The Democrats' New Mississippi Plan


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The Mississippi Plan of 1875 was developed by conservative white Democrats as part of the white insurgency during the Reconstruction Era in the Southern United States. It was devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Party in Mississippi by means of organized threats of violence and suppression or purchase of the black vote. Democrats wanted to regain political control of the legislature and governor's office. Their success in doing so led to similar plans being adopted by white Democrats in South Carolina and other majority-black states.
To end election violence and ensure that freedmen were excluded from politics, the Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, which effectively disenfranchised and disarmed most blacks by erecting barriers to voter registration and firearms ownership. -Wikipedia

Sound familiar? Violence, intimidation and disarming their opposition have been in the Democrats' playbook for almost 150 years.
Those who do not learn their history are damned to repeat their history.

And what have they conned the blacks into doing?

Tearing down all reminders/statues of the civil war.

Next the democrats will reinstate slavery all over again!
The Mississippi Plan of 1875 was developed by conservative white Democrats as part of the white insurgency during the Reconstruction Era in the Southern United States. It was devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Party in Mississippi by means of organized threats of violence and suppression or purchase of the black vote. Democrats wanted to regain political control of the legislature and governor's office. Their success in doing so led to similar plans being adopted by white Democrats in South Carolina and other majority-black states.
To end election violence and ensure that freedmen were excluded from politics, the Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, which effectively disenfranchised and disarmed most blacks by erecting barriers to voter registration and firearms ownership. -Wikipedia

Sound familiar? Violence, intimidation and disarming their opposition have been in the Democrats' playbook for almost 150 years.

That was before Democrats and Republicans switched parties. Today's Republicans are engaged in massive voter suppression. Google it...
The Mississippi Plan of 1875 was developed by conservative white Democrats as part of the white insurgency during the Reconstruction Era in the Southern United States. It was devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Party in Mississippi by means of organized threats of violence and suppression or purchase of the black vote. Democrats wanted to regain political control of the legislature and governor's office. Their success in doing so led to similar plans being adopted by white Democrats in South Carolina and other majority-black states.
To end election violence and ensure that freedmen were excluded from politics, the Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, which effectively disenfranchised and disarmed most blacks by erecting barriers to voter registration and firearms ownership. -Wikipedia

Sound familiar? Violence, intimidation and disarming their opposition have been in the Democrats' playbook for almost 150 years.

That was before Democrats and Republicans switched parties. Today's Republicans are engaged in massive voter suppression. Google it...
Total myth, they never “switched parties”. Can you name the year it happened?

Blacks started voting majority Democrat during FDR because of the Great Depression, and their promise of welfare programs. Even though blacks didn’t qualify for most programs thanks to Democrat racist policies. This was also the same era of the resurgence of the Democrat led KKK. So most blacks were voting with the KKK.

Republicans never magically become Democrats, and only one Dixiecrat became a republican.
The Mississippi Plan of 1875 was developed by conservative white Democrats as part of the white insurgency during the Reconstruction Era in the Southern United States. It was devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Party in Mississippi by means of organized threats of violence and suppression or purchase of the black vote. Democrats wanted to regain political control of the legislature and governor's office. Their success in doing so led to similar plans being adopted by white Democrats in South Carolina and other majority-black states.
To end election violence and ensure that freedmen were excluded from politics, the Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, which effectively disenfranchised and disarmed most blacks by erecting barriers to voter registration and firearms ownership. -Wikipedia

Sound familiar? Violence, intimidation and disarming their opposition have been in the Democrats' playbook for almost 150 years.
Hitler learned how to do intimidation and disarming the opposition by reading about Democrats.

They have updated their tactics, today they don’t just try to suppress their opposition by government, but also by corporate bullying and censorship.
The Democrats have always appealed to the people who aren't too concerned about the difference between right and wrong.
Those who do not learn their history are damned to repeat their history.

And what have they conned the blacks into doing?

Tearing down all reminders/statues of the civil war.

Next the democrats will reinstate slavery all over again!
Why do think blacks are so stupid they have to be conned? Why does it not occur you that the confederacy, which fought for the right to enslave people, and who’s states, upon reentry to the union demanded Jim Crowe and promptly rescinded all the progressive policies enacted to support newly freed slaves...just might not create that warning fuzzy nostalgia in the descendent of a slave that it does in you.

And....decades after the war to be confronted by these mass produced memorials designed to remind them of their “place” in Jim Crowe seem to think they should be pleased.

The Republicans took on the racist mantle when the Dems changed their platform and took up Civil Rights. Now it is played out in saving these mass produced memorials honoring slavery and you all think African Americans are a special kind of stupid to want them gone.
The Mississippi Plan of 1875 was developed by conservative white Democrats as part of the white insurgency during the Reconstruction Era in the Southern United States. It was devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Party in Mississippi by means of organized threats of violence and suppression or purchase of the black vote. Democrats wanted to regain political control of the legislature and governor's office. Their success in doing so led to similar plans being adopted by white Democrats in South Carolina and other majority-black states.
To end election violence and ensure that freedmen were excluded from politics, the Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, which effectively disenfranchised and disarmed most blacks by erecting barriers to voter registration and firearms ownership. -Wikipedia

Sound familiar? Violence, intimidation and disarming their opposition have been in the Democrats' playbook for almost 150 years.

That was before Democrats and Republicans switched parties. Today's Republicans are engaged in massive voter suppression. Google it...

Please post the names and dates of the the elected officials that switched parties. You can't so you wont.
Why do think blacks are so stupid they have to be conned? Why does it not occur you that the confederacy, which fought for the right to enslave people, and who’s states, upon reentry to the union demanded Jim Crowe and promptly rescinded all the progressive policies enacted to support newly freed slaves...just might not create that warning fuzzy nostalgia in the descendent of a slave that it does in you.

They're not stupid.. They are actually political zealots. Deep support for doing what they can to create enough mayhem to help remove Trump. BLM is a political organization.. I don't know if you know this -- but the massive donations rolling into BLM are processed thru "Act Blue".. That's the "money handler" for contributions to all their Dem candidates and a lot of the smaller progressive orgs.. From there -- it gets funneled thru a "bundler" (forgot the name) who DISTRIBUTES it to all the local chapters and the national HQ.. Act Blue, the bundler, and the national office all take a cut.. We know this because the local chapters were bitching greatly about HOW this "drip system" works.. It's part and PARCEL of being another "proxy army" for the Democrat party and "the resistance"...,

And....decades after the war to be confronted by these mass produced memorials designed to remind them of their “place” in Jim Crowe seem to think they should be pleased.

Did ya forget that almost ALL of those "mass produced memorials" are statues OF Democrats, commissioned and dedicated BY Democrats and FOR Democrats??? Mostly built during the 100 years AFTER the Civil War when Democrats were holding fast to segregation, Jim Crow and racist restrictions on representation...

So the question IS -- Are black political activists being USED to achieve power for the Democrat party?? It's NOT that far fetched... If the power ever gets returned to Dems in DC -- I'll bet they just get ignored as usual..
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The Republicans took on the racist mantle when the Dems changed their platform and took up Civil Rights. Now it is played out in saving these mass produced memorials honoring slavery and you all think African Americans are a special kind of stupid to want them gone.

I think Nancy Pelosi JUST REALIZED that all those racist, segregationist portraits and statues in the Capitol that she wants to purge has a (D) after their names.. And people are catching on to this.. Maybe she's a "special kind of stupid" for WAITING her entire career to remove them..

Repubs didn't take "a racist mantle".. The SOUTH underwent a slow realization of how the Dems did not serve them well for over 150 years.. Of the 21 Dem senators that voted against the Civil Rights Act -- TWENTY of them (or their Dem seats) REMAINED intact in the SOUTH for another 30 YEARS after the CRA.. It was not an instantaneous "swapping of jerseys" on the playing field.. The change came because LIBERALS got a reputation for moving left.. And anyways, the Dem party hated the Blue Dog Dems because they weren't liberal enough on spending, cutting defense, abortion, and massive programs. And they slowly withdrew party support and hunted them to extinction sometime in the early 2000s..
Those who do not learn their history are damned to repeat their history.

And what have they conned the blacks into doing?

Tearing down all reminders/statues of the civil war.

Next the democrats will reinstate slavery all over again!
Why do think blacks are so stupid they have to be conned? Why does it not occur you that the confederacy, which fought for the right to enslave people, and who’s states, upon reentry to the union demanded Jim Crowe and promptly rescinded all the progressive policies enacted to support newly freed slaves...just might not create that warning fuzzy nostalgia in the descendent of a slave that it does in you.

And....decades after the war to be confronted by these mass produced memorials designed to remind them of their “place” in Jim Crowe seem to think they should be pleased.

The Republicans took on the racist mantle when the Dems changed their platform and took up Civil Rights. Now it is played out in saving these mass produced memorials honoring slavery and you all think African Americans are a special kind of stupid to want them gone.

Biden made it clear the commiecrats think blacks are a special kind of stupid. Too stupid to get an ID to vote and they all think alike, with "A FEW NOTABLE EXCEPTIONS" of course. LMAO


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