The ***CDC***Provided Saddam Hussein Biological Warfare Agents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus

” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the drug industry also appear to have had their hand in many of the outbreaks of what appear to be weaponized viruses.

“I won’t go through the long history of big pharma getting involved in this. There’s huge amounts of money here. I believe the West Africa Ebola pandemic originated out of the US BSL-4 facility in Sierra Leone, and [that] they were testing out a so-called vaccine that contained live Ebola and gave it to these poor people,” Boyle says.

“As for the CDC, it has been involved in every … BSL-4 biological warfare death science you could possibly imagine … It’s a matter of public record that during the Reagan administration, the CDC and the American Type Culture Collection sent 40 shipments of weapons-grade biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in the hope and expectation that he would weaponize these agents and use them against Iran …

It's no secret (anymore) that a little island off Long Island N.Y. called Plumb Island was (is?) a biological warfare research lab. Strange creatures have washed up on the L.I. sand and disappeared. Is it a coincidence that Lyme's Disease carried by a tic first emerged a couple of years ago across the L.I. Sound in Connecticut of all places?
Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus

” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the drug industry also appear to have had their hand in many of the outbreaks of what appear to be weaponized viruses.

“I won’t go through the long history of big pharma getting involved in this. There’s huge amounts of money here. I believe the West Africa Ebola pandemic originated out of the US BSL-4 facility in Sierra Leone, and [that] they were testing out a so-called vaccine that contained live Ebola and gave it to these poor people,” Boyle says.

“As for the CDC, it has been involved in every … BSL-4 biological warfare death science you could possibly imagine … It’s a matter of public record that during the Reagan administration, the CDC and the American Type Culture Collection sent 40 shipments of weapons-grade biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in the hope and expectation that he would weaponize these agents and use them against Iran …


Never happened, Sunshine.
Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus

” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the drug industry also appear to have had their hand in many of the outbreaks of what appear to be weaponized viruses.

“I won’t go through the long history of big pharma getting involved in this. There’s huge amounts of money here. I believe the West Africa Ebola pandemic originated out of the US BSL-4 facility in Sierra Leone, and [that] they were testing out a so-called vaccine that contained live Ebola and gave it to these poor people,” Boyle says.

“As for the CDC, it has been involved in every … BSL-4 biological warfare death science you could possibly imagine … It’s a matter of public record that during the Reagan administration, the CDC and the American Type Culture Collection sent 40 shipments of weapons-grade biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in the hope and expectation that he would weaponize these agents and use them against Iran …


Never happened, Sunshine.

No wonder the Pentagon believes they can get away with murder.....unbelievable

It's no secret (anymore) that a little island off Long Island N.Y. called Plumb Island was (is?) a biological warfare research lab. Strange creatures have washed up on the L.I. sand and disappeared. Is it a coincidence that Lyme's Disease carried by a tic first emerged a couple of years ago across the L.I. Sound in Connecticut of all places?

So even if covid-19 was not "accidentally" released by Fort Detrick there are plenty of folks in the world community willing to stick to us.

WAKE THE FUCK UP MOTHERFUCKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many Americans refuse to believe the truth about their government. They want to believe the wonderful fairy tales about the greatness of their government drilled into their heads in grade school.


A Fellow Libertarian tried to warn us back in 1943

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey.

A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

. WTF? That isn't even a "conspiracy theory". How about a credible link?
Please don’t be ignorant. Lew Rockwell posts columns written by others. The author in this case is Dr. Mercola, who has been around a long time and written numerous columns.

Read the column then post what you find is incorrect or STFU.
It's no secret (anymore) that a little island off Long Island N.Y. called Plumb Island was (is?) a biological warfare research lab. Strange creatures have washed up on the L.I. sand and disappeared. Is it a coincidence that Lyme's Disease carried by a tic first emerged a couple of years ago across the L.I. Sound in Connecticut of all places?

I read Plum Island, too. Nelson Richard DeMille (born August 23, 1943) is an American author of action adventure and suspense novels. His novels include Plum Island, The Charm School, and The Gold Coast.
Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus

” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the drug industry also appear to have had their hand in many of the outbreaks of what appear to be weaponized viruses.

“I won’t go through the long history of big pharma getting involved in this. There’s huge amounts of money here. I believe the West Africa Ebola pandemic originated out of the US BSL-4 facility in Sierra Leone, and [that] they were testing out a so-called vaccine that contained live Ebola and gave it to these poor people,” Boyle says.

“As for the CDC, it has been involved in every … BSL-4 biological warfare death science you could possibly imagine … It’s a matter of public record that during the Reagan administration, the CDC and the American Type Culture Collection sent 40 shipments of weapons-grade biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in the hope and expectation that he would weaponize these agents and use them against Iran …

Fake news.
Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus

” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the drug industry also appear to have had their hand in many of the outbreaks of what appear to be weaponized viruses.

“I won’t go through the long history of big pharma getting involved in this. There’s huge amounts of money here. I believe the West Africa Ebola pandemic originated out of the US BSL-4 facility in Sierra Leone, and [that] they were testing out a so-called vaccine that contained live Ebola and gave it to these poor people,” Boyle says.

“As for the CDC, it has been involved in every … BSL-4 biological warfare death science you could possibly imagine … It’s a matter of public record that during the Reagan administration, the CDC and the American Type Culture Collection sent 40 shipments of weapons-grade biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in the hope and expectation that he would weaponize these agents and use them against Iran …

Of course they did.

Lol, you morons will believe anything.
It's no secret (anymore) that a little island off Long Island N.Y. called Plumb Island was (is?) a biological warfare research lab. Strange creatures have washed up on the L.I. sand and disappeared. Is it a coincidence that Lyme's Disease carried by a tic first emerged a couple of years ago across the L.I. Sound in Connecticut of all places?

So even if covid-19 was not "accidentally" released by Fort Detrick there are plenty of folks in the world community willing to stick to us.

WAKE THE FUCK UP MOTHERFUCKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some facts for the reader:

The curious reader will draw their own conclusions on these links and other research they may do.

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