The climate crisis requires a new culture and politics, not just new tech

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
The climate crisis requires a new culture and politics, not just new tech


Material possessions as markers of achievement, a drive to consume for the sake of consumption, and blindness to the long-term consequences of our actions, have all become part of the culture of global capitalism. But there is nothing self-evident about these things, as indigenous peoples teach us.

Many indigenous groups got to know their natural environments intimately and sustained themselves over millennia, often despite harsh conditions. They came to understand the limits of what these environments could support, and they grasped that caring for the environment was simultaneously an act of self-care. Pacific islanders would designate no-go areas of the ocean to avoid overfishing, while high-altitude farmers in the Andes would rely on terraces that reduced erosion to grow their crops. It is not a coincidence that as much as 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity is located within territories inhabited by indigenous peoples.

Rebuilding our relationship with our planet does not mean abandoning the many achievements of our civilisation. Some of our technological innovations can help us treat the symptoms of the environmental multi-crisis. But addressing the causes means abandoning some of the assumptions on which our current society is built: infinite growth, the instrumentalisation of the natural environment and speciesism.

What does this look like in practice? Changing the collective mindset of a civilisation calls for a shift in values. It means educating our children about humility and connectedness, rather than vanity and individuality. It means changing our relationship with consumption, breaking the spell of advertising, manufactured needs and status. It means political organising, generating demand for a politics that sees beyond the nation state, and beyond the lifespan of the currently living generations – Wales has already started, with its Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.

You'll own nothing and like it...and you'll live like stone age savages

The young progressives should do well...

I can't wait till they starve millions of you idiots to death ...its for the good of the planet ..
The climate crisis requires a new culture and politics, not just new tech


Material possessions as markers of achievement, a drive to consume for the sake of consumption, and blindness to the long-term consequences of our actions, have all become part of the culture of global capitalism. But there is nothing self-evident about these things, as indigenous peoples teach us.

Many indigenous groups got to know their natural environments intimately and sustained themselves over millennia, often despite harsh conditions. They came to understand the limits of what these environments could support, and they grasped that caring for the environment was simultaneously an act of self-care. Pacific islanders would designate no-go areas of the ocean to avoid overfishing, while high-altitude farmers in the Andes would rely on terraces that reduced erosion to grow their crops. It is not a coincidence that as much as 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity is located within territories inhabited by indigenous peoples.

Rebuilding our relationship with our planet does not mean abandoning the many achievements of our civilisation. Some of our technological innovations can help us treat the symptoms of the environmental multi-crisis. But addressing the causes means abandoning some of the assumptions on which our current society is built: infinite growth, the instrumentalisation of the natural environment and speciesism.

What does this look like in practice? Changing the collective mindset of a civilisation calls for a shift in values. It means educating our children about humility and connectedness, rather than vanity and individuality. It means changing our relationship with consumption, breaking the spell of advertising, manufactured needs and status. It means political organising, generating demand for a politics that sees beyond the nation state, and beyond the lifespan of the currently living generations – Wales has already started, with its Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.

You'll own nothing and like it...and you'll live like stone age savages

The young progressives should do well...
View attachment 494498
I can't wait till they starve millions of you idiots to death ...its for the good of the planet ..
There is only a climate crisis in your dreams. Prepare for any eventuality.
""No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world."

-- Christine Stewart (Liberal Party of Canada)
“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

-- Timothy Wirth (D - CO) Former Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs
""No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world."

-- Christine Stewart (Liberal Party of Canada)
I wish that global warming would hurry up and get to Central Ohio, and screw the polar bears.
The Globull Warming and Climate Change hoopla is designed to reduce the population of mankind to 500 million world wide, with he Richman being the master over all the Earth.

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