The Coming Coup?


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes.

As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup. You might have missed it, what with the riots, lockdowns and other daily mayhem we’re forced to endure in this, the most wretched year of my lifetime. But it’s happening.

It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at. Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.”

All this enthused Joe Biden, who threw subtlety to the winds. The former United States Senator (for 26 years) and Vice President (for eight) has not once, not twice, but thrice confidently asserted that the military will “escort [Trump] from the White House with great dispatch” should the president refuse to leave. Another former Vice President, Al Gore, publicly agreed.

(one of) BJ's Pull quotes

One might dismiss such comments as the ravings of a dementia patient and a has-been who never got over his own electoral loss. But before you do, consider also this. Over the summer a story was deliberately leaked to the press of a meeting at which 100 Democratic grandees, anti-Trump former Republicans, and other ruling class apparatchiks got together (on George Soros’s dime) to “game out” various outcomes of the 2020 election. One such outcome was a clear Trump win. In that eventuality, former Bill Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, playing Biden, refused to concede, pressured states that Trump won to send Democrats to the formal Electoral College vote, and trusted that the military would take care of the rest.
They started doing that all years ago. The only difference is now it is affecting more people so more are aware of it.
How I foresee a Democrat win coming down, and subsequent chaos, is this. .

We all know that massive absentee ballots have gone out for the Democrats, while there will be overwhelming support for Trump at the polls.

Most folks know that it has been revealed that, yes, Antifa IS real, it is very organized, and it is militant. Like the New Black Panther Party controversy during the Obama era that went to court for intimidating voters at the polls, this same tactic is going to be used on a MUCH, MUCH wider scale, all across the nation on election day, keeping conservatives from casting their votes. . . The boomers, the senior citizens, average ordinary folks just don't want to risk their lives to face that kind of violence just to vote. . . will turn around and go home. They will complain, they will reach out to their Senator and congressmen, they will put up a stink, but THEY WILL NOT GET TO VOTE.

We have seen this tactic used in third world shit holes.

Thus, it will enable a Biden victory, because, well, his voters mailed in their ballots weeks ago.

Of course, Trump will cry foul and want to reschedule the election, and the top military brass, which is mostly Deep State, won't have it, nor will the courts. . .

. . . . queue the chaos. . .

Here is one of those "leaders" giving a pep speech which, I believe, is to inspire folks to go intimidate opposition voters. . .

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How I foresee a Democrat win coming down, and subsequent chaos, is this. .

We all know that massive absentee ballots have gone out for the Democrats, while there will be overwhelming support for Trump at the polls.

Most folks know that it has been revealed that, yes, Antifa IS real, it is very organized, and it is militant. Like the New Black Panther Party controversy during the Obama era that went to court for intimidating voters at the polls, this same tactic is going to be used on a MUCH, MUCH wider scale, all across the nation on election day, keeping conservatives from casting their votes. . . The boomers, the senior citizens, average ordinary folks just don't want to risk their lives to face that kind of violence just to vote. . . will turn around and go home. They will complain, they will reach out to their Senator and congressmen, they will put up a stink, but THEY WILL NOT GET TO VOTE.

We have seen this tactic used in third world shit holes.

Thus, it will enable a Biden victory, because, well, his voters mailed in their ballots weeks ago.

Of course, Trump will cry foul and want to reschedule the election, and the top military brass, which is mostly Deep State, won't have it, nor will the courts. . .

. . . . queue the chaos. . .
And no one will lift a finger except to say, "They won't do that here..."
How I foresee a Democrat win coming down, and subsequent chaos, is this. .

We all know that massive absentee ballots have gone out for the Democrats, while there will be overwhelming support for Trump at the polls.

Most folks know that it has been revealed that, yes, Antifa IS real, it is very organized, and it is militant. Like the New Black Panther Party controversy during the Obama era that went to court for intimidating voters at the polls, this same tactic is going to be used on a MUCH, MUCH wider scale, all across the nation on election day, keeping conservatives from casting their votes. . . The boomers, the senior citizens, average ordinary folks just don't want to risk their lives to face that kind of violence just to vote. . . will turn around and go home. They will complain, they will reach out to their Senator and congressmen, they will put up a stink, but THEY WILL NOT GET TO VOTE.

We have seen this tactic used in third world shit holes.

Thus, it will enable a Biden victory, because, well, his voters mailed in their ballots weeks ago.

Of course, Trump will cry foul and want to reschedule the election, and the top military brass, which is mostly Deep State, won't have it, nor will the courts. . .

. . . . queue the chaos. . .
And no one will lift a finger except to say, "They won't do that here..."

They've already done and are doing it here RIGHT NOW. The only course of action, in the absence of mass resistance, is to get your families together, bug the hell out and hole up somewhere relatively safe and keep moving when they catch up. IF we stand and fight we will lose. All these wannabe gun nuts who are begging for Antifa/BLM/Chinese Military to show up on their farms and spreads are gonna die fast. I am a patriot just as were my father and forefathers. However, one man—or even five hundred—cannot stand up fight against a radically fucking evil and corrupt government and their coordinated jackbooted LEOs and Troops. Me? I am aiming my group north. North to the Caribou migration routes, when the time comes.
How I foresee a Democrat win coming down, and subsequent chaos, is this. .

We all know that massive absentee ballots have gone out for the Democrats, while there will be overwhelming support for Trump at the polls.

Most folks know that it has been revealed that, yes, Antifa IS real, it is very organized, and it is militant. Like the New Black Panther Party controversy during the Obama era that went to court for intimidating voters at the polls, this same tactic is going to be used on a MUCH, MUCH wider scale, all across the nation on election day, keeping conservatives from casting their votes. . . The boomers, the senior citizens, average ordinary folks just don't want to risk their lives to face that kind of violence just to vote. . . will turn around and go home. They will complain, they will reach out to their Senator and congressmen, they will put up a stink, but THEY WILL NOT GET TO VOTE.

We have seen this tactic used in third world shit holes.

Thus, it will enable a Biden victory, because, well, his voters mailed in their ballots weeks ago.

Of course, Trump will cry foul and want to reschedule the election, and the top military brass, which is mostly Deep State, won't have it, nor will the courts. . .

. . . . queue the chaos. . .
And no one will lift a finger except to say, "They won't do that here..."

They've already done and are doing it here RIGHT NOW. The only course of action, in the absence of mass resistance, is to get your families together, bug the hell out and hole up somewhere relatively safe and keep moving when they catch up. IF we stand and fight we will lose. All these wannabe gun nuts who are begging for Antifa/BLM/Chinese Military to show up on their farms and spreads are gonna die fast. I am a patriot just as were my father and forefathers. However, one man—or even five hundred—cannot stand up fight against a radically fucking evil and corrupt government and their coordinated jackbooted LEOs and Troops. Me? I am aiming my group north. North to the Caribou migration routes, when the time comes.
Thanks for letting us know where you're going. :) As far as my wife and I we'll die right here.
How I foresee a Democrat win coming down, and subsequent chaos, is this. .

We all know that massive absentee ballots have gone out for the Democrats, while there will be overwhelming support for Trump at the polls.

Most folks know that it has been revealed that, yes, Antifa IS real, it is very organized, and it is militant. Like the New Black Panther Party controversy during the Obama era that went to court for intimidating voters at the polls, this same tactic is going to be used on a MUCH, MUCH wider scale, all across the nation on election day, keeping conservatives from casting their votes. . . The boomers, the senior citizens, average ordinary folks just don't want to risk their lives to face that kind of violence just to vote. . . will turn around and go home. They will complain, they will reach out to their Senator and congressmen, they will put up a stink, but THEY WILL NOT GET TO VOTE.

We have seen this tactic used in third world shit holes.

Thus, it will enable a Biden victory, because, well, his voters mailed in their ballots weeks ago.

Of course, Trump will cry foul and want to reschedule the election, and the top military brass, which is mostly Deep State, won't have it, nor will the courts. . .

. . . . queue the chaos. . .
And no one will lift a finger except to say, "They won't do that here..."

They've already done and are doing it here RIGHT NOW. The only course of action, in the absence of mass resistance, is to get your families together, bug the hell out and hole up somewhere relatively safe and keep moving when they catch up. IF we stand and fight we will lose. All these wannabe gun nuts who are begging for Antifa/BLM/Chinese Military to show up on their farms and spreads are gonna die fast. I am a patriot just as were my father and forefathers. However, one man—or even five hundred—cannot stand up fight against a radically fucking evil and corrupt government and their coordinated jackbooted LEOs and Troops. Me? I am aiming my group north. North to the Caribou migration routes, when the time comes.
Thanks for letting us know where you're going. :) As far as my wife and I we'll die right here.

You're welcome. I've already prepared letters from Santa for the rest of the board here. The migration route is something like 900 miles or so. I think Boris and Natasha will never find us squirrels, right? Beyond that, there's no need to die. Grandkids? Don't you want to get them out? Our blood is in the land here as well . . . going back to the Susquehannock people. That said, if the powers that be want to take it from us, let them have it. Live to fight another day. Mounted caribou cavalry and all that.
How I foresee a Democrat win coming down, and subsequent chaos, is this. .

We all know that massive absentee ballots have gone out for the Democrats, while there will be overwhelming support for Trump at the polls.

Most folks know that it has been revealed that, yes, Antifa IS real, it is very organized, and it is militant. Like the New Black Panther Party controversy during the Obama era that went to court for intimidating voters at the polls, this same tactic is going to be used on a MUCH, MUCH wider scale, all across the nation on election day, keeping conservatives from casting their votes. . . The boomers, the senior citizens, average ordinary folks just don't want to risk their lives to face that kind of violence just to vote. . . will turn around and go home. They will complain, they will reach out to their Senator and congressmen, they will put up a stink, but THEY WILL NOT GET TO VOTE.

We have seen this tactic used in third world shit holes.

Thus, it will enable a Biden victory, because, well, his voters mailed in their ballots weeks ago.

Of course, Trump will cry foul and want to reschedule the election, and the top military brass, which is mostly Deep State, won't have it, nor will the courts. . .

. . . . queue the chaos. . .
And no one will lift a finger except to say, "They won't do that here..."

They've already done and are doing it here RIGHT NOW. The only course of action, in the absence of mass resistance, is to get your families together, bug the hell out and hole up somewhere relatively safe and keep moving when they catch up. IF we stand and fight we will lose. All these wannabe gun nuts who are begging for Antifa/BLM/Chinese Military to show up on their farms and spreads are gonna die fast. I am a patriot just as were my father and forefathers. However, one man—or even five hundred—cannot stand up fight against a radically fucking evil and corrupt government and their coordinated jackbooted LEOs and Troops. Me? I am aiming my group north. North to the Caribou migration routes, when the time comes.
Thanks for letting us know where you're going. :) As far as my wife and I we'll die right here.

You're welcome. I've already prepared letters from Santa for the rest of the board here. The migration route is something like 900 miles or so. I think Boris and Natasha will never find us squirrels, right? Beyond that, there's no need to die. Grandkids? Don't you want to get them out? Our blood is in the land here as well . . . going back to the Susquehannock people. That said, if the powers that be want to take it from us, let them have it. Live to fight another day. Mounted caribou cavalry and all that.
No Santa, we are too old to go and the grand kids are too stupid.
Patriots CANNOT escape the technology of what the DEEP STATE now has. They don't give a shit about what fire arms you have. . . those are as out dated as muskets compared to what they now have. . . :auiqs.jpg:

If folks resist, or they use technology? They are doomed.

Patriots CANNOT escape the technology of what the DEEP STATE now has. They don't give a shit about what fire arms you have. . . those are as out dated as muskets compared to what they now have. . . :auiqs.jpg:

If folks resist, or they use technology? They are doomed.

Man is NOT God. That being said, read all about the Mujahideen. A "musket" can take you far. It's this general spirit of defeat . . . of apathetic nihilism that disappoints us so.

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