The Cost of Refusing

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a quote from William Gurnall on the Cost of Refusing Jesus Christ's offer of Redemption:

You might own all the empires of the world, and have the nations creeping at your feet, as the animals came to Adam, and your lease on life might be twice as long as Methusalah's span to enjoy all this, without one cloud of trouble. But if you lack peace, I'd rather be the worm under your shoe or the toad in the ditch than you in your palace. Just one small thought of approaching death and torment waiting for you can immediately destroy all your present happiness.
- William Gurnall

Eternity is beyond what we can comprehend. If we were to put eternity in terms that one might begin to understand - this might give us the picture. Imagine taking all the oceans of the world and combining them into one supernaturally huge hour glass being released drop by drop. Then imagine flipping that hour glass when it is emptied and beginning again. This is the scratch of the surface of what eternity is like.

Now imagine an eternity separated from God and from all that one has have known on this earth and remembering it in hell throughout eternity. That is the cost of rejecting Jesus Christ and the price He paid to keep you out of there. Something to think about because time is running out.

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Now imagine an eternity separated from God

But how can anyone, anywhere, anytime ever be "separated from God" if your God created everything, including eternity?

If your God created "separation from God" that is still his creation, right?

And, according to your bible, mankind is God's creation too.

Therefore it is impossible to ever be "separated from God" since there will always be some aspect of his "creation" wherever you might be and that includes you since you are your God's creation.

I think your OP needs a little tweaking. :D
The devil is everyone's God on earth. He made the universe. Deal with it.
Now imagine an eternity separated from God

But how can anyone, anywhere, anytime ever be "separated from God" if your God created everything, including eternity?

If your God created "separation from God" that is still his creation, right?

And, according to your bible, mankind is God's creation too.

Therefore it is impossible to ever be "separated from God" since there will always be some aspect of his "creation" wherever you might be and that includes you since you are your God's creation.

I think your OP needs a little tweaking. :D
i think your premises need tweaking just saying.
Now imagine an eternity separated from God

But how can anyone, anywhere, anytime ever be "separated from God" if your God created everything, including eternity?

If your God created "separation from God" that is still his creation, right?

And, according to your bible, mankind is God's creation too.

Therefore it is impossible to ever be "separated from God" since there will always be some aspect of his "creation" wherever you might be and that includes you since you are your God's creation.

I think your OP needs a little tweaking. :D
i think your premises need tweaking just saying.

What does my house have to do with this topic?

I roundly reject your blood-thirsty and sadistic religion of human sacrifice. I am an enemy to your tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.

AND I SWEAR, if you offer me salvation through the blood of of the Lord, Jesus Christ(TM), I'll say "NO THANK YOU" to this offer to expunge my sins in the blood of an innocent--nor shall I place upon him the burdens of sins he has not committed. In other words, I refuse to make a sacrificial animal of any human being -- including Jesus.
Now imagine an eternity separated from God

But how can anyone, anywhere, anytime ever be "separated from God" if your God created everything, including eternity?

If your God created "separation from God" that is still his creation, right?

And, according to your bible, mankind is God's creation too.

Therefore it is impossible to ever be "separated from God" since there will always be some aspect of his "creation" wherever you might be and that includes you since you are your God's creation.

I think your OP needs a little tweaking. :D

(Jeri, I didn't read your OP. I never do. I'm old and don't have so many years left in my life that I can afford to waste it on endless cut and pastes. Yes, I know what you'll say to that - I should acceptgodasmypersonalsaviorhaddayadda. No thanks.)

This is exactly the question I have about every single thing the faux christians complain about.

If their god created it, how can it be wrong/bad?

Gays - god created them.
That annoying little foreskin that christians feel they must chop off.

What about "sin"? I've said that I don't believe most people "sin" but if they do, god created that too, right? Oh wait ... the devil.

Doncha just love the way christians have an answer for everything?

Don't like what your god does?
He "moves in mysterious ways".

If you get lucky?
"God answered your prayers"

I really would like for the thumpers to address this dichotomy with something besides the usual platitudes but I suspect (imaginary) hell will freeze over before that happens.
Now imagine an eternity separated from God

But how can anyone, anywhere, anytime ever be "separated from God" if your God created everything, including eternity?

If your God created "separation from God" that is still his creation, right?

And, according to your bible, mankind is God's creation too.

Therefore it is impossible to ever be "separated from God" since there will always be some aspect of his "creation" wherever you might be and that includes you since you are your God's creation.

I think your OP needs a little tweaking. :D

No, it's your understanding of what was written that needs help, Derideo. While it is true that we are God's creation, the sin of Adam and Eve separated us from God. This is why Jesus Christ is referred to as "the second Adam"...he was victorious where Adam was failed. Jesus never sinned once and he brought redemption for what Adam had lost by his own sin and rebellion against God.

Jesus was the perfect sacrifice once and for all for all mankind. Only those who believe upon Him and receive Him as Lord and Savior are called God's children. Apart from Christ we perish. Jesus came to His own and His own received him not. The Jews didn't recognize the Messiah when he came. There was a remnant who did and this was the beginning of the early church - the door was opened then to the Gentiles that whosoever would call upon the name of the LORD would be saved.

God is holy. If we reject the righteousness of Christ offered to us (by believing upon Him according to Romans 10:9,10) we remain condemned in our sins and there is no remission of sin. When the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled we will see the Jews believing on the Messiah because their eyes will be opened. There are a remnant of Jews upon the earth even now whose eyes have been opened to the truth - that Jesus Christ is God.
The devil is everyone's God on earth. He made the universe. Deal with it.

No he isn't. Lucifer is a fallen angel. He did not create the world. Jesus Christ did. See Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. That is the truth. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the father except through the Son. Whether or not you accept this truth and believe on Christ for your salvation will determine where you spend eternity, Liffy.

You will spend eternity in one of two places. Heaven or hell. It is your choice. To choose life or death. Choose life!
Cost of refusing Lucifer Jesus? Funny
Cost of refusing the redemption? Hillarious if you know Hebrew.
I cannot help but refuse an offer that I don't believe actually exists.

You believe by faith.

It is written:
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

So by hearing the word of God and "mixing it with faith" you will believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is LORD, that you believe he died upon the cross and shed his blood for your sins and that God did raise him from the grave on the 3rd day. It is by faith that you are justified before God. Faith in His Only Begotten Son.

The just shall live by faith.

The problem is not with your mind, Colorado. The problem is with your heart. You cannot harden your heart against the Word of God and receive it any more than a seed can be expected to grow in rock.

It is written:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

This is what it means to be "born again". The old man no longer lives and we become a "new creation in Christ Jesus".
The devil is everyone's God on earth. He made the universe. Deal with it.

No he isn't. Lucifer is a fallen angel. He did not create the world. Jesus Christ did. See Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. That is the truth. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the father except through the Son. Whether or not you accept this truth and believe on Christ for your salvation will determine where you spend eternity, Liffy.

You will spend eternity in one of two places. Heaven or hell. It is your choice. To choose life or death. Choose life!
Who is lucifer? Satan? When did he fall?
Cost of refusing Lucifer Jesus? Funny
Cost of refusing the redemption? Hillarious if you know Hebrew.

Jesus Christ is not Lucifer, HaShev. One does not need to know Hebrew to know that Jesus Christ is the LORD. The prostitute who was forgiven of her sins was the first to see Jesus risen from the grave. The Pharisees knew scripture very well yet they stumbled over the cornerstone and didn't recognize him. Those who did denied him because they feared being thrown out of the synagogues and preferred the praises of men over the praise of God - as it is written in John 12:42.
The devil is everyone's God on earth. He made the universe. Deal with it.

No he isn't. Lucifer is a fallen angel. He did not create the world. Jesus Christ did. See Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. That is the truth. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the father except through the Son. Whether or not you accept this truth and believe on Christ for your salvation will determine where you spend eternity, Liffy.

You will spend eternity in one of two places. Heaven or hell. It is your choice. To choose life or death. Choose life!
Who is lucifer? Satan? When did he fall?

Lucifer is a fallen angel, Liffy. Have you never read Isaiah?


12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.

19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.

20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

22 For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD.

23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts.

24 The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:
Jesus Christ defeated Satan (formerly known as Lucifer) at the cross at Calvary. Because of the victory Jesus Christ obtained for those who believe on Him and are saved - Satan is under the feet of every Believer who abides in Christ Jesus. Why would you believe in Lucifer when he is a defeated foe and can do nothing without obtaining permission from God Almighty first?
Now imagine an eternity separated from God

But how can anyone, anywhere, anytime ever be "separated from God" if your God created everything, including eternity?

If your God created "separation from God" that is still his creation, right?

And, according to your bible, mankind is God's creation too.

Therefore it is impossible to ever be "separated from God" since there will always be some aspect of his "creation" wherever you might be and that includes you since you are your God's creation.

I think your OP needs a little tweaking. :D

(Jeri, I didn't read your OP. I never do. I'm old and don't have so many years left in my life that I can afford to waste it on endless cut and pastes. Yes, I know what you'll say to that - I should acceptgodasmypersonalsaviorhaddayadda. No thanks.)

This is exactly the question I have about every single thing the faux christians complain about.

If their god created it, how can it be wrong/bad?

Gays - god created them.
That annoying little foreskin that christians feel they must chop off.

What about "sin"? I've said that I don't believe most people "sin" but if they do, god created that too, right? Oh wait ... the devil.

Doncha just love the way christians have an answer for everything?

Don't like what your god does?
He "moves in mysterious ways".

If you get lucky?
"God answered your prayers"

I really would like for the thumpers to address this dichotomy with something besides the usual platitudes but I suspect (imaginary) hell will freeze over before that happens.

Luddly, you are most precious to me and if you choose not to read what I write then how can you expect to know what I've already said? I have talked about some of the things you mention here but I cannot make you read what you don't want to read. (nor would I even if I could!).

To sum it up, God is not the author of sin. God created all of His creation with a free will. He has never forced His will on any of His creation because if love is not freely given, if love could be coerced, if love could be bought, it would be despised. Song of Solomon touches on this.

It is written:

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

When pride entered Lucifer's heart he decided to rebel against God and enticed other angels to join him. The worship that Lucifer witnessed God receiving he desired for himself.

He was cast out of heaven with those angels and they are known as fallen angels. When he enticed Adam and Eve to sin against God he was able to take what had been given to Adam. Adam had been given dominion over the earth. Now sin had taken dominion over the earth and man was separated from God.

Why does the world not see what Jesus Christ did at the cross at Calvary?

it is written:

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Man was created in the image of God as it is written in Genesis 1:26 before the fall. Through the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ man has the opportunity to be restored into the image of God as it is written in Genesis 1:26. Jesus defeated Christ at the cross and those who have received him are a new creation in Him and we walk in the authority he stripped Satan of at the cross. ( see Luke 10:19 ) Jesus Christ has taken the keys of hell and death. Satan does not have those keys.

Because Satan was defeated by God he desires to deceive mankind and keep them from receiving the free gift of salvation that has been offered to them. He hates God and while he cannot touch God or His children (without first gaining permission as he did with Job) he is determined to take as many as he can with him to hell. He knows his time is short and that he will be cast into the lake of fire to suffer throughout eternity one day but his last attempt to attack God is to attack man who God sent His Son to redeem.

I do not get lucky in prayer. These are the words of Jesus Christ:

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. - John 15:7

If a person is not abiding in Jesus Christ, if the words of Christ are not abiding in them, then they can ask what they will but there is no obligation on God's part to answer that request.

We cannot create God in our own image and after our likeness, Luddly. We are to accept Christ and be conformed to His Image. We must accept Him on His terms. Not our own.
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I roundly reject your blood-thirsty and sadistic religion of human sacrifice. I am an enemy to your tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.

AND I SWEAR, if you offer me salvation through the blood of of the Lord, Jesus Christ(TM), I'll say "NO THANK YOU" to this offer to expunge my sins in the blood of an innocent--nor shall I place upon him the burdens of sins he has not committed. In other words, I refuse to make a sacrificial animal of any human being -- including Jesus.

Loki, did you know that Jesus Christ is God? That he came to earth in the form of human flesh to die in our place on the cross at Calvary? So that we could receive the righteousness of God and be conformed to His Image? Yes, the very image that was marred by the sin of Adam and Eve when they were deceived by Satan who spoke through the serpent.

Have you ever asked yourself the question of why it is that witchcraft, satanism requires animal sacrifice, even human sacrifice? The drinking of human blood and the eating of human flesh? Of why Satan insists on debasing mankind with demands of drinking blood mixed with urine in exchange for "powers from his demons"? What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul, Loki? Why would Satan require the sacrifice of babies and the rape of innocent children (telling his servants that this will give them greater power) and every imaginable evil which is repulsive in the sight of God if he is supposedly "good"? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Perhaps you should consider that Satan is known as the father of lies.

While he may promise immortality - that ye shall be as gods - that if you bow down and worship him he will give you wealth, fame, power, what you do not consider is that the price he is requiring is your very soul.

The good news is this - He doesn't have the right to buy your soul. Your soul was created by God and as such you are not redemption proofed - but rather you could receive Christ tonight and be forgiven of every sin you've ever committed no matter how vile.

While it is true that demonic powers do exist you should ask yourself why they have no power over Born Again Believers who abide in Jesus Christ. You should ask yourself why Born again Believers have been given power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of Satan and why nothing can harm them? See Luke 10:19. It is the promise to the believer. While demons intimidate those they hold captive with fear and threats of harming them - the truth is - the Devil is a liar.

You can come to Christ tonight and be freed from the shackles that are binding you and keeping you in darkness. God loves you and His desire is to see you set free. God is not condemning you. Who is it that is condemning you? It is Satan. First, he entices you to sin, then he says look at what you have done. You can never be forgiven. Salvation is not for you - you've lost your chance. He is a liar. You have not lost your chance. You can receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior tonight. I hope you will.
I roundly reject your blood-thirsty and sadistic religion of human sacrifice. I am an enemy to your tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.

AND I SWEAR, if you offer me salvation through the blood of of the Lord, Jesus Christ(TM), I'll say "NO THANK YOU" to this offer to expunge my sins in the blood of an innocent--nor shall I place upon him the burdens of sins he has not committed. In other words, I refuse to make a sacrificial animal of any human being -- including Jesus.

Loki, did you know that Jesus Christ is God? That he came to earth in the form of human flesh to die in our place on the cross at Calvary? So that we could receive the righteousness of God and be conformed to His Image? Yes, the very image that was marred by the sin of Adam and Eve when they were deceived by Satan who spoke through the serpent.

Have you ever asked yourself the question of why it is that witchcraft, satanism requires animal sacrifice, even human sacrifice? The drinking of human blood and the eating of human flesh? Of why Satan insists on debasing mankind with demands of drinking blood mixed with urine in exchange for "powers from his demons"? What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul, Loki? Why would Satan require the sacrifice of babies and the rape of innocent children (telling his servants that this will give them greater power) and every imaginable evil which is repulsive in the sight of God if he is supposedly "good"? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Perhaps you should consider that Satan is known as the father of lies.

While he may promise immortality - that ye shall be as gods - that if you bow down and worship him he will give you wealth, fame, power, what you do not consider is that the price he is requiring is your very soul.

The good news is this - He doesn't have the right to buy your soul. Your soul was created by God and as such you are not redemption proofed - but rather you could receive Christ tonight and be forgiven of every sin you've ever committed no matter how vile.

While it is true that demonic powers do exist you should ask yourself why they have no power over Born Again Believers who abide in Jesus Christ. You should ask yourself why Born again Believers have been given power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of Satan and why nothing can harm them? See Luke 10:19. It is the promise to the believer. While demons intimidate those they hold captive with fear and threats of harming them - the truth is - the Devil is a liar.

You can come to Christ tonight and be freed from the shackles that are binding you and keeping you in darkness. God loves you and His desire is to see you set free. God is not condemning you. Who is it that is condemning you? It is Satan. First, he entices you to sin, then he says look at what you have done. You can never be forgiven. Salvation is not for you - you've lost your chance. He is a liar. You have not lost your chance. You can receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior tonight. I hope you will.
I roundly reject your blood-thirsty and sadistic religion of human sacrifice. I am an enemy to your tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.

AND I SWEAR, if you offer me salvation through the blood of of the Lord, Jesus Christ(TM), I'll say "NO THANK YOU" to this offer to expunge my sins in the blood of an innocent--nor shall I place upon him the burdens of sins he has not committed. In other words, I refuse to make a sacrificial animal of any human being -- including Jesus.
Jeremiah you never were able to refute the fact Jesus was the fulfilled Lucifer, in fact you kept proving
it instead. The reason you can't refute that Jesus is Lucifer is because he fulfilled all verses on Lucifer and you'd be denouncing the Bible and your own faith's expectations on the figure. You'd also be opposing Jesus who said he was Lucifer while telling you he was not Messiah.
Notice when you replied to Iffy you left out Ezekiel 28 which Preachers use to refer to Lucifer, it's becausr everything in Ez28 refers to Jesus being Lucifer including calling him Christ (anointed)Nazarene(cherub=guardian) deemed perfect(sinless). -Ezekiel 28:14-15
The only prophet ever claimed the first and fallen messiah (lucifer comes first) and called Christ nazarene and sinless is Jesus and he fell to the pit acts 2:27
1 peter 3:19 &apostles creed, perdition=fall to the pit thus the only one who can fulfill the son of perdition Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 is Jesus which means you lied to Iffy and me both.

Iffy Rome made Jesus an image of a man made of many plagiarized stories. They made his image adversary to the temple priests -adversary=sawtawn.
Their imposter Temple was adversary (satan) to the Holy Temple. The fallen morning star (Lucifer-rev 22:16) was the false prophet lifted as a god by rome as even Christians claim would occur as the first messiah using preJesus text which means Jesus first who fell & failed to liberate was that fallen false messiah.
This is why the Bible has the story of
the Shiloh (i.e. one who's right it is) over turning the imposter messiah, if Jesus was messiah there would be no Shiloh (one whos actual right it is.)
Jeremiah admits The RCC is the great harlot who will get the 1/3 fall with them in the false prophet yet She still bought their idol and refuses to count the 1/3 the earth that fell with the fallen Christ.
Honestly, Jerry

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