The Case against Scott Walker blows up in liberal faces again

52%-47%. The Dem local and national machines threw everything up to the kitchen sink at him, and the still won by 5%.
Ed Shultz from MSNBC did everything he could to get Walker out.
He took his show on the road many times during the run up to the recall election.
And now Walker has won....
Guess the voters in Minnisota know a good thing when they got it sitting in the Gov's mansion.

Same down her in Florida. Scott got re-elected and Crist will have to run as something besides a Rep an Indi or a Dem.

Wonder if the LIbertarians would take him in?
Ed Shultz from MSNBC did everything he could to get Walker out.
He took his show on the road many times during the run up to the recall election.
And now Walker has won....

the cnn crying guy

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Guess the voters in Minnisota know a good thing when they got it sitting in the Gov's mansion.

Same down her in Florida. Scott got re-elected and Crist will have to run as something besides a Rep an Indi or a Dem.

Wonder if the LIbertarians would take him in?
What's hilarious is people actually believe getting rid of worker's rights will lead to better paying jobs. LOL so naive.
Will liberals vandalize the capitol like they did the first time Walker was elected? Or did this ass kicking hurt too much.
Wisconsin 8217 s GOP Gov. Walker Wins Re-Election CBS Minnesota

I can't help laugh. Every time liberals are sure they have got rid of Walker, he wins again like a bad penny.

Suck it liberals, Scott Walker won!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Burke wasn't a very strong candidate. Walker causes his own problems. Plus he hasn't delivered on jobs, think they are 45th in the state.

Oh really?

Before the election liberals made it out like Walker didn't have a chance against Burke.

What's hilarious is people actually believe getting rid of worker's rights will lead to better paying jobs. LOL so naive.

What's hilarious is liberals think "worker's rights" is forcing people into unions when they don't WANT to be in a union and forcing them to pay dues to leaders who don't represent their views.

Yeah, that's the liberal view of "rights."

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