The Definitive Critical Race Theory Thread

…or, explaining what a mistake it is to support Democrat policies.

1. Critical Race Theory, in the definition proposed in the 1993 book Words That Wound, co-authored by Mari Matsuda, Charles Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlè Crenshaw:
"Critical race theory recognizes that racism is endemic to American life. Rather than seeing racism as aberrational, CRT scholars see it as the norm.
Critical race theory expresses skepticism toward dominant legal claims of neutrality, objectivity, color blindness, and meritocracy.

More important, as critical race theorists we adopt a stance that presumes that racism has contributed to all contemporary manifestations of group advantage and disadvantage along racial lines, including differences in income, imprisonment, health, housing, education, political representation, and military service. Our history calls for this presumption….whites must simply defer to the voices of their non-white peers."

2. The simplest rebuttal is this statement of America’s Creed, which is the opposite of CRT.

…the creed embodies “the political principles of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, human rights, the rule of law, and private property.” Samuel P. Huntington’s Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity, p.46

3. A detailed and step-wise dismembering of the aberrant anti-humanity Critical Race Theory, by James A. Lindsay, begins here:

“ Critical Race Theory believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction.
…the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country,”

… what they mean by “racism” isn’t even what most people think racism means. It is not prejudice based upon race or believing some races to be superior or inferior to others that they mean by “racism.” It is, instead, the “system” of everything that happens in the social world and beyond that results in any disparity that works in the favor of “racially privileged” groups (on average) or any “racially oppressed” person claiming they experience racial oppression.

… people who take up Critical Race Theory to look for racism in everything until they find it.

In the workplace that adopts Critical Race Theory, this means that it’s only a matter of time until someone with that worldview finds out how your entire company and its culture is “racist.” At that point, they will cause a meltdown that forces everyone to take sides and demand a reorganization of the entire (now divided) office culture and management.

In schools, it will mean teaching our children to think this way and always be looking for racism in every situation and interaction. In our personal relationships, it means that friends and even family members—especially our kids who have already been educated with Critical Race Theory ideas that have been incorporated in our schools—will eventually call each other out and reject one another, because tolerating racism is also considered a form of racism t
hat would have to be discovered and stopped.”
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

This is the binary system into which the Left has plunged America: to vote Democrat is to endorse Critical Race Theory....,

.....and vice versa.
Well spoken. And the fact the name is a reference to "critical theory" . (In sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western- Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School , developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.) But our modern Chinese funded communist lefties shoehorned in the word "race" as to make it ever so topical. Its all intellectual wool-gathering and is just unprovable nonsense meant to justify demonizing whites.
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Well spoken. And the fact the name is a reference to "critical theory" . (In sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western- Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School , developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.) But our modern Chinese funded communist lefties shoehorned in the word "race" as to make it ever so topical. Its all intellectual wool-gathering and is just unprovable nonsense meant to justify demonizing whites.
For your education:

According to the authors of Critical Race Theory: Key Writings That Formed The Movement, critical race theory formed in the 1980s, when a group of scholars of color broke off from their white, leftist colleagues in critical legal studies.
Well spoken. And the fact the name is a reference to "critical theory" . (In sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western- Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School , developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.) But our modern Chinese funded communist lefties shoehorned in the word "race" as to make it ever so topical. Its all intellectual wool-gathering and is just unprovable nonsense meant to justify demonizing whites.

Did you know that the Frankfurt School was invited here after the war by Edward R. Murrow?

Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department.
America was up for helping communist 'scholars' fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.
For your education:

According to the authors of Critical Race Theory: Key Writings That Formed The Movement, critical race theory formed in the 1980s, when a group of scholars of color broke off from their white, leftist colleagues in critical legal studies.

It is really a simple question, yet it left you speechless.

Anything here not true?

Let's review
1. Totalitarian America-haters have taken control of the Democrat Party. The Democrats admit it.
2. Radical anti-Americans have taken control of the government school system.
3. The woke-brigade insists on indoctrinating school children with Critical Race Theory propaganda.
4. Anti-white racism is the basic doctrine of the the theory, with the claim that every American is either a victim or an oppressor.
5. Simpletons, you, have taken up the banner of Critical Race Theory because you are stupid, and because you fit the descriptions above.
Did you know that the Frankfurt School was invited here after the war by Edward R. Murrow?

Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department.
America was up for helping communist 'scholars' fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

I should include the fact that Murrow was one of Senator Joseph McCarthy's greatest critics.....

Of course, McCarthy has been proven correct about Marxists throughout Roosevelt's administration.

Critical Race Theory is the result of the Liberal's victory.
Did you know that the Frankfurt School was invited here after the war by Edward R. Murrow?

Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department.
America was up for helping communist 'scholars' fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.
Its awesome, When I see Edward Morrow (I idolize this guy!) confronting McCarthy. I never realized there was a another level to this. McCarthy was a demagogue driving fear of a actual political threat for political gain (sound familiar?) This is like layers of an onion, but was Morrow actually concerned with the facts, or trying to blunt anti-Communist? That was the overall effect. Then, we had communist infiltration and spies like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. But now we have Patrisse Cullors and the BLM.
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Its awesome, When I see Edward Morrow (I idolize this guy!) confronting McCarthy. I never realized there was a another level to this. McCarthy was a demagogue driving fear of a actual political threat for political gain (sound familiar?) This is like layers of an onion, but was Morrow actually concerned with the facts, or trying to blunt anti-Communist? That was the overall effect. Then, we had communist infiltration and spies like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. But now we have Patrisse Cullors and the BLM.

Murrow was wrong, McCarthy correct.

Whenever I hear defenders of the Left claim that McCarthy ruined lives of innocent Americans, I ask they to name any.
There are none.

The deciphered Venona messages document the CPUSA’s integral role in the Soviet Union’s massive espionage against the US.

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

"Alabama State Board of Education Bans Critical Race Theory

“the Alabama State Board of Education believes that all individuals are endowed with equal inalienable rights, without respect to race or sex.”
The board-approved resolution is titled, “The preservation of intellectual freedom and non-discrimination in Alabama’s public schools.” Its opening line reads, “the Alabama State Board of Education believes that all individuals are endowed with equal inalienable rights, without respect to race or sex.”

It further states, “[C]oncepts that impute fault, blame, a tendency to oppress others, or the need to feel guilt or anguish to persons solely because of their race or sex violate the premises of individual rights, equal opportunity, and individual merit,” going on to say that the controversial concept has “no place” in the state’s “public educational system.
The resolution later states that the state BOE “will not support any K-12 public education resources or standards intended to indoctrinate students in social or political ideologies that promote one race or sex above another.”

The Alabama Policy Institute took to social media to applaud the ban, which the think-tank has long advocated."

Alabama.....opposed to Democrat bigotry.
Well spoken. And the fact the name is a reference to "critical theory" . (In sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western- Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School , developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.) But our modern Chinese funded communist lefties shoehorned in the word "race" as to make it ever so topical. Its all intellectual wool-gathering and is just unprovable nonsense meant to justify demonizing whites.

The problem is that those who think they're pushing for ending racism, both in CRT and in BLM, are simply tools. The reason either movement, even the openly communist BLM, took hold in America is because those who are seriously leading the Marxist movement in the US are playing them like pawns but the game isn't about the pawns; it's about Karl Marx and the behind-the-scenes movers know this very well.
"Let me, therefore, outline the ten basic commandments of Cultural Marxism which, not surprisingly, are violations of almost every one of the ten commandments of the Bible, values that permeate the Constitution of the United States and have informed much of British common law. Here they are:

  1. God is dead -- therefore the means justify the ends. If the Cultural Marxists believe that bourgeois culture and society should be destroyed then, there is no moral restraint-look at Antifa riots to support this point
  2. One now worships Karl Marx. He is the substitute for God. And his prophets are violent and numerous.
  3. Language is flexible. You can take any name in vain. Words mean what you want them to mean if it furthers your agenda like “largely peaceful protests”
  4. The Sabbath means nothing. There is no rest for the righteous. They must be attacked during the 24/7 news round and on occasion arrested at gunpoint by the FBI or CIA. And so, defund the police and turn every city into a war zone.
  5. Mothers and fathers are not honored. Your children can be taken from you and their gender forcefully reassigned as God did not make man and woman according to sacred archetypes.
  6. Murder is okay if you are a political enemy. Remember Ashli Babbitt?
  7. Adultery is meaningless because marriage and the nuclear family are oppressive.
  8. Lying is what you do to defeat your enemies
  9. The property of your enemies (Jews, Christians, Vietnamese minorities, Korean grocers, “whites” of any kind) is up for grabs. Take it!
  10. Envy is everywhere and greed rules."
As evil as Critical Race Theory is, it appears that there is no end of evil protagonists ready to undermine this nation.

"Twisted teacher gleefully brags about ignoring law to teach CRT with a ‘clever workaround’

One leftist Iowa school teacher is under fire after she was caught on video on an online forum bragging about the workaround she has found to teach students woke and divisive critical race theory (CRT) despite its ban in the state of Iowa.

Petra Lange, a high school teacher at West Des Moines’ Valley, participated in an “Online Youth Pushback Forum” to discuss “urban anti-racism education” which she believes must be taught in the classroom despite an Iowa law that prevents educators from teaching material that suggests the U.S. or state of Iowa is fundamentally or systemically racist or sexist.

Lange however, believes she’s found a “clever workaround” and shared it with the group to employ in their own classrooms.

…or, explaining what a mistake it is to support Democrat policies.

1. Critical Race Theory, in the definition proposed in the 1993 book Words That Wound, co-authored by Mari Matsuda, Charles Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlè Crenshaw:
"Critical race theory recognizes that racism is endemic to American life. Rather than seeing racism as aberrational, CRT scholars see it as the norm.
Critical race theory expresses skepticism toward dominant legal claims of neutrality, objectivity, color blindness, and meritocracy.

More important, as critical race theorists we adopt a stance that presumes that racism has contributed to all contemporary manifestations of group advantage and disadvantage along racial lines, including differences in income, imprisonment, health, housing, education, political representation, and military service. Our history calls for this presumption….whites must simply defer to the voices of their non-white peers."

2. The simplest rebuttal is this statement of America’s Creed, which is the opposite of CRT.

…the creed embodies “the political principles of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, human rights, the rule of law, and private property.” Samuel P. Huntington’s Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity, p.46

3. A detailed and step-wise dismembering of the aberrant anti-humanity Critical Race Theory, by James A. Lindsay, begins here:

“ Critical Race Theory believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction.
…the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country,”

… what they mean by “racism” isn’t even what most people think racism means. It is not prejudice based upon race or believing some races to be superior or inferior to others that they mean by “racism.” It is, instead, the “system” of everything that happens in the social world and beyond that results in any disparity that works in the favor of “racially privileged” groups (on average) or any “racially oppressed” person claiming they experience racial oppression.

… people who take up Critical Race Theory to look for racism in everything until they find it.

In the workplace that adopts Critical Race Theory, this means that it’s only a matter of time until someone with that worldview finds out how your entire company and its culture is “racist.” At that point, they will cause a meltdown that forces everyone to take sides and demand a reorganization of the entire (now divided) office culture and management.

In schools, it will mean teaching our children to think this way and always be looking for racism in every situation and interaction. In our personal relationships, it means that friends and even family members—especially our kids who have already been educated with Critical Race Theory ideas that have been incorporated in our schools—will eventually call each other out and reject one another, because tolerating racism is also considered a form of racism t
hat would have to be discovered and stopped.”
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

This is the binary system into which the Left has plunged America: to vote Democrat is to endorse Critical Race Theory....,

.....and vice versa.
Satan, in the church, wanted this mess, enticing people to use money. Jesus did not talk about income. Neither did Jesus give that example. Prophets of Baal who want conflict and war are running the church. They are a den of theives, making this whole nation, and world to be speckled with businesses that are a den of theives, too. All are interested in money, and only money. That makes people think that people are up there, in the middle, and below. That is a lie.
Its awesome, When I see Edward Morrow (I idolize this guy!) confronting McCarthy. I never realized there was a another level to this. McCarthy was a demagogue driving fear of a actual political threat for political gain (sound familiar?) This is like layers of an onion, but was Morrow actually concerned with the facts, or trying to blunt anti-Communist? That was the overall effect. Then, we had communist infiltration and spies like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. But now we have Patrisse Cullors and the BLM.
So let me get this straight....according to your supposition and conjecture, Edward R. Morrow was a communist sympathizer?
:doubt: Yeah, right.

History tells a quite different story, and McCarthy and his ilk didn't come out too well.

As for the clowns at BLM who called themselves "trained marxists", (to date I would like to know what that "training" ensued, as marxism is a philosophy, not a manual for insurrection), they should know that King and Ghandi changed the world so that their self important butts could have the opportunities they have had....and neither were communist sympathizers by any means. And to date, BLM protests and demonstrations have been about police brutality and injustice in our judicial system. Anything else remains to be seen.
So let me get this straight....according to your supposition and conjecture, Edward R. Morrow was a communist sympathizer?
:doubt: Yeah, right.

History tells a quite different story, and McCarthy and his ilk didn't come out too well.

As for the clowns at BLM who called themselves "trained marxists", (to date I would like to know what that "training" ensued, as marxism is a philosophy, not a manual for insurrection), they should know that King and Ghandi changed the world so that their self important butts could have the opportunities they have had....and neither were communist sympathizers by any means. And to date, BLM protests and demonstrations have been about police brutality and injustice in our judicial system. Anything else remains to be seen.

McCarthy was, of course, correct, and you are proof of that.

The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

The deciphered Venona messages document the CPUSA’s integral role in the Soviet Union’s massive espionage against the US.

Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts. Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact." And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
More and more, the things we hear about from the FBI, DOJ, and the government in general, remind us of the CCP and the Soviet Union. Shut down all opposition and prosecute as enemies of the state anyone who speaks out against the government. When I was a young man, the very worst I ever imagined, the very worst of the conspiracy theories of the day were nowhere near as bad as our current state of affairs.

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