The death of ICE vehicles

Make sure you blow out all your candles or it won't come true ...

RepubliQans these days are simply opposed to all that is good. Reduce pollution? They're opposed. Make sure everyone can vote? Opposed. Make college affordable? Opposed. Bring the USA up to the level of the other developed nations, all superior due to demosocialism? Opposed.

To be a RepubliQan, you must be a traitor
RepubliQans these days are simply opposed to all that is good. Reduce pollution? They're opposed. Make sure everyone can vote? Opposed. Make college affordable? Opposed. Bring the USA up to the level of the other developed nations, all superior due to demosocialism? Opposed.

To be a RepubliQan, you must be a traitor

Do you want everyone who votes to do so legally? Do you want everyone who drives to do so legally? Do you want everyone who takes money out of a bank to do so legally?
By percentage of the vote, how many illegal votes have they discovered? Seems from what I have read that in each state, you could count those votes on one hand. We have complete mail in voting in Oregon, and almost zero voting violations. Same thing for other states using that system. The only states afraid of this are the ones where an increase in voter participation will result in a loss of seats for the Republicans. So their whole strategy is based on voter suppression. Time to turn them all out.

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