The Definitive Critical Race Theory Thread

There is no 'dance,' you dunce.

I simply provide evidence that there are indoctrinated that you will support the most vile and destructive fabrications about the nation I love.

Learn to refer to me accurately: as your superior both morally and intellectually.
Haha. It sounds as though he considers that he's debating a peer in a friendly tit-for-tat. He's not even in the same ballpark.
"We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom." Isabel Wilkerson

I am finally back to history after reading 'Hoax' Which covers Fox v Trump. I recommend both. Wilkerson's book is deep, it reminds me of James Baldwin's work. Race is a social construct, but caste is a reality. Read it.

For those who want to understand and learn read it before commenting.

"Caste is insidious and therefore powerful because it is not hatred, it is not necessarily personal. It is the worn grooves of comforting routines and unthinking expectations, patterns of a social order that have been in place for so long that it looks like the natural order of things."

'Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents' Isabel Wilkerson

"Slavery was not merely an unfortunate thing that happened to black people. It was an American innovation, an American institution created by and for the benefit of the elites of the dominant caste and enforced by poorer members of the dominant caste who tied their lot to the caste system rather than to their consciences."

"If people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?" Taylor Branch

Because slavery never existed before the Spanish, Portuguese, Africans, British, and French introduced it into the western hemisphere? Sure. George Washington, himself, invented it.
Because slavery never existed before the Spanish, Portuguese, Africans, British, and French introduced it into the western hemisphere? Sure. George Washington, himself, invented it.

I read a treatise on economics that explained that in earliest times, folks offered for rent or for sail, the only thing that they had.....themselves.

Funny how today we honor that in the ironic term 'wage slave.'
There is no 'dance,' you dunce.

I simply provide evidence that there are indoctrinated that you will support the most vile and destructive fabrications about the nation I love.

Learn to refer to me accurately: as your superior both morally and intellectually.
As the objective, rational reader can clearly see, our resident right wing/alt right parrot is incapable of even conceding the smallest of points. Instead, she (if indeed this is a woman) just babbles self aggrandizing jingoistic drivel to smoke screen her failures. Her already lame ability to debate logically is failing fast, and soon will not even be worth responding to.
As the objective, rational reader can clearly see, our resident right wing/alt right parrot is incapable of even conceding the smallest of points. Instead, she (if indeed this is a woman) just babbles self aggrandizing jingoistic drivel to smoke screen her failures. Her already lame ability to debate logically is failing fast, and soon will not even be worth responding to.

Every day, it seems, there's some stupid, ugly, insalubrious imbecile whose mission is to lay out the usual, lying Leftist propaganda bumper-stickers.​

I see, today, you've volunteered for that role.​

I appreciate you being the face of the low-life lying Left.
As the objective, rational reader can clearly see, our resident right wing/alt right parrot is incapable of even conceding the smallest of points. Instead, she (if indeed this is a woman) just babbles self aggrandizing jingoistic drivel to smoke screen her failures. Her already lame ability to debate logically is failing fast, and soon will not even be worth responding to.

"Senate passed Cotton amendment to ban federal dollars from funding Critical Race Theory in schools

All Senate Democrats, aside from Joe Manchin, voted to keep CRT in schools

"They want to teach our children that America is not a good nation but a racist nation. Those teachings are wrong and our tax dollars should not support them," Cotton said ahead of the vote. "My amendment will ensure that federal funds aren’t used to indoctrinate children as young as pre-K to hate America."

All Senate Democrats voted against the ban, aside from West Virginia moderate Joe Manchin, who gave the GOP the vote it needed to successfully pass the amendment during series of votes late Tuesday and early Wednesday.

"Our future depends on the next generation of kids loving America and loving each other as fellow citizens, no matter their race," said Cotton. "


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"Senate passed Cotton amendment to ban federal dollars from funding Critical Race Theory in schools

All Senate Democrats, aside from Joe Manchin, voted to keep CRT in schools

"They want to teach our children that America is not a good nation but a racist nation. Those teachings are wrong and our tax dollars should not support them," Cotton said ahead of the vote. "My amendment will ensure that federal funds aren’t used to indoctrinate children as young as pre-K to hate America."

All Senate Democrats voted against the ban, aside from West Virginia moderate Joe Manchin, who gave the GOP the vote it needed to successfully pass the amendment during series of votes late Tuesday and early Wednesday.

"Our future depends on the next generation of kids loving America and loving each other as fellow citizens, no matter their race," said Cotton. "
:rolleyes: As usual, our Davey Duke wanna-be demonstrates poor research/reading skills. Here, dear reader, is the main point that makes this latest move by the MAGA/neocon/teabagger/alt right infected GOP just another attention getting piss in the wind to rile up the willfully ignorant base:

Though the amendment passed with a 50-49 vote, it is nonbinding and cannot legally be enforced.

Carry on, sweetpea! :smoochEE:

Every day, it seems, there's some stupid, ugly, insalubrious imbecile whose mission is to lay out the usual, lying Leftist propaganda bumper-stickers.​

I see, today, you've volunteered for that role.​

I appreciate you being the face of the low-life lying Left.
Wow, dear readers! She must've practiced that one in the mirror for hours! Pity it doesn't change a blessed thing.

Carry on, Sweetpea! :biggrin:
I read a treatise on economics that explained that in earliest times, folks offered for rent or for sail, the only thing that they had.....themselves.

Funny how today we honor that in the ironic term 'wage slave.'
I do that in 2021. But I consider it capitalism. I created a product and I sell it. People buy it. I make a profit. What a country.
:rolleyes: As usual, our Davey Duke wanna-be demonstrates poor research/reading skills. Here, dear reader, is the main point that makes this latest move by the MAGA/neocon/teabagger/alt right infected GOP just another attention getting piss in the wind to rile up the willfully ignorant base:

Though the amendment passed with a 50-49 vote, it is nonbinding and cannot legally be enforced.

Carry on, sweetpea! :smoochEE:

So you want the lies taught?
I do that in 2021. But I consider it capitalism. I created a product and I sell it. People buy it. I make a profit. What a country.

Yup....that's capitalism.

“The results were inescapable: nearly everywhere on the planet men and women lived longer, ate better, enjoyed more leisure, and had access to resources and delights that previously had been reserved for the very rich and powerful, or more commonly, had been utterly unknown.” Joel Mokyr, “A Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy”

Did you know that government schools indoctrinate children to favor socialism?

...the 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff
; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

Because slavery never existed before the Spanish, Portuguese, Africans, British, and French introduced it into the western hemisphere? Sure. George Washington, himself, invented it.
Timucua of north Florida had slaves and practiced cannibalism.
Timucua of north Florida had slaves and practiced cannibalism.
Most of the native American tribes practiced slavery. Women and girls were among the most sought after plunder in tribal raids ever since tribal raids began - in the Americas and around the globe.
So you want the lies taught?
so, you want to grow up and just admit that your latest propaganda bull horn is essentially just publicity grabbing smoke? Much like the numerous times your neocon heroes tried to kill Obamacare, knowing damned well they couldn't do it, despite the cost to the taxpayer.

Keep squawking,'re making my point with every post.
so, you want to grow up and just admit that your latest propaganda bull horn is essentially just publicity grabbing smoke? Much like the numerous times your neocon heroes tried to kill Obamacare, knowing damned well they couldn't do it, despite the cost to the taxpayer.

Keep squawking,'re making my point with every post.

Let's review
1. Totalitarian America-haters have taken control of the Democrat Party. The Democrats admit it.
2. Radical anti-Americans have taken control of the government school system.
3. The woke-brigade insists on indoctrinating school children with Critical Race Theory propaganda.
4. Anti-white racism is the basic doctrine of the the theory, with the claim that every American is either a victim or an oppressor.
5. Simpletons, you, have taken up the banner of Critical Race Theory because you are stupid, and because you fit the descriptions above.
Let's review
1. Totalitarian America-haters have taken control of the Democrat Party. The Democrats admit it.
2. Radical anti-Americans have taken control of the government school system.
3. The woke-brigade insists on indoctrinating school children with Critical Race Theory propaganda.
4. Anti-white racism is the basic doctrine of the the theory, with the claim that every American is either a victim or an oppressor.
5. Simpletons, you, have taken up the banner of Critical Race Theory because you are stupid, and because you fit the descriptions above.
Let's review:

1. Our resident 3rd rate racist propandist and alt right wonk cannot concede to error even when the facts clearly demonstrate such, so she tries to change the subject with the standard right wing fringe farce of accusation and claims that are either pure revisionism or pure unsubstantiated BS.
2. See number 1.
3. Despite repeating the SOS throughout this thread, our Davey Duke wanna be can only produce silly memes, talking points and INDIVIDUAL cases of left wing extremism that is NOT indicative of EVERY school district nation wide, as I and others have demonstrated. As with the following example, our politically impotent chic continues her hollow "victories". The Definitive Critical Race Theory Thread
4. Yet another false claim that has been the squawk of willfully ignorant, panicky parents, pundits and provocateurs. As throughout this thread, this often repeated assertion has been debunked. But like Goebbels, the chic believes in parroting the big lie ad nausea.
5. A childish retort where by this silly chic thinks is valid, as she uses her own BS as "proof". Sad, but not unexpected.

Keep squawking sweetpea. The rational, objective reader sees the folly of yet another pathetic bigoted propagandist who craves attention.
Let's review:

1. Our resident 3rd rate racist propandist and alt right wonk cannot concede to error even when the facts clearly demonstrate such, so she tries to change the subject with the standard right wing fringe farce of accusation and claims that are either pure revisionism or pure unsubstantiated BS.
2. See number 1.
3. Despite repeating the SOS throughout this thread, our Davey Duke wanna be can only produce silly memes, talking points and INDIVIDUAL cases of left wing extremism that is NOT indicative of EVERY school district nation wide, as I and others have demonstrated. As with the following example, our politically impotent chic continues her hollow "victories". The Definitive Critical Race Theory Thread
4. Yet another false claim that has been the squawk of willfully ignorant, panicky parents, pundits and provocateurs. As throughout this thread, this often repeated assertion has been debunked. But like Goebbels, the chic believes in parroting the big lie ad nausea.
5. A childish retort where by this silly chic thinks is valid, as she uses her own BS as "proof". Sad, but not unexpected.

Keep squawking sweetpea. The rational, objective reader sees the folly of yet another pathetic bigoted propagandist who craves attention.

Where is there any change of subject???

I simply reminded what you are.

Let's review
1. Totalitarian America-haters have taken control of the Democrat Party. The Democrats admit it.
2. Radical anti-Americans have taken control of the government school system.
3. The woke-brigade insists on indoctrinating school children with Critical Race Theory propaganda.
4. Anti-white racism is the basic doctrine of the the theory, with the claim that every American is either a victim or an oppressor.
5. Simpletons, you, have taken up the banner of Critical Race Theory because you are stupid, and because you fit the descriptions above.
Where is there any change of subject???

I simply reminded what you are.

Let's review
1. Totalitarian America-haters have taken control of the Democrat Party. The Democrats admit it.
2. Radical anti-Americans have taken control of the government school system.
3. The woke-brigade insists on indoctrinating school children with Critical Race Theory propaganda.
4. Anti-white racism is the basic doctrine of the the theory, with the claim that every American is either a victim or an oppressor.
5. Simpletons, you, have taken up the banner of Critical Race Theory because you are stupid, and because you fit the descriptions above.
Denial and repetition....the forte of our 3rd rate Davey Duke wanna be. Pity for her that the chronology of the posts makes her out to be a liar for anyone with a G.E.D. reading comprehension and a rational, objective take on the exchange.

Like I previously stated, this chic is just a lame Goebbels craving any attention to squawk her nonsense. Once I reduced these cretins to the level see here in her latest retort, I just dump them into the IA bin for month....they nip at my heels, circle jerk with other like minded MAGA minions, and just blather the SOS endlessly despite facts and logic to the contrary. So be it.

Carry on, make my case with every post.
Denial and repetition....the forte of our 3rd rate Davey Duke wanna be. Pity for her that the chronology of the posts makes her out to be a liar for anyone with a G.E.D. reading comprehension and a rational, objective take on the exchange.

Like I previously stated, this chic is just a lame Goebbels craving any attention to squawk her nonsense. Once I reduced these cretins to the level see here in her latest retort, I just dump them into the IA bin for month....they nip at my heels, circle jerk with other like minded MAGA minions, and just blather the SOS endlessly despite facts and logic to the contrary. So be it.

Carry on, make my case with every post.

Anything here not true?

Let's review
1. Totalitarian America-haters have taken control of the Democrat Party. The Democrats admit it.
2. Radical anti-Americans have taken control of the government school system.
3. The woke-brigade insists on indoctrinating school children with Critical Race Theory propaganda.
4. Anti-white racism is the basic doctrine of the the theory, with the claim that every American is either a victim or an oppressor.
5. Simpletons, you, have taken up the banner of Critical Race Theory because you are stupid, and because you fit the descriptions above.

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