The Democrat Party Plantation


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There doesn't seem to be a limit to the sexism, racism, and misogyny of the Democrat Party. Here is Van Jones, who can't understand why a woman would not cast a vote for another woman. Because, in the mind of a progressive, woman are apparently incapable of thinking. They should mindlessly pull the lever for any candidate who shares their gender instead of properly evaluating each candidate and determining which one of them is the best option.


Wilson and Segregation

A southern-born president, Woodrow Wilson's legacy has been dogged by his outright racism. In his writings, Wilson eulogized the antebellum South and lamented the period of reconstruction that followed the Civil War. To quote Wilson himself on this subject, "self-preservation [forced whites] to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant negroes."[17] Wilson excused the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in similar terms, calling it understandable in view of the "lawless" situation that victimized whites in the South after 1865.[18] Wilson carried his racism into the public arena, both as president of Princeton University and as Governor of New Jersey. While the former, Wilson discouraged black from applying to his university, and as governor, Wilson refused to confirm the hiring of blacks in his administration.

Woodrow Wilson's Racism
Democrats have totally bought into identity politics. Apparently, they simply cannot conceive of people as individuals capable of independent thought. Everyone is supposed to vote only the way democrats think the group they belong to should vote.

Oh, all except for white males. They are NOT to vote as a group, not at all.

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