The D’Souza Arrest: Obama Adopts the Stalinist Style


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The D’Souza Arrest: Obama Adopts the Stalinist Style

January 27, 2014 by Robert Spencer



I rehash all this to show the falsehood of the line that has been circulating around in the Leftist media ever since Dinesh D’Souza was indicted: that the only people who share D’Souza’s views are concerned about his indictment. As Tal Kopan put it in Politico, “In the wake of the indictment of conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza for alleged fraud, conservatives are crying foul that it is evidence of the Obama administration punishing its critics.”

Liberals should be as concerned about this as conservatives. Foes of jihad should be just as concerned about it as those who are share D’Souza’s worries about “Islamophobia.” For the evidence is mounting that D’Souza has indeed been targeted for being a public and high-profile foe of Barack Obama – a development that should disquiet anyone who believes in the value of a stable, functioning republic with a loyal opposition. Pamela Geller notes here that D’Souza is not remotely the only conservative or Obama critic who has been targeted for prosecution, while Obama’s Justice Department has turned a blind eye to illegal campaign contributions from Gaza during Obama’s 2008 campaign. And then there was the Obama Justice Department’s dismissal of the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case.

What’s more, bail for D’Souza was set higher than that given to several people accused of attempted murder, rape, assault, and the like. To whom is Dinesh D’Souza more dangerous than a man who sexually assaulted a teenager, or a man who kept old men captive in a filthy “dungeon”?


Civility and mutual respect are in dire need of restoration in the American public square, but two have to play at that game, and only one side is even interested in the game at all. With the arrest of Dinesh D’Souza, Barack Obama has adopted a key feature of the Stalinist style of politics. Before he or anyone else gets the idea of adopting anything else from the authoritarians’ playbook, Americans – Left and Right – would be well-advised to stand together to repudiate him and these tactics once and for all, and resoundingly.

But by relentlessly demonizing their opponents, Barack Obama and his cohorts have almost certainly already made that impossible.

The D?Souza Arrest: Obama Adopts the Stalinist Style | FrontPage Magazine
D’Souza’s Indictment and Double Standards

January 31, 2014 by Matthew Vadum



So why was D’Souza subjected to serial killer treatment, arrested, incarcerated, maybe perp-walked, for something that’s roughly the campaign finance law equivalent of a traffic ticket?

Could it be because D’Souza went too far in criticizing the notoriously thin-skinned Obama with his compelling, scathingly critical documentary, 2016: Obama’s America? The movie brought in an astounding $33 million in revenue, making it the second most popular political documentary in U.S. history behind Michael Moore’s lie-filled, anti-George W. Bush temper tantrum from 2004, Fahrenheit 9/11.

D’Souza is now arguably in trouble because Obama’s people promised retribution during the president’s second term. “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time,” Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s close, trusted adviser, has been quoted saying in reference to the 2012 election. She warned:

“Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay.”


1) Eric Holder.

Purveyor of unequal justice for all.

Obama’s attorney general is so contemptuous of the rule of law and the constitutionally-prescribed oversight authority of Congress that the House of Representatives –including almost two dozen Democratic lawmakers– voted to find him in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012. A hateful man who rhetorically spits on conservatives, Holder is a law enforcement chief who has made it clear he considers it his job only to protect the rights of minorities and left-wingers. If you’re not on his side or your skin is the wrong color, don’t even think about getting justice from his Justice Department.

As New York Times bestselling author of Injustice, J. Christian Adams, writes

“The havoc Holder has created goes far beyond corruption on any single issue. The damage he has done crosses all components of the Department of Justice, and has trickled down to infect the systems of law and legal jurisprudence throughout the country. He has tried to transform the federal agency intended to be above politics into an institution advocating radical change and extreme remedies.”


Although MMfA constantly advocates for tougher gun laws, like many wealthy left-wingers, Brock doesn’t believe that gun laws apply to him. The Daily Caller reported that he told friends and co-workers that right-wing assassins were trying to kill him. Brock’s personal assistant reportedly carried a concealed Glock handgun around the District of Columbia, where it is illegal to do so, in order to protect Brock.

Because Brock is a friend of the Obama administration, no action has been taken against him. (Presumably if charges were to be pursued against Brock it would be done by the local government for the District of Columbia but it’s not as if the Obama administration has no pull with that Democrat-controlled local government.)

It is also not illegal to operate political propaganda machinery while suffering from serious mental illness though one has to question why donors would keep funding an organization run by such an unstable individual.


Will any of these shady Democrats be investigated or prosecuted during the balance of President Obama’s term in office?

Don’t count on it.

D?Souza?s Indictment and Double Standards | FrontPage Magazine

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