The Criminal Mind and The Concept Of Control


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
The Criminal Mind and The Concept Of Control​

By: Skook

Emeryville, CA top cop Police Chief Ken James expresses his personal attitude toward weapons; oddly enough, it is remarkably similar to that of the criminal mind and to one of the most ruthless homicidal maniacs of history.

[ame=]CA Police Chief: Guns Are Not a Defensive Weapon - YouTube[/ame]​

Police Chief Ken James, Police Chief Association’s Firearms Committee Chairman revealed his anti-Second Amendment philosophy at a conference with California lawmakers and Police Chiefs. He maintains that the concept of weapons being used for defense is a “myth”. He also expressed concern over the number of weapons owned by American citizens.

“One issue that always boggles my mind is that the idea that a gun is a defensive weapon, that is a myth. A gun is not a defensive weapon.”
“A gun is an offensive weapon used to intimidate and show power.”​

He explained that police carry weapons differently, they employ weapons in a:

“safe and effective manner.”​

Of course they had better employ their weapons in a safe and effective manner or be fired, but what of the millions of non-police weapon owners and carriers who employ their weapons in a safe and effective manner?

Does Chief James feel the need to disarm these people as well?

Should they be denied the right to defend themselves because Chief James feels strong totalitarian impulses; he certainly understands the ability of a weapon to intimidate and show power. Could those criminal factors be used by government to consolidate power and control over a civilian population? You better believe they are used by Socialist regimes on those who don’t willingly submit to the precepts of political correction and propaganda.

These words, “A gun is an offensive weapon used to intimidate and show power” is an appreciation of the power of a weapon by the criminal mind, and not just the mind of a two bit punk criminal, but the far more dangerous criminal, the political criminal. The political criminal knows that when the public is disarmed they are defenseless. One of the most tyrannical political criminals and homicidal maniacs of all time, Joseph Stalin, understood this concept and used it to subjugate and kill tens of millions of his own people. He is still considered a hero by the Left, and his quotes still permeate the Leftist philosophy of today in public education and political discourse. The same concepts of Stalin are being used by totalitarian types as they express their need to control others and consolidate power.

Here are famous quotes from Stalin, read them and see how similar they are to the Leftist philosophy of today.

Joseph Stalin:

We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns.
Ideas are more powerful than guns. We don’t let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.
The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.
I trust no one, not even myself.
The only real power comes out of the barrel of a rifle.
The Pope? How many divisions does he have?
If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm them ourselves.
Print is the sharpest and strongest weapon.
Education is a weapon whose effects depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.​


Read more:
The Criminal Mind and The Concept Of Control | Flopping Aces
Just another example of how Californians contract MAD COW DISEASE after they have lived in the state for awhile.

This "police chief" is dangerous, and he should be immediately relieved of duty, and be ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. He also needs a haircut and a shave. He even LOOKS like a CRIMINAL!

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