i think Trump loves Russia over America. Trump should be prison but i do not see that happening.
There's little doubt about that. His support for putin is based on revenge for when Ukraine refused to investigate Biden. Now his supporters are wedged as being communist sympathisers by association. They're a smart lot of idiots.
There's little doubt about that. His support for putin is based on revenge for when Ukraine refused to investigate Biden. Now his supporters are wedged as being communist sympathisers by association. They're a smart lot of idiots.
It is about belief. You are not believed by many. Your resume proves it. The cost of living is rising. A foreign power has put its nuclear force on high alert. You promote yourselves as knowing so much. So smart. So cerebral. You ain't.
One thing the Media is not talking about is how the CIA has failed us on Afghanistan and Putin/Russia. They are supposed to know about these things. Those tragedies could have been prevented had the CIA done its job.
What are you talking about? Biden let the entire world know daily that his intel was telling him that Russia was going to invade. And what do you think they missed in Afghanistan? Everyone with an ounce of common sense would have executed that retreat completely differently. It didn't take CIA intel to know that.

That said, fuck the CIA.
there's always the possibility the CIA knew about the Communist plot and let the assassination happen. i believe there were a few shooters and Oswald was one of the shooters.
No Oswald wasnt one of them.what proves it that he was innocent and did not fire a shot is one of the witnesses at the motorcade was taking pictures that day and took a photo of the sixth floor window like ten seconds before the shooting began he told many researchers and as you can see,there is nobody in the window.

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Di something? Assassinated him? Launch Nuclear Missiles? What do you mean something?

Biden was denounced by the Trumpsters claiming he was trying to distract from whatever insane theory they had.
i think doing something about Putin would have been much better than what we have now. I'm sure the CIA could think of something to do to prevent Putin from doing what he is doing now.
One thing the Media is not talking about is how the CIA has failed us on Afghanistan and Putin/Russia. They are supposed to know about these things. Those tragedies could have been prevented had the CIA done its job.
What about all the tragedies that they stop? Im not sure why you would expect them to be perfect and know everything 100% of the time. Also, how exactly did they fail us with Putin? We knew he was going to invade weeks before he did. The russian soldiers going there didnt even know, yet the CIA did. What are you talking about?
What about all the tragedies that they stop? Im not sure why you would expect them to be perfect and know everything 100% of the time. Also, how exactly did they fail us with Putin? We knew he was going to invade weeks before he did. The russian soldiers going there didnt even know, yet the CIA did. What are you talking about?
That's true. Why didn't they do something about it?
One thing the Media is not talking about is how the CIA has failed us on Afghanistan and Putin/Russia. They are supposed to know about these things. Those tragedies could have been prevented had the CIA done its job.
Another thing corporate media is not talking about is how the CIA began using Ukrainian nationals to destabilize the USSR in 1949:

"But Russia plays a very long and devious game in intelligence, and there’s no better example than Ukraine during the Cold War’s first years.

"The CIA was patting itself on the back for aggressive operations there in the early 1950s — but it turned out they were nearly all penetrated and manipulated by Moscow.

"The Ukrainian partisans were seduced back then by unrealistic U.S. promises. 'The Ukrainian resistance had no hope of winning unless America was prepared to go to war on its behalf.'

"'Since America was not prepared to go to war, America was in effect encouraging Ukrainians to go to their deaths,' John Ranelagh explains in his 1986 history 'The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA.'"

Some Things Never Change.
Another thing corporate media is not talking about is how the CIA began using Ukrainian nationals to destabilize the USSR in 1949:

"But Russia plays a very long and devious game in intelligence, and there’s no better example than Ukraine during the Cold War’s first years.

"The CIA was patting itself on the back for aggressive operations there in the early 1950s — but it turned out they were nearly all penetrated and manipulated by Moscow.

"The Ukrainian partisans were seduced back then by unrealistic U.S. promises. 'The Ukrainian resistance had no hope of winning unless America was prepared to go to war on its behalf.'

"'Since America was not prepared to go to war, America was in effect encouraging Ukrainians to go to their deaths,' John Ranelagh explains in his 1986 history 'The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA.'"

Some Things Never Change.
The CIA hasn't been on top of any important issue since WW2. The North Korean invasion of S.C. seemed to take the CIA by surprise altough they didn't have much else to do at the time. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise even though the Russians were investing in concrete at the time. JFK used the CIA to raise and train an illegal Cuban invasion army that was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. It's likely that JFK was assassinated by a CIA agent who went rogue. How else do you explain a traitor like Lee Oswald being welcomed back to the U.S. with his KGB bride in the coldest part of the Cold War? The breaking point was 9-11. The CIA was apparently more concerned about justifying Clinton's bombing of a defenseless country in Europe than tracking radical Islamic terrorists in flight school in Florida.
They did do something about it. They gave Biden WEEKS of advanced notice, but Biden once again dropped the ball.
i guess it's a matter of who to blame, the CIA or President Biden.

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