The Democrats' hairpin turns of narrative are only doable with the press in their back seat


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Democrats' hairpin turns of narrative are only doable with the press in their back seat

2 Sep 2020 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Not too long ago, Democrats were touting the race riots and celebrating the destruction in America's bluest cities.
Today, they are calling them President Trump's fault. And that's quite a hairpin turn of narrative, done swiftly, in response to falling poll numbers, as if by some campaign strike team.
How is it they can shift so fast? We've never seen this in past presidential campaigns.
The best answer is that they control the press. The press is entirely corrupted. It's no longer a press; it's a Democratic Party campaign strike team of impeccable reliability.
Exhibit A is this brilliant column written by Amber Athey at Spectator USA describing the chronology. It's so good that she's on my radar now as an always-click byline:
After months of trying to spin the nationwide unrest as 'mostly peaceful' or ignoring it entirely, Democrats have discovered some fresh messaging: the riots are violent and they're Trump's fault.​
Joe Biden seized on this new storyline during a campaign speech in Pittsburgh on Monday, telling voters that Trump is 'stoking violence in our cities.'​
'This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can't stop the violence — because for years he has fomented it,' Biden asserted.​
This is one of the most dastardly and dishonest schemes the Democrats have ever cooked up.​
She's right.
Her chronology is sharp, logical, and distilled. I'll give a backwards telescope summary:
The riots began as anti-police brutality protests in Minneapolis, following the death of George Floyd in police custody. Led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, they spread to other cities, and then a second police incident in Atlanta led to additional destruction. After that, they became calls to "defund the police."
How can they shift on a dime so quickly? It's because they have the press in their tree, their backseat driver, their obedient stenographer as they drive the political narrative. Journalism's changed since I went to journalism school, today the press is not the press, it's the public relations agency of the Democrats, unmoored by any guiding principle other than preserving Democrat power. They would not be able to shift narratives so quickly otherwise.
Here's the other thing: It's cynical. The Democrats are cynically assuming that voters cannot remember any news not 24 hours old. That's why they can say one thing one day and the opposite the next. They assume voters will remember nothing. The old 24-hour news cycle has mated with the 24-hour narrative turn.
Were the press a collective body of any integrity, none of this would be possible. The Democrats would have to think their positions over before jumping in because the press would call them on it. The press is like a bus without brakes, and as it stands, it looks to be taking Democrats off the cliff.

Meanwhile Jerry Nadler called the destruction of cities a myth.
No reason to get wound up over all of the lies and deceit from the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commie Left. We all know The Who, Why and What behind all of this. Once you decide in stone that all of this will end one way or another and our actions are already laid out for us.
Why suddenly last week did CNN's Don Lemon turn about on the destruction and mayhem caused by Antifa and BLM in Blue Plantation Sanctuary cities? Simply, it's because the internal polls showed that the PMS/DSA Commies failed and public support is against the terrorist actions.
Either Trump wins fair and square in November and peace and freedom will be restored or the lying cheaters steal the election and the gloves come off for good.
We can't accept the pretzel logic of the Commie Left and MSM any longer.
This will only work on the insane left leftists (about 5%).

Even the regular leftists ain't buying it! It's like calling antifa a far right wing organization.
The MSM overplayed their hand

I swear to god if an individual approached me and claimed to be a "journalist" I'd eye roll,laugh and walk away.

Current MSM is yesterday's attorney ambulance chasers
The Democrats' hairpin turns of narrative are only doable with the press in their back seat

2 Sep 2020 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Not too long ago, Democrats were touting the race riots and celebrating the destruction in America's bluest cities.
Today, they are calling them President Trump's fault. And that's quite a hairpin turn of narrative, done swiftly, in response to falling poll numbers, as if by some campaign strike team.
How is it they can shift so fast? We've never seen this in past presidential campaigns.
The best answer is that they control the press. The press is entirely corrupted. It's no longer a press; it's a Democratic Party campaign strike team of impeccable reliability.
Exhibit A is this brilliant column written by Amber Athey at Spectator USA describing the chronology. It's so good that she's on my radar now as an always-click byline:
After months of trying to spin the nationwide unrest as 'mostly peaceful' or ignoring it entirely, Democrats have discovered some fresh messaging: the riots are violent and they're Trump's fault.​
Joe Biden seized on this new storyline during a campaign speech in Pittsburgh on Monday, telling voters that Trump is 'stoking violence in our cities.'​
'This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can't stop the violence — because for years he has fomented it,' Biden asserted.​
This is one of the most dastardly and dishonest schemes the Democrats have ever cooked up.​
She's right.
Her chronology is sharp, logical, and distilled. I'll give a backwards telescope summary:
The riots began as anti-police brutality protests in Minneapolis, following the death of George Floyd in police custody. Led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, they spread to other cities, and then a second police incident in Atlanta led to additional destruction. After that, they became calls to "defund the police."
How can they shift on a dime so quickly? It's because they have the press in their tree, their backseat driver, their obedient stenographer as they drive the political narrative. Journalism's changed since I went to journalism school, today the press is not the press, it's the public relations agency of the Democrats, unmoored by any guiding principle other than preserving Democrat power. They would not be able to shift narratives so quickly otherwise.
Here's the other thing: It's cynical. The Democrats are cynically assuming that voters cannot remember any news not 24 hours old. That's why they can say one thing one day and the opposite the next. They assume voters will remember nothing. The old 24-hour news cycle has mated with the 24-hour narrative turn.
Were the press a collective body of any integrity, none of this would be possible. The Democrats would have to think their positions over before jumping in because the press would call them on it. The press is like a bus without brakes, and as it stands, it looks to be taking Democrats off the cliff.

Meanwhile Jerry Nadler called the destruction of cities a myth.
No reason to get wound up over all of the lies and deceit from the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commie Left. We all know The Who, Why and What behind all of this. Once you decide in stone that all of this will end one way or another and our actions are already laid out for us.
Why suddenly last week did CNN's Don Lemon turn about on the destruction and mayhem caused by Antifa and BLM in Blue Plantation Sanctuary cities? Simply, it's because the internal polls showed that the PMS/DSA Commies failed and public support is against the terrorist actions.
Either Trump wins fair and square in November and peace and freedom will be restored or the lying cheaters steal the election and the gloves come off for good.
We can't accept the pretzel logic of the Commie Left and MSM any longer.

Sorry there are no internal polls turning. The polls show that nothing has changed since the conventions. It Trump wins, peace and freedom are forfeited. Trump needs chaos to survive politically. We cannot accept the far right wing extremists taking over this country.

The article is full of bullshit. No one was celebrating anything. Most Democrats do not support defunding the police. Also most of the protests have not been violent. You people are trying to smear people who disagree with you. There were several protests in my city last week and they were peaceful.

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