The Democrats are going about it in the wrong way

Keep spouting off. Biden is still the best threat to get rid of Rump. He has the support of the widest array of voters whereas the others don't. Weak or not in your mind, he carries the vote and that is what is important right now. Yah, he scares the hell out of Rump and Putin. And that makes him the best candidate.

Biden is the "safe" vote, he is the "well shit I have to vote for someone" vote. He brings no excitement, he will not bring out voters that do not normally vote, he will not help the down ballot Dems at all. He is the most like Trump of all the Dem candidates and that is the last thing the Dems need. Not to mention he truly seems to be suffering from some sort of age related memory/mental issues.
I think he had good prospects up until the point when he actually had to start performing. He has done absolutely terrible as though he does not even want to win the nomination. It is sad really.

He may not have brought out new voters but to be totally honest I don't think that is what the democrats really need. What they need is someone that will not force normal voters to stay home - that is exactly what Bernie is. Biden may not get new voters but Bernie will turn off a lot more than he brings in IMHO.

Trump will walk all over him in the debates too.

Then if you aren't a Rumpster, who would be your pick? You don't seem to like any of them. Here is a hint, out of the 4 top contenders, I don't either so I go with the safe one, Biden.

None of them have much of a chance, we in this country love our incumbents, who was the last sitting POTUS to lose reelection? Bush I. Add to that the economy which is doing well and it is a good chance Trump wins.

In my view you have a much better chance of taking back the Senate than the White House...but I am not sure you can do that with the "safe" bet that does not bring people to the polling stations on election day
The Corona outbreak may very well break the back of the economy by election time. It will be interesting to see how that plays out with the election. Of all the shitty things that Trump has done against the economy, it may very well be the thing that he has zero culpability for that brings it down. Not sure he can swing the narrative in his favor should this happen.

I seriously doubt the dems are going to take back the senate if they run the insane socialist. Bernie is going to bring out HIS voters, not the democrats or independents.
Then if you aren't a Rumpster, who would be your pick? You don't seem to like any of them. Here is a hint, out of the 4 top contenders, I don't either so I go with the safe one, Biden.

None of them have much of a chance, we in this country love our incumbents, who was the last sitting POTUS to lose reelection? Bush I. Add to that the economy which is doing well and it is a good chance Trump wins.

In my view you have a much better chance of taking back the Senate than the White House...but I am not sure you can do that with the "safe" bet that does not bring people to the polling stations on election day

And I don't want to see the Dems own both houses. That's when we get in the most serious trouble; when one party owns both houses regardless of party. I would much rather see one party have the House and the President and the other party have the Senate. That seems to be the best mix. But I don't always get my way. So I will settle for the Dems retaining the House and gaining the Presidency while the Reps maintain the Senate. Not the best mix but certainly not the worst.

BTW, the Reps are going to be hard pressed to keep the Senate. I would normally say that it would be best if the Republicans retained the Presidency but then there is the Rump factor.

It is far more important for the Senate to be in different hands than the White House because of their confirmation responsibility. Trump has put some very unqualified people into lifetime positions due to the Senate belonging to his party. If the Repubs hold the Senate then the Dems have zero input into the next couple of SCOTUS justices that are added to the court. While I am ok with the two he choose so far, I do not expect him to maintain that level of moderation.

Like I said, I also agree that the Senate needs to be in other hands. But the old "What if" comes to mind. What happens if the Dems to take control of the Senate and the House. There won't be a lot of real discussion on some of the really wild bills that have some good things but some really wild things in them. Then it's important that the President be a Republican. Having a Dem President to go along with that mix will allow some of those really wild things get through. Same goes when all 3 are Rep controlled. The problem we have is is the Rump
Factor. We may end up getting stuck with 4 more years of his insanity because it's even more insane for the Dems to control all of Washington. And that is not a scenario I care to imagine. I would think it would be better for the Reps to keep the Senate and get a Dem President in place for 4 years. This will also send a message loud and clear to the Reps to get their act together for 2024.

The perfect scenario is for the Dems to win the Senate and Trump keep the White House.

I find the House to be more or less meaningless these days
Are you looking forward to president Pence? :D
Are you looking forward to president Pence? :D

He scares me far more than Trump.
A democrat house and a democrat senate = another impeachment and I am fairly confident that the dems can get it through if they control the process. Hell, if Pelosi did not monumentally screw the last one this likely would not even be an issue by this point.
Are you looking forward to president Pence? :D

He scares me far more than Trump.
A democrat house and a democrat senate = another impeachment and I am fairly confident that the dems can get it through if they control the process. Hell, if Pelosi did not monumentally screw the last one this likely would not even be an issue by this point.

No chance. They would need 2/3 of the Senate to actually pass it for conviction and removal from office. Even if the commies did gain any Senate seats, it might give them a slight majority.
Are you looking forward to president Pence? :D

He scares me far more than Trump.
A democrat house and a democrat senate = another impeachment and I am fairly confident that the dems can get it through if they control the process. Hell, if Pelosi did not monumentally screw the last one this likely would not even be an issue by this point.

No chance. They would need 2/3 of the Senate to actually pass it for conviction and removal from office. Even if the commies did gain any Senate seats, it might give them a slight majority.
I think you underestimate the power that control over the process means.

Not going to happen though.
Are you looking forward to president Pence? :D

He scares me far more than Trump.
A democrat house and a democrat senate = another impeachment and I am fairly confident that the dems can get it through if they control the process. Hell, if Pelosi did not monumentally screw the last one this likely would not even be an issue by this point.

No chance. They would need 2/3 of the Senate to actually pass it for conviction and removal from office. Even if the commies did gain any Senate seats, it might give them a slight majority.

Wait a minute, YOU support those that support Putin. And then you have the never to call someone else a commie? Sheesh. We send to you school, buy you books, you eat the covers off the books and then say you have consumed all the knowledge there is to know.
Are you looking forward to president Pence? :D

He scares me far more than Trump.
A democrat house and a democrat senate = another impeachment and I am fairly confident that the dems can get it through if they control the process. Hell, if Pelosi did not monumentally screw the last one this likely would not even be an issue by this point.

No chance. They would need 2/3 of the Senate to actually pass it for conviction and removal from office. Even if the commies did gain any Senate seats, it might give them a slight majority.

Wait a minute, YOU support those that support Putin. And then you have the never to call someone else a commie? Sheesh. We send to you school, buy you books, you eat the covers off the books and then say you have consumed all the knowledge there is to know.

I do have the knowledge. I also know when people are trying to brainwash me, so I never let it happen. Can't say the same for people like you with weak minds. Weak minds are easily manipulated. All they need to do is plant something in it, like Trump and Russia, and then they have total control over your mind.

People like myself with strong minds don't let other people think for us. We seen this two year 35 million dollar investigation go flop. We watched as the Democrats went recounting votes in states they claimed were rigged by Russia. We understand nothing is there, and never was there. But people like you who are victims of the Power of Suggestion can't let go, because you no longer control your own thoughts--they control your thoughts.

Even if God appeared in the sky for the world to see, and told us that Trump had nothing to do with Russia, you would claim God was lying, because it would go against the way you were programmed.
The only thing it would take for them to elect a Socialist President would have been for them to come up with a young, articulate, reasonably-intelligent, well-spoken, good-looking non-white, male or female Democratic Socialist to run for President.

Instead, they came up with a goofy old white doofus with crazy hair, spewing wacky socialist ideas, while owning 3 homes and driving a $200k car. Totally not believable.

What the hell is wrong with them, anyway?


Elizabeth Warren is a Socialist and is sinking in the polls...

Bernie Sanders is a Pinko Communist and if anyone want to prove me wrong, well go for it but Bernie loved the former Soviet Union and Cuba and hate America!

So no a Socialist can not win the nomination in the Democratic Party!
Are you looking forward to president Pence? :D

He scares me far more than Trump.
A democrat house and a democrat senate = another impeachment and I am fairly confident that the dems can get it through if they control the process. Hell, if Pelosi did not monumentally screw the last one this likely would not even be an issue by this point.

No chance. They would need 2/3 of the Senate to actually pass it for conviction and removal from office. Even if the commies did gain any Senate seats, it might give them a slight majority.

Wait a minute, YOU support those that support Putin. And then you have the never to call someone else a commie? Sheesh. We send to you school, buy you books, you eat the covers off the books and then say you have consumed all the knowledge there is to know.

I do have the knowledge. I also know when people are trying to brainwash me, so I never let it happen. Can't say the same for people like you with weak minds. Weak minds are easily manipulated. All they need to do is plant something in it, like Trump and Russia, and then they have total control over your mind.

People like myself with strong minds don't let other people think for us. We seen this two year 35 million dollar investigation go flop. We watched as the Democrats went recounting votes in states they claimed were rigged by Russia. We understand nothing is there, and never was there. But people like you who are victims of the Power of Suggestion can't let go, because you no longer control your own thoughts--they control your thoughts.

Even if God appeared in the sky for the world to see, and told us that Trump had nothing to do with Russia, you would claim God was lying, because it would go against the way you were programmed.

I had a discussion with a Rumpster last night. As he came up with each point, it was easy to counter them. Each time he would move on to the next point. The last point, after he realized that his other points didn't make sense, he said Rump was a messenger of God. He already knew I was a Christian. Bad move on his part. And I am pretty well versed on the Bible both old and new Testament. I simply asked him how he knew that Rump was doing God's work? I clarified it that none of us really know when God is teaching us a lesson or not. None of us know when God is allowing us to make mistakes using our own power of choice. He had no answer.

Facts remain, without collusion from Rump, the Russian Troll Farms (GRU and Putin) have helped Rump even before the 2016 election. They helped him against the other Republican Candidates. And then they helped him against the Democrats. And they still do today. They even helped in State elections. Plus, on the other side, they have taken the side of the most rediculous arguments when it came from the Democrats as well just to sew division. I see you repeat some of that same GRU(Putin) rhetoric much of the time. Pardon me if I don't buy it from either side.

The Problem Rump has, almost everything that's been said (save a few) have been true. But one can use the argument that he's become a "Born Again Christian". That means that all Christians are supposed to forgive him of his past Transgressions. I do. But I do call him on his "Transgressions" since he's become President. Mostly in his latching onto the Russian Troll Farm rhetoric as if it were fact. And to deny it's happening and to stop or slow down the investigation into it means that Rump supports it happening over and over again as long as it benefits him, personally. Let's face it, his Tweets are his undoing at this point. He starts out a speech sounding very Presidential and then goes into his rants. And the list of things he's done, most of those he has had either little or zero affect on yet he crows about it was him, and him alone, that made them happen.

What we need is 4 years of mediocrity. It's time to heal. It's time to get the external influence out. It's time to start working together. It's time to stop preaching the hate (and yes, Rump preaches hate). And hate to say this, it ain't Bernie and Warren either. I can think of a few Republicans that would fit that bill and a few Dems that would fit that bill but they aren't being considered for the job. But the least likely candidate for the job is Rump.

Maybe 4 years of a President that goes fishing ain't so bad. That's why I look to someone like Biden who likes to fish and doesn't play that much Golf.
He scares me far more than Trump.
A democrat house and a democrat senate = another impeachment and I am fairly confident that the dems can get it through if they control the process. Hell, if Pelosi did not monumentally screw the last one this likely would not even be an issue by this point.

No chance. They would need 2/3 of the Senate to actually pass it for conviction and removal from office. Even if the commies did gain any Senate seats, it might give them a slight majority.

Wait a minute, YOU support those that support Putin. And then you have the never to call someone else a commie? Sheesh. We send to you school, buy you books, you eat the covers off the books and then say you have consumed all the knowledge there is to know.

I do have the knowledge. I also know when people are trying to brainwash me, so I never let it happen. Can't say the same for people like you with weak minds. Weak minds are easily manipulated. All they need to do is plant something in it, like Trump and Russia, and then they have total control over your mind.

People like myself with strong minds don't let other people think for us. We seen this two year 35 million dollar investigation go flop. We watched as the Democrats went recounting votes in states they claimed were rigged by Russia. We understand nothing is there, and never was there. But people like you who are victims of the Power of Suggestion can't let go, because you no longer control your own thoughts--they control your thoughts.

Even if God appeared in the sky for the world to see, and told us that Trump had nothing to do with Russia, you would claim God was lying, because it would go against the way you were programmed.

I had a discussion with a Rumpster last night. As he came up with each point, it was easy to counter them. Each time he would move on to the next point. The last point, after he realized that his other points didn't make sense, he said Rump was a messenger of God. He already knew I was a Christian. Bad move on his part. And I am pretty well versed on the Bible both old and new Testament. I simply asked him how he knew that Rump was doing God's work? I clarified it that none of us really know when God is teaching us a lesson or not. None of us know when God is allowing us to make mistakes using our own power of choice. He had no answer.

Facts remain, without collusion from Rump, the Russian Troll Farms (GRU and Putin) have helped Rump even before the 2016 election. They helped him against the other Republican Candidates. And then they helped him against the Democrats. And they still do today. They even helped in State elections. Plus, on the other side, they have taken the side of the most rediculous arguments when it came from the Democrats as well just to sew division. I see you repeat some of that same GRU(Putin) rhetoric much of the time. Pardon me if I don't buy it from either side.

The Problem Rump has, almost everything that's been said (save a few) have been true. But one can use the argument that he's become a "Born Again Christian". That means that all Christians are supposed to forgive him of his past Transgressions. I do. But I do call him on his "Transgressions" since he's become President. Mostly in his latching onto the Russian Troll Farm rhetoric as if it were fact. And to deny it's happening and to stop or slow down the investigation into it means that Rump supports it happening over and over again as long as it benefits him, personally. Let's face it, his Tweets are his undoing at this point. He starts out a speech sounding very Presidential and then goes into his rants. And the list of things he's done, most of those he has had either little or zero affect on yet he crows about it was him, and him alone, that made them happen.

What we need is 4 years of mediocrity. It's time to heal. It's time to get the external influence out. It's time to start working together. It's time to stop preaching the hate (and yes, Rump preaches hate). And hate to say this, it ain't Bernie and Warren either. I can think of a few Republicans that would fit that bill and a few Dems that would fit that bill but they aren't being considered for the job. But the least likely candidate for the job is Rump.

Maybe 4 years of a President that goes fishing ain't so bad. That's why I look to someone like Biden who likes to fish and doesn't play that much Golf.

Anytime I see one of you people with this Russia thing, I picture a Zombie; one who acts without any thought of their own.

It's just like when people on the right started with this birther thing of Obama. I looked at it. I determined it's BS and irrelevant. In spite of all the evidence that dispels the accusation, there are still some that talk about it. Zombies.

First off, no matter what Russia did or didn't do, they had no power to change the election outcome. Never have, and never will. If I did have TDS, I would look at this Russia thing like the birther thing. I would examine it, conclude it's nothing but bullshit, and carry on to fight another day--except with something legitimate--not made up by the commies.

Trump won fair and square. In his next win, he will win fair and square again. The country is behind him, demonstrated by his sellout crowds and standing room only outside, even in the most frigid of areas. When Trump wins, it won't have anything to do with Russia, it will have to do with the phony impeachment, and perhaps uncovering some of the scandals of the last administration.

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