The Culture


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
This ad is everywhere. Even here on USmessageboard. Im sure you have all seen it.

everquote female.jpg

Mostly they use two or three homely women of different races (except white) but whether male of female they are always young. And ethnic. Sometimes the copy reads "brilliant millennials" or "MIT graduates" or "Boston Graduates". Here is what is funny. The two "brilliant" entrepreneurs are two old Jewish guys.


When questioned about the misleading ads with young asians, indians and hispanics pretending to be founders their reason,according to one of the founders is "we wanted to showcase very real employees of our company...we want to represent our young, diverse, exciting team...". In other words they use (a selected few of) their employees as models and no whites need apply. Or middle aged people I suppose. Men dont stand much chance either unless extremely ethnic looking. Catering to the PC crowd and hoping to virtue signal.
But...Here is what their company really looks like.


hmmmm. We live in a strange age.

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