The Details of the Election Conspiracy


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
( I request that a moderator convert the title of this thread to humble minuscules.)

(... and I thank the moderator for doing so. My apologies.)

... have never been presented by those who fantasize about them, not by Trump's insurrectionist goons, not by his propagandistic media outlets, not by his sycophantic enabling toadies.

Should not the specifics of such a vast, inclusive conspiracy that encompasses Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, other Republican election officials, Republican judges, etc., etc. etc. be explained?

How, exactly, did enough sovereign states conspire to deliver 306 certified electoral votes to Joseph R. Biden, Jr.? Did they coordinate their nefarious scheme through a network of Navajo code talkers?

Did this mysterious cabal of co-conspirators prepare the groundwork by somehow falsifying hundreds of independent public surveys throughout four years of Trumpery that attested to the public will to dump him at the first opportunity so that his being booted would appear probable?

Who organized it? Who was complicit in it? How did it operate? Where did the conspirators meet? How did they communicate? How did such an extensive clandestine network maintained absolute secrecy for years?

Why have all Trump's propaganda media outlets refused to offer a shocking, detailed, fact-laden exposé that makes public the plethora of relevant details?

Where is the investigative journalism that nails Governors Kemp and Ducey, Secretaries of State Raffensperger and Hobbs, Attorneys General Carr and Brnovich? Were they all conspiring with Putin's agents in Trump Tower over a pedophile pizza?
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........."Compliments of George Soros, Dudes!"

For such a vast, ever-expanding conspiracy, the obligatory who's, what's, why's, where's, when's, and how's are met with an impenetrable wall of silence that one must assume Mexico paid for.

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Silence is consent.
Why are so many who masquerade as Trumpers
complicit in refusing to provide the essential details?​
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The problem has been Trump all along, he did do the US one bit of justice though, he exposed the extreme radical components of the right and they stepped in the same pile of shit that Trump did so we can socially ostracize them for their misdeeds..
The problem has been Trump all along, he did do the US one bit of justice though, he exposed the extreme radical components of the right and they stepped in the same pile of shit that Trump did so we can socially ostracize them for their misdeeds..
They should still be invited to present their story and see if they can get it straight.

Who? What? Why? Where When? How?
Even if they become flustered and lash out irrationally, that will be revelatory.
One more lefty and your circle jerk will be complete.

You can't read... in the rules, it says NO TITLES IN ALL CAPS!!!
... have never been presented by those who fantasize about them, not by Trump's insurrectionist goons, not by his propagandistic media outlets, not by his sycophantic enabling toadies.

Should not the specifics of such a vast, inclusive conspiracy that encompasses Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, other Republican election officials, Republican judges, etc., etc. etc. be explained?

How, exactly, did enough sovereign states conspire to deliver 306 certified electoral votes to Joseph R. Biden, Jr.? Did they coordinate their nefarious scheme through a network of Navajo code talkers?

Did this mysterious cabal of co-conspirators prepare the groundwork by somehow falsifying hundreds of independent public surveys throughout four years of Trumpery that attested to the public will to dump him at the first opportunity so that his being booted would appear probable?

Who organized it? Who was complicit in it? How did it operate? Where did the conspirators meet? How did they communicate? How did such an extensive clandestine network maintained absolute secrecy for years?

Why have all Trump's propaganda media outlets refused to offer a shocking, detailed, fact-laden exposé that makes public the plethora of relevant details?

Where is the investigative journalism that nails Governors Kemp and Ducey, Secretaries of State Raffensperger and Hobbs, Attorneys General Carr and Brnovich? Were they all conspiring with Putin's agents in Trump Tower over a pedophile pizza?
View attachment 440569
........."Compliments of George Soros, Dudes!"

For such a vast, ever-expanding conspiracy, the obligatory who's, what's, why's, where's, when's, and how's are met with an impenetrable wall of silence that one must assume Mexico paid for.

View attachment 440565

Silence is consent.
Why are so many who masquerade as Trumpers
complicit in refusing to provide the essential details?​

Funny isn't it...
Joe has Trumps total from 2016
and Trump has Hillary's total from 2016
before faithless electors took 2 from him and 5 from her

Thats how
The problem has been Trump all along, he did do the US one bit of justice though, he exposed the extreme radical components of the right and they stepped in the same pile of shit that Trump did so we can socially ostracize them for their misdeeds..
They should still be invited to present their story and see if they can get it straight.

Who? What? Why? Where When? How?
Even if they become flustered and lash out irrationally, that will be revelatory.

I agree that some states need to clean their acts up. But those few states need to clean their act up all the way. What is tolerated in Alabama (voter intimidation and suppression) would never be tolerated where I am. But I find that it still happens here to a small degree, no pointing fingers at one party or another (don't go there). But as long as the State Voters tolerate it then it's not up to the rest of us to force them into correcting it to OUR satisfaction.
The problem has been Trump all along, he did do the US one bit of justice though, he exposed the extreme radical components of the right and they stepped in the same pile of shit that Trump did so we can socially ostracize them for their misdeeds..
They should still be invited to present their story and see if they can get it straight.

Who? What? Why? Where When? How?
Even if they become flustered and lash out irrationally, that will be revelatory.
They were having their chance when they blew it by dispersing Congress..The whole concept that Congress controls how states run elections is pure bullshit anyway. It is the states themselves which make the rules with regards to the president and only the states should be petitioned for redress, yet that did not happen. No Attorney for the Trump campaign petitioned any court for redress on the action of fraud being committed by the vote tabulators. All it would take to investigate is a court order yet none were ask for, none were petitioned for relief. The strategy of the Trump Campaign was to sow the seeds of misinformation and to claim that voting via mail was unconstitutional and yet he had no grounds to stand on because the feds do not control presidential campaigns by the states. The idea that they could defame the Dominion machines and the software blew back into their faces because they could not convince a judge they knew what in the hell they were talking about along with the other people who claimed to witness wrongdoing turned out to be mentally impaired..
In final the state legislatures have the task of reforming anything they feel needs corrected with their voting process for president. The president had no good reason to lie and continue that lie and to have cohorts which pushed the narrative of "trial by combat" and" line the dems up against the wall and shoot them', this type of free speech which incites the emotions so much that they lose control and riot must be punished. Yet the punishment should not last forever like what happens to convicted people now.
Remember OP, the thing about most conspiracy theories is that they are completely devoid of logic. This one is particular makes absolutely no sense.

It reminds me of JFK conspiracy theories, where the CIA in cahoots with the FBI working with the Secret Service in league with the Mafia joined by the military-industrial complex and overseen by LBJ, were involved in his assassination.

That is how loopy and insane this election fraud lie has become. Only confused, mad or deranged Trumpers could believe it.
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No need for secret meetings, plans, etc. It was obvious from Day One.

Everyone knew which states would determine the outcome of the election. Ohio, PA, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, Georgia,, Texas, and a few others.

Focus on the "swing states" where you have complete Democrat domination of the most populous cities- most with gullible Black majorities or pluralities. We all know what they are. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Detroit. Atlanta. Cleveland. A couple cities in Wisconsin.

IN THOSE AREAS work to PUSH mail-in voting, and to ELIMINATE all reasonable security measures. Ignore state voting laws and even the state constitution, where necessary (Pennsylvania), but keep up the Narrative that prudent people will NEED TO VOTE BY MAIL because of the pandemic, and prudent people are also stupid and incompetent people, so they can't be expected to request ballots, get witnesses or notary stamps, provide copies of photo ID's, or even sign their names properly.

Obtain lists of registered voters who have not voted in a few cycles, and prepare ballots for those people - thousands of them. No need to worry about signatures not matching, because you have already ensured that signatures will not be checked.

And remember, this does not have to be a nation-wide plan; if it can be executed in a half dozen Democrat-dominated cities, that will be sufficient to throw the election to Biden.

And the beauty of it is, there will be REPUBLICANS who help it along, by stupidly allowing the rules changes that facilitate the fraud. Once the election is over, they will fight to maintain the appearance of propriety because if it comes out that the rules changes made it all possible then THEY will be the ones who take the heat...because they didn't object when it was time to object! In fact the only Republicans who was objecting AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME was PRESIDENT TRUMP! And his warnings about the dangers of uncontrolled mail-in ballots were RIDICULED by the entire MSM (because they saw what was going on).

Get it?

And that's how the election was stolen. It was done in a way that prevents any meaningful audits or a paper trail of the fraud. And NO COURT wants any part of a case that could overturn the results of an election, particularly in states where judges are ELECTED. So they fall all over themselves finding reasons why the cases cannot be heard. Lack of standing. Too late. Too early. Whatever it takes.
... have never been presented by those who fantasize about them, not by Trump's insurrectionist goons, not by his propagandistic media outlets, not by his sycophantic enabling toadies.

Should not the specifics of such a vast, inclusive conspiracy that encompasses Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, other Republican election officials, Republican judges, etc., etc. etc. be explained?

How, exactly, did enough sovereign states conspire to deliver 306 certified electoral votes to Joseph R. Biden, Jr.? Did they coordinate their nefarious scheme through a network of Navajo code talkers?

Did this mysterious cabal of co-conspirators prepare the groundwork by somehow falsifying hundreds of independent public surveys throughout four years of Trumpery that attested to the public will to dump him at the first opportunity so that his being booted would appear probable?

Who organized it? Who was complicit in it? How did it operate? Where did the conspirators meet? How did they communicate? How did such an extensive clandestine network maintained absolute secrecy for years?

Why have all Trump's propaganda media outlets refused to offer a shocking, detailed, fact-laden exposé that makes public the plethora of relevant details?

Where is the investigative journalism that nails Governors Kemp and Ducey, Secretaries of State Raffensperger and Hobbs, Attorneys General Carr and Brnovich? Were they all conspiring with Putin's agents in Trump Tower over a pedophile pizza?
View attachment 440569
........."Compliments of George Soros, Dudes!"

For such a vast, ever-expanding conspiracy, the obligatory who's, what's, why's, where's, when's, and how's are met with an impenetrable wall of silence that one must assume Mexico paid for.

View attachment 440565

Silence is consent.
Why are so many who masquerade as Trumpers
complicit in refusing to provide the essential details?​
Have you seen the interviews with rank and file Trumpsters on the election?

They are as certain that Trump won in a landslide as they are about anything.

This is truly, literally, a group pathology that the world hasn't seen in 80 years.
One more lefty and your circle jerk will be complete.

You can't read... in the rules, it says NO TITLES IN ALL CAPS!!!
My bad. I request that a moderator convert it to humble minuscules.

Do you think my faux pas provides you with an excuse for escape from cogent, pertinent questions?
No need for secret meetings, plans, etc. It was obvious from Day One.

Everyone knew which states would determine the outcome of the election. Ohio, PA, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, Georgia,, Texas, and a few others.

Focus on the "swing states" where you have complete Democrat domination of the most populous cities- most with gullible Black majorities or pluralities. We all know what they are. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Detroit. Atlanta. Cleveland. A couple cities in Wisconsin.

IN THOSE AREAS work to PUSH mail-in voting, and to ELIMINATE all reasonable security measures. Ignore state voting laws and even the state constitution, where necessary (Pennsylvania), but keep up the Narrative that prudent people will NEED TO VOTE BY MAIL because of the pandemic, and prudent people are also stupid and incompetent people, so they can't be expected to request ballots, get witnesses or notary stamps, provide copies of photo ID's, or even sign their names properly.

Obtain lists of registered voters who have not voted in a few cycles, and prepare ballots for those people - thousands of them. No need to worry about signatures not matching, because you have already ensured that signatures will not be checked.

And remember, this does not have to be a nation-wide plan; if it can be executed in a half dozen Democrat-dominated cities, that will be sufficient to throw the election to Biden.

And the beauty of it is, there will be REPUBLICANS who help it along, by stupidly allowing the rules changes that facilitate the fraud. Once the election is over, they will fight to maintain the appearance of propriety because if it comes out that the rules changes made it all possible then THEY will be the ones who take the heat...because they didn't object when it was time to object! In fact the only Republicans who was objecting AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME was PRESIDENT TRUMP! And his warnings about the dangers of uncontrolled mail-in ballots were RIDICULED by the entire MSM (because they saw what was going on).

Get it?

And that's how the election was stolen. It was done in a way that prevents any meaningful audits or a paper trail of the fraud. And NO COURT wants any part of a case that could overturn the results of an election, particularly in states where judges are ELECTED. So they fall all over themselves finding reasons why the cases cannot be heard. Lack of standing. Too late. Too early. Whatever it takes.
Not a shred of truth in your post. Your theory is just another loopy and wacky election fraud lie. You have to twist yourself in knots to figure out your logic.
No need for secret meetings, plans, etc. It was obvious from Day One.

Everyone knew which states would determine the outcome of the election. Ohio, PA, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, Georgia,, Texas, and a few others.

Focus on the "swing states" where you have complete Democrat domination of the most populous cities- most with gullible Black majorities or pluralities. We all know what they are. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Detroit. Atlanta. Cleveland. A couple cities in Wisconsin.

IN THOSE AREAS work to PUSH mail-in voting, and to ELIMINATE all reasonable security measures. Ignore state voting laws and even the state constitution, where necessary (Pennsylvania), but keep up the Narrative that prudent people will NEED TO VOTE BY MAIL because of the pandemic, and prudent people are also stupid and incompetent people, so they can't be expected to request ballots, get witnesses or notary stamps, provide copies of photo ID's, or even sign their names properly.

Obtain lists of registered voters who have not voted in a few cycles, and prepare ballots for those people - thousands of them. No need to worry about signatures not matching, because you have already ensured that signatures will not be checked.

And remember, this does not have to be a nation-wide plan; if it can be executed in a half dozen Democrat-dominated cities, that will be sufficient to throw the election to Biden.

And the beauty of it is, there will be REPUBLICANS who help it along, by stupidly allowing the rules changes that facilitate the fraud. Once the election is over, they will fight to maintain the appearance of propriety because if it comes out that the rules changes made it all possible then THEY will be the ones who take the heat...because they didn't object when it was time to object! In fact the only Republicans who was objecting AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME was PRESIDENT TRUMP! And his warnings about the dangers of uncontrolled mail-in ballots were RIDICULED by the entire MSM (because they saw what was going on).

Get it?

And that's how the election was stolen. It was done in a way that prevents any meaningful audits or a paper trail of the fraud. And NO COURT wants any part of a case that could overturn the results of an election, particularly in states where judges are ELECTED. So they fall all over themselves finding reasons why the cases cannot be heard. Lack of standing. Too late. Too early. Whatever it takes.
Yes, we all all very familiar with the paranoid crackpot scenario.

How were hundreds of independent public surveys faked to show Cry Baby relentlessly unpopular for four years preceding the election's consistent result?

Who? What? Why? Where When? How?
Who? What? Why? Where When? How?

These are reasonable questions that arise for reasoning folks whenever self-interested parties
allege they are victims of a vast conspiracy without presenting credible details.

Why are sympathetic investigative journalists all impotent in exposing the pervasive cabal,
thereby consigning it to the realm of crackpot delusion?

Who? What? Why? Where When? How?

Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 12.27.45 PM.png

"It's just black magic!"

Nope. Not good enough for any thinking person outside the cult.
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None are so blind as those who refuse to see- it's a sad time here as the democrats pretend to be saints- and nary a soul has followed the money- to see the agenda- I posted an article a few days ago explaining in pretty good detail what's happening and not a Republican or Democrat responded or even reacted- that tells me the blind refuse to see- but, by god, (not sure which one though),they will continue with the pejorative hyperbole as though that lends credibility to their intellectual dishonesty- FYI, it doesn't.

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