The Democrat Party and Paternalistic Slavery of Minorities.

More likely they will ignore it.
Unfortunately this thread will likely have a very high read count, but low post count.
It is a difficult subject, especially for liberals to address.
What they have done to the black race is unforgivable, basically bribed them with hand-outs and free housing. And created generations of government dependents carrying little to no self responsibility, a sense of entitlement and free of blame. In other words, an ideal voter class for the Democrat party.

I'm guessing that you now wish it would have been ignored, right?

"Oh please, please make this thread go away!!!!" :eusa_pray:
Why? No one has successfully refuted any of his points.

All they've done is screech "RACIST!!"
Paternalistic slavery of minorities? What pathetic Pubcrappe...More like Dem attempt for equal opportunity and safety net for minorities, who are discriminated against by racists and institutional Pub discrimination...
"There, there, Mr. Black Man. We know you're simply not capable of succeeding on your own. Let us white liberals help you."
Yet Williams says this in the last paragraph of the article.

"None of this is to say that blacks should vote Republican."

thats right becasue , unlike say yourself, he believes that they should vote their interest and conscience freely, as in "None of this is to say that blacks should vote Democrat either, you know like the point of the article?


I vote freely. I succeed no matter the politics. I believe in the right to kill an unborn fetus, gay marriage, higher taxes on the wealthy and universal healthcare.
...exactly as programmed.
thats right becasue , unlike say yourself, he believes that they should vote their interest and conscience freely, as in "None of this is to say that blacks should vote Democrat either, you know like the point of the article?


I vote freely. I succeed no matter the politics. I believe in the right to kill an unborn fetus, gay marriage, higher taxes on the wealthy and universal healthcare.
...exactly as programmed.


I'm in the 250k tax bracket. I don't mind higher taxes to help the elderly, even old crackers.

I don't believe in abortion for my personal situation, but for others it's between the mother, father and their moral beliefs.

Gay marriage has nothing to do with me.

I was on socialized medicine the 20 years I was in the military and I believe government paid healthcare is a "right" for all U.S. citizens.
I vote freely. I succeed no matter the politics. I believe in the right to kill an unborn fetus, gay marriage, higher taxes on the wealthy and universal healthcare.
...exactly as programmed.


I'm in the 250k tax bracket. I don't mind higher taxes to help the elderly, even old crackers.

I don't believe in abortion for my personal situation, but for others it's between the mother, father and their moral beliefs.

Gay marriage has nothing to do with me.

I was on socialized medicine the 20 years I was in the military and I believe government paid healthcare is a "right" for all U.S. citizens.

You lose credability.
I vote freely. I succeed no matter the politics. I believe in the right to kill an unborn fetus, gay marriage, higher taxes on the wealthy and universal healthcare.
...exactly as programmed.


I'm in the 250k tax bracket. I don't mind higher taxes to help the elderly, even old crackers.

I don't believe in abortion for my personal situation, but for others it's between the mother, father and their moral beliefs.

Gay marriage has nothing to do with me.

I was on socialized medicine the 20 years I was in the military and I believe government paid healthcare is a "right" for all U.S. citizens.
But you're also a racist.

Therefore, everything you say is immediately dismissable.
Jim Clyburn, Ed Towns, Maxine Waters, John Lewis, Deval Patrick, Charles Rangel, John Conyers, and the current President of the United States, Barack Obama

These are some of the black LEADERS in the DemocratIC party.

how can they be slaves when they are masters themselves?

Let's make an equivalent list of elected black leaders in the Republican party. I'll start:

Ok, maybe you should start....


Jennifer Sandra Carroll, Lieutenant Governor of the state of Florida

Herman Cain, American author, business executive, radio host, syndicated columnist, and Tea Party activist from Georgia.

Wardell Anthony "Ward" Connerly, an American political activist, businessman, and former University of California Regent.

Wallace Bernard Jefferson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas. His current term ends on December 31, 2014.

Colin Powell, 65th United States Secretary of State.

Condoleeza Rice, 66th United States Secretary of State.

Tim Scott. Representative, South Carolina's 1st Congressional District.

Michael S. Steele, political commentator, former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, former candidate for the U.S. Senate and elected chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Clarence Thomas, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Dale Wainwright, Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court.

Allen West, Representative, U.S. House of Representatives (FL-22).

Some elected, some appointed, all prominent in the Republican party. And, I could list a lot more.
Back to the question at hand...why do blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic?
Everything bad that has happened to blacks in America since the 1860's...overwhelmingly are the result of Democrat policies and programs. Everything GOOD that has happened to blacks are the result of Republican policies and programs.

Combining all of the civil rights acts...percentage of votes per party:
Republican 93%
Democratic 24%
3 of the civil rights acts were filibustered by Democrats.
It was Democrats that segregated blacks in larger cities by building massive state run housing projects where there were as many as 15,000 people living in just a handful of buildings.
It is Democrats that voted against school vouchers.
It is Democrats that unyieldingly support teachers unions that are killing school reform and damning any hopes of improving America's school system.
It was the Democrats that ensured blacks stayed in their segregated housing projects by giving them just enough money to survive, but absolutely no assistance in getting out of the ghettos.
It is the Democrats that pander and patronize the black race by enticing them with social handouts to garner their votes.
It is the Democrats that instead of seeking to improve the schools that are overwhelmingly failing in inner city systems - they instead bend rules and lower standards making it look like they are doing better...making it easier to enroll in college where they are far from prepared and ultimately fail.

Why vote for a party that has done so much incredible damage?
Mind blowing.
Back to the question at hand...why do blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic?
Everything bad that has happened to blacks in America since the 1860's...overwhelmingly are the result of Democrat policies and programs. Everything GOOD that has happened to blacks are the result of Republican policies and programs.

Combining all of the civil rights acts...percentage of votes per party:
Republican 93%
Democratic 24%
3 of the civil rights acts were filibustered by Democrats.
It was Democrats that segregated blacks in larger cities by building massive state run housing projects where there were as many as 15,000 people living in just a handful of buildings.
It is Democrats that voted against school vouchers.
It is Democrats that unyieldingly support teachers unions that are killing school reform and damning any hopes of improving America's school system.
It was the Democrats that ensured blacks stayed in their segregated housing projects by giving them just enough money to survive, but absolutely no assistance in getting out of the ghettos.
It is the Democrats that pander and patronize the black race by enticing them with social handouts to garner their votes.
It is the Democrats that instead of seeking to improve the schools that are overwhelmingly failing in inner city systems - they instead bend rules and lower standards making it look like they are doing better...making it easier to enroll in college where they are far from prepared and ultimately fail.

Why vote for a party that has done so much incredible damage?
Mind blowing.
Because they are smart enough to know that after 1968 the two parties switched positions and the GOP became everything the Democratic Party used to be.
Back to the question at hand...why do blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic?
Everything bad that has happened to blacks in America since the 1860's...overwhelmingly are the result of Democrat policies and programs. Everything GOOD that has happened to blacks are the result of Republican policies and programs.

Combining all of the civil rights acts...percentage of votes per party:
Republican 93%
Democratic 24%
3 of the civil rights acts were filibustered by Democrats.
It was Democrats that segregated blacks in larger cities by building massive state run housing projects where there were as many as 15,000 people living in just a handful of buildings.
It is Democrats that voted against school vouchers.
It is Democrats that unyieldingly support teachers unions that are killing school reform and damning any hopes of improving America's school system.
It was the Democrats that ensured blacks stayed in their segregated housing projects by giving them just enough money to survive, but absolutely no assistance in getting out of the ghettos.
It is the Democrats that pander and patronize the black race by enticing them with social handouts to garner their votes.
It is the Democrats that instead of seeking to improve the schools that are overwhelmingly failing in inner city systems - they instead bend rules and lower standards making it look like they are doing better...making it easier to enroll in college where they are far from prepared and ultimately fail.

Why vote for a party that has done so much incredible damage?
Mind blowing.
Because they are smart enough to know that after 1968 the two parties switched positions and the GOP became everything the Democratic Party used to be.

Is that so?
Please provide examples of Republican legislation that specifically targets the black race.
You do know that school vouchers were after 1968?
Charter schools after 1968?
Welfare reform act signed by Clinton in 1996...Republican 98% participation, Democratic - 50%...a full half voted against it. Half voted to continue the disastrous plague welfare had been on the black population. YET DEMOCRATS TODAY TRY TO TAKE CREDIT FOR PASSING WELFARE REFORM.
Democrats are still unanimously supporting teachers unions.
Democrats continue to vote to support lowering standards for blacks instead of seeking to improve who is educating them because that would be detrimental to the teachers unions.

I can go on...can you?
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Back to the question at hand...why do blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic?
Everything bad that has happened to blacks in America since the 1860's...overwhelmingly are the result of Democrat policies and programs. Everything GOOD that has happened to blacks are the result of Republican policies and programs.

Combining all of the civil rights acts...percentage of votes per party:
Republican 93%
Democratic 24%
3 of the civil rights acts were filibustered by Democrats.
It was Democrats that segregated blacks in larger cities by building massive state run housing projects where there were as many as 15,000 people living in just a handful of buildings.
It is Democrats that voted against school vouchers.
It is Democrats that unyieldingly support teachers unions that are killing school reform and damning any hopes of improving America's school system.
It was the Democrats that ensured blacks stayed in their segregated housing projects by giving them just enough money to survive, but absolutely no assistance in getting out of the ghettos.
It is the Democrats that pander and patronize the black race by enticing them with social handouts to garner their votes.
It is the Democrats that instead of seeking to improve the schools that are overwhelmingly failing in inner city systems - they instead bend rules and lower standards making it look like they are doing better...making it easier to enroll in college where they are far from prepared and ultimately fail.

Why vote for a party that has done so much incredible damage?
Mind blowing.
Because they are smart enough to know that after 1968 the two parties switched positions and the GOP became everything the Democratic Party used to be.

What did the parties do, have a secret meeting and just decide to SWAP?

That's fucking ludicrous!
It is fun to watch the white conservatives give history lessons on black America. How many of you have lived in the black community your entire lives?
It is fun to watch the white conservatives give history lessons on black America. How many of you have lived in the black community your entire lives?

How would living in a black community provide history lessons?
And what is "black America"?...oh sorry...the one with little to no opportunities, where blacks were segregated away from everyone else deep in inner city developments away from employment and more importantly away from white America....the one Democrats gave you.
It is fun to watch the white conservatives give history lessons on black America. How many of you have lived in the black community your entire lives?

How would living in a black community provide history lessons?
And what is "black America"?...oh sorry...the one with little to no opportunities, where blacks were segregated away from everyone else deep in inner city developments away from employment and more importantly away from white America....the one Democrats gave you.

You having to ask what black America is proves my point.

All blacks live in the inner city?
...exactly as programmed.


I'm in the 250k tax bracket. I don't mind higher taxes to help the elderly, even old crackers.

I don't believe in abortion for my personal situation, but for others it's between the mother, father and their moral beliefs.

Gay marriage has nothing to do with me.

I was on socialized medicine the 20 years I was in the military and I believe government paid healthcare is a "right" for all U.S. citizens.
But you're also a racist.

Therefore, everything you say is immediately dismissable.

You do realize that America was founded by racists? They wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

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