What an endorsement of the agenda and the President who is attempting to radically change the direction of our free economy and from the communist party itself.
Obama State of the Union: He got the ball rolling cpusa
That agenda in a full-blown sense has yet to be articulated by him. If President Obama and the Democrats want to hail the private sector as the engine of growth, I wouldn't quibble too much as long as they recognize that the private sector at this moment (big or small business) isn't generating jobs and probably won't for a long time. In these circumstances, only direct and indirect government intervention in the form of a massive public works jobs program, infrastructure repair and renewal, aid for state and local governments, and special measures for the hardest hit communities, and especially communities of racial minorities and immigrants, stands a chance of lowering unemployment in any kind of meaningful way.
In other words, the economy still has to be re-inflated and restructured along democratic, sustainable, nonmilitary, and worker-friendly lines, but the likelihood of the private sector doing that is zero. To a degree, the president is moving in this direction, but the pace and nature of the economic reforms that he prescribes is far too limited for the scope and depth of this crisis.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm does the above statement remind you of any of the current agenda, because it sure does me.
I think we are already doing that with the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill and it does not appear to be working. This guy along with all the liberal dems don't think that private sector jobs are important. Neither does Obama- he did not talk about the private sector until they lost Massachusetts and then it became important. LOLOLOL
The only question I have for this author is- Where the hell do you think that you are going to get the money to pay for all those public jobs if you are not collecting it from Private sector employers and employees in the form of taxes.
Obama State of the Union: He got the ball rolling cpusa
That agenda in a full-blown sense has yet to be articulated by him. If President Obama and the Democrats want to hail the private sector as the engine of growth, I wouldn't quibble too much as long as they recognize that the private sector at this moment (big or small business) isn't generating jobs and probably won't for a long time. In these circumstances, only direct and indirect government intervention in the form of a massive public works jobs program, infrastructure repair and renewal, aid for state and local governments, and special measures for the hardest hit communities, and especially communities of racial minorities and immigrants, stands a chance of lowering unemployment in any kind of meaningful way.
In other words, the economy still has to be re-inflated and restructured along democratic, sustainable, nonmilitary, and worker-friendly lines, but the likelihood of the private sector doing that is zero. To a degree, the president is moving in this direction, but the pace and nature of the economic reforms that he prescribes is far too limited for the scope and depth of this crisis.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm does the above statement remind you of any of the current agenda, because it sure does me.
I think we are already doing that with the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill and it does not appear to be working. This guy along with all the liberal dems don't think that private sector jobs are important. Neither does Obama- he did not talk about the private sector until they lost Massachusetts and then it became important. LOLOLOL
The only question I have for this author is- Where the hell do you think that you are going to get the money to pay for all those public jobs if you are not collecting it from Private sector employers and employees in the form of taxes.
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