The Collective Short Term Memory of the Right


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
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New Orleans
Let's see....back in 2008 the righties said if Obama was elected:
1. He would seize everyone's guns
2. Create FEMA work camps
3. Gas would go over $6 per gallon
4. The stock market would crash
5. He would declare a military coup and become dictator and...
6. There would be no election in 2016.

So which one of you trained seals would like to jump up on your little drum, clap your flippers and tell me why any of these things did not happen?
As I suspected when I posted this list above:


Didn't they say the same things would happen if he was elected in 2012 as well?

Yup. So they hunkered down waiting for the black helicopters to come and sweep them away to the work camps. Some dolts still call Obama a dictator. They don't have a clue.
Just curious, who made such claims? Item one as it regards guns is somewhat true, however, a long stretch unless of course constitutional rights were suspended.

As I recall in 2008 the issue was the economy which was solely Bush's fault, and how he the chosen would reach across the isles to unite the country, end racism, end the useless war against terrorism, withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq, and institute his economic recovery plan, so much for a president with control of both the senate, house, and nonexistent recovery plan.

Item 2? Are you referring to shovel ready jobs plan, did it not came later?
Item 3? The liberal dream of the carbon tax remains very much alive, however, Harry and Nancy had other agendas.
Item 4? The stock market started the decline in September 2008 and crashed in the first quarter of 2009. So I guess that came true. But it was Bush's fault remember?
Item 5 & 6 are absurd to say the least but please share.
So whose treasury secretary was it that pushed for and who signed the repeal of Glass Steagall in 1999 that resulted in the expansion of the credit bubble, and what party rejected a full audit of FHA, 2005?
FYI I am not a seal, lemming, nor sheep just a person asking some harmless questions, pointing out some errors.
Rush Limbaugh: 'We’re Doomed' If Obama Re-elected

Hear it from con-bubble-land fake Santa Fish Dimbaugh on what will happen if Obama is reelected in 2012. You want to know how maniacal and WRONG Limbaugh is nearly all the time. Read the verbal breakdown he has before the 2012 election.

“We’re doomed,” Limbaugh recently said on his talk show.
“If Obama’s re-elected, it will happen. There’s no if
about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut-wrenching, but it will happen. The country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected. I don’t know how long: a year and a half, two years, three years.”

Then after the 2012 election:

Rush Limbaugh On Obama's Win: 'I Went To Bed Last Night Thinking We'd Lost The Country' (AUDIO) | Huffington Post

He mimicked Karl Rove's meltdown on Faux the night of the election when he was grasping at anything keep from admitting he was wrong and Romney had lost.
Just curious, who made such claims? Item one as it regards guns is somewhat true, however, a long stretch unless of course constitutional rights were suspended.

As I recall in 2008 the issue was the economy which was solely Bush's fault, and how he the chosen would reach across the isles to unite the country, end racism, end the useless war against terrorism, withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq, and institute his economic recovery plan, so much for a president with control of both the senate, house, and nonexistent recovery plan.

Item 2? Are you referring to shovel ready jobs plan, did it not came later?
Item 3? The liberal dream of the carbon tax remains very much alive, however, Harry and Nancy had other agendas.
Item 4? The stock market started the decline in September 2008 and crashed in the first quarter of 2009. So I guess that came true. But it was Bush's fault remember?
Item 5 & 6 are absurd to say the least but please share.
So whose treasury secretary was it that pushed for and who signed the repeal of Glass Steagall in 1999 that resulted in the expansion of the credit bubble, and what party rejected a full audit of FHA, 2005?
FYI I am not a seal, lemming, nor sheep just a person asking some harmless questions, pointing out some errors.

Why don't you counter with real information, facts and references instead of rambling? The fact that you asked who made these claims underscores my point that right wingers have very short term memories.
You forgot "Obamacare death panels" .
Most of the same was said about Bush. He would cancel elections. Of course he didn't.
And if you want to talk about memories. Democrats ignore/forget their parties past all the time. Forgotten are the years of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK.
Most of the same was said about Bush. He would cancel elections. Of course he didn't.
And if you want to talk about memories. Democrats ignore/forget their parties past all the time. Forgotten are the years of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK.

Was Mr. Bush asked for his birth certificate and college transcripts, too? You're full of it. No such fear mongering was spread around about Dubya.
Obama and the Fed are handing the biggest Financial IED ever created to Obama's unfortunate successor.

No doubt the Fed will crash the stock market if Trump wins
Most of the same was said about Bush. He would cancel elections. Of course he didn't.
And if you want to talk about memories. Democrats ignore/forget their parties past all the time. Forgotten are the years of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK.

Was Mr. Bush asked for his birth certificate and college transcripts, too? You're full of it. No such fear mongering was spread around about Dubya.
In fairness, Bush never told his publisher that he was born in Kenya
Obama and the Fed are handing the biggest Financial IED ever created to Obama's unfortunate successor.

No doubt the Fed will crash the stock market if Trump wins

Hahahaha....starting with the smoke and mirrors already? Sorry Sparky nobody buys that
Mark Cuban, billionaire and one of the richest people in America says:

Mark Cuban Predicts a Stock Market Crash if Trump Wins the White House

Mark Cuban Predicts Stock Market Mayhem if Trump Wins the White House

A thread about loons predicting economic mayhem, then you quote a loon predicting economic mayhem if Trump is elected.

You people have lost your minds.

You Think most people on the Forbes 400 are loons? Mark Cuban is far more successful than Donald Trump and self-made. No daddy to cosign for him and certainly not 4 bankruptcies. And no trials for $40 million of fraud, either
Mark Cuban, billionaire and one of the richest people in America says:

Mark Cuban Predicts a Stock Market Crash if Trump Wins the White House

Mark Cuban Predicts Stock Market Mayhem if Trump Wins the White House

A thread about loons predicting economic mayhem, then you quote a loon predicting economic mayhem if Trump is elected.

You people have lost your minds.

You Think most people on the Forbes 400 are loons? Mark Cuban is far more successful than Donald Trump and self-made. No daddy to cosign for him and certainly not 4 bankruptcies. And no trials for $40 million of fraud, either

This is probably you right now as you see her poll numbers coming apart
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