The Criminal Empire of the Koch Brothers.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Busy boys!

Koch Brothers Flout Law With Secret Iran Sales - Bloomberg

By September of that year, the researchers had found evidence of improper payments to secure contracts in six countries dating back to 2002, authorized by the business director of the company’s Koch-Glitsch affiliate in France.

“Those activities constitute violations of criminal law,” Koch Industries wrote in a Dec. 8, 2008, letter giving details of its findings. The letter was made public in a civil court ruling in France in September 2010; the document has never before been reported by the media.

Egorova-Farines wasn’t rewarded for bringing the illicit payments to the company’s attention. Her superiors removed her from the inquiry in August 2008 and fired her in June 2009, calling her incompetent, even after Koch’s investigators substantiated her findings. She sued Koch-Glitsch in France for wrongful termination.

George Soros. Ring any bells with you?

Did he ALSO trade with Iran illegally?


Then why bring him up in this thread?

No, but he crashed the economies of several countries for profit. So, if you're gonna bitch aboutone set of billionaires, it is a logical comparison. The left seem very enthusiastic to blacken the names of any right wing billionaires while ignoring equally despicable behavior from their own supporters. That's not exactly rational.
George Soros. Ring any bells with you?

Did he ALSO trade with Iran illegally?


Then why bring him up in this thread?

No, but he crashed the economies of several countries for profit. So, if you're gonna bitch aboutone set of billionaires, it is a logical comparison. The left seem very enthusiastic to blacken the names of any right wing billionaires while ignoring equally despicable behavior from their own supporters. That's not exactly rational.

It's a free board. Start a thread.

This ain't about's about the Kochs.
Did he ALSO trade with Iran illegally?


Then why bring him up in this thread?

No, but he crashed the economies of several countries for profit. So, if you're gonna bitch aboutone set of billionaires, it is a logical comparison. The left seem very enthusiastic to blacken the names of any right wing billionaires while ignoring equally despicable behavior from their own supporters. That's not exactly rational.

It's a free board. Start a thread.

This ain't about's about the Kochs.

I don't honestly care overly about either set. Nothing will be done to castigate any of them anyway. I do find it funny though that you're so pissy about it. It shows just what an assclown you are. Your credibility got shot (oops, is that a threat of violence? :lol:) long ago.... with your drunken ranting about people shooting others. Idiot.
I don't honestly care overly about either set. Nothing will be done to castigate any of them anyway. I do find it funny though that you're so pissy about it. It shows just what an assclown you are. Your credibility got shot (oops, is that a threat of violence? :lol:) long ago.... with your drunken ranting about people shooting others. Idiot.

Seems you "care" enough to set up a deflection. And you "care" enough to mete out an insult. What you don't seem to "care" about is the topic. Which you completely fail to address.

So what it comes down to is you "care" enough to continue your unabashed right wing trolling.

Careful :lol:
I don't honestly care overly about either set. Nothing will be done to castigate any of them anyway. I do find it funny though that you're so pissy about it. It shows just what an assclown you are. Your credibility got shot (oops, is that a threat of violence? :lol:) long ago.... with your drunken ranting about people shooting others. Idiot.

Seems you "care" enough to set up a deflection. And you "care" enough to mete out an insult. What you don't seem to "care" about is the topic. Which you completely fail to address.

So what it comes down to is you "care" enough to continue your unabashed right wing trolling.

Careful :lol:

I'm sure you would prefer that no one point out your hypocrisy.... but you'd prefer that a lot of your bullshit is covered up.

Sad little man. Seriously. I feel quite sorry for you - but that doesn't mean I'm gonna cut you any slack on your hypocritical bullshit.
I don't honestly care overly about either set. Nothing will be done to castigate any of them anyway. I do find it funny though that you're so pissy about it. It shows just what an assclown you are. Your credibility got shot (oops, is that a threat of violence? :lol:) long ago.... with your drunken ranting about people shooting others. Idiot.

Seems you "care" enough to set up a deflection. And you "care" enough to mete out an insult. What you don't seem to "care" about is the topic. Which you completely fail to address.

So what it comes down to is you "care" enough to continue your unabashed right wing trolling.

Careful :lol:

I'm sure you would prefer that no one point out your hypocrisy.... but you'd prefer that a lot of your bullshit is covered up.

Sad little man. Seriously. I feel quite sorry for you - but that doesn't mean I'm gonna cut you any slack on your hypocritical bullshit.

Trolling trolling trolling..keep those doggies trolling.

[ame=]Internet Bridge Troll - YouTube[/ame]
Swallow = hitting the bottle already.


WarriorTakesItUptheAss102 starts with the the morning.

You ever see "A Bronx Tale"?

My favorite scene from that film.

[ame=]A Bronx Tale - Bar Fight Scene - YouTube[/ame]
Swallow = hitting the bottle already.


Maybe that's why he doesn't understand critical thinking... drugs and alcohol are not comfortable bed fellows with rational thought process. :lol:

I often wonder why people start threads on articles and never seem to analyse the article at all. Often, they don't even read the entire thing... but they seem to accept whatever spin the author puts on the information. Strange. I don't get it.
Swallow = hitting the bottle already.


Maybe that's why he doesn't understand critical thinking... drugs and alcohol are not comfortable bed fellows with rational thought process. :lol:

I often wonder why people start threads on articles and never seem to analyse the article at all. Often, they don't even read the entire thing... but they seem to accept whatever spin the author puts on the information. Strange. I don't get it.

He's drunk, alone in a trailer, and on welfare.

You can't expect much productivity.
One of the major problems in this country is the support for criminal activity if the perp is wealthy by much of the right wing..

Simple as that.
George Soros. Ring any bells with you?

Did he ALSO trade with Iran illegally?


Then why bring him up in this thread?

No, but he crashed the economies of several countries for profit. So, if you're gonna bitch aboutone set of billionaires, it is a logical comparison. The left seem very enthusiastic to blacken the names of any right wing billionaires while ignoring equally despicable behavior from their own supporters. That's not exactly rational.

I see.

Your post is a total deflection because you'd rather not discuss the topic at hand.

If you want to discuss Soros' transgressions why not start a thread about THAT?

I'd be interested in reading your thoughts on how Soros crashed national economies.

But not in this thread because THIS THREAD is about the Koch transgressions.

No wait, after reading your continued trolling on this thread and your pointless attacks on people trying to post to you like you were an adul capable of responding seriously, forget about it.

You are now the second person whose thoughts are no longer worthy of my consideration, CG.
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Did he ALSO trade with Iran illegally?


Then why bring him up in this thread?

No, but he crashed the economies of several countries for profit. So, if you're gonna bitch aboutone set of billionaires, it is a logical comparison. The left seem very enthusiastic to blacken the names of any right wing billionaires while ignoring equally despicable behavior from their own supporters. That's not exactly rational.

I see.

Your post is a total deflection because you'd rather not discuss the topic at hand.

If you want to discuss Soros' transgressions why not start a thread about THAT?

I'd be interested in reading your thoughts on how Soros crashed national economies.

But not in this thread because THIS THREAD is about the Koch transgressions.

And it's important because the Koch brothers are Right Wing kingmakers. They bankroll GOP candidates across the country.
No, but he crashed the economies of several countries for profit. So, if you're gonna bitch aboutone set of billionaires, it is a logical comparison. The left seem very enthusiastic to blacken the names of any right wing billionaires while ignoring equally despicable behavior from their own supporters. That's not exactly rational.

I see.

Your post is a total deflection because you'd rather not discuss the topic at hand.

If you want to discuss Soros' transgressions why not start a thread about THAT?

I'd be interested in reading your thoughts on how Soros crashed national economies.

But not in this thread because THIS THREAD is about the Koch transgressions.

And it's important because the Koch brothers are Right Wing kingmakers. They bankroll GOP candidates across the country.

I no longer care about the issue in this thread.

Now I'm just about the process of eliminating trolls from my reading life.

I am sick and tired of reading some people here whose contributions are nothing but insults directed at my fellow posters.

Typically these people are so fucking stupid they don't bring anything worthy of my consideration.

That alone will not get them banished by my perusal, but when they add to that a near constant litany of ad hominen attacks?

Fuck 'em.

They're non-players who aren't really willing to DISCUSS issues like adults.
There in lies the problem.

They are NOT nonplayers.

They are the republican offensive field.

They design their debates to HIDE and obsure the real issues.

They seek to divide and seperate those of us who would out their completely historically failed ideas.

Think of why you people treat me as a troll when I am on your side of the issues.

Because they told you repetedly I lie when in fact I do not lie and they are the liars.

You have to listen to them to fight them.

You have to out to everyone viewing all of our posts just how dishonest and distracting their methods are.

Stop pretending you can make then go away.

You cant make them go away but you can make it clear to everyone who veiws their taunts that these people are NEVER going to have solutions they will only ever offer insult and worthless criticism
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