The Catholic sex scandal is a homosexual scandal


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The only solution is to fire all homosexual priests and allow married men to join the priesthood.
It's still a Church scandal, should have never happened and never tried to be covered up
The Church never had a chance after the homosexuals took over.
Some bad men joined the priesthood and did bad things. They need to be purged. Changing priests into married men is not the answer. Removing the bad priests is the answer.
Some bad men joined the priesthood and did bad things. They need to be purged. Changing priests into married men is not the answer. Removing the bad priests is the answer.
I don't see any problem with the priests being married.
Some bad men joined the priesthood and did bad things. They need to be purged. Changing priests into married men is not the answer. Removing the bad priests is the answer.
I don't see any problem with the priests being married.
That's nice. So what? How is that going to solve the problem?
The priests would have an outlet for their normal manifestations. They wouldn't prey on the young boys available to them.
Some bad men joined the priesthood and did bad things. They need to be purged. Changing priests into married men is not the answer. Removing the bad priests is the answer.
I don't see any problem with the priests being married.
That's nice. So what? How is that going to solve the problem?
The priests would have an outlet for their normal manifestations. They wouldn't prey on the young boys available to them.
Priests commit themselves to the Church. They promise to be chaste.

This is not about "normal manifestations". Preying on young boys is not something a man avoids by getting married. That is a sick suggestion.
Some bad men joined the priesthood and did bad things. They need to be purged. Changing priests into married men is not the answer. Removing the bad priests is the answer.
I don't see any problem with the priests being married.
That's nice. So what? How is that going to solve the problem?
The priests would have an outlet for their normal manifestations. They wouldn't prey on the young boys available to them.
Priests commit themselves to the Church. They promise to be chaste.

This is not about "normal manifestations". Preying on young boys is not something a man avoids by getting married. That is a sick suggestion.
You are right. Sorry.
(1) homosexuals are no more likely to be child molesters than are heterosexuals.

(2) a married man is just as likely to be a child molester as a single man.

(3) the percentage of catholic priests who are homosexuals is ten times higher than in the general population (15-20%)

(4) most victims of catholic priests were pubescent and post- pubescent males, which in the minds of many homosexuals is distinct from "child molestation".

(5) ...which is why the vast majority of victims were boys (rather than girls).

(6) but most catholic priests, homosexual or not, are truly celibate.

(7) Pope Frank is gay, and too tolerant of other gay priests. "Who ami ti judge?"????? He has GOT to go.
The only solution is to fire all homosexual priests and allow married men to join the priesthood.
what's becoming apparent is why those who worked to coverup the scandals are not being arrested and sent to jail.

the christian congregations throughout the centuries never minded so much when the innocent were being persecuted and victimized and by and large contributed to those endeavors, funny how they react when there is no room for them to squirm out of their own responsibility for the current events which they are as guilty of as those that attempted the coverup the same as those they allowed to use persecution in the past.

the false 4th century christianity is no more a real religion than pyrite is gold.
The only solution is to fire all homosexual priests and allow married men to join the priesthood.
NOPE, see what hapPens when you don't listen to me? The running joke between me and my witnesses, is that it always takes society about 20 years to catch up to me and finally recognize and attempt solving what I bring up in judgment.
and the attraction of the position of authority used to abuse is just an underlining issue.
Celibacy is anti the natural instinct to pro-create.
Supressing that natural urge to pro-create is not natural and the result of this supression is frustration leading to irrational behavior (abuses) and lapses of control. The covering up is from the importance of church "image" over doing what is right.
The abuses are not limited to homosexual behavior, if you remember they also hide the many child births between priests and nuns and the tradgedy of raped and abused nuns.
You didn't believe me when I told you of what my grandfather (Zada) found (dead baby and child skeletons)while working at a basement between the Seminary and Nunery.
It proved there was a hiding for image sake the issues with celibacy and how it affected the abuse of nuns which was totally hidden (unspoken of) and thus never reported.
They were so protective, that they were willing to kill the Rape Babies, think about how low "covering up the naked truth" (Eve putting on fig leafs) could go.

LAST TIME WE HAD THIS DISCUSSION you were on the side of the silent cover up by not wanting to take the 3 steps of true Teshuva. You chose protecting the image (affiliation pride) over the protection of Nuns and Children.

Reminder of one of my replies to you:

in the Clergy the percentage is high and it's because of the issues of authority being abused and the celibacy being anti pro creation, an instinct we are created with that when supressed results in that aggressive behavior.
Admission to this issue that helps cause the problems is how you deal with and try to solve the problem, not displacement blame, hiding, or deceptively accusing other groups of the same. The fact I graciously offered to help them solve this issue after sheding light to the problem means I wasn't doing it to just tear them down for malice, I was doing it out of compassion to help HaShev (redeem) them. Anyone can bash down something, but offering a solution with the judgement is the difference between destructive and constructive criticsm.
If you can't learn to take constructive criticsm then you never learn and grow up out of
the issues pointed out. Which is why the Church is still haunted by this problem and backlash, because it chose to revictimize the victim rather then listen to good sound council.
You guys are not good at handling the refiners fire at all.
The only solution is to fire all homosexual priests and allow married men to join the priesthood.
It's a religious nut-job scandal. Outlaw all religion and it won't happen.

So is firing people for being homosexual.

Why? Be specific.
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) interprets Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to cover discrimination against LGBT employees, as "allegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily state a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex".

What You Should Know: EEOC and Enforcement Protections for LGBT Workers

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