The Coming End of Free Speech on the Internet: FEC Censorship


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
(edit: note Thread Title should say FEC, not FCC - it's very annoying that one cannot edit thread titles to correct typos.)

The Big Government Progs are determined that the knuckledragging Stupid American Voters who use the internet to speak out against government abuse are silenced and whipped into submission.

Given that USMB takes "donations" and we have a great deal of discussion, we're a ripe target for censorship. The Democrat Ann Ravel's pulling back just means they have a sneaky secret effort (ala the IRS) to handle their agenda.

Thanks Obama!

Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning “dark money” in politics can’t be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, bloggers and others who use the Internet to influence policy and campaigns.

During a broad FEC hearing to discuss a recent Supreme Court decision that eliminated some donor limits, proponents encouraged the agency to draw up new funding disclosure rules and require even third-party internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would extinguish a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet.


Democratic Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who called the hearing, has said she wants to regulate politicking on the Internet, though she has pulled back amid a public outcry, especially among conservatives who see her move as a bid to silence center-right websites and Internet based conservative groups and news sites....

Dems on FEC open to new regs on donors Internet
Of course Stat doesn't care if free speech is censored as he has nothing of import to say on any serious topic.

Go play with your Inane Clown Posse, hun.
(edit: note Thread Title should say FEC, not FCC - it's very annoying that one cannot edit thread titles to correct typos.)

The Big Government Progs are determined that the knuckledragging Stupid American Voters who use the internet to speak out against government abuse are silenced and whipped into submission.

Given that USMB takes "donations" and we have a great deal of discussion, we're a ripe target for censorship. The Democrat Ann Ravel's pulling back just means they have a sneaky secret effort (ala the IRS) to handle their agenda.

Thanks Obama!

Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning “dark money” in politics can’t be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, bloggers and others who use the Internet to influence policy and campaigns.

During a broad FEC hearing to discuss a recent Supreme Court decision that eliminated some donor limits, proponents encouraged the agency to draw up new funding disclosure rules and require even third-party internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would extinguish a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet.


Democratic Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who called the hearing, has said she wants to regulate politicking on the Internet, though she has pulled back amid a public outcry, especially among conservatives who see her move as a bid to silence center-right websites and Internet based conservative groups and news sites....

Dems on FEC open to new regs on donors Internet
Here first take a minute to find out what net neutrality is in the first place. Then you can comment.
Net neutrality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
(edit: note Thread Title should say FEC, not FCC - it's very annoying that one cannot edit thread titles to correct typos.)

The Big Government Progs are determined that the knuckledragging Stupid American Voters who use the internet to speak out against government abuse are silenced and whipped into submission.

Given that USMB takes "donations" and we have a great deal of discussion, we're a ripe target for censorship. The Democrat Ann Ravel's pulling back just means they have a sneaky secret effort (ala the IRS) to handle their agenda.

Thanks Obama!

Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning “dark money” in politics can’t be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, bloggers and others who use the Internet to influence policy and campaigns.

During a broad FEC hearing to discuss a recent Supreme Court decision that eliminated some donor limits, proponents encouraged the agency to draw up new funding disclosure rules and require even third-party internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would extinguish a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet.


Democratic Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who called the hearing, has said she wants to regulate politicking on the Internet, though she has pulled back amid a public outcry, especially among conservatives who see her move as a bid to silence center-right websites and Internet based conservative groups and news sites....

Dems on FEC open to new regs on donors Internet

Can pass all the laws they like. Murder's illegal too . How it being illegal working as a deterrent? :)
Of course Stat doesn't care if free speech is censored as he has nothing of import to say on any serious topic.

Go play with your Inane Clown Posse, hun.

Net neutrality: Drudgereport gets to post whatever it wants
No net neutrality: Verizon wants Drudgereport to be more liberal; threatens to cut bandwidth unless it cooperates
(edit: note Thread Title should say FEC, not FCC - it's very annoying that one cannot edit thread titles to correct typos.)

The Big Government Progs are determined that the knuckledragging Stupid American Voters who use the internet to speak out against government abuse are silenced and whipped into submission.

Given that USMB takes "donations" and we have a great deal of discussion, we're a ripe target for censorship. The Democrat Ann Ravel's pulling back just means they have a sneaky secret effort (ala the IRS) to handle their agenda.

Thanks Obama!

Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning “dark money” in politics can’t be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, bloggers and others who use the Internet to influence policy and campaigns.

During a broad FEC hearing to discuss a recent Supreme Court decision that eliminated some donor limits, proponents encouraged the agency to draw up new funding disclosure rules and require even third-party internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would extinguish a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet.


Democratic Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who called the hearing, has said she wants to regulate politicking on the Internet, though she has pulled back amid a public outcry, especially among conservatives who see her move as a bid to silence center-right websites and Internet based conservative groups and news sites....

Dems on FEC open to new regs on donors Internet
Here first take a minute to find out what net neutrality is in the first place. Then you can comment.
Net neutrality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I know what Net Neutrality is All About. It's what regulations that favor Mega Corporate Cronies always are about: squashing small competitors. It's so much easier to rent-seek-profit by having the government destroy competitors instead of providing quality products at a competitive price.

It's no surprise the fucking lib/commies like you would support government censorship of the internet. All you leftwing scumwads claim to believe in freedom of speech, but the first thing you do when given a chance is anything you can to stifle it. Liberalism just can survive when it's subjected to the light of day.

It's no surprise the fucking lib/commies like you would support government censorship of the internet. All you leftwing scumwads claim to believe in freedom of speech, but the first thing you do when given a chance is anything you can to stifle it. Liberalism just can survive when it's subjected to the light of day.
Nothing is getting censored moron. Just because O'Reilly rants it at you doesn't mean its true. Go look up what net neutrality actually is.
Of course Stat doesn't care if free speech is censored as he has nothing of import to say on any serious topic.

Go play with your Inane Clown Posse, hun.

Net neutrality: Drudgereport gets to post whatever it wants
No net neutrality: Verizon wants Drudgereport to be more liberal; threatens to cut bandwidth unless it cooperates

Where is the evidence that Verizon threatened to cut Drudge's bandwidth? What stops drudge from switching to another provider?

It's no surprise the fucking lib/commies like you would support government censorship of the internet. All you leftwing scumwads claim to believe in freedom of speech, but the first thing you do when given a chance is anything you can to stifle it. Liberalism just can survive when it's subjected to the light of day.
Nothing is getting censored moron. Just because O'Reilly rants it at you doesn't mean its true. Go look up what net neutrality actually is.

Have you gotten your $2,500 of yearly savings from ObamaCare yet?
Last edited:

It's no surprise the fucking lib/commies like you would support government censorship of the internet. All you leftwing scumwads claim to believe in freedom of speech, but the first thing you do when given a chance is anything you can to stifle it. Liberalism just can survive when it's subjected to the light of day.

Scream louder, higher, shriller!

You obviously did not read the article. But I understand, for Righties, it's hard after the 2nd sentence, everything gets a little blurry and such...

It's no surprise the fucking lib/commies like you would support government censorship of the internet. All you leftwing scumwads claim to believe in freedom of speech, but the first thing you do when given a chance is anything you can to stifle it. Liberalism just can survive when it's subjected to the light of day.
Nothing is getting censored moron. Just because O'Reilly rants it at you doesn't mean its true. Go look up what net neutrality actually is.

What it's defenders say it is and what it actual turns out to be are two separate things.
Of course Stat doesn't care if free speech is censored as he has nothing of import to say on any serious topic.

Go play with your Inane Clown Posse, hun.

Net neutrality: Drudgereport gets to post whatever it wants
No net neutrality: Verizon wants Drudgereport to be more liberal; threatens to cut bandwidth unless it cooperates

Where is the evidence that Verizon threatened to cut Drudge's bandwidth? What stops drudge from switching to another provider?
They have already cut Netflix's bandwidth. I'm trying to frame it in a way that you dummies will care about. I could've put instead.
Of course Stat doesn't care if free speech is censored as he has nothing of import to say on any serious topic.

Go play with your Inane Clown Posse, hun.

Net neutrality: Drudgereport gets to post whatever it wants
No net neutrality: Verizon wants Drudgereport to be more liberal; threatens to cut bandwidth unless it cooperates

Where is the evidence that Verizon threatened to cut Drudge's bandwidth? What stops drudge from switching to another provider?
They have already cut Netflix's bandwidth. I'm trying to frame it in a way that you dummies will care about. I could've put instead.

You didn't answer the question. I use Netflix all the time, and their bandwidth is perfectly adequate.
(edit: note Thread Title should say FEC, not FCC - it's very annoying that one cannot edit thread titles to correct typos.)

The Big Government Progs are determined that the knuckledragging Stupid American Voters who use the internet to speak out against government abuse are silenced and whipped into submission.

Given that USMB takes "donations" and we have a great deal of discussion, we're a ripe target for censorship. The Democrat Ann Ravel's pulling back just means they have a sneaky secret effort (ala the IRS) to handle their agenda.

Thanks Obama!

Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning “dark money” in politics can’t be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, bloggers and others who use the Internet to influence policy and campaigns.

During a broad FEC hearing to discuss a recent Supreme Court decision that eliminated some donor limits, proponents encouraged the agency to draw up new funding disclosure rules and require even third-party internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would extinguish a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet.


Democratic Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who called the hearing, has said she wants to regulate politicking on the Internet, though she has pulled back amid a public outcry, especially among conservatives who see her move as a bid to silence center-right websites and Internet based conservative groups and news sites....

Dems on FEC open to new regs on donors Internet
Here first take a minute to find out what net neutrality is in the first place. Then you can comment.
Net neutrality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


It's no surprise the fucking lib/commies like you would support government censorship of the internet. All you leftwing scumwads claim to believe in freedom of speech, but the first thing you do when given a chance is anything you can to stifle it. Liberalism just can survive when it's subjected to the light of day.
Nothing is getting censored moron. Just because O'Reilly rants it at you doesn't mean its true. Go look up what net neutrality actually is.

Have you gotten you $2,500 of yearly savings from ObamaCare yet?
Has Obama instituted sharia law in your state yet? :cool:
Of course Stat doesn't care if free speech is censored as he has nothing of import to say on any serious topic.

Go play with your Inane Clown Posse, hun.

Net neutrality: Drudgereport gets to post whatever it wants
No net neutrality: Verizon wants Drudgereport to be more liberal; threatens to cut bandwidth unless it cooperates

Where is the evidence that Verizon threatened to cut Drudge's bandwidth? What stops drudge from switching to another provider?
They have already cut Netflix's bandwidth. I'm trying to frame it in a way that you dummies will care about. I could've put instead.

Free markets address such issues via pricing. If Netflix wants more and faster bandwidth, it should pay more for it.

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