The Demise of the American Consensus


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Recently, a truly magnificent thread explained the correct usage of the term "Fascist, " and why it could not be correctly applied to any conservative political perspective.

It can be found here:
On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

That thread also documented the corresponding and complimentary aspects of the six 'shameful sisters'....Fascism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism and Progressivism.
All six
function via similar methods, and have the same ultimate aims: big, unlimited government collectivism.

Now, in juxtaposition to the 'sinister sextuplets'.....(etymology: sinister comes from the word for 'Left') ....we have the view that is in no way similar to the six above, 'the American Creed.'

You will notice how truly different it is from those six.

2. Last month, Charles Murray expounded on what was once a consensus in the nation, a consensus that made us great, and the basis of American exceptionalism.
If Americans were still in agreement about this view, many corrupt politicians who have found success at the polls...rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans.....would never have been elected to high office.

But....on to Murray's essay:

3. "What does this ideology—Huntington called it the “American creed”—consist of? Its three core values may be summarized as



and individualism.

From these flow other familiar aspects of the national creed that observers have long identified: equality before the law, equality of opportunity, freedom of speech and association, self-reliance, limited government, free-market economics, decentralized and devolved political authority.

4.... the creed has lost its authority and its substance. What happened? Many of the dynamics of the reversal can be found in developments across the whole of American society....."
Trump's America - AEI

5. Murray points this out as the changing our trajectory: the 1960's, radicals with beliefs like these:

“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110

Hence, the entrée of the shameful six...stage Left.
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2. Last month, Charles Murray expounded on what was once a consensus in the nation, a consensus that made us great, and the basis of American exceptionalism.
If Americans were still in agreement about this view, many corrupt politicians who have found success at the polls...rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans.....would never have been elected to high office.


Like who? Lincoln?

1. Recently, a truly magnificent thread explained the correct usage of the term "Fascist, " and why it could not be correctly applied to any conservative political perspective.


Would that be the thread where you proclaimed John F. Kennedy a Fascist?

lol, retard.

There was no such mention of Kennedy. remain a serial liar.
2. Last month, Charles Murray expounded on what was once a consensus in the nation, a consensus that made us great, and the basis of American exceptionalism.
If Americans were still in agreement about this view, many corrupt politicians who have found success at the polls...rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans.....would never have been elected to high office.


Like who? Lincoln?


The specific reference was "....rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans...."

Now....which Democrat would you like me to identify?
In the 1960's the lunatics took over the asylum.

The spoiled, self-aggrandizing twits who spearheaded the wrong-headed protests against the Vietnam War camped out in our colleges and universities, and happily discovered that they were welcome there. So they stayed (what the hell, it was better than actually working for a living), and became the professors who taught today's teachers (who also are not particularly interested in the idea of working for a living).

And so we have had an unprecedented campaign of liberal indoctrination, lasting two-plus generations, wherein our children have been subjected to 12-16 years of constant liberal propaganda, paid for by the American taxpayers.

Is it any wonder that The Young are overwhelmingly liberal? It is only after having had to work for a living for a period of time that it dawns on many of them that what they have been taught about government "compassion," about America's role in the world, and about the "deserving poor," is nothing but nonsense, intended mainly to cement the entitlement of millions and millions of government bureaucrats to a lifetime of risk-free, work-free privilege.
In the 1960's the lunatics took over the asylum.

The spoiled, self-aggrandizing twits who spearheaded the wrong-headed protests against the Vietnam War camped out in our colleges and universities, and happily discovered that they were welcome there. So they stayed (what the hell, it was better than actually working for a living), and became the professors who taught today's teachers (who also are not particularly interested in the idea of working for a living).

And so we have had an unprecedented campaign of liberal indoctrination, lasting two-plus generations, wherein our children have been subjected to 12-16 years of constant liberal propaganda, paid for by the American taxpayers.

Is it any wonder that The Young are overwhelmingly liberal? It is only after having had to work for a living for a period of time that it dawns on many of them that what they have been taught about government "compassion," about America's role in the world, and about the "deserving poor," is nothing but nonsense, intended mainly to cement the entitlement of millions and millions of government bureaucrats to a lifetime of risk-free, work-free privilege.

How to explain the dramatic reversal in the views of the electorate, from that which made us great....individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, to the collectivism of the Sinister Sextuplets?

6. Steve Malanga of City Journal has written about it, and attributes much of same to the huge increase in the post-war population.

The explanation involves the numbers of individual coming of age at the time, who must be civilized by their families, schools, and churches. A particularly large wave swamped the institutions responsible for teaching traditions and standards.

a. “Rathenau called [this] ‘the vertical invasion of the barbarians.’” Jose Ortega y Gasset, “The Revolt of the Masses,” p. 53.

The baby boomers were a generation so large that they formed their own culture. The generation from 1922-1947 numbered 43.6 million, while that of 1946-1964 had 79 million.

Would it surprise anyone if this culture was opposed to that of their parents?

And, therefore, opposed to the creed by which their parents lived?
And, therefore, opposed to the creed by which their parents lived?

Their parents lived through the Depression and WW2. It was the Greatest Generation (hah!) that coddled the Baby Boomers, bought into Dr. Spock, led the New Left, got us sucked into Vietnam, and taught all those classes on Marxism on college campuses. And lest we forget, the earliest the Baby Boomers could have voted was 1968 (1946 + 21), by then LBJ's Great Society nonsense was already well underway and it was the Greatest Generation that wanted that so there wouldn't be a repeat of the human toll of the Depression.

The baby Boomers just took what they had been brought up with and ran with it.
And, therefore, opposed to the creed by which their parents lived?

Their parents lived through the Depression and WW2. It was the Greatest Generation (hah!) that coddled the Baby Boomers, bought into Dr. Spock, led the New Left, got us sucked into Vietnam, and taught all those classes on Marxism on college campuses. And lest we forget, the earliest the Baby Boomers could have voted was 1968 (1946 + 21), by then LBJ's Great Society nonsense was already well underway and it was the Greatest Generation that wanted that so there wouldn't be a repeat of the human toll of the Depression.

The baby Boomers just took what they had been brought up with and ran with it.

But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men
Gangaft agley,
An'lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

Robert Burns
7. " InDemocracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville worried that free, capitalist societies might develop so great a “taste for physical gratification” that citizens would be “carried away, and lose all self-restraint.”
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? by Steven Malanga, City Journal Summer 2009

The human attempt for self-gratification is usually kept in check, within bounds, by religion, morality, law, and, by the necessity to work hard based on the fear of want.

Much of the former was removed by the French Revolution, and in modern America, and another restriction was removed by the rising affluence of the last century; suppressed by WWI, and then by the Depression, but released by the 9-year expansion of the 1960’s. The effect of affluence was increased, multiplied, by the fact that parents, who had known the hardships of the Depression, and WWII, were determined to give their children every comfort that they could.

a. A leader of SDS wrote :
” Without thinking about it, we all took the fat of the land for granted.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 104

b. Rage fueled by money, unlike previous generations, they cared not that either lack of study, or unacceptable behavior, as barriers in their futures. They would travel, organize, incite from campus to campus.

And prove victorious.

To America's eternal shame.
1. Recently, a truly magnificent thread explained the correct usage of the term "Fascist, " and why it could not be correctly applied to any conservative political perspective.

It can be found here:
On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

That thread also documented the corresponding and complimentary aspects of the six 'shameful sisters'....Fascism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism and Progressivism.
All six
function via similar methods, and have the same ultimate aims: big, unlimited government collectivism.

Now, in juxtaposition to the 'sinister sextuplets'.....(etymology: sinister comes from the word for 'Left') ....we have the view that is in no way similar to the six above, 'the American Creed.'

You will notice how truly different it is from those six.

2. Last month, Charles Murray expounded on what was once a consensus in the nation, a consensus that made us great, and the basis of American exceptionalism.
If Americans were still in agreement about this view, many corrupt politicians who have found success at the polls...rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans.....would never have been elected to high office.

But....on to Murray's essay:

3. "What does this ideology—Huntington called it the “American creed”—consist of? Its three core values may be summarized as



and individualism.

From these flow other familiar aspects of the national creed that observers have long identified: equality before the law, equality of opportunity, freedom of speech and association, self-reliance, limited government, free-market economics, decentralized and devolved political authority.

4.... the creed has lost its authority and its substance. What happened? Many of the dynamics of the reversal can be found in developments across the whole of American society....."
Trump's America - AEI

5. Murray points this out as the changing our trajectory: the 1960's, radicals with beliefs like these:

“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110

Hence, the entrée of the shameful six...stage Left.

I blame FDR
1. Recently, a truly magnificent thread explained the correct usage of the term "Fascist, " and why it could not be correctly applied to any conservative political perspective.

It can be found here:
On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

That thread also documented the corresponding and complimentary aspects of the six 'shameful sisters'....Fascism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism and Progressivism.
All six
function via similar methods, and have the same ultimate aims: big, unlimited government collectivism.

Now, in juxtaposition to the 'sinister sextuplets'.....(etymology: sinister comes from the word for 'Left') ....we have the view that is in no way similar to the six above, 'the American Creed.'

You will notice how truly different it is from those six.

2. Last month, Charles Murray expounded on what was once a consensus in the nation, a consensus that made us great, and the basis of American exceptionalism.
If Americans were still in agreement about this view, many corrupt politicians who have found success at the polls...rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans.....would never have been elected to high office.

But....on to Murray's essay:

3. "What does this ideology—Huntington called it the “American creed”—consist of? Its three core values may be summarized as



and individualism.

From these flow other familiar aspects of the national creed that observers have long identified: equality before the law, equality of opportunity, freedom of speech and association, self-reliance, limited government, free-market economics, decentralized and devolved political authority.

4.... the creed has lost its authority and its substance. What happened? Many of the dynamics of the reversal can be found in developments across the whole of American society....."
Trump's America - AEI

5. Murray points this out as the changing our trajectory: the 1960's, radicals with beliefs like these:

“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110

Hence, the entrée of the shameful six...stage Left.

I blame FDR

I blame the fascist Bobby Kennedy and the Nazi Joe Biden. lol
1. Recently, a truly magnificent thread explained the correct usage of the term "Fascist, " and why it could not be correctly applied to any conservative political perspective.


Would that be the thread where you proclaimed John F. Kennedy a Fascist?

lol, retard.

There was no such mention of Kennedy. remain a serial liar.

So you concede that you cannot name a single Democrat who is or was a fascist, after you called all Democrats fascists.

1. Recently, a truly magnificent thread explained the correct usage of the term "Fascist, " and why it could not be correctly applied to any conservative political perspective.


Would that be the thread where you proclaimed John F. Kennedy a Fascist?

lol, retard.

There was no such mention of Kennedy. remain a serial liar.

So you concede that you cannot name a single Democrat who is or was a fascist, after you called all Democrats fascists.


You'll do anything to change the subject from the lie I caught you in, huh?
2. Last month, Charles Murray expounded on what was once a consensus in the nation, a consensus that made us great, and the basis of American exceptionalism.
If Americans were still in agreement about this view, many corrupt politicians who have found success at the polls...rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans.....would never have been elected to high office.


Like who? Lincoln?


The specific reference was "....rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans...."

Now....which Democrat would you like me to identify?

Yes, name the Democratic president who was convicted of treason.
In the 1960's the lunatics took over the asylum.

The spoiled, self-aggrandizing twits who spearheaded the wrong-headed protests against the Vietnam War camped out in our colleges and universities, and happily discovered that they were welcome there. So they stayed (what the hell, it was better than actually working for a living), and became the professors who taught today's teachers (who also are not particularly interested in the idea of working for a living).

And so we have had an unprecedented campaign of liberal indoctrination, lasting two-plus generations, wherein our children have been subjected to 12-16 years of constant liberal propaganda, paid for by the American taxpayers.

Is it any wonder that The Young are overwhelmingly liberal? It is only after having had to work for a living for a period of time that it dawns on many of them that what they have been taught about government "compassion," about America's role in the world, and about the "deserving poor," is nothing but nonsense, intended mainly to cement the entitlement of millions and millions of government bureaucrats to a lifetime of risk-free, work-free privilege.

How to explain the dramatic reversal in the views of the electorate, from that which made us great....individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, to the collectivism of the Sinister Sextuplets?

6. Steve Malanga of City Journal has written about it, and attributes much of same to the huge increase in the post-war population.

The explanation involves the numbers of individual coming of age at the time, who must be civilized by their families, schools, and churches. A particularly large wave swamped the institutions responsible for teaching traditions and standards.

a. “Rathenau called [this] ‘the vertical invasion of the barbarians.’” Jose Ortega y Gasset, “The Revolt of the Masses,” p. 53.

The baby boomers were a generation so large that they formed their own culture. The generation from 1922-1947 numbered 43.6 million, while that of 1946-1964 had 79 million.

Would it surprise anyone if this culture was opposed to that of their parents?

And, therefore, opposed to the creed by which their parents lived?

what "creed"? what consensus?

the only individualism you believe in is if the individuals share your limited and extreme radical right views..... as cut and pasted all day long for everyone's general amusement.
1. Recently, a truly magnificent thread explained the correct usage of the term "Fascist, " and why it could not be correctly applied to any conservative political perspective.


Would that be the thread where you proclaimed John F. Kennedy a Fascist?

lol, retard.

There was no such mention of Kennedy. remain a serial liar.

So you concede that you cannot name a single Democrat who is or was a fascist, after you called all Democrats fascists.


You'll do anything to change the subject from the lie I caught you in, huh?

I got you to eat your words. Mission accomplished.
2. Last month, Charles Murray expounded on what was once a consensus in the nation, a consensus that made us great, and the basis of American exceptionalism.
If Americans were still in agreement about this view, many corrupt politicians who have found success at the polls...rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans.....would never have been elected to high office.


Like who? Lincoln?


The specific reference was "....rapists, traitors, murderers, anti-Americans...."

Now....which Democrat would you like me to identify?

Yes, name the Democratic president who was convicted of treason.

I look forward to seeing her lie about this one.
In the 1960's the lunatics took over the asylum.

The spoiled, self-aggrandizing twits who spearheaded the wrong-headed protests against the Vietnam War camped out in our colleges and universities, and happily discovered that they were welcome there. So they stayed (what the hell, it was better than actually working for a living), and became the professors who taught today's teachers (who also are not particularly interested in the idea of working for a living).

And so we have had an unprecedented campaign of liberal indoctrination, lasting two-plus generations, wherein our children have been subjected to 12-16 years of constant liberal propaganda, paid for by the American taxpayers.

Is it any wonder that The Young are overwhelmingly liberal? It is only after having had to work for a living for a period of time that it dawns on many of them that what they have been taught about government "compassion," about America's role in the world, and about the "deserving poor," is nothing but nonsense, intended mainly to cement the entitlement of millions and millions of government bureaucrats to a lifetime of risk-free, work-free privilege.

How to explain the dramatic reversal in the views of the electorate, from that which made us great....individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, to the collectivism of the Sinister Sextuplets?

6. Steve Malanga of City Journal has written about it, and attributes much of same to the huge increase in the post-war population.

The explanation involves the numbers of individual coming of age at the time, who must be civilized by their families, schools, and churches. A particularly large wave swamped the institutions responsible for teaching traditions and standards.

a. “Rathenau called [this] ‘the vertical invasion of the barbarians.’” Jose Ortega y Gasset, “The Revolt of the Masses,” p. 53.

The baby boomers were a generation so large that they formed their own culture. The generation from 1922-1947 numbered 43.6 million, while that of 1946-1964 had 79 million.

Would it surprise anyone if this culture was opposed to that of their parents?

And, therefore, opposed to the creed by which their parents lived?

what "creed"? what consensus?

the only individualism you believe in is if the individuals share your limited and extreme radical right views..... as cut and pasted all day long for everyone's general amusement.

She's talking about the consensus in America's past that was so strong that it made such things as a civil war impossible.

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