The Dead End of Reparations - Why it is a Very Bad Idea

I suspect 10% of black Americans agree with BLM. The numbers probably much lower because how selfish it is for a white American to support something like white lives matter or black Americans to support something like Black Lives Matter.

We can blame our government for not stopping BLM in the 2020 riots for being able to do nothing about the destruction of statues in this country that has nothing to do with the confederate states and everything to do with European Christian civility. Again we live in a corrupt country with a corrupt government right now and hopefully that can change.

No American on the Democratic side can excuse the destruction of historical statues of Christian European men. If they do excuse it there terrorists.

There are zero examples of groups of white men attacking blacks in this country. But Black Lives Matter will have you believe that 10,000 blacks are hung from a tree every year.

In the summer of 2020 there were hundreds of examples of BLM rioters viciously attacking people for simply wearing Donald Trump hats.

Remember Black Lives Matter does nothing for poor people… they steal money from their donors to build mansions.

Most black folks know that there is a problem with inequality in this country among working classes. They see this because there’s poor white people living with poor Black people in the same neighborhoods.

Remember we have a corrupt media we have big tech that is bias to the far left. So what they say it’s often nonsense. I don’t believe their nonsense polls about American support of BLM.
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Add 'Creates / Supports 'Victim' mindset / 'Victim' Class mentality to the list of reasons 'reparations' is a bad idea.
I suspect 10% of black Americans agree with BLM. The numbers probably much lower because how insane and selfish it is for a white American disport something like white lives matter or black American sport something like Black Lives Matter. We can blame our government for not stopping BLM in the 2020 riots for being so we can ugly to do nothing about the destruction of statues in this country that has nothing to do with the confederate states and everything to do with European Christian civility. Again we live in a corrupt country with a corrupt government right now and hopefully that can change.

No American on the Democratic side can excuse the destruction of historical statues of Christian European men. If they do excuse it there terrorists

There are zero examples of groups of white men attacking blacks in this country. But Black Lives Matter will have you believe that 10,000 blacks are hung from a tree every year.

In the summer of 2020 there were hundreds of examples of BLM rioters viciously attacking people for simply wearing Donald Trump hats.

Remember Black Lives Matter does nothing for poor people… they steal money from their donors to build mansions.

Most black folks know that there is a problem with inequality in this country among working classes. They see this because there’s poor white people living with poor Black people in the same neighborhoods.

Remember we have a corrupt media we have big tech that is bias to the far left. So what they say it’s often nonsense.
And you "suspect" this based on your vast knowledge of black folks?

Get the fuck outta here

Wanna talk about Steve King?

He never disavowed the KKK. He said it was a mistake for anyone who wanted to go into politics, Simp.

From your link:

In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.[12][16]

As a young boy, Byrd had witnessed his adoptive father walk in a Klan parade in Matoaka, West Virginia.[27] While growing up, Byrd had heard that "the Klan defended the American way of life against racemixers and communists".[28] He then wrote to Joel L. Baskin, Grand Dragon of the Realm of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, who responded that he would come and organize a chapter when Byrd had recruited 150 people.[27]

It was Baskin who told Byrd, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[29] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[16] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[16][30]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[16][31]
In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to Samuel Green, the Ku Klux Klan's Grand Wizard, stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[32] The same year, he was encouraged to run for the West Virginia House of Delegates by the Klan's grand dragon; Byrd won, and took his seat in January 1947.[33][34] However, during his campaign for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced that, "after about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization", and that during the nine years that have followed, he had never been interested in the Klan.[35] He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist, but also suggested his participation there "reflected the fears and prejudices" of the time.[16][33]

Byrd later called joining the KKK "the greatest mistake I ever made."[7] In 1997, he told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[36] In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision— a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[37] Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[16]
Reparations are the perfect red herring. Just the economics insure that they will never really happen so it is an issue both sides can teeth gnash about forever.
Jim Crow didn’t
And you "suspect" this based on your vast knowledge of black folks?

Get the fuck outta here
And who do you think you are? We live in the United States of America it is an equal country. Go leave the country maybe go live in Ukraine or something you have that Ukraine flag why don’t you just go fight for the Ukrainians you seem to not even be an American.

You are either brainwashed or intentionally evil by claiming that Jim Crow still exists. And yes there’s no way that most blacks or even any kind of a majority support BLM otherwise our country will be in deep deep trouble. You unbelievably racist coward. I am sticking up for black Americans un like you’re pathetic you’re a modern day slave master.

You believe that Black people are born with a lesser advantage compared to white people.?

If you think all white folks are born privileged it means you have been brainwashed my friend or you are intentionally evil.

There’s no more excuses at all at all man. You also got that Ukraine flag which makes your position even more evil. So either put up or you shut up. You have no right to say to somebody who is a meth head living homeless on the streets and white …somehow has white privilege.

You don’t have a right to tell a Vietnam veteran who is white and homeless and starving on the streets that they have white privilege.

Agreeing with Black Lives Matter makes you a racist. Agreeing with a group called white lives matter makes you a racist. All your side ever does time and time again is just lie and make things up about your opponents just like you’re doing now.
Did you think Jim Crow or it’s effects ended that long ago?

You’d wrong as usual
Your behavior is monstrous and evil. You are trying to divide people. Nobody else really in the thread except for you more than anyone… is trying to divide people.

Maybe get out of America ?

Go on and live in west Ukraine maybe you can find some of your neo-Nazis friends there. You too faced frothing at the mouth racist hypocrite of the highest order. Man just change your goddamn Waze. I support equality, you support a group called Black Lives Matter. I don’t support a group of white lives matter. You’re in this thread and in many threads just making things up about other posters it’s all your side relies on making things up but other people and trying to appeal to somebody’s emotions and some very odd bizarre and quite frankly a sinister matter.

You have a piece of shit attitude there’s millions of homeless people or people in America who have a very low wage they are white and they are black. So yeah you’re wrong ….wow you who the hell do you think you are sir. I really hope that you can change your ways. You’re the one preaching inequality. Because every single time it goes back to one singular point, you see homelessness in the USA effects white people and Black people in America. So you can start flame wars all you want you can flame people all you want you’re always gonna be wrong man. Until you change your ways.
Your behavior is monstrous and evil. You are trying to divide people. Nobody else really in the thread except for you more than anyone… is trying to divide people.

Maybe get out of America ?

Go on and live in west Ukraine maybe you can find some of your neo-Nazis friends there. You too faced frothing at the mouth racist hypocrite of the highest order. Man just change your goddamn Waze. I support equality, you support a group called Black Lives Matter. I don’t support a group of white lives matter. You’re in this thread and in many threads just making things up about other posters it’s all your side relies on making things up but other people and trying to appeal to somebody’s emotions and some very odd bizarre and quite frankly a sinister matter.

You have a piece of shit attitude there’s millions of homeless people or people in America who have a very low wage they are white and they are black. So yeah you’re wrong ….wow you who the hell do you think you are sir. I really hope that you can change your ways. You’re the one preaching inequality. Because every single time it goes back to one singular point, you see homelessness in the USA effects white people and Black people in America. So you can start flame wars all you want you can flame people all you want you’re always gonna be wrong man. Until you change your ways.

Assholes like you and Marjorie Taylor Green want to divide people
African-Americans are the only demographic in this country who were subjected to legalized slavery. Reparations are due to the descendants of enslaved Africans. Nothing you said in the OP justifies us not receiving our reparations. And we have NOT been compensated already.
quote from the lazy fuck representative
I suspect 10% of black Americans agree with BLM. The numbers probably much lower because how selfish it is for a white American to support something like white lives matter or black Americans to support something like Black Lives Matter.

We can blame our government for not stopping BLM in the 2020 riots for being able to do nothing about the destruction of statues in this country that has nothing to do with the confederate states and everything to do with European Christian civility. Again we live in a corrupt country with a corrupt government right now and hopefully that can change.

No American on the Democratic side can excuse the destruction of historical statues of Christian European men. If they do excuse it there terrorists.

There are zero examples of groups of white men attacking blacks in this country. But Black Lives Matter will have you believe that 10,000 blacks are hung from a tree every year.

In the summer of 2020 there were hundreds of examples of BLM rioters viciously attacking people for simply wearing Donald Trump hats.

Remember Black Lives Matter does nothing for poor people… they steal money from their donors to build mansions.

Most black folks know that there is a problem with inequality in this country among working classes. They see this because there’s poor white people living with poor Black people in the same neighborhoods.

Remember we have a corrupt media we have big tech that is bias to the far left. So what they say it’s often nonsense. I don’t believe their nonsense polls about American support of BLM.
BLM gave us Jan 6. When people on the right saw no consequences for BLM the assumption was made
BLM gave us Jan 6. When people on the right saw no consequences for BLM the assumption was made
Well the January 6 protest was one off singular event. Whereas the BLM riots there were perhaps 100 or 200 of them …. they also attacked government institutions and our way of life over the summer of 2020 culminating in 25 deaths billions of dollars worth of damage. I don’t think that Trump supporters got motivation from BLM or thought that well we see the BLM riots so we should go to the capitol building on January 6 and we will be fine. The whole j six thing was in a sense wrong but looking at common sense it was clearly much less violent much much less of a threat compared to the BLM riots.

That there are Democrats today who believe that the January 6 event was an actual legitimate attempt to overthrow the government means that these Democrats are utterly brainwashed or they’re just evil.

in order to take over a country like America one needs the most powerful military in the world. But common sense doesn’t apply to people on the far left today.

Some of the so-called worst offenders on the January 6 event they look like people who cannot even get a job at Wendy’s. And yet they are held up as people who could somehow overthrow our country. It’s embarrassing how bad the far left is in this country and what they think constitutes an “insurrection. “

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