The Destruction Of America By Government School

Rich Americans do not have this problem because they send their children to private schools for better education. The children of the rich go to world renowned universities like Harvard or Stanford or Yale or Princeton. So could you say the American education system favors the affluent?
Great, then no conservative will ask you.
My above post seemed to stuff a rag in Chicy's cakehole, but I don't know if she's a conservative?
So like I said pissant, I'll wait until you or somebody else invites me.
Rich Americans do not have this problem because they send their children to private schools for better education. The children of the rich go to world renowned universities like Harvard or Stanford or Yale or Princeton. So could you say the American education system favors the affluent?
The public education system provides a necessity and so the right is only shooting their feet off by trying to destroy it. Or perhaps better said, they're shooting America's feet off!

This is so damn obvious and so it serves as the best example there could be on the need for social programs or 'socialist' programs being a part of the capitalist system.

Chicy again blows a puff of smoke but then runs from the topic, but leaves her tail behind to spam and try to insult others when the spark ignites.
Why must dems continue to project their tawdry and debaucherous pas

Why must dems continue to project their tawdry and nefarious past of racism, slavery, and segregation? Why are they still romanticizing about their horrid past?
I don't know the answer to that question, or two questions.
I can only volunteer my opinion that racism in America knows no political boundaries.

I can offer some ideas if I'm asked but I'm not going to volunteer anything that just keeps the spamming and the trolling alive.
Your typical childish spamming and attempts to insult others offers no bait worth sampling. You'll need to put your thinking cap on if you want me so badly.

I didn't 'attempt' to insult you.

I accomplished it.

Not as though it is difficult, you being a low-life lying communist scum.
If you are a parent and have the means (through financial sacrifice if necessary) to get your kids out of public schools and into a private one then that is what you should be doing.

Never mind about the inequality of it all as you are only responsible to see that YOUR kids get a good education.

I'm proud to say that even though I was a man of very modest means at the time my kids never saw the inside of a public school.
Never mind about the inequality of it all as you are only responsible to see that YOUR kids get a good education.
NO, All Americans are responsible for their country's education system. That's not a responsibility that can be ignored and if Americans do ignore it and destroy it then that will be again reflected in a decline of America's quality of life and it's freedoms.
The public education system provides a necessity and so the right is only shooting their feet off by trying to destroy it. Or perhaps better said, they're shooting America's feet off!

This is so damn obvious and so it serves as the best example there could be on the need for social programs or 'socialist' programs being a part of the capitalist system.

Chicy again blows a puff of smoke but then runs from the topic, but leaves her tail behind to spam and try to insult others when the spark ignites.
Supporting it would be shooting our feet off. There is no greater threat to freedom and prosperity in this country than the government funded schools.
NO, All Americans are responsible for their country's education system. That's not a responsibility that can be ignored and if Americans do ignore it and destroy it then that will be again reflected in a decline of America's quality of life and it's freedoms.
I'm not obligated to support the government brainwashing mills.
If you are a parent and have the means (through financial sacrifice if necessary) to get your kids out of public schools and into a private one then that is what you should be doing.

Never mind about the inequality of it all as you are only responsible to see that YOUR kids get a good education.

I'm proud to say that even though I was a man of very modest means at the time my kids never saw the inside of a public school.

. "So what accounts for the poverty-defying trajectory of the Fujianese kids?
The answer is fourfold.

First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. .... education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
.... one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC found one Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000.
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014

In full disclosure, we're a homeschool family.
NO, All Americans are responsible for their country's education system. That's not a responsibility that can be ignored and if Americans do ignore it and destroy it then that will be again reflected in a decline of America's quality of life and it's freedoms.
I understand why some people FEEL that way but it's only because they have put no thought behind it.....or they simply don't want to.

The only reason the so-called "responsibility" is there is because tax-payers are extorted out of the money for public schools through property and other taxes with no recourse.....The producers of our society being fleeced again.

There is always going to be inequality in education but I resolved to see to it that my kids would not be holding the shitty end of the education stick when they got out into the world.

Sigh, I just wish at least part of all the tax money I wasted paying "my fair share" could have been used to offset the the cost of the private school education I provided for my kids instead of it being spent on dumbed-down public schools.
I understand why some people FEEL that way but it's only because they have put no thought behind it.....or they simply don't want to.

The only reason the so-called "responsibility" is there is because tax-payers are extorted out of the money for public schools through property and other taxes with no recourse.....The producers of our society being fleeced again.

There is always going to be inequality in education but I resolved to see to it that my kids would not be holding the shitty end of the education stick when they got out into the world.

Sigh, I just wish at least part of all the tax money I wasted paying "my fair share" could have been used to offset the the cost of the private school education I provided for my kids instead of it being spent on dumbed-down public schools.
If you're going to allow the public school system to be destroyed then it will all need to go private, if that's possible.

Your head is immersed in destructive thinking and so it appears that you're not willing to accept reality.

If America's public school system is as bad as it sounds then the only solution is to fix it.
If you're going to allow the public school system to be destroyed then it will all need to go private, if that's possible.

Your head is immersed in destructive thinking and so it appears that you're not willing to accept reality.

If America's public school system is as bad as it sounds then the only solution is to fix it.
You can't fix it so long as government employees are running it.
You can't fix it so long as government employees are running it.
I've noticed that your last 5 or 6 posts have been quite civil and haven't contained profanity and deliberate spamming. I you can keep that up for the rest of the day then tomorrow I'll have some comments for you that might be of interest.
You are aware of the political bent that controls education, government schooling, in America. And you should be aware that there are a number of alternatives to government school. In the following you will see why the latter are far better alternatives to the former.

1.”A friend of mine told me an apocryphal story that left me with a cold shudder. He is an old-fashioned “liberal” and a strong advocate of public education; all his children attend public schools. In fact, he is vehemently opposed to the idea of promoting private schools on the premise that they result in a more stratified society because, he believes, poor whites and blacks will be disproportionately disqualified from attending such institutions.

2. In good faith, he has always entrusted his children’s education to what I had typically referred to as “government schools.” He was confident that they would receive a robust education. During the Covid-19 pandemic, however, he was forced to monitor their classroom activities. Unemployment had left him more time to inconspicuously sit-in, especially on the classes of his sixth grade son.

3. One afternoon, he was shocked to come upon an assignment being conducted during an English class in which all the white students in the Zoom course were required to place their arms beside a brown paper bag. (How his son had acquired a crisp, brown paper bag was a mystery to him.) The teacher asked them if they noticed a difference in color between their skin and the brown paper bag. All of the white students nodded, and some verbally assented. The teacher then asked if the color of the bag looked close to the color of some of their classmates who identified as black. His son peered at the screen and raised the icon button identifying his acknowledgement. The teacher then announced the following with full moral rectitude and intransigence:

“If your skin color is different from the color of the paper bag, then you are part of a problem in America known as ‘systemic racism’ that does irreparable harm to all black and brown people in America. Further, if your skin color is different from the brown paper bag and you identify as white, you enjoy something called ‘white privilege,’ which means you are practicing racism every day without knowing it.”

4. Each student that had different color skin than the brown paper bag bore a collective guilt. The teacher then went on to ask the class if they had ever heard the term “reparations.” Out of some sense of visceral, atavistic paternal protection, my friend slammed down his son’s computer and told him to go to his room for a while. He said he stood with his fingers pressed into the metal cover of the computer, shaking with incredulity."
Jason D. Hill,
What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression

Not the first time a brown paper bag was used as a guide to skin color. In the early twentieth century black Americans who believed their lighter coloration used it as a way to determine eligibility foe fraternities.
I've noticed that your last 5 or 6 posts have been quite civil and haven't contained profanity and deliberate spamming. I you can keep that up for the rest of the day then tomorrow I'll have some comments for you that might be of interest.
You have me confused with someone who gives a shit.
If you're going to allow the public school system to be destroyed then it will all need to go private, if that's possible.

Your head is immersed in destructive thinking and so it appears that you're not willing to accept reality.

If America's public school system is as bad as it sounds then the only solution is to fix it.
Well I'll put it to you this way.....Not only did I put my kids through private school but also helped put a grandkid through and if I'm still alive I'll help put my G-Grandson through too if they need me to help out.

Public schools are a lost cause and were I not coerced into supporting them I'd be happy to let them twist in the wind.

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