The Crybaby Thugs of Maricopa County


Nov 8, 2009
Wow, it looks like the statists are out in full force in Maricopa County....Jeez...These nuts don't realize how out of control they've become.

The Crybaby Thugs of Maricopa County
Posted by William Grigg on December 3, 2009 03:10 AM

Anyone who has had the misfortune of being a defendant — even in traffic court — can attest to the tension, anxiety, and humiliation that experience entails.

People who have stood before a judge can also understand just how easy it is to be hit with a contempt citation, and how difficult it is to suppress the urge to display appropriate contempt toward the preening specimen in judicial robes, who demands deference of the sort properly reserved for the Deity.

By way of illustration: About three years ago, a Utah man named Kent Jacobson became bored and impatient while a district judge named Leslie Lewis disgorged a long, tiresome harangue about the supposed evils of hunting. Kent’s brother, Michael, was accused of poaching. When Kent grew weary of Judge Lewis’ monologue, he emitted a sigh and left the courtroom, only to be dragged back by a bailiff.

Lewis tauntingly asked Kent if he was bored. When Kent politely began to reply, Lewis cut him off and had him arrested for “contempt.”

“I’m not going to argue with you, and you have no business chastising me, sir, and I did not make a comment that you have any right to correct,” sneered Lewis as Kent was hauled out in handcuffs. “I don’t want to hear a word from you. You and I are not in the same position, we’re not having a dialogue.”

The proper response to Lewis, of course, would have been: “No, we’re not in the same position: I’m a productive member of society, and you’re a self-important, tax-fed parasite.”


The Crybaby Thugs of Maricopa County « Blog
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perhaps this is just one step closer to a police state...i am sick of the taser stories and the stories of corruption the thin blue line...interesting story
That's quite a blog. I don't live in Maricopa County, I do live in Arizona. I seldom go to the valley because I am intimidated by the seemingly out of control crime. Maybe the two are connected, either by the law reacting to the crime, or by not doing such a good job. I bet there are more choices as well.
This guy was videotaped stealing a document off of the district attorney's desk. I mean, this is beyond the pale but his peers actually don't think he did anything wrong. This is the level of delusional thinking we're dealing with.
The police and courts typically work hand in hand. When they squabble it is over something ridiculous like this.
We really need more enforcement of anti-corruption regulations among our justice providers, but since they and the legislators are allied in seeking more government control it is unlikely to happen.

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