IT?????

If the MSM weren't protecting Obama by NOT treating Obama as they treated Bush... THINK where Obama's disapproval rating would be?
More importantly... NOT ONE of the MSM has raised this point... that is VERY telling when you really get analytical about Obama's plunging polls!

It is a very very strong portent to the DONORS to political parties to see now how bad the 2014 Senate Democrats beating will be!
It is projected nearly 21 Democrat Democrats seats at risk, to just 14 for the GOP.
Why 2014 Is Do-or-Die For the GOP -

And that is the point of this thread... WHERE WOULD Democrats/Obama popularity be if the MSM BASHED Obama as they BASHED Bush???

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