The Coincidence of Multiple Mass Shootings Since May 14, 2022


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The media these days find a headline, turn it into a national narrative of chronic occurrence or epidemic, and then somehow countless similar events randomly happen over the coming days or months. All similar events just happen to support a red hot political effort. We the consumers of such news headline narratives are expected to believe these nearly identical events are coincidental and epidemical at the same time but never politically driven. Who else out there in America Land is buying it?



Nowhere is this tendency more apparent (and harder to swallow) than in the recent spate of mass shootings which have made national news headlines. I mean, for god's sake, seems like there's a new old mass shooting just about every day. The media would have us believe armies of white psychopaths suddenly discovered AR-15s and white kids between the ages of 17-23 are devils to be feared above all other evils, driven to acquire black rifles and use them to exterminate peace loving Americans engaged in every possible peace loving activity.

On one hand, according to the media mass shooting narrative, all recent mass shooting events are coincidentally unconnected. On the other hand, the same media wants us to believe recent mass shootings prove an epidemic of youth gun violence and the clear and present danger of certain forms of free or unrestricted gun ownership.

So, which is it? Which media mass shooting headline narrative is accurate? Pure coincidence or raging epidemic?

Perhaps we're all distracted, looking in the wrong direction while the truth slips by in the night—out of sight.

Coincidence tells us there can be no political motivation or underlying connection between these recent mass shooter events. Coincidence means, despite recent mass shootings driving frantic new gun control law efforts, our elected leaders would never arrange these tragic events for their own gain or plan and execute them for political currency.

But what does common sense tell us?

What common sense tells me is that spates of some great, tragic occurrence do not repeat without some kind of underlying cause or connection. Some—many Americans—will dismiss this suspicion, chalk it up to copycat mass shooters. Right. Copycats. That must be the answer.

But then one might start to wonder who benefits most from repeated, similar national news headline events such as the recent spate of mass shootings.

Tens of millions of legal, peaceful gun owners benefit nothing. Victims of mass shootings benefit nothing. Perpetrators of mass shootings gain very little: a moment of infamy followed by life in prison—or death at the hands of militarized police. Hmm? Politicians who crave drastic gun ownership restrictions do seem to benefit from mass shootings quite bit. Yeah, how about that? Strange. Nothing to see there. Move on?

All I'm saying, folks, is coincidence is easier to believe in events spaced out over many months or years. Coincidence in multiple, similar, equally violent and tragic events in closely timed clusters, well—that seems more like a carefully planned campaign.

No doubt there are vile, evil people out there living across America. No doubt there are mentally unstable ones too. But how likely is it that all of a sudden countless young, white people woke up without a conscience, without sympathy or empathy or compassion of any kind? Does the media truly expect us to believe in an epidemic of ruthlessness in young people? A ruthlessness comparable to the most evil despots in human history or the most highly trained commandos?



I'm not buying it.
I'm not buying it.

While I totally agree with you, in order to shield our little forum from the spooks, the secret police, and Big Brother's lawyers, this thread would have probably been more appropriately placed in the badlands or the conspiracy sub-forum.

Naturally, it might be all coincidence. It could all just be a perfect storm of various factors;

Along with the obvious psychotropic meds, ADHD meds, and now hormone transition meds which turn up in all of these mass shootings, beagle9 pointed out some very sober and down to Earth analysis here;

That's what crappy indoctrinating Public schools create if that's part of it, but probably coupled with parent's who are both working or spilt up, to much free time on ones hand, video game addiction of the worse kind, and probably influenced by some very nasty characters who used him while he was vulnerable at certain points in his life, and no church on Sunday.......... Otherwise the perfect storm was created yet again in America, but leftist gonna hide that hand in it, otherwise if involved either directly or indirectly everytime.

. . and I agree with this analysis.

But, it still makes for a perfect storm if there is mind control at work, if it is more than just a "coincidence." These are, still, the easiest and weakest individuals to target.

AND, with that said, it is undeniable, that in free nation, after free nation, all over the planet, the global powers have used these types of incidents, to strip the rights of gun owners, so it doesn't take someone that is paranoid to believe, that a psy-op, could, conceivably use mind control operations, and/or false flags, if they were desperate to do away with the citizenry's right to self defense and to bear arms. Anyone that has studied any government, knows, that they have this capacity, it is not beyond them. Only the naive would pretend otherwise.

The problem of course, is proving any of this. If any such operation were taking place, it would probably be done under the authority of someone/something other than the nation who it is being done to, yet with the tacit approval of the ruling elite/bureacracy in that government. This, of course, is known as plausible deniability. It is how the Deep State operates.

As an example, when Trump caught intel agencies spying on him, it was not our own, it was GCHQ, via the Five Eyes arrangement, with Obama giving the excuse that he wanted to keep track of the Russians. Of course, partisans in both the CIA and FBI still got all the dirt. No harm, no foul of our laws. I would think, if some dirty OP were going on, it would be subcontractors of one of our allies, who clearly want us unarmed going forward, for one of these international UN treaties. . Or the domestic future agenda, just speculation there.

Unless rumors of high-tech control, do not turn out to be true. And. . . if rank and file continue to deploy them on our own citizens. We are all, probably doomed. Most don't want to even consider the possibilities, it is just too awful to contemplate. In the end, like every other place on Earth, if true? We WILL, lose our liberty.

They have been using it, in crude forms, since at least the late 1950's. The establishment is probably very sophisticated at it now.

I have a feeling, with the installation of 5G, rudimentary AI, and other nefarious controlling agenda, some very serious crap has been going on. . . stuff that Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote about in "Between Two Ages."

Breaking Free From Mass Formation with Mattias Desmet​

Interview 1730 - Breaking Free From Mass Formation with Mattias Desmet

Corbett • 05/30/2022
"Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. His theory of mass formation during the coronavirus crisis has become widely known and widely misunderstood since gaining mainstream attention. His new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, lays out what mass formation is, how it develops, how it leads to totalitarianism, and what we must do to change the conditions that makes these mass formation events possible."

Time Stamps: 00:00- Intro 1:22- Statistics not adding up 3:30- Psychological Dynamics 9:50- Mass formation 17:45- Something very specific can happen under these conditions 25:10- 19th century mass formation 31:55- Mentacide 37:27- Asch experiment 41:35- Dangers of our current landscape 47:42- You need mass media for mass formation 53:53- A Third Way 58:49- Mechanism of totalitarianism 1:05:10- The importance of parallel structures 1:19:13- Consequences of speaking out?
The media these days find a headline, turn it into a national narrative of chronic occurrence or epidemic, and then somehow countless similar events randomly happen over the coming days or months. All similar events just happen to support a red hot political effort. We the consumers of such news headline narratives are expected to believe these nearly identical events are coincidental and epidemical at the same time but never politically driven. Who else out there in America Land is buying it?



Nowhere is this tendency more apparent (and harder to swallow) than in the recent spate of mass shootings which have made national news headlines. I mean, for god's sake, seems like there's a new old mass shooting just about every day. The media would have us believe armies of white psychopaths suddenly discovered AR-15s and white kids between the ages of 17-23 are devils to be feared above all other evils, driven to acquire black rifles and use them to exterminate peace loving Americans engaged in every possible peace loving activity.

On one hand, according to the media mass shooting narrative, all recent mass shooting events are coincidentally unconnected. On the other hand, the same media wants us to believe recent mass shootings prove an epidemic of youth gun violence and the clear and present danger of certain forms of free or unrestricted gun ownership.

So, which is it? Which media mass shooting headline narrative is accurate? Pure coincidence or raging epidemic?

Perhaps we're all distracted, looking in the wrong direction while the truth slips by in the night—out of sight.

Coincidence tells us there can be no political motivation or underlying connection between these recent mass shooter events. Coincidence means, despite recent mass shootings driving frantic new gun control law efforts, our elected leaders would never arrange these tragic events for their own gain or plan and execute them for political currency.

But what does common sense tell us?

What common sense tells me is that spates of some great, tragic occurrence do not repeat without some kind of underlying cause or connection. Some—many Americans—will dismiss this suspicion, chalk it up to copycat mass shooters. Right. Copycats. That must be the answer.

But then one might start to wonder who benefits most from repeated, similar national news headline events such as the recent spate of mass shootings.

Tens of millions of legal, peaceful gun owners benefit nothing. Victims of mass shootings benefit nothing. Perpetrators of mass shootings gain very little: a moment of infamy followed by life in prison—or death at the hands of militarized police. Hmm? Politicians who crave drastic gun ownership restrictions do seem to benefit from mass shootings quite bit. Yeah, how about that? Strange. Nothing to see there. Move on?

All I'm saying, folks, is coincidence is easier to believe in events spaced out over many months or years. Coincidence in multiple, similar, equally violent and tragic events in closely timed clusters, well—that seems more like a carefully planned campaign.

No doubt there are vile, evil people out there living across America. No doubt there are mentally unstable ones too. But how likely is it that all of a sudden countless young, white people woke up without a conscience, without sympathy or empathy or compassion of any kind? Does the media truly expect us to believe in an epidemic of ruthlessness in young people? A ruthlessness comparable to the most evil despots in human history or the most highly trained commandos?



I'm not buying it.


After describing to the viewers what his home might eventually look like, saying that it will include a window and a bench, Crimo concludes his video by saying: 'Goodbye Mr. FBI agent'


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