The Delusional Self-Importance of the Liberal Media

David Limbaugh
They tend to view themselves as sacrosanct and above scrutiny.
Dumbass Limburger ought to listen to his POS brother!

Nov 26, 2007
RUSH: Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here.
So you are admitting Obama has been a failure?
Our economy is a failure because the GOP has failed to join in governance since 2010.
Obama has done whatever he has wanted. Nice try though.
Because the GOP failed, yes, thank you for agreeing.
Okay so you agree without the GOP stopping Obama, they are a failure? I agree.

BUT, despite admitting that the GOP failed to stop Obama, he stills blames teh GOP for Obama's failure.

Libs are funny that way. Their ideas can just completely contradict each other and there is nothing in their heads that notices.
And they don't even know they're doing it.
Liberalism is a mental disease. Seriously.
Look at the recent events regarding LEOs and young negro thugs. Every single one of these events the LIBs always end up choosing the wrong side.
On muslim terrorism they defend the terrorists. Every chance they get they attack American values.
No matter how badly the 'First AA President' fucks up they keep their tongues up his ass.
I agree that the GOP failed to join Obama in governing. Obama got almost everything he wanted, so he certainly did not fail. Far right reactionaries simply do not understand logic and that our system works best when the two parties work the best they can on consensus and compromise. The reactionaries are funny that way in blaming others for their own failure.
So, on the one hand, you admit that Obama succeeded in getting everything he wanted, while OTOH, you admit that the economy is a failure, and you want to blame Republicans, while claiming that THEY want to blame others? I would go on, but you've exhausted my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity, and it's not even 9:00 am.
I agree that the GOP failed to join Obama in governing. Obama got almost everything he wanted, so he certainly did not fail. Far right reactionaries simply do not understand logic and that our system works best when the two parties work the best they can on consensus and compromise. The reactionaries are funny that way in blaming others for their own failure.
So, on the one hand, you admit that Obama succeeded in getting everything he wanted, while OTOH, you admit that the economy is a failure, and you want to blame Republicans, while claiming that THEY want to blame others? I would go on, but you've exhausted my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity, and it's not even 9:00 am.
I did not say the economy was a failure. If you said that I did, then you are lying. I am blaming the congressional GOP for failing to do its job. If you can't accept the American way, you should emigrate.
I agree that the GOP failed to join Obama in governing. Obama got almost everything he wanted, so he certainly did not fail. Far right reactionaries simply do not understand logic and that our system works best when the two parties work the best they can on consensus and compromise. The reactionaries are funny that way in blaming others for their own failure.
So, on the one hand, you admit that Obama succeeded in getting everything he wanted, while OTOH, you admit that the economy is a failure, and you want to blame Republicans, while claiming that THEY want to blame others? I would go on, but you've exhausted my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity, and it's not even 9:00 am.
I did not say the economy was a failure. If you said that I did, then you are lying. I am blaming the congressional GOP for failing to do its job. If you can't accept the American way, you should emigrate.
You said, in post #34:

Our economy is a failure because the GOP has failed to join in governance since 2010.

I put the important part in bold.
I agree that the GOP failed to join Obama in governing. Obama got almost everything he wanted, so he certainly did not fail. Far right reactionaries simply do not understand logic and that our system works best when the two parties work the best they can on consensus and compromise. The reactionaries are funny that way in blaming others for their own failure.
So, on the one hand, you admit that Obama succeeded in getting everything he wanted, while OTOH, you admit that the economy is a failure, and you want to blame Republicans, while claiming that THEY want to blame others? I would go on, but you've exhausted my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity, and it's not even 9:00 am.
I did not say the economy was a failure. If you said that I did, then you are lying. I am blaming the congressional GOP for failing to do its job. If you can't accept the American way, you should emigrate.
You said, in post #34
Our economy is a failure because the GOP has failed to join in governance since 2010.
I put the important part in bold.
In context, that means it has failed to the point it has because of the GOP failed to help govern. You are suggesting, foolishly, that our economy is an absolute failure? If you are, then you are using your feelings and not connected facts and results. Check the job report today.
Human Events ^ | Jan 5, 2016 | David Limbaugh |
I have long marveled at liberals' air of superiority and lack of self-reflection, which have always been particularly evident among liberal media elites and journalists. They tend to view themselves as sacrosanct and above scrutiny.Perhaps this attitude sprang from the British and, later, American tradition that the press is the Fourth Estate. It doesn't just serve to inform the people and make them better contributors to the democratic process. It is the virtual fourth branch of government, operating as a watchdog on the formal branches to further check their potential abuses of power.

That's interesting. You want a rightwing government to censor the liberal media.

That is exactly why conservatives must be kept out of power at all costs.
I agree that the GOP failed to join Obama in governing. Obama got almost everything he wanted, so he certainly did not fail. Far right reactionaries simply do not understand logic and that our system works best when the two parties work the best they can on consensus and compromise. The reactionaries are funny that way in blaming others for their own failure.
So, on the one hand, you admit that Obama succeeded in getting everything he wanted, while OTOH, you admit that the economy is a failure, and you want to blame Republicans, while claiming that THEY want to blame others? I would go on, but you've exhausted my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity, and it's not even 9:00 am.
I did not say the economy was a failure. If you said that I did, then you are lying. I am blaming the congressional GOP for failing to do its job. If you can't accept the American way, you should emigrate.
You said, in post #34
Our economy is a failure because the GOP has failed to join in governance since 2010.
I put the important part in bold.
In context, that means it has failed to the point it has because of the GOP failed to help govern. You are suggesting, foolishly, that our economy is an absolute failure? If you are, then you are using your feelings and not connected facts and results. Check the job report today.
So, you didn't mean what you wrote. What you really wanted to say was that the economy is going great because Obama did such an awesome job, and that the economy is a failure because of the Republicans. Also, why are you adding the word "absolute"? I didn't. This is why I say that my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity is very low right now. It rebounded just a little from earlier, but not by much.
Ohmaygoash - you cite David Limbaugh! How non-biased can you get? Same on you. Don't you know there is no such thing as "liberal Media?"
So, you didn't mean what you wrote. What you really wanted to say was that the economy is going great because Obama did such an awesome job, and that the economy is a failure because of the Republicans. Also, why are you adding the word "absolute"? I didn't. This is why I say that my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity is very low right now. It rebounded just a little from earlier, but not by much.
I wrote what I wrote, and your interpretation of what I wrote is wrong. I have said before and say it now that Obama is a mediocre president. You indicated "absolute", and I corrected you for it. That will always be the case between you and me. That will never change. When our GOP won't help govern, many of the things that should be done don't get done. Accept the responsibility and result.
So, you didn't mean what you wrote. What you really wanted to say was that the economy is going great because Obama did such an awesome job, and that the economy is a failure because of the Republicans. Also, why are you adding the word "absolute"? I didn't. This is why I say that my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity is very low right now. It rebounded just a little from earlier, but not by much.
I wrote what I wrote, and your interpretation of what I wrote is wrong. I have said before and say it now that Obama is a mediocre president. You indicated "absolute", and I correct you for it. That will always be the case between you and me. That will never change. When our GOP won't help govern, many of the things that should be done don't get done. Accept the responsibilty and result.
Except that you've admitted that Obama got basically everything he wanted and you did not come up with anything the Republicans prevented. So, in that context, what didn't get done that is the Republicans' fault?
That makes no sense. The fact is that the Republicans did not work with the president to get a better economy. If you believe they did, give us examples. If you think Obama did not do a good job, give us examples. Get away from regressive feelings and give us some empirical evidence.
That makes no sense. The fact is that the Republicans did not work with the president to get a better economy. If you believe they did, give us examples. If you think Obama did not do a good job, give us examples. Get away from regressive feelings and give us some empirical evidence.
Nice try, but no cigar. You were trying to make the emotional point that Republicans obstructed stuff and made the economy worse. You also, at the same time, admitted that Obama got what he wanted. In the sane world, those two statements contradict each other. Obviously, you are making an emotional, not a rational, argument. When you admit that, we can move forward.
Those like Turzovvka are "the most toxic poison in America", so of course the bad old media is the bad old media.
Turzovka, Vigilante, Correll, etc., want us to believe their made up accusations that the mainstream is doing them wrong somehow.
I do not want you to believe anything. I have long moved on hoping for something like that. Pride is a real killer. It blinds the beholder from the obvious. It puts one in a perpetual state of denial.

An atheist refuses to see the handiwork of God. And now you refuse to see the agenda of media moguls. How utterly strange.

“If you don't read the newspapers, you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed.” Mark Twain

Did you think I was trying to imply the RIGHT does not also spin the news or cover up bad press to advance its agenda? Oh, heavens no. Both sides are guilty and dishonest. However, I do believe Fox is far more honorable in its reporting that even ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and PBS. Of course MSNBC. Why? Because those networks cover up major scandals. How? By not reporting on them!! By giving them a day or two and then moving on to “other important things.” That is not lying, it is being totally dishonorable to their assumed primary mission and that is to be a watchdog for the public on the machinations of government, big business, etc.

How can you be so gullible or naïve to think the major media outlets are not also in the business of putting forth an agenda? How can you be so gullible to think their way of reporting does not influence the masses? You really think they have vetted out and dealt with Obama the way they dealt with republican candidates? Do you think when media watchdog groups report on the number of negative stories certain candidates receive by each news network that does not tell a story? Newspapers are the same thing although they have become less of a force in a digital age and even since the advent of television. The New York Times has been implicated numerous times for its deceptive reporting. Was that without a purpose they did so?

A lot of people in this nation think our media is pro-Israel, that is how naïve the American people are. The major media outlets in this nation are NOT pro-Israel, they are anti-Israel. Just like our universities are. Our universities are nauseatingly pro-Left on so many issues it’s a sin. How many examples do you need to consider there may be a legitimate point to be made here, because I doubt I am getting through? I might also add the major media is anti-Christian, too. They do not want the American people to be pro-God, pro life, pro family. They want the American people to be pro-hedonism, pro sexual freedom, and realize "sin" is some ancient idea. They want us never to consider death and pending consequences. So dumb.
simply state the media wants a population of dependent people. The media believe in themselves that they are better. It is a condescending position of power in their minds. To oppose those views is amount to being a traitor. Take climate science. To oppose global warming they wish to arrest and detain, probably even punish such behavior. Anyone in the media can simply kiss my ass. I have no place for any of them.

I'd love to take them on in a debate, but they would never do it since it would actually expose them for who they are. Trump did a fairly decent job of it during the debates and is why he maintains his daily free media show. They are pissed at how they were treated by him, and they will turn over as many rocks as they possibly can to find a worm to use.

The dude jake in here is a boob libturd who knows very little about media matters. But he is a libturd.
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I agree that the GOP failed to join Obama in governing. Obama got almost everything he wanted, so he certainly did not fail. Far right reactionaries simply do not understand logic and that our system works best when the two parties work the best they can on consensus and compromise. The reactionaries are funny that way in blaming others for their own failure.
and here is how the libturds validate their thoughts. Funny shit right here. WOW dude, you should actually learn english and understand what it is you wrote. I know you don't. But it doesn't surprise me, you are a libturd and have an excuse.
I agree that the GOP failed to join Obama in governing. Obama got almost everything he wanted, so he certainly did not fail. Far right reactionaries simply do not understand logic and that our system works best when the two parties work the best they can on consensus and compromise. The reactionaries are funny that way in blaming others for their own failure.
So, on the one hand, you admit that Obama succeeded in getting everything he wanted, while OTOH, you admit that the economy is a failure, and you want to blame Republicans, while claiming that THEY want to blame others? I would go on, but you've exhausted my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity, and it's not even 9:00 am.
I did not say the economy was a failure. If you said that I did, then you are lying. I am blaming the congressional GOP for failing to do its job. If you can't accept the American way, you should emigrate.
You said, in post #34
Our economy is a failure because the GOP has failed to join in governance since 2010.
I put the important part in bold.
In context, that means it has failed to the point it has because of the GOP failed to help govern. You are suggesting, foolishly, that our economy is an absolute failure? If you are, then you are using your feelings and not connected facts and results. Check the job report today.
pay no attention to the man behind the screen.
So, you didn't mean what you wrote. What you really wanted to say was that the economy is going great because Obama did such an awesome job, and that the economy is a failure because of the Republicans. Also, why are you adding the word "absolute"? I didn't. This is why I say that my ability to absorb any more internet stupidity is very low right now. It rebounded just a little from earlier, but not by much.
I wrote what I wrote, and your interpretation of what I wrote is wrong. I have said before and say it now that Obama is a mediocre president. You indicated "absolute", and I corrected you for it. That will always be the case between you and me. That will never change. When our GOP won't help govern, many of the things that should be done don't get done. Accept the responsibility and result.
post #34, can't get away from it friend. hahahahahahaahhahahaaha, libturd hypocrite.
That makes no sense. The fact is that the Republicans did not work with the president to get a better economy. If you believe they did, give us examples. If you think Obama did not do a good job, give us examples. Get away from regressive feelings and give us some empirical evidence.
Nice try, but no cigar. You were trying to make the emotional point that Republicans obstructed stuff and made the economy worse. You also, at the same time, admitted that Obama got what he wanted. In the sane world, those two statements contradict each other. Obviously, you are making an emotional, not a rational, argument. When you admit that, we can move forward.
That is right, you have failed. The GOP obstructed: that is an empirical fact.

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