The Democrats know it’s bullshit – they don’t wear masks and they’re using the masks to control people

And your leader thought it was silly to wear one and look what happened to him.
What happened to him? He got sick and was back at work within 3 days. Big deal.
Right..he got sick, now your getting it..and how about those 210,000..did they get right back to work within 3 days??

I feel sorry for you, have always been so effeminate?
Point out the effeminate part of the comment...this ought to be interesting.

LOL, your entire attitude about Covid is effeminate. You cower behind a mask made from a woman's skirt. See? THat wasn't hard at all.
Your leader's have hoaxed you and you can't admit it.
Trump was in the hospital for 3 days because of a hoax?..210,000 died of a hoax??

Nearly 90% of all cases survive and nearly all of the cases are symptom less. As I've said many times son, the virus is real the doom is the hoax. Fear is how they are controlling you and make no mistake you ARE being controlled.
By being told to take precautions so as not to become one of your dare they!!

98% survival rate kid. You've been had.
Would you stop with the propaganda, you're gonna get people killed.

Why aren't your "leaders" wearing masks? You've been conned.
What makes you think they aren't?
cause they said so.

now tell me this is out of context or something.
By being told to take precautions so as not to become one of your dare they!!
Any one with just a little common sense knows to take precautions. Shutting down an entire economy because of a virus is not a precaution, it's lunatic level stupidity. Any human who thinks they can control this virus is an idiot. They can't control the common cold.
it seemed to work in Arizona


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