The Dems just don't get it!

And you're proving mine, by openly defending criminals, perverts, and other who genuinely qualify as subhuman. It's not about merely having an “opposing view”; it is about behavior which is immoral, insane, and destructive to society; and about a political ideology that embraces such behavior.
Get your fuckin' nose out of the clouds, those people are just as human as you, asshole!
I'm not sure many people get it. This isn't some team sport, this is about making the country better. How do you do that? Better education that is directed at the future skills of the work market, healthier workers so they are more productive and happier, and better infrastructure so that people can work better, and things that just improve life, rather than playing stupid partisan politics games which is destroying the country.
That's what the republican party was doing these last 8 years, playing partisan politics. I can't remember how many job bills they shot down?
HaHaHaHa! Thank you for proving that you oppressive marxists have created the problem. If we had constitutional government - strictly adhering to their 18 enumerated powers - they would not affect your life one bit. For starters, there shouldn't even be a Department of Education. That is 100% unconstitutional.
Hold on, you said his Cabinet choices had no effect on my life, which is a pretty dumbass thing to say. In addition, your juvenile name calling and grammar won't score you any debate points, either.

Secondly, as I previously pointed out and you were unable to dispute, everything this Administration is doing is the polar opposite of "forcing something down your throat". The marxist Obama regime forced stuff down the throat of the American people (such as Obamacare). The Trump Administration is reducing and/or eliminating regulations and freeing up people for opportunities.
How could it be the "polar opposite", when the whole country is protesting them. Obama was not a marxist and the country wanted the ACA, as you can see with these very same protests.

It's just that your such a blind and dumb minion to the marxist hatriot cause - you only know one thing: "hate all-things right wing". Pretty sad that you can't examine actual policy for yourself.
And you can't say anything except a pre-rehearsed speech.
How could it be the "polar opposite", when the whole country is protesting them.
The "whole country" is not protesting them. The whole country is celebrating them (other than the small fraction of you oppressive left-wing hatriots, of course). 75% of the American people want the Dumbocrats to work with President Trump. You do realize that just because you wish something were true doesn't make it true - don't you?
Obama was not a marxist and the country wanted the ACA, as you can see with these very same protests.
Obama is a devour marxist and the American people overwhelmingly did not want the ACA. Overwhelmingly. The polls showed it. The voting showed it (the Dumbocrats lost over 1,000 seats nation-wide after passing the ACA). And, ultimately, the results showed it. Donald Trump now sits in the Oval Office for a reason.

If we're going to have a discussion here - it would help if you stop lying and making shit up. If you can't accept reality, there is no point in continuing.
So the House bills that would have created jobs that sat on Harry Reid's desk over at the Senate never existed? Sorry, Billo but blue collar workers in the Rust Belt knew better. The Obama Stimulus didn't target protected government workers in the public sector. If you call not wanting to vote for a watered down version of the same stimulus plan that didn't create jobs the first time around as "jobs bills" then you'll have to include a large number of Democrats in the list of people who wouldn't vote for a "do over".
They created jobs, you just won't admit it.
How could it be the "polar opposite", when the whole country is protesting them.
The "whole country" is not protesting them. The whole country is celebrating them (other than the small fraction of you oppressive left-wing hatriots, of course). 75% of the American people want the Dumbocrats to work with President Trump. You do realize that just because you wish something were true doesn't make it true - don't you?
Obama was not a marxist and the country wanted the ACA, as you can see with these very same protests.
Obama is a devour marxist and the American people overwhelmingly did not want the ACA. Overwhelmingly. The polls showed it. The voting showed it (the Dumbocrats lost over 1,000 seats nation-wide after passing the ACA). And, ultimately, the results showed it. Donald Trump now sits in the Oval Office for a reason.

If we're going to have a discussion here - it would help if you stop lying and making shit up. If you can't accept reality, there is no point in continuing.
It's hard arguing someone with a 3rd grade education. Your argument is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
She won the popular vote because of California and outside California she was losing her ass.

The reality is the Trostky population thought racism and sexism would keep them on top but it did not work this time because your candidate was hated in red states and purple states.

To claim a victory in the popular vote while not admitting California slanted vote gave it to her tell me you're still in denial because if you look at the Electoral College map she lost her ass!

America does not want New York, Chicago or California Liberalism which is the road to Trostkyism.

So because Obama won twice does not mean Liberalism is what America want but he had the minority vote that got him the White House and since 2010 the Democratic Party lost the House and Senate and failed to retain the Oval Office in 2016 while losing more at the states level...

So as you believe shifting more to the Warren style is better the reality is you will lose...
I didn't vote for Hillary.
How could it be the "polar opposite", when the whole country is protesting them.
The "whole country" is not protesting them. The whole country is celebrating them (other than the small fraction of you oppressive left-wing hatriots, of course). 75% of the American people want the Dumbocrats to work with President Trump. You do realize that just because you wish something were true doesn't make it true - don't you?
Obama was not a marxist and the country wanted the ACA, as you can see with these very same protests.
Obama is a devour marxist and the American people overwhelmingly did not want the ACA. Overwhelmingly. The polls showed it. The voting showed it (the Dumbocrats lost over 1,000 seats nation-wide after passing the ACA). And, ultimately, the results showed it. Donald Trump now sits in the Oval Office for a reason.

If we're going to have a discussion here - it would help if you stop lying and making shit up. If you can't accept reality, there is no point in continuing.
It's hard arguing someone with a 3rd grade education. Your argument is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
I provided the data and the links to back it up. You've provided nothing but frustration and your uninformed ideology.
So the House bills that would have created jobs that sat on Harry Reid's desk over at the Senate never existed? Sorry, Billo but blue collar workers in the Rust Belt knew better. The Obama Stimulus didn't target protected government workers in the public sector. If you call not wanting to vote for a watered down version of the same stimulus plan that didn't create jobs the first time around as "jobs bills" then you'll have to include a large number of Democrats in the list of people who wouldn't vote for a "do over".
They created jobs, you just won't admit it.
No - really - they didn't. That's why Obama oversaw a record number 94 million out of the labor force on his watch and why the American people turned the entire nation over to the Republican Party and Tea Party.
Democrats in this country still don't get the fact that they are not going to win anything until they stop kissing the butt of the same sponsors the Reps are kissing and start acting in concert with the real liberal and progressive movements in this country.

The Crisis within the Democratic Party
In one of the most striking political comebacks in U.S. history, the Republican Party marched in lockstep to victory in the midterm elections and seized control of the House of Representatives and state houses across the nation. Republicans made a battle plan, they disciplined their troops, and the corporations paid for the ammunition.

Unless the Democrats do something drastically differently during the next two years, the rich and powerful will cement their victory around the body of democracy and dump the barrel of freedom into the deep dark waters of cash politics where it will be lost forever.

The biggest reason the Dems are in the position they are in now, is because liberals can see them for what they really are, which is just the flip side of the republican coin. And you're not going to get liberals, progressives or millennials to vote for you until you stop bailing out Wall Street, suppressing constitutional rights, voting for wars of aggression and compromising with the rich and powerful fascists that run this country.

Look at all the protests across this country today, that's not just because people can't stand right wing representatives, it's because YOU DEMS dropped the ball on democracy!

actually it is much simplier than that. Liberals had they turn and soiled the country. We the deplorables refuse to listen to anything a liberal or a democrat has to say. The liberals and democrats didn't listen to the people and they ran the status quo and lost big.

Now they are acting like little children stomping their feet trying to make someone listen, no one is listening. The dems and liberals should just get on the train and enjoy the ride. Or better yet for me, keep doing what you are doing and become even more isolated. Keep protesting Trump and pretending the same thing happened to Obama, it didn't.

Just because a minority of dems and liberal protest and whine doesn't mean they are popular.

Time to grow up libs and dems, and when you do I think you will find you are not so in love with what the dems have been feeding you.
Who was it that pussed out again, lol?
If you didn't start the other thread, than it was you, who pussed out.
See? Actually it was six. Pick one, puss.

You forgot the most important one: getting government out of the way. The other things will fall into place of you take care of that problem
Get government out of the way so we will be at the mercy of the most fascist entity on the planet........................the corporation.
ROFL! Government has guns and it can use them. What can a corporation do to you, not sell you something?
Democrats in this country still don't get the fact that they are not going to win anything until they stop kissing the butt of the same sponsors the Reps are kissing and start acting in concert with the real liberal and progressive movements in this country.

The Crisis within the Democratic Party
In one of the most striking political comebacks in U.S. history, the Republican Party marched in lockstep to victory in the midterm elections and seized control of the House of Representatives and state houses across the nation. Republicans made a battle plan, they disciplined their troops, and the corporations paid for the ammunition.

Unless the Democrats do something drastically differently during the next two years, the rich and powerful will cement their victory around the body of democracy and dump the barrel of freedom into the deep dark waters of cash politics where it will be lost forever.

The biggest reason the Dems are in the position they are in now, is because liberals can see them for what they really are, which is just the flip side of the republican coin. And you're not going to get liberals, progressives or millennials to vote for you until you stop bailing out Wall Street, suppressing constitutional rights, voting for wars of aggression and compromising with the rich and powerful fascists that run this country.

Look at all the protests across this country today, that's not just because people can't stand right wing representatives, it's because YOU DEMS dropped the ball on democracy!
Democrats in this country still don't get the fact that they are not going to win anything until they stop kissing the butt of the same sponsors the Reps are kissing and start acting in concert with the real liberal and progressive movements in this country.

The Crisis within the Democratic Party
In one of the most striking political comebacks in U.S. history, the Republican Party marched in lockstep to victory in the midterm elections and seized control of the House of Representatives and state houses across the nation. Republicans made a battle plan, they disciplined their troops, and the corporations paid for the ammunition.

Unless the Democrats do something drastically differently during the next two years, the rich and powerful will cement their victory around the body of democracy and dump the barrel of freedom into the deep dark waters of cash politics where it will be lost forever.

The biggest reason the Dems are in the position they are in now, is because liberals can see them for what they really are, which is just the flip side of the republican coin. And you're not going to get liberals, progressives or millennials to vote for you until you stop bailing out Wall Street, suppressing constitutional rights, voting for wars of aggression and compromising with the rich and powerful fascists that run this country.

Look at all the protests across this country today, that's not just because people can't stand right wing representatives, it's because YOU DEMS dropped the ball on democracy!
...or you stop believing their bs propaganda...

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