The complex future of womens sports

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Well if they are a man pretending to be a woman I doubt the same standards apply these days...BTW the "testosterone rule" is idiotic. If they have no penis, let them run in the women's competitions.

Its a bit more complicated than the yahoos on USMB can get their tiny heads around.

It's the other way round, taints. You anti science morons are destroying female sports.

Why do you hate women?
Amazing how much the left hate women.
Probably explains why they all want to chop their dick off.
You dont give a shit about womens sports.
When global government is total, they will push the tired and true conventional ways of living that got us through thousands of years of human survival. Males need sports as an outlet to relieve any violent tendencies at different levels. And it works. Women can be violent but not as much unless the system is out of control. Track and field and gymnastics are incredible for women. Soccer is at a good high school or community college level. Basketball not much better. Yet both sports better then me. So how much do you pay for professionals? Played in expensive stadiums in leagues with ten dollar beers and subsidized by male leagues, taxpayers and Cable TV bills.
Whats complex about it?
Women compete against women. Not men who wish they were women.
I dont understand why so many lefties cant figure that out.
If you had read the article it shows that they are already barring women from competing against women. Its complicated.
When global government is total, they will push the tired and true conventional ways of living that got us through thousands of years of human survival. Males need sports as an outlet to relieve any violent tendencies at different levels. And it works. Women can be violent but not as much unless the system is out of control. Track and field and gymnastics are incredible for women. Soccer is at a good high school or community college level. Basketball not much better. Yet both sports better then me. So how much do you pay for professionals? Played in expensive stadiums in leagues with ten dollar beers and subsidized by male leagues, taxpayers and Cable TV bills.
Top athletes earn a market rate for their skills dependant on their talent and the amount of interest in that sport. If you dont enjoy it you dont have to pay for it.

Its a bit more complicated than the yahoos on USMB can get their tiny heads around.
I am HOPEFUL that all these chicks with dick DESTROY women's sports. PLEASE.

And testosterone measurement is NOT and should NOT be the only factor. There are other STARK difference between men and women that a testosterone measurement can never really disclose.

I can't WAIT for this to blow up in your tranny faces. It will be ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

Its a bit more complicated than the yahoos on USMB can get their tiny heads around.
That article honestly didn't say much at all.
Top athletes earn a market rate for their skills dependant on their talent and the amount of interest in that sport. If you dont enjoy it you dont have to pay for it.
Cable TV reform to start. The lobbyists are very strong. Especially form the globalists. Must keep the propaganda going and let the peasants pay for their own demise.

Its a bit more complicated than the yahoos on USMB can get their tiny heads around.

Fans of women's sports aren't interested in seeing dudes compete , Tommy.

This is why events like the Legends Football League where the ladies compete in lingerie are booked, as well as bra-and-panty matches are booked in the WWE.

I certainly understand that people of your ilk are interested in seeing drag queens compete, and that's fine. But that's also why they have a quadrennial Gay Olympics celebrated. Let us normal peeps have our event, you guys can continue with your own.
Fans of women's sports aren't interested in seeing dudes compete , Tommy.

This is why events like the Legends Football League where the ladies compete in lingerie are booked, as well as bra-and-panty matches are booked in the WWE.

I certainly understand that people of your ilk are interested in seeing drag queens compete, and that's fine. But that's also why they have a quadrennial Gay Olympics celebrated. Let us normal peeps have our event, you guys can continue with your own.
The article is not about transgender athletes. Women are not being allowed to compete because they have higher than average testosterone levels. Its a complicated issue. Obviously too complicated for the womens sport fans on here.o

Its a bit more complicated than the yahoos on USMB can get their tiny heads around.

Complicated? LOL

Got your mother in a whirl, not sure if you're a boy or a girl

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