The Definitive Critical Race Theory Thread

It use to be parents who taught their children about life. But now it is Hollywood and school teachers. And it shows very clearly why things are the way it is.

The “deciders” in the Common Core process were those who set the process in motion at the Gates Foundation and Department of Education, and the testing companies who were involved in crafting the standards so they would be testable.

A glaring need for home schooling.
Polls don't determine right and wrong, truth or fiction.
Actually, YOU and your myopic information search does not determine right and wrong, truth or fiction. The articles I posted contain more than just poll results...honest, rational and objective readers know this because they READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED. YOU and your bigoted brethren pick only what you agree with or what you perceive supports your contentions, then you ignore or deny (or lie about) all else.

Once again, your personal bigotry and racism is your undoing. My previous assessment of you continues to ring true with each exchange, your denial and blather non-withstanding. Carry on, sweetpea.
Actually, YOU and your myopic information search does not determine right and wrong, truth or fiction. The articles I posted contain more than just poll results...honest, rational and objective readers know this because they READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED. YOU and your bigoted brethren pick only what you agree with or what you perceive supports your contentions, then you ignore or deny (or lie about) all else.

Once again, your personal bigotry and racism is your undoing. My previous assessment of you continues to ring true with each exchange, your denial and blather non-withstanding. Carry on, sweetpea.

1.The NeoLiberals are the chest-pounding moral elitists who call anyone not behind the fake Critical Race Theory, racists.

This poster, a stereotypically perfect example:

“…blacks being massacred by cops all around this country…” post 47 Cr...r ... https:/ › news › crime ›

You need read none of his other posts to be able to discern his views on America, Republicans, reparations, right down to censoring speech and microaggressions.

2. In his essay “DO BLACK PEOPLE ENJOY BEING TOLD THEY ARE WEAK AND DUMB? THE ELECT HOPE SO” @, he describes many of this sort.

“Given the buzzwords, the period of composition, and current practice at such schools nationwide, we are reasonable to assume that the program [the neoLiberals are ] espousing will include excusing black students from real standards, teaching students to distrust one another across racial boundaries, narrowing scholastic coverage to “center” issues of oppression and inequity, “decentering,” well, just plain school as “too white,” assigning KenDiAngelonian texts as scripture, and creating an atmosphere where students and teachers are afraid to take issue with any of this because they don’t want to be rhetorically roasted alive and socially excommunicated.

And (their) position is “If parents don’t like what we’re doing they can go f**k themselves. We’re right and they’re wrong.”

[The neoLiberal] despite his sport coats and probably pacific demeanor, is a zealot….today’s “antiracism” is a higher morality these “Nice White People” are too benighted to understand (although quite a few of them are South Asian and African, but never mind).”

3. McWhorter explains

"Why do so many of us (blacks) accept this condescension as a compliment, almost enjoying being told we are too dumb to be truly educated, to be specific, or to be subject to genuine competition? Psychology has an answer to this question: a personal trait called the tendency for interpersonal victimhood, or an embrace of victimhood status.

In a word, there are people who exaggerate the degree of their victimhood, and by extension, groups of people who do. For clinical details, this article is useful; I also recommend this overview. There is a whole literature on this syndrome.

The syndrome manifests itself according to these four facets:

1) Constantly seeking recognition of one’s victimhood

2) Frequently ruminating about past discrimination

3) A sense of moral elitism, as a way to maintain a positive self-image

4) Lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others”

1.The NeoLiberals are the chest-pounding moral elitists who call anyone not behind the fake Critical Race Theory, racists.

This poster, a stereotypically perfect example:

“…blacks being massacred by cops all around this country…” post 47 Crime: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Says City 'Can't Arrest Our ... https:/ › news › crime ›

You need read none of his other posts to be able to discern his views on America, Republicans, reparations, right down to censoring speech and microaggressions.

2. In his essay “DO BLACK PEOPLE ENJOY BEING TOLD THEY ARE WEAK AND DUMB? THE ELECT HOPE SO” @, he describes many of this sort.

“Given the buzzwords, the period of composition, and current practice at such schools nationwide, we are reasonable to assume that the program [the neoLiberals are ] espousing will include excusing black students from real standards, teaching students to distrust one another across racial boundaries, narrowing scholastic coverage to “center” issues of oppression and inequity, “decentering,” well, just plain school as “too white,” assigning KenDiAngelonian texts as scripture, and creating an atmosphere where students and teachers are afraid to take issue with any of this because they don’t want to be rhetorically roasted alive and socially excommunicated.

And (their) position is “If parents don’t like what we’re doing they can go f**k themselves. We’re right and they’re wrong.”

[The neoLiberal] despite his sport coats and probably pacific demeanor, is a zealot….today’s “antiracism” is a higher morality these “Nice White People” are too benighted to understand (although quite a few of them are South Asian and African, but never mind).”

3. McWhorter explains

"Why do so many of us (blacks) accept this condescension as a compliment, almost enjoying being told we are too dumb to be truly educated, to be specific, or to be subject to genuine competition? Psychology has an answer to this question: a personal trait called the tendency for interpersonal victimhood, or an embrace of victimhood status.

In a word, there are people who exaggerate the degree of their victimhood, and by extension, groups of people who do. For clinical details, this article is useful; I also recommend this overview. There is a whole literature on this syndrome.

The syndrome manifests itself according to these four facets:

1) Constantly seeking recognition of one’s victimhood

2) Frequently ruminating about past discrimination

3) A sense of moral elitism, as a way to maintain a positive self-image

4) Lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others”

Sweetpea, you can post excerpts from EVERY and ANY thing McWhorter won't change the truth of the previous criticism I linked. Why do you think that piling on and doubling down the SOS will suddenly validate your initial points and contentions? Like I stated before, Rockwell acolytes like yourself are constantly seeking out token black folk to fit the bigot laden narrative of your propagandistic screeds. McWhorter and Sowell have been the "go-to
" for folk of your mindset for years. You just ignore or deny or lie about any other valid source material that contradicts you did previously and as you will here:

John McWhorter Gets “Black-on-Black Crime” All Wrong​

Sweetpea, you can post excerpts from EVERY and ANY thing McWhorter won't change the truth of the previous criticism I linked. Why do you think that piling on and doubling down the SOS will suddenly validate your initial points and contentions? Like I stated before, Rockwell acolytes like yourself are constantly seeking out token black folk to fit the bigot laden narrative of your propagandistic screeds. McWhorter and Sowell have been the "go-to
" for folk of your mindset for years. You just ignore or deny or lie about any other valid source material that contradicts you did previously and as you will here:

John McWhorter Gets “Black-on-Black Crime” All Wrong​

"A Virginia elementary school tells kids the police are dangerous

It’s great that parents are pushing back against the relentless leftist indoctrination in public schools but they might be wiser to pull their kids out entirely, starving schools of the students they need to justify funding. That seems like the most sensible move for parents with children at a Virginia elementary school. They discovered that “Safe,” a “video book” that the school recommended for seven-year-olds over the summer, comes from Woke Kindergarten, a site run by a woman who claims to be “transgender,” teaches kids that the police are dangerous, and believes the 5-7-year-old set needs to learn about transgenderism and pronouns.
The Fairfax Community Public School (“FCPS”) district posted a link to a video called “Safe” on its website as a summer resource for second graders:

The video had been included in a summer learning guide at Bailey’s Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences in Falls Church along with content related to critical race theory, Black Lives Matter and news articles critical of White parents, according to a report in the Fairfax Times.

RE: The Definitive Critical Race Theory (CRT) Thread
SUBTOPIC: Do we know and understand CRT when we see it?
※→ Political Chic, et al,

BLUF: As I was growing up
(still growing and learning) I was taught to remain silent on the issue of race. Intervene when you must and generally on the side that protects the weak. But CRT can become highly volatile at any point simply because the definitions, vocabulary, and language are not universal. My understanding of CRT may be somewhat different than other contributors to the thread.

Let's first finish our discussion on what this doctrinal plague is before we decide it isn't being taught.

As in the BLUF, distinguish the topic-driven aims, methods, theories, and forms of explanation requires (virtually demands) a standard understanding.
And I thought that is where you were going with this.

4. If Critical Race Theory if accepted, the result is the end of all trust, all relationships, and any emotion other than hatred. We have seen it done before, under a different name.

When you say that you reject (decline) CRT - or - that you accept (agree) with CRT, just what path have we taken? CRT, at its basic level, has evolved over time. Many would like to think of it as a critical race theory, and post-colonial criticism or topic. But for the most part, many of us have never really experience colonialism - and so we would not be able to make a distinction CRT in a colonial environment and that of CRT in the post-colonial period.

When you say: "the end of all trust, all relationships, and any emotion other than hatred" you are essentially describing a "dystopia." If you reverse societal direction, you are moving in the direction of "faith in humanity, the placement of integrity in relationships, and the demand trust and confidence in the in everything we do." → I don't know that is even possible. I do not know if it is even possible to breed out the MAO-A gene (the Warrior Gene). Nor do I know if we can filter or neutralize the effect expressed by the variants of BDNF Gene or the 5-HTTLPR Gene with have an impact on the development of anti-social behaviors. (See Newsweek •
New Study Reveals Antisocial Behaviour is Linked to Genetics • BY AMELIA SMITH.

Do we want to persist in believing that humanity cure itself of these outcomes at the genetic level?

Democrats lie about everything.

Democrats are more likely to move in the direction of multiculturalism and pursue utopian ideals than are Republicans that tend to follow exclusivity and nationalism.

When you say "democrats lie about everything" - are you discarding in the direction of greater trust or diminished trust?


Have we solved this issue yet, or have we leaped over it?

Most Respectfully,

RE: The Definitive Critical Race Theory (CRT) Thread
SUBTOPIC: Do we know and understand CRT when we see it?
※→ Political Chic, et al,

BLUF: As I was growing up
(still growing and learning) I was taught to remain silent on the issue of race. Intervene when you must and generally on the side that protects the weak. But CRT can become highly volatile at any point simply because the definitions, vocabulary, and language are not universal. My understanding of CRT may be somewhat different than other contributors to the thread.


As in the BLUF, distinguish the topic-driven aims, methods, theories, and forms of explanation requires (virtually demands) a standard understanding.
And I thought that is where you were going with this.


When you say that you reject (decline) CRT - or - that you accept (agree) with CRT, just what path have we taken? CRT, at its basic level, has evolved over time. Many would like to think of it as a critical race theory, and post-colonial criticism or topic. But for the most part, many of us have never really experience colonialism - and so we would not be able to make a distinction CRT in a colonial environment and that of CRT in the post-colonial period.

When you say: "the end of all trust, all relationships, and any emotion other than hatred" you are essentially describing a "dystopia." If you reverse societal direction, you are moving in the direction of "faith in humanity, the placement of integrity in relationships, and the demand trust and confidence in the in everything we do." → I don't know that is even possible. I do not know if it is even possible to breed out the MAO-A gene (the Warrior Gene). Nor do I know if we can filter or neutralize the effect expressed by the variants of BDNF Gene or the 5-HTTLPR Gene with have an impact on the development of anti-social behaviors. (See Newsweek •
New Study Reveals Antisocial Behaviour is Linked to Genetics • BY AMELIA SMITH.

Do we want to persist in believing that humanity cure itself of these outcomes at the genetic level?


Democrats are more likely to move in the direction of multiculturalism and pursue utopian ideals than are Republicans that tend to follow exclusivity and nationalism.

When you say "democrats lie about everything" - are you discarding in the direction of greater trust or diminished trust?


Have we solved this issue yet, or have we leaped over it?

Most Respectfully,


To quote a Good Book:

"But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth"

People who try to sit on the fence, telling the world how high and mighty they are because they're too good to take a stand, really too cowardly to take a stand, are more despicable than the other side of any argument.
RE: The Definitive Critical Race Theory (CRT) Thread
SUBTOPIC: Do we know and understand CRT when we see it?
※→ Political Chic, et al,

BLUF: As I was growing up
(still growing and learning) I was taught to remain silent on the issue of race. Intervene when you must and generally on the side that protects the weak. But CRT can become highly volatile at any point simply because the definitions, vocabulary, and language are not universal. My understanding of CRT may be somewhat different than other contributors to the thread.


As in the BLUF, distinguish the topic-driven aims, methods, theories, and forms of explanation requires (virtually demands) a standard understanding.
And I thought that is where you were going with this.


When you say that you reject (decline) CRT - or - that you accept (agree) with CRT, just what path have we taken? CRT, at its basic level, has evolved over time. Many would like to think of it as a critical race theory, and post-colonial criticism or topic. But for the most part, many of us have never really experience colonialism - and so we would not be able to make a distinction CRT in a colonial environment and that of CRT in the post-colonial period.

When you say: "the end of all trust, all relationships, and any emotion other than hatred" you are essentially describing a "dystopia." If you reverse societal direction, you are moving in the direction of "faith in humanity, the placement of integrity in relationships, and the demand trust and confidence in the in everything we do." → I don't know that is even possible. I do not know if it is even possible to breed out the MAO-A gene (the Warrior Gene). Nor do I know if we can filter or neutralize the effect expressed by the variants of BDNF Gene or the 5-HTTLPR Gene with have an impact on the development of anti-social behaviors. (See Newsweek •
New Study Reveals Antisocial Behaviour is Linked to Genetics • BY AMELIA SMITH.

Do we want to persist in believing that humanity cure itself of these outcomes at the genetic level?


Democrats are more likely to move in the direction of multiculturalism and pursue utopian ideals than are Republicans that tend to follow exclusivity and nationalism.

When you say "democrats lie about everything" - are you discarding in the direction of greater trust or diminished trust?


Have we solved this issue yet, or have we leaped over it?

Most Respectfully,


"Democrats are more likely to move in the direction of multiculturalism and pursue utopian ideals than are Republicans that tend to follow exclusivity and nationalism."

Sorry, cannot agree.

Democrats work assiduously to end the great experiment that is/was America.

Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7
Well there's a meme which entirely explains your limited partisan view of the world.

If you're home schooled, you'll grow up to be a partisan hack, who can only cut and paste other people's words, and pictures, completely incapable of thinking for yourself.
Well there's a meme which entirely explains your limited partisan view of the world.

If you're home schooled, you'll grow up to be a partisan hack, who can only cut and paste other people's words, and pictures, completely incapable of thinking for yourself.
No, we seriously disagree. To be deeply immersed in books (literature) yet shallow in oneself, is a virtue. Someone else besides badger has already said this.

“The fight over Critical Race Theory in education is a fight in many ways for our national survival”

My address on Critical Race Theory in education to state legislators: “I want to talk about how you can save the nation…. If you wanted to think of a way to tear this country apart, it’s hard to think of a way better than what they are doing.”
1.The NeoLiberals are the chest-pounding moral elitists who call anyone not behind the fake Critical Race Theory, racists.

This poster, a stereotypically perfect example:

“…blacks being massacred by cops all around this country…” post 47 Crime: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Says City 'Can't Arrest Our ... https:/ › news › crime ›

You need read none of his other posts to be able to discern his views on America, Republicans, reparations, right down to censoring speech and microaggressions.

2. In his essay “DO BLACK PEOPLE ENJOY BEING TOLD THEY ARE WEAK AND DUMB? THE ELECT HOPE SO” @, he describes many of this sort.

“Given the buzzwords, the period of composition, and current practice at such schools nationwide, we are reasonable to assume that the program [the neoLiberals are ] espousing will include excusing black students from real standards, teaching students to distrust one another across racial boundaries, narrowing scholastic coverage to “center” issues of oppression and inequity, “decentering,” well, just plain school as “too white,” assigning KenDiAngelonian texts as scripture, and creating an atmosphere where students and teachers are afraid to take issue with any of this because they don’t want to be rhetorically roasted alive and socially excommunicated.

And (their) position is “If parents don’t like what we’re doing they can go f**k themselves. We’re right and they’re wrong.”

[The neoLiberal] despite his sport coats and probably pacific demeanor, is a zealot….today’s “antiracism” is a higher morality these “Nice White People” are too benighted to understand (although quite a few of them are South Asian and African, but never mind).”

3. McWhorter explains

"Why do so many of us (blacks) accept this condescension as a compliment, almost enjoying being told we are too dumb to be truly educated, to be specific, or to be subject to genuine competition? Psychology has an answer to this question: a personal trait called the tendency for interpersonal victimhood, or an embrace of victimhood status.

In a word, there are people who exaggerate the degree of their victimhood, and by extension, groups of people who do. For clinical details, this article is useful; I also recommend this overview. There is a whole literature on this syndrome.

The syndrome manifests itself according to these four facets:

1) Constantly seeking recognition of one’s victimhood

2) Frequently ruminating about past discrimination

3) A sense of moral elitism, as a way to maintain a positive self-image

4) Lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others”

It’s at the point of absurdity in Wisconsin, this exaggeration of their victimhood. For democracy’s sake, we’re going to have to counter the delirium with published documents handed out as flyers in three real-time dimensions.
And yes, the female president of the black student union at UW is named McWhorter. We will be critiquing McWhorter’s black racist discourse for Fall Semester, 2021.

“The fight over Critical Race Theory in education is a fight in many ways for our national survival”

My address on Critical Race Theory in education to state legislators: “I want to talk about how you can save the nation…. If you wanted to think of a way to tear this country apart, it’s hard to think of a way better than what they are doing.”
In the report, when he mentions the little girl that testifies that that made her uncomfortable, is the mimicking of McWhorter’s projecting guilt onto white scapegoats about a certain rock whose sight makes her uncomfortable on the UW campus. CRT has taken this non-democracy infantilism into the political arena.

"A Virginia elementary school tells kids the police are dangerous

It’s great that parents are pushing back against the relentless leftist indoctrination in public schools but they might be wiser to pull their kids out entirely, starving schools of the students they need to justify funding. That seems like the most sensible move for parents with children at a Virginia elementary school. They discovered that “Safe,” a “video book” that the school recommended for seven-year-olds over the summer, comes from Woke Kindergarten, a site run by a woman who claims to be “transgender,” teaches kids that the police are dangerous, and believes the 5-7-year-old set needs to learn about transgenderism and pronouns.
The Fairfax Community Public School (“FCPS”) district posted a link to a video called “Safe” on its website as a summer resource for second graders:

Same tactic, different example. We did this dance already, sweetpea. I'm sure you can scan the country and find examples of extremist/fringe and down right idiotic left wing. Your problem is that you cannot factually or logically prove this is a town by town, city by city, state by state wave that is taking over. CRT has been around for a long time....right wing/alt right cretins have just recently discovered due to their teeth gnashing over getting whupped by Obama and making excuses for Cheeto Jeezus. So now we have 3rd rate propagandist like you doing her version of Davey Duke spam.

this title gives a more apt over view of the controversy

Fairfax County Public Schools ordered to review what its buildings are posting automatically​

This means better internal "policing" of what is being added to the criteria. I've got no problem with that, but as I alluded to before, as goes Fairfax County is not what goes for every public school system in the country, as you hysterically keep trying to state.

Thing is, your sources always seem to have a lack of journalistic credibility: American Thinker Bias and Reliability - Ad Fontes Media

But you just keep spamming, sweetpea.....your base audience needs you. The objective, rational readers just either laugh and/or shake their heads. Carry on.
Same tactic, different example. We did this dance already, sweetpea. I'm sure you can scan the country and find examples of extremist/fringe and down right idiotic left wing. Your problem is that you cannot factually or logically prove this is a town by town, city by city, state by state wave that is taking over. CRT has been around for a long time....right wing/alt right cretins have just recently discovered due to their teeth gnashing over getting whupped by Obama and making excuses for Cheeto Jeezus. So now we have 3rd rate propagandist like you doing her version of Davey Duke spam.

this title gives a more apt over view of the controversy

Fairfax County Public Schools ordered to review what its buildings are posting automatically​

This means better internal "policing" of what is being added to the criteria. I've got no problem with that, but as I alluded to before, as goes Fairfax County is not what goes for every public school system in the country, as you hysterically keep trying to state.

Thing is, your sources always seem to have a lack of journalistic credibility: American Thinker Bias and Reliability - Ad Fontes Media

But you just keep spamming, sweetpea.....your base audience needs you. The objective, rational readers just either laugh and/or shake their heads. Carry on.

There is no 'dance,' you dunce.

I simply provide evidence that there are indoctrinated that you will support the most vile and destructive fabrications about the nation I love.

Learn to refer to me accurately: as your superior both morally and intellectually.
"We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom." Isabel Wilkerson

I am finally back to history after reading 'Hoax' Which covers Fox v Trump. I recommend both. Wilkerson's book is deep, it reminds me of James Baldwin's work. Race is a social construct, but caste is a reality. Read it.

For those who want to understand and learn read it before commenting.

"Caste is insidious and therefore powerful because it is not hatred, it is not necessarily personal. It is the worn grooves of comforting routines and unthinking expectations, patterns of a social order that have been in place for so long that it looks like the natural order of things."

'Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents' Isabel Wilkerson

"Slavery was not merely an unfortunate thing that happened to black people. It was an American innovation, an American institution created by and for the benefit of the elites of the dominant caste and enforced by poorer members of the dominant caste who tied their lot to the caste system rather than to their consciences."

"If people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?" Taylor Branch
"We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom." Isabel Wilkerson

I am finally back to history after reading 'Hoax' Which covers Fox v Trump. I recommend both. Wilkerson's book is deep, it reminds me of James Baldwin's work. Race is a social construct, but caste is a reality. Read it.

For those who want to understand and learn read it before commenting.

"Caste is insidious and therefore powerful because it is not hatred, it is not necessarily personal. It is the worn grooves of comforting routines and unthinking expectations, patterns of a social order that have been in place for so long that it looks like the natural order of things."

'Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents' Isabel Wilkerson

"Slavery was not merely an unfortunate thing that happened to black people. It was an American innovation, an American institution created by and for the benefit of the elites of the dominant caste and enforced by poorer members of the dominant caste who tied their lot to the caste system rather than to their consciences."

"If people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?" Taylor Branch

Kudos to you, middy!
I love it when people read!!

Too bad your post had nothing to do with the OP that brought you in.

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